Create and execute a shell script in Linux home directory - linux

I would like to create (and execute) a shell script in my home directory (/home/user).
Have tried the following:
printf "cd /mypath\n" >
chmod +x
where am I going wrong?
(am trying to set up a shortcut to navigate to a different directory)

What is exactly wrong here? That you are still in /home/user after the script executes? Well thats because executing the script creates a child shell that returns to the parent shell once the script ends. Therefore your cd has NO EFFECT in your current shell.

If you want to execute the script in the current shell (as opposed to in a subshell), use the source (or .) command:
This should then change the directory as expected.
In addition, sourcing also allows you to set and change environment variables in the current shell--a very frequent question in its own right :-)

That won't work because of what the other answer says. The script operates in a child shell.
For a shortcut like that, you could set up an alias, edit the .bashrc file in your home directory and add a line like
alias shortcut='cd /mypath'
Substitute "shortcut" for whatever you want to name it, and mypath to the path you want.
Restart the shell (close terminal and reopen or w/e) and that should work just as you want.
Then you can use "shortcut" anywhere you want in the shell.


how do you change into another directory in a shell script [duplicate]

I'm trying to write a small script to change the current directory to my project directory:
cd /home/tree/projects/java
I saved this file as proj, added execute permission with chmod, and copied it to /usr/bin. When I call it by:
proj, it does nothing. What am I doing wrong?
Shell scripts are run inside a subshell, and each subshell has its own concept of what the current directory is. The cd succeeds, but as soon as the subshell exits, you're back in the interactive shell and nothing ever changed there.
One way to get around this is to use an alias instead:
alias proj="cd /home/tree/projects/java"
You're doing nothing wrong! You've changed the directory, but only within the subshell that runs the script.
You can run the script in your current process with the "dot" command:
. proj
But I'd prefer Greg's suggestion to use an alias in this simple case.
The cd in your script technically worked as it changed the directory of the shell that ran the script, but that was a separate process forked from your interactive shell.
A Posix-compatible way to solve this problem is to define a shell procedure rather than a shell-invoked command script.
jhome () {
cd /home/tree/projects/java
You can just type this in or put it in one of the various shell startup files.
The cd is done within the script's shell. When the script ends, that shell exits, and then you are left in the directory you were. "Source" the script, don't run it. Instead of:
. ./
(Notice the dot and space before the script name.)
To make a bash script that will cd to a select directory :
Create the script file
# file : /scripts/cdjava
cd /home/askgelal/projects/java
Then create an alias in your startup file.
# file /scripts/
alias cdjava='. /scripts/cdjava'
I created a startup file where I dump all my aliases and custom functions.
Then I source this file into my .bashrc to have it set on each boot.
For example, create a master aliases/functions file: /scripts/
(Put the alias in this file.)
Then at the end of your .bashrc file:
source /scripts/
Now its easy to cd to your java directory, just type cdjava and you are there.
You can use . to execute a script in the current shell environment:
. script_name
or alternatively, its more readable but shell specific alias source:
source script_name
This avoids the subshell, and allows any variables or builtins (including cd) to affect the current shell instead.
Jeremy Ruten's idea of using a symlink triggered a thought that hasn't crossed any other answer. Use:
The leading colon is important; it means that if there is a directory 'dir' in the current directory, then 'cd dir' will change to that, rather than hopping off somewhere else. With the value set as shown, you can do:
cd java
and, if there is no sub-directory called java in the current directory, then it will take you directly to $HOME/projects/java - no aliases, no scripts, no dubious execs or dot commands.
My $HOME is /Users/jleffler; my $CDPATH is:
Use exec bash at the end
