Adobe Dreamweaver Copying code with color/style/formating etc - dreamweaver

Is there a way to copy the code with color/style/formating etc from a Adobe Dreamweaver into Microsoft Word document. Like Visual Studio, Eclipse, Notepad++ with NppExport plugin. For example:

I use to print the source code into pdf and then copy to word document (not a solution, but a workaround to show code highlighting in word)


Fix code c++ code highlighting in sublime

I would like to copy the C++ code highlighting from sublime into a word document.
I installed the package
I have the following text:
When I ask to view as RTF
I get:
Where the highlighting is no longer consistent. Is there any way to fix this?
Additionally, is it possible to copy the native syntax (first image) into rtf?
Best Regards
From the readme of the SublimeHighlight package you are using (emphasis mine):
This SublimeText2 package allows to highlight & export currently edited code to HTML or RTF using Pygments.
So this package will not help to have syntax highlighting like ST.
Sublime Text has included a command to copy the selected text as HTML since build 4092 (November 2020). (Edit menu -> Copy as HTML)
If you really need Rich Text Format instead, you could potentially look for a HTML -> RTF converter, but if you just want formatted text to paste into another application, then this does the job - I just pasted it into LibreOffice Writer for example, and it matched the ST highlighting exactly, as expected.

How to set Visual Studio to view VBA files as pure text?

I have a project which is partly written in C#/C++ and partly in Excel/VBA. I use an Excel add-in which exports all VBA code from the Excel file when I saving.
This way I can use git to store all my source code for the project in a repo.
When I open the VBA files using Team Explorer and inspect changes, all source files ending with .bas, .frm and .cls are automatically interpreted as Visual Basic .NET.
As VBA and Visual Basic are not compatible all the way, Visual Studio shows errors and suggestions for the VBA code.
How do I turn that completely off? I.e view it as pure text. Or is there any way to add VBA language editor to Visual Studio?

Open Excel file inside Visual Studio

I need to open an Excel file for editing included in a Visual Basic project
I'm able to open it using Excel application. The file is opened in an external Excel instance.
Is there an extension that allows to open Excel files inside Visual Studio as other documents?
Update: I'm searching something similar to Excel Viewer but I need an extension for Visual Studio (not Code) and I need an editor to modify the content of Excel files. I think that the extension has to do something similar to How to Integrate Excel in a Windows Form Application using the WebBrowser.
Maybe you could try to modify the Excel file as a csv file instead, depending on how complex you file is (if it contains formulas it will not work). I have tried using csv before and I did not notice much difference between csv and excel files when I was using it and csv could easily get data, but if you need formulas, you may have to compute them in your code before editing the file.
I believe you can just right click on the file and select Open With > Visual Studio. Or within Visual Studio go to the Menu Bar and select File > Open and seect the file. Hope this helps!

character illegible when opened in VS2012

I have several classic asp pages that I've received from a client. When I open them in a simple text editor they are easily readable, however when I open them in Visual Studio, they look like they are in Chinese and unreadable (by me anyway).
How do I change the character set or correct this?
Thank you.

Microsoft Open XML unsaved file

Is it possible, through VBA, to get the Open XML definition of the current, unsaved workbook (without saving it)?
For playing around with xml files in Excel I've been using the free tool Custom UI Editor for Microsoft Office. I've been using this to customise the ribbon in Excel. The tool looks very simple:
An example of a customization looks like this:
Pretty sure I downloaded the tool from here:
