Error: "use of moved value" - scope

I'm currently learning Rust, and am toying around with a simple calculator. When refactoring, I ended up with some code like the following:
enum OptionalToken {
fn next_token() -> OptionalToken {
// Read input, classify, return
trait Stack {
// ...
fn dump (mut self);
impl Stack for Vec<f64> {
// ...
fn dump (mut self) {
println!("Stack: size={} [", self.len());
for x in self.iter() {
println!(" {}", x);
fn main() {
let mut stack: Vec<f64> = Vec::new();
loop {
let tok = next_token();
match tok {
OptionalToken::Foo => { stack.dump(); }
OptionalToken::Bar => { stack.pop(); }
The compiler (nightly build) fails with the following error (same error is actually printed twice as I'm doing the same mistake twice):
src/ 38:42 error: use of moved value: `stack`
src/ OptionalToken::Foo => { stack.dump(); }
src/ 38:42 note: `stack` moved here because it has type `collections::vec::Vec<f64>`, which is non-copyable
src/ OptionalToken::Foo => { stack.dump(); }
What am I doing wrong here? What would I have to modify to get code structured like this to work?

The function signature fn dump(mut self) (or fn dump(self), it makes no difference and frankly I'm surprised that the mut is permitted in the trait) means that the method takes the Stack by value, i.e. moves it.
There is no reason to take ownership. Make the signature fn dump(&self) to be able to call it without moving.
If "moving" is is all Greek to you, see the Ownership chapter in TRPL.


How can I easily get a reference to a value after it has been moved into a tuple-type enum variant?

I want to move a value into a tuple-type enum variant and obtain a reference to the value after it has been moved. I see how this is possible with an if let statement, but this seems like this should be unnecessary when the particular variant is known statically.
Is there any way to get the reference to the moved value without requiring an if let or match?
This code block is a simple illustration of my question (see below for a more challenging case):
enum Transport {
Car(u32), // horsepower
Horse(String), // name
fn do_something(x: &String) {
fn main() {
// Can I avoid needing this if, which is clearly redundant?
if let Transport::Horse(ref name) = Transport::Horse("daisy".into()) {
else {
// Can never happen
// I tried the following, it gives:
// "error[E0005]: refutable pattern in local binding: `Car(_)` not covered"
let Transport::Horse(ref name) = Transport::Horse("daisy".into());
It is easy to find ways to side-step the issue in the above code, since there are no real interface requirements. Consider instead the following example, where I am building a simple API for building trees (where each node can have n children). Nodes have an add_child_node method returning a reference to the node that was added, to allow chaining of calls to quickly build deep trees. (It is debatable whether this is a good API, but that is irrelevant to the question). add_child_node must return a mutable reference to the contents of an enum variant. Is the if let required in this example (without changing the API)?
struct Node {
children: Vec<Child>,
// ...
enum Child {
impl Node {
fn add_child_node(&mut self, node: Node) -> &mut Node {
// It seems like this if should be unnecessary
if let Some(&mut Child::Node(ref mut x)) = self.children.last() {
return x;
// Required to compile, since we must return something
fn add_child_leaf(&mut self) {
// ...
No. You can use unreachable!() for the else case, and it's usually clear even without message/comment what's going on. The compiler is also very likely to optimize the check away.
If the variants have the same type you can implement AsRef and use the Transport as a &str:
enum Transport {
fn do_something<S: AsRef<str>>(x: &S) {
println!("{}", x.as_ref());
impl AsRef<str> for Transport {
fn as_ref(&self) -> &str {
match self {
Transport::Car(s) => s,
Transport::Horse(s) => s,
fn main() {
let transport = Transport::Horse("daisy".into());
Otherwise you need to use a let if binding as you are doing. No need to use an else clause if you don't want to:
if let Transport::Horse(ref name) = Transport::Horse("daisy".into()) {
define From<Transport> for String:
impl From<Transport> for String {
fn from(t: Transport) -> String {
match t {
Transport::Car(value) => value.to_string(),
Transport::Horse(name) => name,
fn do_something(x: Transport) {
println!("{}", String::from(x));
fn main() {
let horse = Transport::Horse("daisy".to_string());
let car = Transport::Car(150);

Which signature is most effective when using multiple conditions or Results? How to bubble errors correctly?

