How to bring some difinite items (symbols) based on the chosen item - excel

I am wondering if it is possible when I choose some item from let's say drop down menu in one place , on some other place to appear just some definite items that are preliminary identified to be related to this item. As an example, if you have a company structure- See below the picture- Subsidiary 1( Sub1) has just one Subsidiary with a code Sub1Sub1, so I will be expecting under the required place to appear (which might be in different worksheet ) just Su1Sub1, if I choose Sub2 from the main menu, I will be expecting in this place to get Sub1Sub2 and Sub2 (two different rows) , etc. Initially I was thinking to do this with multiple vlookup formula with syntaxis (iferror(index(.....),small(..)), but in this case we don't have values to bring, we have a combination of symbols (Sub1sub2) etc.. It can be done with multiple if(if(if( etc, but imagine we have many companies so it would be difficult with if(if)s..Please advise.

Use a list box element to select from your master entities.
Use the Change event of this list box to preload a second listbox for the child entities via VBA
The same can be done with the data validation items if you prefer in cell dropdowns. Then you use the worksheet_change event and check if the cell containing the master entity has changed, and if so you reload the correct set of child entities into the data validation list of the child selection field.


How do I use a power apps form for a lookup column?

I have a SharePoint List (say "List-A") with plenty of columns, some of which are lookup columns.
These are just used to construct a choice columns, where the items in the choice drop down are the items of a column in a different List ("List-B").
I have used the function on SharePoint to integrate List-A with Power Apps Form. This creates a Power Apps form that is readily available.
For the Lookup choice columns, I have added List-B as the data source, and am using the items from the correct column as items in the choice that is linked to the lookup column. This correctly populates the drop down menu as expected.
Now when I publish this form and fill it from sharepoint (it pops up as it should hafter clicking New in the List view) I can fill the entire form and submit with no issue. However all the lookup columns remain blank, as if the form returned a null value instead of the selected.
I have both datasources set up:
The update property of the datacard connecting to the SharePoint List is equal to the Selected of the datacard containing the combobox (combobox is called DataCardValue43).
The items property of the combobox is equal to the correct column of List-B.
As an alternative solution, I have attempted to make a different column that is just one line of text. For this column, I have made a combobox once again setting the items property to the column in List-B. The intention was to return the selected value as a string. It was attempted thus:
where combobox1 once again manages to give the correct options in the drop down box but returns only Null.
To study it further, I have made a power apps flow that takes Create New Sharepoint List object as input. Here I see that the values are indeed Null
The one called "Return" is the text column that I made, and the other being the lookup column. I do notice that the Lookup column isn't called Value, but id. I don't know what to do with that information though.
I really just want to have a column in my power apps form that lets you choose and the choices are values from a column in a different List. What do I do, and why doesn't what I've already done work?
Thank you.
Please follow the steps below to solve the issue.
1: Add a Lookup column in SharePoint List.
2: Open that list in Power Apps by using the Customise Forms Option From SharePoint.
3: The Item property of Lookup field will be by default as follow:
4: There is no need to change/delete the lookup field with any custom dropdown or combo box. This is the point, where you are doing mistake by adding a custom combobox and replacing the original Lookup dropdown. If you want to change datasource, apply filter or sort the data, you can do all these thing to the same original lookup column.
e.g I have applied filter and sort functions to the existing data:
Sort(Filter(Choices([#'CustomisingSharePointList'].'LookupColumnListName'), Value in Filter(LookupColumnListDataSoure,Progress.Value = "Open").ID),Id)
5: When you will publish the list, it will work fine.
CustomisingSharePointList: List in which we have added a lookup column.
LookupColumnListName: List to which the lookup column actually belongs to.
LookupColumnListDataSoure: You need to add the original list as data source in power apps to use the above filter. This step is optional and applicable only if you apply filter like I did in step 4

How to create a view using a count of certain field

I am trying to create a categorized view of all Notes documents that have a field with exact same value, i.e. there is a field for Contractor Name and I want to create a view that lists each Contractor and the documents that relevant to each. How do I do this? I have tried view formulas like the following but no success as yet
SELECT #IsAvailable(Contractorid) & #Count(Contractorid) > 1
SELECT #Count(#IsAvailable(Contractorid)) >1
Nsf databases are no relational databases. The count of different documents with a unique value in a specific field cannot be used to build a view selection formula.
You could write an agent, that runs through all documents and counts them and puts all with count > 1 in a folder, but this is quite a lot of LotusScript code and needs some advanced knowledge.
The other possibilit would be to categorize the view by ContractorId and add one column before that categorized column: simply use 1 as column formula and select "display totals" in the column properties as well as "hide details".
Then at least you have the information, how much documents are in each category, but unfortunately you cannot filter by it and you cannot sort by this column.
A third possibility would be to use an xpage interface, but that is even more work to do and a completely different story developmentwise.
This is similar to view to identify duplicates. My approach is to use folder.
Make a new folder with design of your view. Instead of (not working) selection formula use short LS code as an action, or QueryOpen event (make sure only one user runs the script).
The code should cooperate with another (hidden) view sorted by Contractorid. Make a ViewNavigator for that view and traverse through it with simple logic - if previous entry has the same Contractorid as the current one, put both documents into folder**. That way you will get list of all documents with duplicate Contractorid. Make sure to wipe all the current content from the folder at the start.
** This can be optimized further by slightly more complicated algorithm to handle first duplicate diferently - for more than two duplicates this algorithm makes extra calls of PutInFolder method.

