Updating UI from background thread SWIFT - multithreading

I'm using this code for background work:
let queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0);
dispatch_async(queue, {
// Some work in the background and updating UI too.
However I was reading here that we should use:
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_global_queue(priority, 0)) {
// do some task
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
// update some UI
when updating UI.
My question is: In the code sample I am using the UI gets updated in the global queue and UI is updated without errors. What is the difference between the approach I am using, and the approach mentioned in the link above?
P.S: the code is executed on Mac OS X 10.10

Thread Safety Summary in the
"Threading Programming Guide" states:
Main Thread Only Classes
The following classes must be used only from the main thread of an
NSCell and all of its descendants
NSView and all of its descendants.
For more information, see NSView Restrictions.
The only dispatch queue that is bound to the main thread is
the main queue that you get with dispatch_get_main_queue().
dispatch_get_global_queue() returns a global concurrent queue
which is not the main queue, and therefore may execute its work
on secondary threads. Therefore updating the UI from this queue
may work by chance, but it can also cause delayed UI updated,
non-working UI updates or crashes.


how to access a worker thread from UI thread?

I have a working thread running all along the runtime, who generates events.
I can handle those events inside the UI thread by using disp = Windows::UI::Core::CoreWindow::GetForCurrentThread()->Dispatcher.
more precisely, I do the modifications to the UI by using disp->RunAsync(...) anywhere inside the working thread.
but I don't know how to do the inverted operation. I want to have some Async function inside the UI thread to perform operation (on some std::unique_ptr) in the working thread when I click on some button.
If I understand correctly you want to be able to run an async operation when a button is clicked, but on a specific thread to which you refer as your worker thread.
First - Since you want to use a resource in 2 threads you should not use unique_ptr and use shared_ptr since you share this resource between the two threads.
Second - if you don't necessarily have to run the action on a specific thread then you can simply use Windows::System::Threading::ThreadPool::RunAsync and capture the shared_ptr by value.
namespace WST = Windows::System::Threading;
ref new WST::WorkItemHandler(
[mySharedPtr](Windows::Foundation::IAsyncAction^ operation)
In case you have to run the operation on a specific thread then I assume you want to be able to append operations to an already running thread, otherwise you are creating a thread and you can use the above example.
So in order to append operations to an already running thread, that thread must have the functionality of getting a new operations and then running those operations in a synchronous order. This functionality is basically what the Dispatcher provides. This is what an Event Loop is, also called: message dispatcher, message loop, message pump, or run loop. Also you can find information by reading on the Recator\Proactor design pattern.
This CodeProject page shows one way of implementing the pattern, and you can use Winrt component to make it better \ more conveniant \ more familiar

