How to guarantee sequentiality for forks in akka - multithreading

We're creating a chain of actors for every (small) incoming group of messages to guarantee their sequential processing and piping (groups are differentiating by common id). The problem is that our chain has forks, like A1 -> (A2 -> A3 | A4 -> A5) and we should guarantee no races between messages going through A2 -> A3 and A4 -> A5. The currrent legacy solution is to block A1 actor til current message is fully processed (in one of sub-chains):
def receive { //pseudocode
case x => ...
val f = A2orA4 ? msg
Await.complete(f, timeout)
As a result, count of threads in application is in direct ratio to the count of messages, that are in processing, no matter these messages are active or just asynchronously waiting for some response from outer service. It works about two years with fork-join (or any other dynamic) pool but of course can't work with fixed-pool and extremely decrease performance in case of high-load. More than that, it affects GC as every blocked fork-actor holds redundant previous message's state inside.
Even with backpressure it creates N times more threads than messages received (as there is N sequential forks in the flow), which is still bad as proceesing of one message takes a long time but not much CPU. So we should process as more messages as we have enough memory for. First solution I came up with - to linearize the chain like A1 -> A2 -> A3 -> A4 -> A5. Is there any better?

The simpler solution is to store a future for last received message into the actor's state and chain it with previous future:
def receive = process(Future{new Ack}) //completed future
def process(prevAck: Future[Ack]): Receive = { //pseudocode
case x => ...
context become process(prevAck.flatMap(_ => A2orA4 ? msg))
So it will create chain of futures without any blocking. The chain will be erased after futures completion (except the last one).


blockingForEach(), why apply function to blocked observables

I'm having trouble understanding the point of a blocking Observable, specifically blockingForEach()
What is the point in applying a function to an Observable that we will never see?? Below, I'm attempting to have my console output in the following order
this is the integer multiplied by two:2
this is the integer multiplied by two:4
this is the integer multiplied by two:6
Statement comes after multiplication
My current method prints the statement before the multiplication
fun rxTest(){
val observer1 = Observable.just(1,2,3).observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread())
val observer2 = { response -> response * 2 }
.subscribe{ it -> System.out.println("this is the integer multiplie by two:" + it) }
System.out.println("Statement comes after multiplication ")
Now I have my changed my method to include blockingForEach()
fun rxTest(){
val observer1 = Observable.just(1,2,3).observeOn(AndroidSchedulers.mainThread())
val observer2 = { response -> response * 2 }
.blockingForEach { it -> System.out.println("this is the integer multiplie by two:" + it) }
System.out.println("Statement comes after multiplication ")
1.)What happens to the transformed observables once no longer blocking? Wasnt that just unnecessary work since we never see those Observables??
2.)Why is my System.out("Statement...) appear before my observables when I'm subscribing?? Its like observable2 skips its blocking method, makes the System.out call and then resumes its subscription
It's not clear what you mean by your statement that you will "never see" values emitted by an observer chain. Each value that is emitted in the observer chain is seen by observers downstream from the point where they are emitted. At the point where you subscribe to the observer chain is the usual place where you perform a side effect, such as printing a value or storing it into a variable. Thus, the values are always seen.
In your examples, you are getting confused by how the schedulers work. When you use the observeOn() or subscribeOn() operators, you are telling the observer chain to emit values after the value is move on to a different thread. When you move data between threads, the destination thread has to be able to process the data. If your main code is running on the same thread, you can lock yourself out or you will re-order operations.
Normally, the use of blocking operations is strongly discouraged. Blocking operations can often be used when testing, because you have full control of the consequences. There are a couple of other situations where blocking may make sense. An example would be an application that requires access to a database or other resource; the application has no purpose without that resource, so it blocks until it becomes available or a timeout occurs, kicking it out.