I'm learning rust and have been trying to find the right signature for using multiple Results in a single function and then returning either correct value, or exit the program with a message.
So far I have 2 different methods and I'm trying to combine them.
This is what I'm trying to achieve:
fn blur(image: DynamicImage, amount: &str) -> DynamicImage {
let amount = parse_between_or_error_out("blur", amount, 0.0, 10.0);
This is what I have working now, but would like to refactor.
fn blur(image: DynamicImage, amount: &str) -> DynamicImage {
match parse::<f32>(amount) {
Ok(amount) => {
verify_that_value_is_between("blur", amount, 0.0, 10.0);
_ => {
Combining these methods
Now here's the two working methods that I'm trying to combine, to achieve this.
fn parse<T: FromStr>(value: &str) -> Result<T, <T as FromStr>::Err> {
fn verify_that_value_is_between<T: PartialOrd + std::fmt::Display>(
name: &str,
amount: T,
minimum: T,
maximum: T,
) {
if amount > maximum || amount < minimum {
"Error: Expected {} amount to be between {} and {}",
name, minimum, maximum
println!("- Using {} of {:.1}/{}", name, amount, maximum);
Here's what I tried
I have tried the following. I realise I'm likely doing a range of things wrong. This is because I'm still learning Rust, and I'd like any feedback that helps me learn how to improve.
fn parse_between_or_error_out<T: PartialOrd + FromStr + std::fmt::Display>(
name: &str,
amount: &str,
minimum: T,
maximum: T,
) -> Result<T, <T as FromStr>::Err> {
fn error_and_exit() {
"Error: Expected {} amount to be between {} and {}",
name, minimum, maximum
match amount.parse::<T>() {
Ok(amount) => {
if amount > maximum || amount < minimum {
println!("- Using {} of {:.1}/{}", name, amount, maximum);
_ => {
Currently this looks quite messy, probably I'm using too many or the wrong types and the error needs to be in two places (hence the inlined function, which I know is not good practice).
Full reproducible example.
The question
How to best combine logic that is using a Result and another condition (or Result), exit with a message or give T as a result?
Comments on any of the mistakes are making are very welcome too.
You can use a crate such as anyhow to bubble your events up and handle them as needed.
Alternatively, you can write your own trait and implement it on Result.
trait PrintAndExit<T> {
fn or_print_and_exit(&self) -> T;
Then use it by calling the method on any type that implements it:
fn try_get_value() -> Result<bool, MyError> {
MyError { msg: "Something went wrong".to_string() }
let some_result: Result<bool, MyError> = try_get_value();
let value: bool = some_result.or_print_and_exit();
// Exits with message: "Error: Something went wrong"
Implementing this trait on Result could be done with:
struct MyError {
msg: String,
impl<T> PrintAndExit<T> for Result<T, MyError> {
fn or_print_and_exit(&self) -> T {
match self {
Ok(val) => val,
Err(e) => {
println!("Error: {}", e.msg);
Here are a few DRY tricks.
Convert other Errors into your unified error type(s) with impl From<ExxError> for MyError;
In any function that may result in an Error, use ? as much as you can. Return Result<???, MyError> (*). ? will utilize the implicit conversion.
(*) Only if MyError is an appropriate type for the function. Always create or use the most appropriate error types. (Kinda obvious, but people often treat error types as a second-class code, pun intended)
Recommendations are in the comments.
use std::error::Error;
use std::str::FromStr;
// Debug and Display are required by "impl Error" below.
enum ProcessingError {
NumberFormat{ message: String },
NumberRange{ message: String },
ProcessingError{ message: String },
// Display will be used when the error is printed.
// No need to litter the business logic with error
// formatting code.
impl Display for ProcessingError {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
match self {
ProcessingError::NumberFormat { message } =>
write!(f, "Number format error: {}", message),
ProcessingError::NumberRange { message } =>
write!(f, "Number range error: {}", message),
ProcessingError::ProcessingError { message } =>
write!(f, "Image processing error: {}", message),
impl Error for ProcessingError {}
// FromStr::Err will be implicitly converted into ProcessingError,
// when ProcessingError is needed. I guess this is what
// anyhow::Error does under the hood.
// Implement From<X> for ProcessingError for every X error type
// that your functions like process_image() may encounter.
impl From<FromStr::Err> for ProcessingError {
fn from(e: FromStr::Err) -> ProcessingError {
ProcessingError::NumberFormat { message: format!("{}", e) }
pub fn try_parse<T: FromStr>(value: &str) -> Result<T, ProcessingError> {
// Note ?. It will implicitly return
// Err(ProcessingError created from FromStr::Err)
Ok (
// Now, we can have each function only report/handle errors that
// are relevant to it. ? magically eliminates meaningless code like
// match x { ..., Err(e) => Err(e) }.
pub fn parse_between<T>(value: &str, min_amount: T, max_amount: T)
-> Result<T, ProcessingError>
T: FromStr + PartialOrd + std::fmt::Display,
let amount = try_parse::<T>(value)?;
if amount > max_amount || amount < min_amount {
Err(ProcessingError::NumberRange {
message: format!(
"Expected value to be between {} and {} but received {}",
} else {
use image::{DynamicImage};
use std::fmt::{Debug, Formatter, Display};
fn blur(image: DynamicImage, value: &str)
-> Result<DynamicImage, ProcessingError>
let min_amount = 0.0;
let max_amount = 10.0;
// Again, note ? in the end.
let amount = parse_between(value, min_amount, max_amount)?;
// All processing extracted into a function, whose Error
// then can be handled by main().
fn process_image(image: DynamicImage, value: &str)
-> Result<DynamicImage, ProcessingError>
println!("applying blur {:.1}/{:.1}...", amount, max_amount);
image = blur(image, value);
// save image ...
fn main() {
let mut image = DynamicImage::new(...);
image = match process_image(image, "1") {
Ok(image) => image,
// No need to reuse print-and-exit functionality. I doubt
// you want to reuse it a lot.
// If you do, and then change your mind, you will have to
// root it out of all corners of your code. Better return a
// Result and let the caller decide what to do with errors.
// Here's a single point to process errors and exit() or do
// something else.
Err(e) => {
println!("Error processing image: {:?}", e);
Sharing my results
I'll share my results/answer as well for other people who are new to Rust. This answer is based on that of #Acidic9's answer.
The types seem to be fine
anyhow looks to be the de facto standard in Rust.
I should have used a trait and implement that trait for the Error type.
I believe the below example is close to what it might look like in the wild.
use image::{DynamicImage};
use app::{parse_between, PrintAndExit};
fn main() {
// mut image = ...
image = blur(image, "1")
// save image
fn blur(image: DynamicImage, value: &str) -> DynamicImage {
let min_amount = 0.0;
let max_amount = 10.0;
match parse_between(value, min_amount, max_amount).context("Input error") {
Ok(amount) => {
println!("applying blur {:.1}/{:.1}...", amount, max_amount);
Err(error) => error.print_and_exit(),
And the implementation inside the apps library, using anyhow.
use anyhow::{anyhow, Error, Result};
use std::str::FromStr;
pub trait Exit {
fn print_and_exit(self) -> !;
impl Exit for Error {
fn print_and_exit(self) -> ! {
eprintln!("{:#}", self);
pub fn try_parse<T: FromStr>(value: &str) -> Result<T, Error> {
match value.parse::<T>() {
Ok(value) => Ok(value),
Err(_) => Err(anyhow!("\"{}\" is not a valid value.", value)),
pub fn parse_between<T>(value: &str, min_amount: T, max_amount: T) -> Result<T, Error>
T: FromStr + PartialOrd + std::fmt::Display,
match try_parse::<T>(value) {
Ok(amount) => {
if amount > max_amount || amount < min_amount {
return Err(anyhow!(
"Expected value to be between {} and {} but received {}",
Err(error) => Err(error),
Hopefully seeing this full implementation will help someone out there.
Source code.