NSURLSession dataTaskWithURL

I am using NSURLSession dataTaskWithURL:completionHandler. It looks like completionHandler is executed in a thread which is different than the thread(in my case, it's the main thread) which calls dataTaskWithURL. So my question is, since it is asynchronized, is it possible that the main thread exit, but the completionHandler thread is still running since the response has not come back, which is the case I am trying to avoid. If this could happen, how should I solve the problem? BTW, I am building this as a framework, not an application.Thanks.
In the first part of your question you seem un-sure that the completion handler is running on a different thread. To confirm this let's look at the NSURLSession Class Reference. If we look at the "Creating a Session" section we can see in the description for the following method the answer.
+ sessionWithConfiguration:delegate:delegateQueue:
init(configuration configuration: NSURLSessionConfiguration,
delegate delegate: NSURLSessionDelegate?,
delegateQueue queue: NSOperationQueue?)
+ (NSURLSession *)sessionWithConfiguration:(NSURLSessionConfiguration *)configuration
delegateQueue:(NSOperationQueue *)queue
In the parameters table for the NSOperationQueue queue parameter is the following quote.
An operation queue for scheduling the delegate calls and completion handlers. The queue need not be a serial queue. If nil, the session creates a serial operation queue for performing all delegate method calls and completion handler calls.
So we can see the default behavior is to provide a queue whether from the developer or as the default class behavior. Again we can see this in the comments for the method + sessionWithConfiguration:
Calling this method is equivalent to calling
sessionWithConfiguration:delegate:delegateQueue: with a nil delegate
and queue.
If you would like a more information you should read Apple's Concurrency Programming Guide. This is also useful in understanding Apple's approach to threading in general.
So the completion handler from - dataTaskWithURL:completionHandler: is running on a different queue, with queues normally providing their own thread(s). This leads the main component of your question. Can the main thread exit, while the completion handler is still running?
The concise answer is no, but why?
To answer this answer this we again turn to Apple's documentation, to a document that everyone should read early in their app developer career!
The App Programming Guide
The Main Run Loop
An app’s main run loop processes all user-related events. The
UIApplication object sets up the main run loop at launch time and uses
it to process events and handle updates to view-based interfaces. As
the name suggests, the main run loop executes on the app’s main
thread. This behavior ensures that user-related events are processed
serially in the order in which they were received.
All of the user interact happens on the main thread - no main thread, no main run loop, no app! So the possible condition you question mentions should never exist!
Apple seems more concerned with you doing background work on the main thread. Checkout the section "Move Work off the Main Thread"...
Be sure to limit the type of work you do on the main thread of your
app. The main thread is where your app handles touch events and other
user input. To ensure that your app is always responsive to the user,
you should never use the main thread to perform long-running or
potentially unbounded tasks, such as tasks that access the network.
Instead, you should always move those tasks onto background threads.
The preferred way to do so is to use Grand Central Dispatch (GCD) or
NSOperation objects to perform tasks asynchronously.
I know this answer is long winded, but I felt the need to offer insight and detail in answering your question - "the why" is just as important and it was good review :)
NSURLSessionTasks always run in background by default that's why we have completion handler which can be used when we get response from Web service.
If you don't get any response explore your request URL and whether HTTPHeaderFields are set properly.
Paste your code so that we can help it
I just asked the same question. Then figured out the answer. The thread of the completion handler is setup in the init of the NSURLSession.
From the documentation:
init(configuration configuration: NSURLSessionConfiguration,
delegate delegate: NSURLSessionDelegate?,
delegateQueue queue: NSOperationQueue?)`
queue - A queue for scheduling the delegate calls and completion handlers. If nil, the session creates a serial operation queue for performing all delegate method calls and completion handler calls.*
My code that sets up for completion on main thread:
var session = NSURLSession(configuration: configuration, delegate:nil, delegateQueue:NSOperationQueue.mainQueue())
(Shown in Swift, Objective-C the same) Maybe post more code if this does not solve.

Passing a `Disposable` object safely to the UI thread with TPL

We recently adopted the TPL as the toolkit for running some heavy background tasks.
These tasks typically produce a single object that implements IDisposable. This is because it has some OS handles internally.
What I want to happen is that the object produced by the background thread will be properly disposed at all times, also when the handover coincides with application shutdown.
After some thinking, I wrote this:
private void RunOnUiThread(Object data, Action<Object> action)
var t = Task.Factory.StartNew(action, data, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, _uiThreadScheduler);
t.ContinueWith(delegate(Task task)
if (!task.IsCompleted)
The background Task calls RunOnUiThread to pass its result to the UI thread. The task t is scheduled on the UI thread, and takes ownership of the data passed in. I was expecting that if t could not be executed because the ui thread's message pump was shut down, the continuation would run, and I could see that that the task had failed, and dispose the object myself. DisposeObject() is a helper that checks if the object is actually IDisposable, and non-null, prior to disposing it.
Sadly, it does not work. If I close the application after the background task t is created, the continuation is not executed.
I solved this problem before. At that time I was using the Threadpool and the WPF Dispatcher to post messages on the UI thread. It wasn't very pretty, but in the end it worked. I was hoping that the TPL was better at this scenario. It would even be better if I could somehow teach the TPL that it should Dispose all leftover AsyncState objects if they implement IDisposable.
So, the code is mainly to illustrate the problem. I want to learn about any solution that allows me to safely handover Disposable objects to the UI thread from background Tasks, and preferably one with as little code as possible.
When a process closes, all of it's kernel handles are automatically closed. You shouldn't need to worry about this:
Have a look at the RX library. This may allow you to do what you want.
From MSDN:
IsCompleted will return true when the Task is in one of the three
final states: RanToCompletion, Faulted, or Canceled
In other words, your DisposableObject.DisposeObject will never be called, because the continuation will always be scheduled after one of the above conditions has taken place. I believe what you meant to do was :
t.ContinueWith(t => DisposableObject.DisposeObject(task.AsyncState),
(BTW you could have simply captured the data variable rather than using the AsyncState property)
However I wouldn't use a continuation for something that you want to ensure happens at all times. I believe a try-finally block will be more fitting here:
private void RunOnUiThread2(Object data, Action<Object> action)
var t = Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
//Or use a new *foreground* thread if the disposing is heavy
}, CancellationToken.None, TaskCreationOptions.None, _uiThreadScheduler);