Nested pipeline in Apache Beam

My Apache Beam pipeline takes an infinite stream of messages. Each message fans out N elements (N is ~1000 and is different for each input). Then for each element produced by the previous stage there is a map operation that produces new N elements, which should be reduced using a top 1 operation (elements are grouped by the original message that was read from the queue). The results of top 1 is saved to an external storage. In Spark I can easily do it by reading messages from the stream and creating RDD for each message that does map + reduce. Since Apache Beam does not have nested pipelines, I can't see a way implementing it in Beam with an infinite stream input. Example:
Infinite stream elements: A, B
Step 1 (fan out, N = 3): A -> A1, A2, A3
(N = 2): B -> B1, B2
Step 2 (map): A1, A2, A3 -> A1', A2', A3'
B1, B2, B3 -> B1', B2'
Step 3 (top1): A1', A2', A3' -> A2'
B1', B2' -> B3'
Output: A2', B2'
There is no dependency between A and B elements. A2' and B2' are top elements withing their group. The stream is infinite. The map operation can take from a couple of seconds to a couple of minutes. Creating a window watermark for the maximum time it takes to do the map operation would make the overall pipeline time much slower for fast map operations. Nested pipeline would help because this way I could create a pipeline per message.
It doesn't seem like you'd need a 'nested pipeline' for this. Let me show you what that looks like in the Beam Python SDK (it's similar for Java):
For example, try the dummy operation of appending a number, and an apostrophe to a string (e.g. "A"=>"A1'"), you'd do something like this:
def my_fn(value):
def _inner(elm):
return (elm, elm + str(value) + "'") # A KV-pair
return _inner
# my_stream has [A, B]
pcoll_1 = (my_stream
| beam.Map(my_fn(1)))
pcoll_2 = (my_stream
| beam.Map(my_fn(2)))
pcoll_3 = (my_stream
| beam.Map(my_fn(3)))
def top_1(elms):
... # Some operation
result = ((pcoll_1, pcoll_2, pcoll_3)
| beam.CoGroupByKey()
| beam.Map(top_1))
So here is the sort of working solution. I will most likely be editing it for any mistakes I may make in understanding the question. (P.s. the template code is in java). Assuming that input is your stream source
PCollection<Messages> msgs = input.apply(Window.<Messages>into(
// fire the moment you see an element
//optional since you have small window
This would allow you to read a stream of Messages which could either be a string or a HashMap or even a list. Observe that you are telling beam to fire a window for every element that it receives and you have set a maximum windowing of 1 second. You can change this if you want to fire every 10 messages and a window of a minute etc.
After that you would need to write 2 classes that extend DoFn primarily
PCollection<Element> top = msgs.apply(ParDo.of(new ExtractElements()))
.apply(ParDo.of(new TopElement()));
Where Element can be a String, an int, double, etc.
Finally, you would right each Element to storage with:
top.apply(ParDo.of(new ParsetoString()))
Therefore, you would have roughly 1 file for every message which may be a lot. But sadly you can not append to file. Unless you do a windowing where you group all the elements into one list and write to that.
Of course, there is the hacky way to do it without windowing, which I will explain if this use case does not seem to work out with you (or if you are curious)
Let me know if I missed anything! :)

Multithreading based on duplicated jOOλ streams

The code below represents a toy example of the problem I am trying to solve.
Imagine that we have an original stream of data originalStream and that the goal is to apply 2 very different data processing. As an example here, one data processing will multiply each element by 2 and sum the result (dataProcess1) and the other will multiply by 4 and sum the result (dataProcess2). Obviously the operation would not be so simple in real life....
The idea is to use jOOλ in order to duplicate the stream and apply both operations to the 2 streams. However, the trick is that I want to run both data processing in different threads. Since originalStream.duplicate() is not thread-safe out of the box, the code below will fail to give the right result which should be: result1 = 570; result2 = 180. Instead the code may unpredictably fail on NPE, yield the wrong result or (sometimes) even give the right result...
The question is how to minimally modify the code such that it will become thread-safe.
Note that I do not want to first collect the stream into a list and then generate 2 new streams. Instead I want to stay with streams until they are eventually collected at the end of the data process. It may not be the most efficient nor the most logical thing to want to do but I think it is nevertheless conceptually interesting. Note also that I wish to keep using org.jooq.lambda.Seq (group: 'org.jooq', name: 'jool', version: '0.9.12') as much as possible as the real data processing functions will use methods that are specific to this library and not present in regular Java streams.
Seq<Long> originalStream = seq(LongStream.range(0, 10));
Tuple2<Seq<Long>, Seq<Long>> duplicatedOriginalStream = originalStream.duplicate();
ExecutorService executor = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(2);
List<Future<Long>> res = executor.invokeAll(Arrays.asList(
() -> -> 2 * x).zipWithIndex().map(x -> x.v1 * x.v2).reduce((x, y) -> x + y).orElse(0L),
() -> -> 4 * x).reduce((x, y) -> x + y).orElse(0L)
System.out.printf("result1 = %d\tresult2 = %d\n", res.get(0).get(), res.get(1).get());

What is process interleaving? (in the realm of Concurrency)

