Error while creating SharePoint publishing page - "The file does not exist" - sharepoint

While creating the page (manually) I am getting "file not found error" for the page I am trying to create. When I am checking the log the error is like -
A critical error occurred while creating a PublishingPage through PublishingWeb.AddPublishingPage(string, PageLayout, SPFolder). System.IO.FileNotFoundException: The file http://win-k3ov869t32r:31141/sites/Demo7/Pages/testpage.aspx does not exist.
Here testpage is the name of the page I want to create.

I would advise going to the ULS logs to get further information.
I would suggest looking to see if the page layout you are creating the page against exists. If you can't find the layout thats your problem.
This could be in the hive or in the page layouts list.
Hope this helps
Many Thanks

Related not allowed to access or modify file "/local/notesdata/xsppers"

We have this error message in our xpages application when saving a ticket with an attachment.
It is basically, fileUpload1 bound to a document field (document1) and Button with;
Error while executing JavaScript action expression
Script interpreter error, line=1, col=11: [TypeError] Exception occurred calling method not allowed to access or modify file: /local/notesdata/xsppers/166/08CABEF7AE5340E0DF9C8D46CF56B3B917EA65C6
not allowed to access or modify file: /local/notesdata/xsppers/166/08CABEF7AE5340E0DF9C8D46CF56B3B917EA65C6
The error says not allowed to access or modify the file within /local/notesdata/xsppers.
My question is how to get access to that folder in the server? What to change or do in the security settings on the server for the /xsppers/ folder.
Or a workaround for this issue. By the way I do not have access to the server. Please help thank you
I saw a related question/issue but I am unable to put a comment as I am new - that is why I posted a new question.. Sorry for that

Microsoft Flow - Block uploading Video files to a Sharepoint site

I am an owner of a Sharepoint site and want to make sure all members of the site don't upload video files. Since SP doesn't have the ability to filter out files by Type - I want to use Microsoft Flow to do this task.
So I have created this flow which triggers on creation of new file in Documents folder of my SP site. Then it runs a Condition, which checkes the property of "File content type" - if it starts with "video/" - then it should delete the file uploaded. It looks like this:
#startsWith(triggerOutputs()['headers']['Content-Type'], 'video/')
But when I run this Flow, I then get this error:
BadRequest. The request failed. Error code: 'InvalidRequestContent'. Error Message: 'The request content was invalid and could not be deserialized: 'Unexpected character encountered while parsing value: {. Path 'details', line 1, position 455.'.'.
What am I doing wrong?
Unfortunately there is no OOTB way to configure these settings yet. Your workaround to create a flow is just what I would have suggested. Ofcourse you can also still create a workflow that does that but why old fashioned if you already made your experience with flow.
This is a known issue and I would encourage you to vote for that feature here.
In OneDrive you can restrict certain file types from syncing using the poweshell:
Set-SPOTenantSyncClientRestriction -ExcludedFileExtensions "wmf;mp4;mkv"
For your flow I would suggest to make an extra step "get file content" and use the content type you get there for your filter instead of the one from your "triggerOutputs"

After migration to sharepoint 2010 search result error Cannot find ContentPlaceHolder 'SPNavigation'

I am migrating MOSS 2007 portal to sahrepoint 2010. I am not doing visual uplgrade. to check search setting i typed a keyword and pressed enter anfd it threw me below error. please let me know what to do as I am completely new in this.
Do I need to add the "SPNavigaation" placeholder in my master page. I dont know what custom.master page it is refering.
Server Error in '/' Application.
Cannot find ContentPlaceHolder 'SPNavigation' in the master page '~masterurl/custom.master', verify content control's ContentPlaceHolderID attribute in the content page.
Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. Please review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.
Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: Cannot find ContentPlaceHolder 'SPNavigation' in the master page '~masterurl/custom.master', verify content control's ContentPlaceHolderID attribute in the content page.
Dear all I solved the issue by adding "
<asp:ContentPlaceHolder ID="SPNavigation" runat="server"></asp:ContentPlaceHolder>
"in my master page

TYPO3 Scheduler: The page is not configured! [type= 0][]

I have a problem with my scheduler in TYPO3 4.5.5. Every time a task is executed it fails with the following error message:
[scheduler]: Task failed to execute successfully. Class: tx_jobportal_apply, UID: 5. The page is not configured! [type= 0][]
There are 3 domains in my page tree, each having an own root template. The TypoScript Object Browser shows a setup with page.typeNum = 0
I don't know how I can comment on this, so I'll post it as an answer..
I'm guessing you are initiating the TSFE in the scheduler task. Did you specify a page-id, and if so, have you checked this page is under a specific root-page with a typoscript template that has a 'PAGE' configured?
It looks like Your extension jobportal sends an error, check manually the action You are trying to do with scheduler.
The problem is solved.
I made a file reference in the root template in which the PAGE object was configured, like this
<INCLUDE_TYPOSCRIPT: source="FILE: fileadmin/typoscript/template-setup_main.ts">
After configuring the object directly in the setup of the template no more error messages appeared and now I am a lucky guy ;)
#Koopa: Thanks for the hint!

Sharepoint Crawler is denied access to sites

We create all our site collections programatically with a custom site def/template. Everything works as expected, except for the crawler. It's apparently denied access to the sites. The crawl logs says:
The object was not found. (The item
was deleted because it was either not
found or the crawler was denied access
to it.)
And in the log files I'm getting this:
08/11/2009 14:20:34.01 OWSTIMER.EXE
0x1560 Search Server Common
MS Search Administration
7hmh High exception in
SearchUpgradeProvisioner Keyword
jobServerSearchServiceInstance is null
searchServiceInstance) at
If I create a site collection manually the crawler is able to access it. The same users/accounts have the same access on both sites, so that shouldn't be the issue.
The code we use to actually create the site collection looks a little like this:
SPWebApplication app = SPWebApplication.Lookup(new Uri("WebApplicationUrl"));
app.FormDigestSettings.Enabled = false;
app.Sites.Add("url", "title", "description", "language code", "SiteTemplateName", "Owner.Username", "Owner.Fullname", "Owner.Email");
app.FormDigestSettings.Enabled = true;
The code has been slightly altered to protect the innocent... ;)
Any idea what we're doing wrong?
(Please note, I'm not sure if this is a programming error or a config/setup error, so I'm cross-posting with Serverfault)
If you receive this error whilst the crawler account (the default content access account) has read permission to all your sites then you most likely need to disable the loopback check.