In Silverlight UI thread, when doing InvokeAsync what happens?

I am trying to solve SL performance issues.
Up until now I had WCF calls which were executed by InvokeAsync.
Now, I changed it to use the BackgroundWorker.
Performance is greatly improved.
what can cause this? what does InvokeAsync did exactly that affected the UI thread? is it opening another UI thread?
It comes down to Synchronization contexts. A thread may be associated with SynchronizationContext such as the DispatcherSynchronizationContext (which is the context of the UI thread and only contains this one thread). WCF will complete an operation in the same Synchronization context that it began in, if there is no synchronization context associated with the thread it will use any thread in the thread pool.
Hence if you have several outstanding async operations all invoked from the UI Thread then all those operations will want to run their completion code in the UI Thread. If a number of them complete at the same time the completion code will have to queue up waiting to be dispatched into this single UI thread.
Whereas when you invoke async operations in a Background worker its running in a thread from the thread pool and does not have special synchronisation context. When those operations complete their completion code may run on any available thread in the pool (of which there are several). So near simultaneous completions can all run in parallel on different threads.
In WPF and Silverlight i recommend to use SynchronazationContext to save the main thread, all other thread will use this instance of SynchronazationContext to access the main thread (UI). You use it in this manner (Note: i generated a method that do this and all other methods will access this method to update the UI):
SynchronazationContext ctx = null;
void DoSomething()
ctx = SynchronazationContext.Current;
//Some algorithm here
this.UpdatePic("Success !");
void ThreadProc()
SendOrPostCallback callBack = new SendOrPostCallback(UpdatePic);
ctx.Post(callBack, String.Format("Put here the pic path");
void UpdatePic(string _text)
//This method run under the main method
In .NET 5.0 you can call this complicated functions by mark the method as async and write 'await' when you call the synchronous method - that make the synchronous method as asynchronous method and update the UI with the main thread.

Are Tasks created as background threads?

I'm just wondering whether the new Task class in dot.net 4 is creating a background or foreground thread ?
Normally I'd set "IsBackground" on a Thread, but there's no such attribute on a Task.
I've not been able to find any documentation of this on MSDN :-(
Shouldn't be tough to verify:
class Program
static void Main()
.StartNew(() => Console.WriteLine(Thread.CurrentThread.IsBackground))
And the answer is ...
If you are starting a Task<T> using Task.Run(), then yes.
If you are using async and await, then no. Excerpt from here:
"The async and await keywords don't cause additional threads to be created. Async methods don't require multithreading because an async method doesn't run on its own thread. The method runs on the current synchronization context and uses time on the thread only when the method is active. You can use Task.Run to move CPU-bound work to a background thread, but a background thread doesn't help with a process that's just waiting for results to become available."
It appears to run as a background thread.
See this thread:
Running multiple C# Task Async
Tasks are executed by threads which are coming from the system thread pool. A thread that comes from thread pool is executed in background by default.
If you are not yet convinced of a background task, just try to access a GUI element from within a Task like:
public async Task<int> ProcessStuff_Async()
label1.Text = "processing next item";
to get the run time exception:
Cross-thread operation not valid:
Control 'label1' accessed from a thread other than the thread it was created on.
just like with the good old regular background threads.
There is info in MSDN docs (as of 2017 :-) , e.g.:
The best way to handle this ... is to start a background thread which
does the work using Task.Run, and await its result. This will allow
the UI to feel smooth as the work is being done.
This doc even has a section What happens under the covers.
