close()->open() in Linux, how safe is it? - linux

A process running on Linux writes some data to a file on the file system, and then invokes close(). Immediately afterwards, another process invokes open() and reads from the file.
Is the second process always 100% guaranteed to see an updated file?
What happens when using a network filesystem, and the two processes run on the same host?
What happens when the two processes are on different hosts?

close() does not guarantee that the data is written to disk, you have to use fsync() for this. See Does Linux guarantee the contents of a file is flushed to disc after close()? for a similar question.


linux: is data written to a file guaranteed to be visible to other processes?

If I use write(2) to write to a file from one process on Linux and afterward open(2) and read(2) in another process, am I guaranteed to see the data I wrote without a call to fsync(2) or close(2)?
(Please ignore the possibility that the filename was unlinked or overwritten or that the system rebooted or that another process wrote data. And assume that I've correctly established an edge between the write and the read.)
I understand that the data isn't guaranteed to be persisted on disk, but is it guaranteed to be visible to the second process?
The posix spec for write lays this out clearly:
If a read() of file data can be proven (by any means) to occur after a write() of the data, it must reflect that write(), even if the calls are made by different processes.

Call function in running Linux process using gdb?

I have a running Linux process that is stuck on poll(). It has some data in a buffer, but this buffer is not yet written to disk. Ordinarily I'd kill the process which would cause it to flush the buffer and and exit.
However, in this case the file it's writing to has been deleted from the file system, so I need the process to write the buffer before it exits, while the inode is still reachable via /proc//fd/
Is it possible to "kick" the process out of the poll() call and single step it until it has flushed the buffer to disk using GDB?
(For the curious, the source code is here:

Network i/o in parallel for a FUSE file system

My motivation
I'd love to write a distributed file system using FUSE. I'm still designing the code before I jump in. It'll be possibly written in C or Go, the question is, how do I deal with network i/o in parallel?
My problem
More specifically, I want my file system to write locally, and have a thread do the network overhead asynchronously. It doesn't matter if it's slightly delayed in my case, I simply want to avoid slow writes to files because the code has to contact some slow server somewhere.
My understanding
There's two ideas conflicting in my head. One is that the FUSE kernel module uses the ABI of my program to hijack the process and call the specific FUSE function names I implemented (sync or async, w/e), the other is that.. the program is running, and blocking to receive events from the kernel module (which I don't think is the case, but I could be wrong).
Whatever it is, does it means I can simply start a thread and do network stuff? I'm a bit lost on how that works. Thanks.
You don't need to do any hijacking. The FUSE kernel module registers as a filesystem provider (of type fusefs). It then services read/write/open/etc calls, by dispatching them to the user-mode process. When that process returns, the kernel module gets the return value, and returns from the corresponding system call.
If you want to have the server (i.e. user mode process) by asynchronous and multi-threaded, all you have to do is dispatch the operation (assuming it's write - you can't parallelize input this way) to another thread in that process, and return immediately to FUSE. That way, your user mode process can, at its leisure, write out to the remote server.
You could similarly try to parallelize read, but the issue here is that you won't be able to return to FUSE (and thus release the reading process) until you have at least the beginning of the data read.

Linux Kernel Procfs multiple read/writes

How does the Linux kernel handle multiple reads/writes to procfs? For instance, if two processes write to procfs at once, is one process queued (i.e. a kernel trap actually blocks one of the processes), or is there a kernel thread running for each core?
The concern is if you have a buffer used within a function (static to the global space), do you have to protect it or will the code be run sequentially?
It depends on each and every procfs file implementation. No one can even give you a definite answer because each driver can implement its own procfs folder and files (you didn't specify any specific files. Quick browsing in shows that some files do use locks).
In either way you can't use the global buffer because a context switch can always occur, if not in the kernel then it can catch your reader thread right after it finishes the read syscall and before it started to process the read data.

Transferring data between process calls

I have a Linux process that is being called numerous times, and I need to make this process as fast as possible.
The problem is that I must maintain a state between calls (load data from previous call and store it for the next one), without running another process / daemon.
Can you suggest fast ways to do so? I know I can use files for I/O, and would like to avoid it, for obvious performance reasons. Should (can?) I create a named pipe to read/write from and by that avoid real disk I/O?
Pipes aren't appropriate for this. Use posix shared memory or a posix message queue if you are absolutely sure files are too slow - which you should test first.
In the shared memory case your program creates the segment with shm_open() if it doesn't exist or opens it if it does. You mmap() the memory and make whatever changes and exit. You only shm_unlink() when you know your program won't be called anymore and no longer needs the shared memory.
With message queues, just set up the queue. Your program reads the queue, makes whatever changes, writes the queue and exits. Mq_unlink() when you no longer need the queue.
Both methods have kernel persistence so you lose the shared memory and the queue on a reboot.
It sounds like you have a process that is continuously executed by something.
Why not create a factory that spawns the worker threads?
The factory could provide the workers with any information needed.
... I can use files for I/O, and would like to avoid it, for obvious performance reasons.
I wonder what are these reasons please...
Linux caches files in kernel memory in the page cache. Writes go to the page cash first, in other words, a write() syscall is a kernel call that only copies the data from the user space to the page cache (it is a bit more complicated when the system is under stress). Some time later pdflush writes data to disk asynchronously.
File read() first checks the page cache to see if the data is already available in memory to avoid a disk read. What it means is that if one program writes data to files and another program reads it, these two programs are effectively communicating via kernel memory as long as the page cache keeps those files.
If you want to avoid disk writes entirely, that is, the state does not need to be persisted across OS reboots, those files can be put in /dev/shm or in /tmp, which are normally the mount points of in-memory filesystems.