Excel Pivot Table on Analysis Services - Element Name Ordering

If you connect an Excel pivot table to anlysis services, the Dimension in the field list show all their available attributes (that then can be pulled into the pivot). Our client wants these attribute names to appear in the selection list in a predefined ordering (not alphabetical). How can this be achieved ?
The short answer is: You cannot.
But what you can do is using display folders: For each attribute, you can define the "AttributeHierarchyDisplayFolder" hierarchy, for user hierarchies, the property is just called "DisplayFolder": You can enter any text for this property. Then, Excel displays the attributes/hierarchies within folders as configured. The folders are sorted alphabetically within the dimension, and the attributes/hierarchies are sorted alphabetically within the folders again. But by defining appropriate folder names, you can influence the display order at least partly.

infopath: create a multiple selection tree manually

I was hoping that you could answer a query I have with Microsoft INFOPATH.
How could I design a multiple selection list , where each entry has subsequent multiple options and each one among those multiple options further leads to some more.
To put it in a more simple manner, it will have the features of a tree structure.
Also the selected entries (parent along with their child and their child shall be concatenated in a numbered list).I will also like to add that there are no interaction with database or sharepoint lists- I want to have the data manually fed.
Example - Suppose there are 10 countries in a list. On selection of any one, all the states/districts on it populates. Further on selection of any state,the cities inside it populates. At the end those are all listed in a numbered list somewhere.
Could this be done?
There are several ways this could be accomplished, I don't know the scope of what you need to do, but you could do it with conditional rules.
ddl "Country" (France, U.K., Germany, Italy, Spain)
You would have an additional ddl for each possible choice for country that is hidden through a rule, have it hidden unless it matches the value of "Country". So say you want to show cities in France, if the Country of France is selected you would have an additional rule on it that looks something like this...
if "Country" does not equal "France" hide+disable this control.
ddl "FranceCities" (Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse)
ddl "UKCities" (London, Bath, Birmingham, Lichfield)
Additionally it would be important to do testing and find out how it behaves if you select a street for "France" but realize you meant to select "Germany".
Hope that helps!
(Once again, I don't know the scope of what you need to do, so the best method for you could be something different.)

Sharepoint LookUp field on Choice field?

How to create a lookup field for the Choice field..For eg: In a list i have Choice field and i have to create an lookup column in other list pointing to this choice field ..When i select this list this column is not appearing in the dropdown...Please let me know if there is any Limitation for that
It is not possible to create a lookup field for a choice (dropdown) field. There are two ways to resolve your problem: The programmatic approach and the workaround.
The programmatic approach involves an creating event receiver to do the magic - pretty work intensive. But there is an explanation here:
Sharepoint 2010 - How to use List Events to Set a Column's Value using Visual Studio 2010 (C#)
You can also just create another list, containing your choice field values and use a calculated field as a source for your lookup column. Check out the following explanation:
Using a lookup field on a choice field workaround
the programmatical Solution is at risk to run into an endless recursion:
The ItemAdded Event and UpdatedEvents are asynchrone. This means, that the command: this.EventFireingEnabled = false is not threadsafe. After systemUpdate you set EventFireingEnabled to true.
But because the ItemUpdated is asynchronus, you cannot guarantee, that the ItemUpdated for your system.update has already been called at this time!.
You can use calculated column is source list, that will display value of Choice column. Then you can add lookup column for this calculated field. It will work only for Choice column with single selection. For multiple selection you can use 3rd party components like that:
It works out of the box for me... but the lookup option is is only available if you go to "List Settings" and click on "Create Column"
here is how I configured my column on sharepoint online (in 2019) and it works perfectly... this is copy and pasted from the list settings screen under this column...
Column name: Equipment List
The type of information in this column is: Lookup
Get information from: Equipment Master List
In this column: "Equipment Name" (dropdown selector of all the column names on the other list)
Allow multiple values (to be selected) [TICKED]
there are some notes lower down too..
A lookup column establishes a relationship between list items in this list and related items in the target list. Specify the relationship behavior enforced by this lookup column when a list item in the target list is deleted.
When an item in the target list is deleted, cascade delete will delete all related items in this list. Restrict delete will prevent the deletion of an item in the target list if it has one or more related items in this list.
Enforce relationship behavior [CHECKBOX]
radio buttions:
Restrict delete
Cascade delete
