Transferring data between process calls - linux

I have a Linux process that is being called numerous times, and I need to make this process as fast as possible.
The problem is that I must maintain a state between calls (load data from previous call and store it for the next one), without running another process / daemon.
Can you suggest fast ways to do so? I know I can use files for I/O, and would like to avoid it, for obvious performance reasons. Should (can?) I create a named pipe to read/write from and by that avoid real disk I/O?

Pipes aren't appropriate for this. Use posix shared memory or a posix message queue if you are absolutely sure files are too slow - which you should test first.
In the shared memory case your program creates the segment with shm_open() if it doesn't exist or opens it if it does. You mmap() the memory and make whatever changes and exit. You only shm_unlink() when you know your program won't be called anymore and no longer needs the shared memory.
With message queues, just set up the queue. Your program reads the queue, makes whatever changes, writes the queue and exits. Mq_unlink() when you no longer need the queue.
Both methods have kernel persistence so you lose the shared memory and the queue on a reboot.

It sounds like you have a process that is continuously executed by something.
Why not create a factory that spawns the worker threads?
The factory could provide the workers with any information needed.

... I can use files for I/O, and would like to avoid it, for obvious performance reasons.
I wonder what are these reasons please...
Linux caches files in kernel memory in the page cache. Writes go to the page cash first, in other words, a write() syscall is a kernel call that only copies the data from the user space to the page cache (it is a bit more complicated when the system is under stress). Some time later pdflush writes data to disk asynchronously.
File read() first checks the page cache to see if the data is already available in memory to avoid a disk read. What it means is that if one program writes data to files and another program reads it, these two programs are effectively communicating via kernel memory as long as the page cache keeps those files.
If you want to avoid disk writes entirely, that is, the state does not need to be persisted across OS reboots, those files can be put in /dev/shm or in /tmp, which are normally the mount points of in-memory filesystems.


Linux splice() + kernel AIO when writing to disk

With kernel AIO and O_DIRECT|O_SYNC, there is no copying into kernel buffers and it is possible to get fine grained notification when data is actually flushed to disk. However, it requires data to be held in user space buffers for io_prep_pwrite().
With splice(), it is possible to move data directly to disk from kernel space buffers (pipes) without never having to copy it around. However, splice() returns immediately after data is queued and does not wait for actual writes to the disk.
The goal is to move data from sockets to disk without copying it around while getting confirmation that it has been flushed out. How to combine both previous approaches?
By combining splice() with O_SYNC, I expect splice() to block and one has to use multiple threads to mask latency. Alternatively, one could use asynchronous io_prep_fsync()/io_prep_fdsync(), but this waits for all data to be flushed, not for a specific write. Neither is perfect.
What would be required is a combination of splice() with kernel AIO, allowing zero copy and asynchronous confirmation of writes, such that a single event driven thread can move data from sockets to the disk and get confirmations when required, but this doesn't seem to be supported. Is there a good workaround / alternative approach?
To get a confirmation of the writes, you can't use splice().
There's aio stuff in userspace, but if you were doing it in the kernel it might come to finding out which bio's (block I/O) are generated and waiting for those:
Block I/O structure:
If you want to use AIO, you will need to use io_getevents():
Here are some examples on how to perform AIO:
If you do it from userspace and use msync it's still kind of up in the air if it is actually on spinning rust yet.
msync() docs:
You might have to soften expectations in order to make it more robust, because it might be very expensive to actually be sure that the writes are fisically written on disk.
The 'highest' typical standard for write assurance in light of something like power removal is a journal recording operation that modifies the storage. The journal itself is append only and you can see if entries are complete when you play it back. That very last journal entry may not be complete, so something may still be potentially lost.

how to mmap() a queue?

I have the following problem:
I have created a queue. The addition of elements (malloc) are done by the main() function, and I have created a thread, which will process the elements/datum and free them.
This is a continuous process, and it will continue till I kill the process.
Now, if I kill the process the data in the queue will be lost, so I was thinking about implementing mmap() on it. So that the queue is also stored in a regular file, and when I restart the process the data will be reload into memory for further processing by the thread...
Since I am malloc'ing and free'ing memory, I suppose the mmapped file size will grow or reduce continuously.
Now is this possible to implement or should I consider other options???
EDIT1: can I use lseek or ftruncate() to resize file?
You can certainly put a queue (or any other data structure) into mmap()ed memory instead of heap memory, but you will run in to several problems which you must overcome:
You will have to do all of the memory management in the memory block corresponding to the mmap()ed file yourself. Unless your queue data structure is one monolithic block of memory, it probably has nodes and pointers which can get created, removed, and relocated. With heap memory you can delegate the task of allocating and freeing small blocks of memory to malloc() and free(), including reusing memory that has been freed for use by new nodes in your data structure. In your mmap()ed file you will have to do all of this yourself.
You won't be able to use pointers inside your mmap()ed block of memory, only offsets from the start of the block. This is because if the block is detached and reattached in another process it probably won't be at the same memory address. Since data structure access is done using pointers, you will have the overhead of constantly transforming offsets to pointers and back by adding or subtracting the mmap() block's base address.
If you want to be able to recover by reattaching the block in another process after the first process has been killed, you will have to be prepared for the case where the first process was killed in the middle of a critical section while one or more invariants of the data structure were temporarily violated. In other words, you might be reattaching a corrupt of inconsistent data structure. In order to support this fully correctly you will have to be very careful with the kinds of mutations you perform on your data structure.
All in all, my recommendation to you is that it's not worth it. You should use a fast, efficient, and easy to use data structure based in heap memory, and once in a while save a serialized snapshot to a regular file. If you have to receiver, recover from the last known good snapshot.

Linux Kernel Procfs multiple read/writes

How does the Linux kernel handle multiple reads/writes to procfs? For instance, if two processes write to procfs at once, is one process queued (i.e. a kernel trap actually blocks one of the processes), or is there a kernel thread running for each core?
The concern is if you have a buffer used within a function (static to the global space), do you have to protect it or will the code be run sequentially?
It depends on each and every procfs file implementation. No one can even give you a definite answer because each driver can implement its own procfs folder and files (you didn't specify any specific files. Quick browsing in shows that some files do use locks).
In either way you can't use the global buffer because a context switch can always occur, if not in the kernel then it can catch your reader thread right after it finishes the read syscall and before it started to process the read data.

Reducing seek times when reading many small files

I need to write some code (in any language) to process 10,000 files that reside on a local Linux filesystem. Each file is ~500KB in size, and consists of fixed-size records of 4KB each.
The processing time per record is negligible, and the records can be processed in any order, both within and across different files.
A naïve implementation would read the files one by one, in some arbitrary order. However, since my disks are very fast to read but slow to seek, this will almost certainly produce code that's bound by disk seeks.
Is there any way to code the reading up so that it's bound by disk throughput rather than seek time?
One line of inquiry is to try and get an approximate idea of where the files reside on disk, and use that to sequence the reads. However, I am not sure what API could be used to do that.
I am of course open to any other ideas.
The filesystem is ext4, but that's negotiable.
Perhaps you could do the reads by scheduling all of them in quick succession with aio_read. That would put all reads in the filesystem read queue at once, and then the filesystem implementation is free to complete the reads in a way that minimizes seeks.
A very simple approach, although no results guaranteed. Open as many of the files at once as you can and read all of them at once - either using threads or asynchronous I/O. This way the disk scheduler knows what you read and can reduce the seeks by itself. Edit: as wildplasser observes, parallel open() is probably only doable using threads, not async I/O.
The alternative is to try to do the heavy lifting yourself. Unfortunately this involves a difficult step - getting the mapping of the files to physical blocks. There is no standard interface to do that, you could probably extract the logic from something like ext2fsprogs or the kernel FS driver. And this involves reading the physical device underlying a mounted filesystem, which can be writing to it at the same time you're trying to get a consistent snapshot.
Once you get the physical blocks, just order them, reverse the mapping back to the file offsets and execute the reads in the physical block order.
could you recommend using a SSD for the file storage? that should reduce seek times greatly as there's no head to move.
Since operations are similar and data are independent you can try using a thread pool to submit jobs that work on a number of files (can be a single file). Then you can have an idle thread complete a single job. This might help overlapping IO operations with execution.
A simple way would be to keep the original program, but fork an extra process which has no other task than to prefetch the files, and prime the disk buffer cache. ( a unix/linux system uses all "free" memory as disk buffer).
The main task will stay a few files behind (say ten). The hard part would be to keep things synchronised. A pipe seems the obvious way to accomplish this.
Pseudo code for the main process:
fetch filename from worklist
if empty goto 2.
(maybe) fork a worker process or thread
add to prefetch queue
add to internal queue
if fewer than XXX items on internal queue goto 1
fetch filename from internal queue
process it
goto 1
For the slave processes:
fetch from queue
if empty: quit
prefetch file
loop or quit
For the queue, a message queue seems most appropiate, since it maintains message boundaries. Another way would be to have one pipe per child (in the fork() case) or use mutexes (when using threads).
You'll need approximate seektime_per_file / processing_time_per_file worker threads / processes.
As a simplification: if seeking the files is not required (only sequential access), the slave processes could consist of the equivalent of
dd if=name bs=500K
, which could be wrapped into a popen() or a pipe+fork().

When does an O_SYNC write become visible in the pagecache (mmap'd file)?

I have a file mmap'd read-only/shared, with multiple threads/processes reading the data concurrently. A single writer is allowed to modify the data at any time (using a mutex in a separate shared memory region). Changes are performed using a write() on the underlying file. The overall setup is part of a database that is intended to be transactionally consistent.
A number of arbitrary data pages will be written out in any order, and then fdatasync() is called. Nothing in the file points to these altered pages until a root page is written. The root page is written using a second file descriptor that was opened with O_SYNC, so the write will not return until the root page has been written successfully. All of the pages being written are part of the mmap region, so they will eventually become visible to all of the readers.
The question is - does the final O_SYNC write become visible immediately, as soon as the kernel copies the user buffer into the page cache? Or does it become visible only after the synchronous write completes? I've read thru the kernel code a bit but haven't followed it all the way; it looks to me like the user data is copied immediately to the page cache, and then a write is scheduled, and then it waits for the write to complete. In the meantime, the written data is already present in the page cache and so is immediately visible to the reader processes. This is undesirable because if the physical write actually fails, the transaction must be rolled back, and readers should never be allowed to see anything that was written by an unsuccessful transaction.
Anyone know for certain how O_SYNC writes interact with the page cache? I suppose just to be safe I can wrap accesses to the root page with a mutex, but that adds a layer of overhead that would be better to avoid.
Under the formal POSIX standard, updates to MAP_SHARED regions can appear at any time. The Synchronised I/O definition specifies that the write will only return once the data has landed on physical media, but doesn't talk about the data seen by other processes.
In practice on Linux, it works as you have described - the page cache is the staging area from where device writes are dispatched, and a MAP_SHARED mapping is a view of the page cache.
As an alternative, you could put a copy of the root page into a shared anonymous region. The reading processes would use that copy, and the writing process would update it after it has synched the root page to disk. You will still need synchronisation though, because you can't atomically update an entire page.
You should use msync(2) for mmapped files. Mixing write and mmapped access is asking for troubles.