Is there a way to pass an extra value to the panic handler?

I'm writing a UEFI OS loader, and I use the system table provided by efi_main in the panic handler to print a string on the console. Currently, I'm using a global static variable and a helper function to access it like this:
static SYSTEM_TABLE_WRAPPER: Lazy<Spinlock<Option<SystemTable>>> =
Lazy::new(|| Spinlock::new(None));
fn panic(i: &PanicInfo<'_>) -> ! {
// SAFETY: The existing lock is forgotten. There is no way to access the lock from the panic
// handler.
unsafe { unlock_system_table() }
error!("{}", i);
loop {
pub fn _print(args: fmt::Arguments<'_>) {
let mut st = crate::system_table();
let mut stdout = st.con_out();
let _ = stdout.write_fmt(args);
macro_rules! println {
() => {
macro_rules! print {
($($arg:tt)*) => {
pub(crate) fn system_table<'a>() -> MappedSpinlockGuard<'a, uefi_wrapper::SystemTable> {
let st = SYSTEM_TABLE_WRAPPER.try_lock();
let st = st.expect("Failed to lock the global System Table.");
SpinlockGuard::map(st, |st| {
let st = st.as_mut();
let st = st.expect("The global System Table is not initialized.");
&mut st.0
Although this works correctly, I'd like to avoid using any global variables if possible. Is there a way to do that?
I dont think so. If its possible, any parameter would be a global as well. Making it more complex.
Global variables are ok for this. Create your own global panic object and give it to a new panic handler from the real one.
Because there seems to be no way to do that, I changed the way.
Firstly, I defined the uefi_print and uefi_println macros.
macro_rules! uefi_print{
macro_rules! uefi_println {
($st:expr) => {
pub fn _print(st: &mut crate::SystemTable, args: fmt::Arguments<'_>) {
let mut con_out = st.con_out();
let _ = con_out.write_fmt(args);
These macros are similar to print and println macros, but the first parameter is the mutable reference to SystemTable. The example macro invocation:
pub extern "win64" fn efi_main(h: uefi_wrapper::Handle, mut st: bootx64::SystemTable) -> ! {
let resolution = gop::set_preferred_resolution(&mut st);
uefi_println!(&mut st, "GOP info: {:?}", resolution,);
// ...
Secondly, I defined the uefi_panic macro:
macro_rules! uefi_panic {
($st:expr) => {
$crate::uefi_panic!($st, "explicit panic");
$crate::uefi_println!($st,"panicked at '{}', {}:{}:{}",core::format_args!($($t)+),file!(),line!(),column!());
fn panic(_: &PanicInfo<'_>) -> ! {
loop {
The first parameter of the macro is also the mutable reference to SystemTable.
Thirdly, I defined a wrapper type for SystemTable that defines the additional method expect_ok.
pub struct SystemTable(uefi_wrapper::SystemTable);
impl SystemTable {
// ...
/// # Panics
/// This method panics if `result` is [`Err`].
pub fn expect_ok<T, E: fmt::Debug>(&mut self, result: Result<T, E>, msg: &str) -> T {
match result {
Ok(val) => val,
Err(e) => {
uefi_panic!(self, "{}: {:?}", msg, e);
Now I prefer this way to the previous method. The exit boot services function can move the ownership of SystemTable and ImageHandle. This way prevents these types from being used after calling it. After all, I should not create a global static SystemTable since it won't be valid after exiting the boot services.