A bash script operates on its current environment or on that of its
children, but never on its parent environment.
However, this question often gets asked because one wants to be left at a (new) bash prompt in a certain directory after execution of a bash script from within another directory.
If this is the case, simply execute a child bash instance at the end of the script:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd /home/tree/projects/java
echo -e '\nHit [Ctrl]+[D] to exit this child shell.'
exec bash
To return to the previous, parental bash instance, use Ctrl+D.
At least with newer versions of bash, the exec on the last line is no longer required. Furthermore, the script could be made to work with whatever preferred shell by using the $SHELL environment variable. This then gives:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd desired/directory
echo -e '\nHit [Ctrl]+[D] to exit this child shell.'
I got my code to work by using. <your file name>
./<your file name> dose not work because it doesn't change your directory in the terminal it just changes the directory specific to that script.
Here is my program
echo "Taking you to eclipse's workspace."
cd /Developer/Java/workspace
Here is my terminal
nova:~ Kael$
nova:~ Kael$ .
Taking you to eclipe's workspace.
nova:workspace Kael$
simply run:
cd /home/xxx/yyy && command_you_want
When you fire a shell script, it runs a new instance of that shell (/bin/bash). Thus, your script just fires up a shell, changes the directory and exits. Put another way, cd (and other such commands) within a shell script do not affect nor have access to the shell from which they were launched.
You can do following:
cd /your/project/directory
# start another shell and replacing the current
exec /bin/bash
EDIT: This could be 'dotted' as well, to prevent creation of subsequent shells.
. ./previous_script (with or without the first line)
On my particular case i needed too many times to change for the same directory.
So on my .bashrc (I use ubuntu) i've added the
1 -
$ nano ~./bashrc
function switchp
cd /home/tree/projects/$1
$ source ~/.bashrc
3 -
$ switchp java
Directly it will do: cd /home/tree/projects/java
Hope that helps!
It only changes the directory for the script itself, while your current directory stays the same.
You might want to use a symbolic link instead. It allows you to make a "shortcut" to a file or directory, so you'd only have to type something like cd my-project.
You can combine Adam & Greg's alias and dot approaches to make something that can be more dynamic—
alias project=". project"
Now running the project alias will execute the project script in the current shell as opposed to the subshell.
You can combine an alias and a script,
alias proj="cd \`/usr/bin/proj !*\`"
provided that the script echos the destination path. Note that those are backticks surrounding the script name.
For example, your script could be
echo /home/askgelal/projects/java/$1
The advantage with this technique is that the script could take any number of command line parameters and emit different destinations calculated by possibly complex logic.
to navigate directories quicky, there's $CDPATH, cdargs, and ways to generate aliases automatically
In your ~/.bash_profile file. add the next function
move_me() {
cd ~/path/to/dest
Restart terminal and you can type
and you will be moved to the destination folder.
You can use the operator && :
cd myDirectory && ls
While sourcing the script you want to run is one solution, you should be aware that this script then can directly modify the environment of your current shell. Also it is not possible to pass arguments anymore.
Another way to do, is to implement your script as a function in bash.
function cdbm() {
cd whereever_you_want_to_go
echo "Arguments to the functions were $1, $2, ..."
This technique is used by autojump: to provide you with learning shell directory bookmarks.
You can create a function like below in your .bash_profile and it will work smoothly.
The following function takes an optional parameter which is a project.
For example, you can just run
cdproj project_name
Here is the function definition.
if [ "$1" ]; then
cd "${dir}/${1}"
cd "${dir}"
Dont forget to source your .bash_profile
This should do what you want. Change to the directory of interest (from within the script), and then spawn a new bash shell.
# saved as
cd ~/mt/v3/rt_linux-rt-tools/
