GWT security: web.xml filter vs overriding processPost() in RemoteServiceServlet - security

I have a GWT application that resides within a single web page, which I believe is fairly typical. I am in the process of securing it, and I need advice on choosing a proper approach. My ultimate intention is to check for presence of authenticated session on every gwtrpc server call.
In the past when dealing with servlet/JSP-based web application, I used filter and filter-mapping definitions in web.xml. And that worked like a charm considering that such applications usually consisted of many web pages, and redirection to a login page went right along with it. But in case of GWT and its often-used single screen nature, I feel that overriding RemoteServiceServlet's processPost() function may be a better approach. My intention would be to check for presence of an existing session, and then throw an appropriate exception if needed. The client would then react accordingly (i.e. login popup, etc) by determining the course of action based on whatever exception is thrown back to it.
I am aware of other existing solutions such as Spring security, but I would really like to hear opinions on my idea. Thank you.

I don't think that you should check for an authenticated session yourself. Let the application container deal with that. Of course, in order to do that, you will need a login-config section and security constraints in your web.xml file.
A good way to secure specific parts of your application is to check (prior to the actual display of the screen) if the current user is allowed to. From your remote servlet you can call getThreadLocalRequest().getUserPrincipal() to get the actual user (null if not authenticated) and getThreadLocalRequest().isUserInRole("admin") to make the autorization.
Hope this is helpful for you !


Launching Custom Applications from the browser

I have been looking around SO and other on-line resources but cant seem to locate how this is done. I was wondering how things like magnet links worked on torrent website. They automatically open up and application and pass the appropriate params. I was wondering how could I create one to send a custom program params from the net?
I wouldn't say this is an answer, but it is actually too long for a comment to fit.
Apps tend to register as authorities that can open a specific scheme. I don't know how it's done in desktop apps (especially because depending on each OS, it will vary), but on Android you can catch schemes or base urls by Intent Filters.
The way it works (and I'm pretty sure the functionality is cross-OS) is:
Your app tells the system it can "read" a specific scheme or base url (it could be magnet:// or even
When you try to open a URI (Uniform resource identifier, a supergroup that can contain URLs), the system searches for any application that was registered for that kind of URI. I guess it runs from more specific and complete formats to the base. So for instance, this tweet: may be traced in this order: Oh, no registrar? Moving on Nothing yet? Ok Nnnnnnope? Anybody? Ah, you, Totally random name for a Twitter Client know how to handle these links? Then it's yours
This random twitter client gets the full URI and does something accordingly.
As you see, nobody had a chance to track https://, since another application caught the URI before them. In this case, nobody could be your browsers.
It also defines, somehow, a default value. This is the true key why browsers tend to battle to be your default browser of choice. This just tells you they want to be the default applications that catch http://, https:// and probably some more.
The true wonder here is that, as long as there's an app that catches a scheme, you can set the one you want. For instance, it's a common practice that apps from the same developer contain the same schemes, in case the developer wants to share tasks between them. This ensures the user will have to use a group of apps. So, one app can just offer data such as:
While another app is registered to get links that start with
So, if you want to make your own schemes, it's ok, as long as they don't collide with other's. And if you want to read other's schemes, well, that's up to you to search for that. See? This is not a real answer, but I hope it removes almost all doubt.

Looking for a complete sample using xAgents to pick apart and use in my application

I am very new to xPages and have been reading about xAgents. I need to write one but am a bit puzzled how to begin. Things like how to call it once it's written. Where do I put the code, can I use library code, java code. . .
Does anyone have a complete sample I could see so I can get started with this? I have most of my code written in an xPage but for security reasons need to put it into an xAgent with sessionAsSigner to access other data.
Your first stop would be the original article that coined the term XAgent (also check the links at the end of the article). Depending on your output the XMl Helper class might be useful too.
Update/Clarification: An XAgent is a front-end programming technique, not a back-end tool. XAgents get called from browsers (or other devices using HTTP(s)) and need thus be accessible to end-users (ACL applies of course). For functionality your program is calling you use beans and/or SSJS libraries
But taking one step back:
An XAgent is first and foremost an XPage. So all rules for XPages apply:
You call it via an URL, there is no scheduling or event facility. An XAgent is a replacement for the ?OpenAgent URL command, not for the other agent use cases
The XAgent is always accessible from the outside, that is its sole purpose, not a device for back-end calls
since your access to an XAgent is via URL, it isn't an approach for security, security is done using ACL, Readers and Authors. Be careful with using sessionAsSigner, if that is your default you need to revisit your access control ideas
Since you render all of the XAgent output yourself a typical use case is to obtain the XPages outputstream only and hand this into a function call of a Java (managed) bean
What you might want to look at (again: revisit your security model) is to run an agent from an XPage (comes with a performance penalty) or simply have a managed bean for your sensitive parts
Using sessionAsSigner in a xAgent could cause a serious security issue. When an anonymous user knows the url of your xagent he can use it to retrieve data from users who are not allowed to do so.
The xAgent is retrieving the data, displaying the data in json or xml structure of some sort ( probably ) and your calling website is then parsing this data. Because of this a user who knows the url of your xagent can use this agent to retrieve data he is not allowed to see. (what If I wrote a php script which calls your agent a couple 100 times to with different parameters? )
I think the best approach would be to have a simple onclick method bound to a button or maybe an onchange which does a partial refresh on a panel where you display the result of the verification.