Rust: Implement AVL Tree and error: thread 'main' panicked at 'already borrowed: BorrowMutError'

I have the following tree structure:
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cmp;
use std::cmp::Ordering;
type AVLTree<T> = Option<Rc<RefCell<TreeNode<T>>>>;
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq, Clone)]
struct TreeSet<T: Ord> {
root: AVLTree<T>,
impl<T: Ord> TreeSet<T> {
fn new() -> Self {
Self {
root: None
fn insert(&mut self, value: T) -> bool {
let current_tree = &mut self.root;
while let Some(current_node) = current_tree {
let node_key = &current_node.borrow().key;
match node_key.cmp(&value) {
Ordering::Less => { let current_tree = &mut current_node.borrow_mut().right; },
Ordering::Equal => {
return false;
Ordering::Greater => { let current_tree = &mut current_node.borrow_mut().left; },
*current_tree = Some(Rc::new(RefCell::new(TreeNode {
key: value,
left: None,
right: None,
parent: None
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq)]
struct TreeNode<T: Ord> {
pub key: T,
pub parent: AVLTree<T>,
left: AVLTree<T>,
right: AVLTree<T>,
fn main() {
let mut new_avl_tree: TreeSet<u32> = TreeSet::new();
println!("Tree: {:#?}", &new_avl_tree);
Building with cargo build is fine, but when I run cargo run, I got the below error:
thread 'main' panicked at 'already borrowed: BorrowMutError', src\libcore\
note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace. error: process didn't
exit successfully: target\debug\avl-tree.exe (exit code: 101)
If i just call insert(3), it will be fine and my tree gets printed correctly. However, if I insert(5) after insert(3), I will get that error.
How do I fix that?
Manually implementing data structures such as linked list, tree, graph are not task for novices, because of memory safety rules in language. I suggest you to read Too Many Linked Lists tutorial, which discusses how to implement safe and unsafe linked lists in Rust right way.
Also read about name shadowing.
Your error is that inside a cycle you try to borrow mutable something which is already borrowed as immutable.
let node_key = &current_node.borrow().key; // Borrow as immutable
match node_key.cmp(&value) {
Ordering::Less => { let current_tree = &mut current_node.borrow_mut().right; }, // Create a binding which will be immediately deleted and borrow as mutable.
And I recommend you to read Rust book to learn rust.
First let us correct your algorithm. The following lines are incorrect:
let current_tree = &mut current_node.borrow_mut().right;
let current_tree = &mut current_node.borrow_mut().left;
Both do not reassign a value to current_tree but create a new (unused) one (#Inline refers to it as Name shadowing). Remove the let and make current_tree mut.
Now we get a compiler error temporary value dropped while borrowed. Probably the compiler error message did mislead you. It tells you to use let to increase the lifetime, and this would be right if you used the result in the same scope, but no let can increase the lifetime beyond the scope.
The problem is that you cannot pass out a reference to a value owned by a loop (as current_node.borrow_mut.right). So it would be better to use current_tree as owned variable. Sadly this means that many clever tricks in your code will not work any more.
Another problem in the code is the multiple borrow problem (your original runtime warning is about this). You cannot call borrow() and borrow_mut() on the same RefCell without panic(that is the purpose of RefCell).
So after finding the problems in your code, I got interested in how I would write the code. And now that it is written, I thought it would be fair to share it:
fn insert(&mut self, value: T) -> bool {
if let None = self.root {
self.root = TreeSet::root(value);
return true;
let mut current_tree = self.root.clone();
while let Some(current_node) = current_tree {
let mut borrowed_node = current_node.borrow_mut();
match borrowed_node.key.cmp(&value) {
Ordering::Less => {
if let Some(next_node) = &borrowed_node.right {
current_tree = Some(next_node.clone());
} else {
borrowed_node.right = current_node.child(value);
return true;
Ordering::Equal => {
return false;
Ordering::Greater => {
if let Some(next_node) = &borrowed_node.left {
current_tree = Some(next_node.clone());
} else {
borrowed_node.left = current_node.child(value);
return true;
trait NewChild<T: Ord> {
fn child(&self, value: T) -> AVLTree<T>;
impl<T: Ord> NewChild<T> for Rc<RefCell<TreeNode<T>>> {
fn child(&self, value: T) -> AVLTree<T> {
Some(Rc::new(RefCell::new(TreeNode {
key: value,
left: None,
right: None,
parent: Some(self.clone()),
One will have to write the two methods child(value:T) and root(value:T) to make this compile.