If you run this, it will take you to the directory of interest and when you exit it it will bring you back to the original place.
root#intel-corei7-64:~# ./
root#intel-corei7-64:~/mt/v3/rt_linux-rt-tools# exit
This will even take you to back to your original directory when you exit (CTRL+d)
I did the following:
create a file called case
paste the following in the file:
cd /home/"$1"
save it and then:
chmod +x case
I also created an alias in my .bashrc:
alias disk='cd /home/; . case'
now when I type:
case 12345
essentially I am typing:
cd /home/12345
You can type any folder after 'case':
case 12
case 15
case 17
which is like typing:
cd /home/12
cd /home/15
cd /home/17
In my case the path is much longer - these guys summed it up with the ~ info earlier.
As explained on the other answers, you have changed the directory, but only within the sub-shell that runs the script. this does not impact the parent shell.
One solution is to use bash functions instead of a bash script (sh); by placing your bash script code into a function. That makes the function available as a command and then, this will be executed without a child process and thus any cd command will impact the caller shell.
Bash functions :
One feature of the bash profile is to store custom functions that can be run in the terminal or in bash scripts the same way you run application/commands this also could be used as a shortcut for long commands.
To make your function efficient system widely you will need to copy your function at the end of several files
You can sudo kwrite /home/user/.bashrc /home/user/.bash_profile /root/.bashrc /root/.bash_profile to edit/create those files quickly
Howto :
Copy your bash script code inside a new function at the end of your bash's profile file and restart your terminal, you can then run cdd or whatever the function you wrote.
Script Example
Making shortcut to cd .. with cdd
cdd() {
cd ..
ls shortcut
ll() {
ls -l -h
ls shortcut
lll() {
ls -l -h -a
If you are using fish as your shell, the best solution is to create a function. As an example, given the original question, you could copy the 4 lines below and paste them into your fish command line:
function proj
cd /home/tree/projects/java
funcsave proj
This will create the function and save it for use later. If your project changes, just repeat the process using the new path.
If you prefer, you can manually add the function file by doing the following:
nano ~/.config/fish/functions/
and enter the text:
function proj
cd /home/tree/projects/java
and finally press ctrl+x to exit and y followed by return to save your changes.
(NOTE: the first method of using funcsave creates the file for you).
You need no script, only set the correct option and create an environment variable.
shopt -s cdable_vars
in your ~/.bashrc allows to cd to the content of environment variables.
Create such an environment variable:
export myjava="/home/tree/projects/java"
and you can use:
cd myjava
Other alternatives.
Note the discussion How do I set the working directory of the parent process?
It contains some hackish answers, e.g. (changing the parent process directory via gdb, don't do this) and (the command tailcd that injects cd dirname to the input stream of the parent process; well, ideally it should be a part of bash rather than a hack)
It is an old question, but I am really surprised I don't see this trick here
Instead of using cd you can use
export PWD=the/path/you/want
No need to create subshells or use aliases.
Note that it is your responsibility to make sure the/path/you/want exists.
I have to work in tcsh, and I know this is not an elegant solution, but for example, if I had to change folders to a path where one word is different, the whole thing can be done in the alias
a alias_name 'set a = `pwd`; set b = `echo $a | replace "Trees" "Tests"` ; cd $b'
If the path is always fixed, the just
a alias_name2 'cd path/you/always/need'
should work
In the line above, the new folder path is set
This combines the answer by Serge with an unrelated answer by David. It changes the directory, and then instead of forcing a bash shell, it launches the user's default shell. It however requires both getent and /etc/passwd to detect the default shell.
#!/usr/bin/env bash
cd desired/directory
USER_SHELL=$(getent passwd <USER> | cut -d : -f 7)
Of course this still has the same deficiency of creating a nested shell.