Why doesn't unlockedActions override requireAuth in CakePHP?

In my Cake 2.3 app, I have an action that's called via ajax. Since I'm using the Security component, I had to use $this->Security->unlockedActions, otherwise the action would fail.
However, unlockActions doesn't work when $this->Security->requireAuth() is called. Is this a bug? Do I have a misunderstanding of how CakePHP handles security?
Why doesn't unlockActions override requireAuth?
SecurityComponent::requireAuth() adds that action to an array of required actions, stored in SecurityComponent::$requireAuth.
If you take a look at the Security Component's startup code, you'll find that SecurityComponent::_authRequired(), the method that checks the $requireAuth array, is called before the unlocked actions are even checked. I imagine if you require an action to be authorized, that should take precedence over telling the app that it doesn't.
I would still consider this a bug (or incorrectly documented), as it clearly states in the documentation:
There may be cases where you want to disable all security checks for
an action (ex. ajax request). You may "unlock" these actions by
listing them in $this->Security->unlockedActions in your beforeFilter.
This is a new feature so it might be good to open up a ticket explaining the confusion and see what the core team thinks about it.
I should also note here that disabling the Security Component for ajax requests isn't always necessary. I have several apps that successfully use the Security Component, along with CSRF checks, side-by-side with ajax.
Authentication is very different from security.
Security protects against several ways to hack into your website, while the auth components handles the clearance of your users. When a member is updating his profile, I do want to verify that it is a logged in member (authentication), but i might not want to use the security component for the action he is calling.


I would like to set a particular page (one that does not require a user to sign in to use) to have a STATE_SAVING_METHOD of client rather than server while the rest of the pages use server. Is there a way to set it on a per-page basis?
I would like to do this to get around the dreaded ViewExpiredException.
There is no way. This is however been requested as new feature. See also JSF spec issue 1056.
To solve the particular ViewExpiredException issue, you need to look for alternative ways. You can just ask a new question here about specifically the issue you have. There are always ways to go around it.
The state saving method is set once in web.xml and is there for the whole app. If you don't want that particular view to expire you could do an ajax poll that "pings" the page in a specific interval of time and thus avoiding view expired exception. Kinda workaround but this is the way with stateful frameworks.

How to secure Silverlight app with Login screen/custom form

I'm sure there must be a simple answer for this but I can't figure it out -
I have a Silverlight 4 OOB application that requires a login screen/security. The View shows a LoginView (Username/pw) which then passes the details to a WCF service and checks it against a database. It will return a result to the client to say if their details were valid or not. This part works fine.
Where I need some guidance is the best way of storing the fact that the user is logged on/authenticated for the current Silverlight session.
It's OOB so we can't use any web cookies/session stuff as far as I know. I assume we have to store some sort of Identity in the thread but I need some pointers please.
The other caveat is that I would like to secure all other pages to check if the user is authenticated and redirect to the login screen if not. I use the Navigation framework so I have a Frame - this may make it easier...
Any tips or pointers appreciated - I just need some ideas to get started please.
Just store the fact that the user is authenticated anywhere you like - I tend to like the Application object since it's an app-wide setting, but you can stick your "IsAuthenticaed" and/or "Roles" properties anywhere, really.
Take a look at WCF RIA Services - even if you don't want to use their solution, you can take a look at the generated authentication code it makes and see a good real-world example of how this can all work.
As for redirecting if the user is not logged in, I suggest using an INavigationContentLoader on your Frame, which can implement this logic in a central location. See these two excellent posts by David Poll on the subject of INavigationContentLoader and authentication/authorization:
