Add a command for bash script to terminal - linux

I have file in my android-studio/bin folder, which I would like to use as a command in bash (like launching any other normal application).
I read somewhere that adding this line to ~/.profile should work,
export PATH=$PATH:/home/goel/android-studio/bin
But it doesn't work. Whats the correct process?

Add the script folder name to PATH environment variable in ~/bash.rc file
and you can also create alias for you script in ~/bash.rc
and source the /etc/bash.bashrc file, now you can issue your script or alias name in any terminal. Hope this helps.

If you change your PATH in a .profile, you still have to make the shell read the .profile. Starting a new terminal is sometimes not enough (some terminals don't read the .profile), in which case you have to log out and back in.

Is executable? Have you tried ./ inside its containing folder to check whether it runs at all?


How to execute a bash script without calling its path?

I have the file in my-directory folder.
How to run this script with the command `script' from the terminal with no regards to the location I am in the terminal?
You can do so by exporting the path where your script in the PATH environment variable, so that you don't ever have to worry about what your actual script's location is, i.e. if your script is present under say /path/to/dir, do
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/dir
so that your script's path gets appended to an already existing set if paths under PATH, also remember if you run the above from the command-line, it is not permanent and gets lost soon after the session is terminated. To make it permanent add the same line in .bashrc (or) .bash_profile, depending upon your environment.
Or creating a symbolic link from /usr/bin that is what you intent to do you can do something like ln -s /full/path/to/ /usr/bin/myscript and then run as just myscript directly from command line. You can also confirm if is properly added by checking the script's location by which command,
$ which myscript
Say your directory is /home/Cristian/my-directory then you can make that part of PATH environment variable like export PATH=$PATH:/home/Cristian/my-directory and then you will be able to call it by typing and not script. If you want it to be called as script then you should name it script and rename the extension.
The export command will make the directory in question part of PATH temporarily. To make it permanent you may want it to part of .bashrc or other shell rc file if you are in other shells.

Environment variable PATH on linux

Hi i am currently trying to set keywords for my terminal to launch some software without having to type the whole path.
For exemple:
#instead of
I always do this kind of thing on windows by setting path in the environment variable manager.
After i read this post PATH environment variable in linux , i added this line to the etc/environment file:
export firefox=/home/debian/firefox/firefox
#I also tried this:
export PATH=$PATH:/home/debian/firefox
It doesn't work, can someone explains me how to do this?
I would setup a new alias in my .bashrc or .profile, which should be located under your home directory. Add the following to the end of the file:
alias firefox="/home/debian/firefox/firefox"
Save the file and reload it using:
source ~/.bashrc
Since you added the alias to your .bashrc this alias will be created everytime you open a new instance of a shell.
You could use nohup to keep the command running after the shell session ends:
alias firefox="nohup /home/debian/firefox/firefox &"
Notice the trailing & character, which will run the command in the background so you can keep using your terminal.
You can also make an alias in your .bashrc file.
$ vim ~/.bashrc
It will open your .bashrc in read mode. Get in write mode by pressing i. You can create alias at anywhere in the file or below already created alias list.
alias firefox='/home/debian/firefox/firefox'
press Esc and then :wq
This will create your alias, save and exit the file. Now you only have to compile .bashrc by this
$ source ~/.bashrc
After this you can only have to use firefox instead of long /home/debian/firefox/firefox
Adding /home/debian/firefox to your PATH should have done it.
Did you start a new shell after making that change? Otherwise the new PATH would not have exported yet. Alternatively, you can just run export PATH=$PATH:/home/debian/firefox directly to update it for your current session.

How to add in bash for auto completion of arcanist commands

I am new to linux.
I am trying to set up arcanist.
I am done with git clone and adding the path in environment variable, however I am confused on how to set up the tab completion for arcanist commands.
In the arcanist user guide it says that you need to add source /path/to/arcanist/resources/shell/bash-completion to your .bashrc, .profile files.
What are these files and how can I edit them to work with arcanist with the tab completion.
The .bashrc, found in your home directory, is the configuration file for that user for bash.
There is a global bashrc usually located in /etc/bashrc.
The difference to .profile is that the .bashrc is executed every time you start a terminal (bash) while .profile only once when you use a login shell.
The command source loads everything that is inside the file you use with that command and treats it as if you wrote those commands in the .bashrc yourself. I guess in /path/to/arcanist/resources/shell/bash-completion are aliases/functions/etc. which enable tab-completion with arcanist.
Edit: for bash, the profile file is usually called .bash_profile.
After lot of googling and asking people, I finally did it.
First of all I had to export the path where my arcanist code from the github has been cloned in the ~/.bashsrc file(in bold below)
export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.rvm/bin:$HOME/arcanist/bin/"
After this command, I copied the function which was present in the /arcanist/resources/shell/bash-completion into the bashrc file
And then I closed and open the terminal and bingo I was able to get arc and it's command as auto completion on striking tab.
Thanks ap0 for the comments.