How to open a specific directory by default on start up of Command line?

When I start up command line, I want a specific directory to be opened by default without me having to type a long path.
every time I open a terminal I want to be in directory ~/Desktop/foo/bar, so I want the following to happen
-> "terminal opens"
-> <yourPath>/Desktop/foo/bar
You can put this line at the end of your ~/.bashrc file (or equivalent if you're using a different shell than bash):
cd <yourPath>/Desktop/foo/bar
Just add a command to the end of your .bashrc
cd /path/to/dir
If it's Ubuntu terminal you can edit your profile, tick run a custom command instead of my shell and make it:
sh -c 'cd ~/Documents; exec "${SHELL:-sh}"'
What you might also consider if you want to move through directories quickly as bookmarks (almost), check out zsh which has a plugin called warp directory or if you don't want to make the leap to zsh, warp-drive fork.

How to execute a bash script without calling its path?

I have the file in my-directory folder.
How to run this script with the command `script' from the terminal with no regards to the location I am in the terminal?
You can do so by exporting the path where your script in the PATH environment variable, so that you don't ever have to worry about what your actual script's location is, i.e. if your script is present under say /path/to/dir, do
export PATH=$PATH:/path/to/dir
so that your script's path gets appended to an already existing set if paths under PATH, also remember if you run the above from the command-line, it is not permanent and gets lost soon after the session is terminated. To make it permanent add the same line in .bashrc (or) .bash_profile, depending upon your environment.
Or creating a symbolic link from /usr/bin that is what you intent to do you can do something like ln -s /full/path/to/ /usr/bin/myscript and then run as just myscript directly from command line. You can also confirm if is properly added by checking the script's location by which command,
$ which myscript
Say your directory is /home/Cristian/my-directory then you can make that part of PATH environment variable like export PATH=$PATH:/home/Cristian/my-directory and then you will be able to call it by typing and not script. If you want it to be called as script then you should name it script and rename the extension.
The export command will make the directory in question part of PATH temporarily. To make it permanent you may want it to part of .bashrc or other shell rc file if you are in other shells.

Execute bash and sh file on Mac without writing extension

I have a .sh file and I want to execute it from shell without writing the extension.
What I did:
I created a directory and added it to $PATH
I gave to the chmod 711
and the file contain #!/bin/sh (I tried also bash).
However when I try to execute myscript without sh I get command not found
while if I try with I get the right result.
How could I do?
I read also: How to run a shell script on a Unix console or Mac terminal? and executing shell script without calling sh implicitly but no solution
Result of ls -l
ls -l /Users/Mitro/scripts
total 8
-rwx--x--x 1 Mitro staff 22 Nov 26 10:25
echo $PATH
Two problems...
Firstly, file is already an executable program in /usr/bin that tells you the type of a file - i.e. whether it is an image, or a song or a database. Quick example:
file a.png
a.png: PNG image data, 1 x 1, 1-bit colormap, non-interlaced
So, file is a bad name for a shell script - likewise is test.
Secondly, if you want to execute a script or program in your current directory, also known as dot (.), you either need to have dot in your PATH, or you need to explicitly tell your shell that the file you want to run is in the current directory. The easier option is the second, which means if your script is called fred, you run it with
which tells the shell it is in your current directory.
The longer option, if you want to always be able to run scripts in the current directory, is to add dot to your PATH. So, you locate your login script (probably $HOME/.profile) and you find the line that sets your PATH and you add the current directory to it.
export PATH=$PATH:.
Once you have set that, you are best off logging out and back in to have it take effect.
Some folks disapprove of the idea of adding dot to their PATH - I don't. YMMV.
You can add alias. If you have /some/path/to/, do:
alias my_script='/some/path/to/'
Now when you enter my_script, your script would be executed.
For mac the profile file is ~/.bash_profile as opposed to ~/.profile which did not work.

Add a command for bash script to terminal

I have file in my android-studio/bin folder, which I would like to use as a command in bash (like launching any other normal application).
I read somewhere that adding this line to ~/.profile should work,
export PATH=$PATH:/home/goel/android-studio/bin
But it doesn't work. Whats the correct process?
Add the script folder name to PATH environment variable in ~/bash.rc file
and you can also create alias for you script in ~/bash.rc
and source the /etc/bash.bashrc file, now you can issue your script or alias name in any terminal. Hope this helps.
If you change your PATH in a .profile, you still have to make the shell read the .profile. Starting a new terminal is sometimes not enough (some terminals don't read the .profile), in which case you have to log out and back in.
Is executable? Have you tried ./ inside its containing folder to check whether it runs at all?