Create an iterator and put it into a new struct without bothering the borrow-checker [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Is there any way to return a reference to a variable created in a function?
(5 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I am trying to create a lexical analyzer which uses itertools::PutBack to make an iterator over the characters in a String. I intend to store the pushback iterator in a struct and delegate methods to it so that I can categorize the characters by an enum, which will then be passed to a state machine at the core of the lexical analyzer (not yet written).
The borrow-checker is not happy with me. Method ParserEventIterator::new near the bottom of the listing causes the error. How do I define the lifetimes or borrowing so that I can get this to compile? Or what Rustic data structure design should I use in its stead?
Ultimately, I would like this to implement the appropriate traits to become a proper iterator. (Newbie to Rust. Prior to this, I have programmed in 28 languages, but this one has me stumped.)
Here is a code sample:
extern crate itertools;
use itertools::put_back;
use std::fmt::Display;
use std::fmt::Formatter;
use std::fmt::Result;
pub enum ParserEvent {
impl ParserEvent {
fn new(c: char) -> ParserEvent {
match c {
'a'...'z' | 'A'...'Z' => ParserEvent::Letter(c),
'0'...'9' => ParserEvent::Digit(c),
_ => ParserEvent::Other(c),
impl Display for ParserEvent {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter) -> Result {
let mut _ctos = |c: char| write!(f, "{}", c.to_string());
match self {
ParserEvent::Letter(letter) => _ctos(*letter),
ParserEvent::Digit(digit) => _ctos(*digit),
ParserEvent::Other(o) => _ctos(*o),
// ParserEventIterator
// Elements ('e) must have lifetime longer than the iterator ('i).
pub struct ParserEventIterator<'i, 'e: 'i> {
char_iter: &'i mut itertools::PutBack<std::str::Chars<'e>>,
impl<'i, 'e: 'i> ParserEventIterator<'i, 'e> {
fn new(s: &'e std::string::String) -> ParserEventIterator<'i, 'e> {
ParserEventIterator {
char_iter: &mut put_back(s.chars()),
fn put_back(&mut self, e: ParserEvent) -> () {
if let Some(c) = e.to_string().chars().next() {
impl<'i, 'e: 'i> Iterator for ParserEventIterator<'i, 'e> {
type Item = ParserEvent;
fn next(&mut self) -> Option<ParserEvent> {
match {
Some(c) => Some(ParserEvent::new(c)),
None => None,
fn main() {
let mut _i = ParserEventIterator::new(&String::from("Hello World"));
On the Rust Playground
error[E0515]: cannot return value referencing temporary value
--> src/
43 | / ParserEventIterator {
44 | | char_iter: &mut put_back(s.chars()),
| | ------------------- temporary value created here
45 | | }
| |_________^ returns a value referencing data owned by the current function
Well, the compiler is almost telling you the solution by reflecting to the obvious problem: you can't have a borrow which doesn't live long enough, i.e. the borrow would point to a nonexistent location after the stack memory of the function has been destroyed.
This would happen because the borrow is referencing an object (in this case an itertools::struct::PutBack instance) that has been newly created within the function body. This instance gets destroyed at the end of the function along with all the references to it. So the compiler is preventing you to have a so called dangling pointer.
Thus, instead of borrowing you should move the PutBack instance into your struct:
// ...
pub struct ParserEventIterator<'e> {
char_iter: itertools::PutBack<std::str::Chars<'e>>
impl<'e> ParserEventIterator<'e> {
fn new(s: &'e std::string::String) -> ParserEventIterator<'e> {
ParserEventIterator { char_iter: put_back(s.chars()) }
// ...