Defining aliases in Cygwin under Windows

I am trying to define some aliases in cygwin, but with no success. I am doing so like this at the end of the .bashrc file.
alias foo='pwd'
I have tried to add this line in a .bashrc file in both inside the home folder of cygwin and in the home folder for the Windows user I am on C:\Users\Nuno\. In both cases I have just appended this line to a copy of the /etc/skel/.bashrc file. In either cases, it didn't work.
I had this working before. I had to reinstall Cygwin and ever since it never worked properly again. I have removed all files (or at least think so, when doing the reinstallation). I have also noticed that in the first install (when it was working) cygwin already was creating .bash files in the home folder. Now, it doesn't.
I am on a machine running Windows 7.
EDIT: My cygwin home folder is set to the Windows home folder C:\Users\Nuno\. I have placed what I think is a valid .bashrc file there, but it still doesn't work.
Thanks in advance.
As me_and already explained what's going on I just want to add a workaround should you for whatever reason not be able or willing to remove Windows' HOME environment variable.
Normally the shortcut for Cygwin executes
C:\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico -
Instead you can create a batchfile with the following content and start that:
#echo off
set HOME=
start C:\cygwin\bin\mintty.exe -i /Cygwin-Terminal.ico -
That will start a a Cygwin windows whose home directory settings are not overridden by a Windows environment variable.
Your .bashrc file will be loaded from wherever Cygwin Bash thinks your home directory is when it starts. You've mentioned in your edit that you've changed your home directory, but not how, so it's possible you've made a mistake there.
Cygwin will load your home directory from one of two places, and if they differ it can cause problems:
The HOME environment variable. This will be picked up from however you launch Cygwin, so normally from Windows itself. You can see what environment variables you have defined by pressing Win+Pause, going to "Advanced system settings", "Environment Variables…". If "HOME" is in either "User variables" or "System variables", delete it – it's unnecessary and only causes problems.
Cygwin's /etc/passwd file (normally C:\Cygwin\etc\passwd from Windows). This will have a number of lines containing details of each user on the system; the seventh : separated field is the home directory. You can tell which user it's looking at by running whoami from a Cygwin bash shell.
If whoami reports nunos, you should have a line in Cygwin's /etc/passwd that looks something like the following:
It's that /home/nunos that's important; if it's something different you should probably reset it to that, at which point you want to use the .bashrc in Cygwin's /home/nunos/.
You should also be very wary of directories that contain spaces for this. C:\Users\nunos should be fine, but beware in particular C:\Documents and Settings\nunos, which just won't work with Cygwin.
I had the same issue, where the aliases added to ~/.bashrc didn't work.
It seems that, for some reason, the ~/.bashrc was not executed when launching the console.
I stumbled upon a response that fixes the issues
So, you need to create a .bash_profile file. This one seems to be the default script, and put this code in it, to ensure that the .bashrc is executed.
# ~/.bash_profile: executed by bash for login shells.
if [ -e /etc/bash.bashrc ] ; then
source /etc/bash.bashrc
if [ -e ~/.bashrc ] ; then
source ~/.bashrc
That works for me, just make sure that .bash_profile is executable. (chmod +x ~/.bash_profile)
Here's a really quick and dirty way to do it, but it works fine for most things!
Let's say you want to always run 'ls --color' instead of just 'ls'. Instead of messing around with .bashrc stuff, you can create a simple .bat file that essentially bootlegs the original ls command.
Here's what I did:
cd /bin
echo ls2.exe %* --color > lsNew.bat
mv ls.exe ls2.exe
mv lsNew.bat ls.bat
So now, whenever you type in ls from CMD, you actually are calling ls.bat, which in turn calls ls2.exe --color, the original ls command with the --color flag, along with the rest of the arguments, which are nicely passed through %*.
I had the same problem, but I was using ConEmu to run my console. I had to go into settings and change the settings from this :
set CHERE_INVOKING=1 & %ConEmuDrive%\Programs\Cygwin\bin\sh.exe --login -i -new_console:C:"%ConEmuDrive%\Programs\Cygwin\Cygwin.ico"
to this:
set HOME= & set CHERE_INVOKING=1 &
%ConEmuDrive%\Programs\Cygwin\bin\bash.exe --login -i
Then it would work correctly.
It works as explained from cygwin:
Create a file ".profile" in your windows home dir. This will load every time when you start cygwin.
You can edit the file with your alias or you can source the .bashrc.
If you'll source, insert "source .bashrc" and save .bashrc also in your windows home dir.
Now you can start editing the .bashrc.
This is working for me On windows 10 with Cygwin64. Don't worry "kubectl" is just the program that I want to run when I type "k". restart Cygwin terminal after the change.
Smith#NB-Smith-3 ~ echo "alias k=C:/Users/Smith/kube/kubectl" >> $HOME/.bash_profile
changes this file
I had same problem is why the path not is correct, the path correct is: D:\C++\cygwin\home\USER_WINDOWS.bash_profile

Create and execute a shell script in Linux home directory

I would like to create (and execute) a shell script in my home directory (/home/user).
Have tried the following:
printf "cd /mypath\n" >
chmod +x
where am I going wrong?
(am trying to set up a shortcut to navigate to a different directory)
What is exactly wrong here? That you are still in /home/user after the script executes? Well thats because executing the script creates a child shell that returns to the parent shell once the script ends. Therefore your cd has NO EFFECT in your current shell.
If you want to execute the script in the current shell (as opposed to in a subshell), use the source (or .) command:
This should then change the directory as expected.
In addition, sourcing also allows you to set and change environment variables in the current shell--a very frequent question in its own right :-)
That won't work because of what the other answer says. The script operates in a child shell.
For a shortcut like that, you could set up an alias, edit the .bashrc file in your home directory and add a line like
alias shortcut='cd /mypath'
Substitute "shortcut" for whatever you want to name it, and mypath to the path you want.
Restart the shell (close terminal and reopen or w/e) and that should work just as you want.
Then you can use "shortcut" anywhere you want in the shell.