I'm not quite sure as to what this term means. I saw it during a course where we are learning about concurrency. I've seen a lot of definitions for data interleaving, but I could find anything about process interleaving.
When looking at the term my instincts tell me it is the use of threads to run more than one process simultaneously, is that correct?
If you imagine a process as a (possibly infinite) sequence/trace of statements (e.g. obtained by loop unfolding), then the set of possible interleavings of several processes consists of all possible sequences of statements of any of those process.
Consider for example the processes
int i;
proctype A() {
i = 1;
proctype B() {
i = 2;
Then the possible interleavings are i = 1; i = 2 and i = 2; i = 1, i.e. the possible final values for i are 1 and 2. This can be of course more complex, for instance in the presence of guarded statements: Then the next possible statements in an interleaving sequence are not necessarily those at the position of the next program counter, but only those that are allowed by the guard; consider for example the proctype
proctype B() {
:: i == 0 -> i = 2
:: else -> skip
Then the possible interleavings (given A() as before) are i = 1; skip and i = 2; i = 1, so there is only one possible final value for i.
Indeed the notion of interleavings is crucial for Spin's view of concurrency. In a trace semantics, the set of possible traces of concurrent processes is the set of possible interleavings of the traces of the individual processes.
It simply means performing (data access or execution or ... ) in an arbitrary order**(see the note). In the case of concurrency, it usually refers to action interleaving.
If the process P and Q are in parallel composition (P||Q) then the actions of these will be interleaved. Consider following processes:
PLAYING = (play_music -> stop_music -> STOP).
PERFORMING = (dance -> STOP).
So each primitive process can be shown as: (generated by LTSA model-cheking tool)
Then the possible traces as the result of action interleaving will be:
dance -> play_music -> stop_music
play_music -> dance -> stop_music
play_music -> stop_music -> dance
Here is the LTSA tool generated output of this example.
**note: "arbitrary" here means arbitrary choice of process execution not their inner sequence of codes. The code execution in each process will be always followed sequentially.
If it is still something that you're not comfortable with you can take a look at:
Hope it helps! :)
Operating Systems support Tasks (or Processes). But for now let's think of "Actitivities".
Activities can be executed in parallel. Here are two activities, P and Q:
P: abc
Q: def
a, b, c, d, e, f, are operations. *
Each operation has always the same effect independent of what other
operations may be executing at the same time (atomicity).
What is the effect of executing the two activities concurrently? We
do not know for sure, but we know that it will be the same as obtained
by executing sequentially an INTERLEAVING of the two activities
[interleavings are also called SCHEDULES]. Here are the possible
interleavings of these two activities:
That is, the operations of the two activities are sequenced in all possible ways that preserve the order in which the operations appeared in the two activities. A serial interleaving [serial schedule] of two activities is one where all the operations of one activity precede all the operations of the other activity.
The importance of the concept of interleaving is that it allows us to express the meaning of concurrent programs: The parallel execution of activities is equivalent to the sequential execution of one of the interleavings of these activities.
For detailed information:

How to add a finalizer on a TVar

In response to a question, I built and uploaded a bounded-tchan (wouldn't have been right for me to upload jnb's version). If the name isn't enough, a bounded-tchan (BTChan) is an STM channel that has a maximum capacity (writes block if the channel is at capacity).
Recently, I've received a request to add a dup feature like in the regular TChan's. And thus begins the problem.
How the BTChan looks
A simplified (and actually non-functional) view of BTChan is below.
data BTChan a = BTChan
{ max :: Int
, count :: TVar Int
, channel :: TVar [(Int, a)]
, nrDups :: TVar Int
Every time you write to the channel you include the number of dups (nrDups) in the tuple - this is an 'individual element counter' which indicates how many readers have gotten this element.
Every reader will decrement the counter for the element it reads then move it's read-pointer to then next element in the list. If the reader decrements the counter to zero then the value of count is decremented to properly reflect available capacity on the channel.
To be clear on the desired semantics: A channel capacity indicates the maximum number of elements queued in the channel. Any given element is queued until a reader of each dup has received the element. No elements should remain queued for a GCed dup (this is the main problem).
For example, let there be three dups of a channel (c1, c2, c3) with capacity of 2, where 2 items were written into the channel then all items were read out of c1 and c2. The channel is still full (0 remaining capacity) because c3 hasn't consumed its copies. At any point in time if all references toc3 are dropped (so c3 is GCed) then the capacity should be freed (restored to 2 in this case).
Here's the issue: let's say I have the following code
c <- newBTChan 1
_ <- dupBTChan c -- This represents what would probably be a pathological bug or terminated reader
writeBTChan c "hello"
_ <- readBTChan c
Causing the BTChan to look like:
BTChan 1 (TVar 0) (TVar []) (TVar 1) --> -- newBTChan
BTChan 1 (TVar 0) (TVar []) (TVar 2) --> -- dupBTChan
BTChan 1 (TVar 1) (TVar [(2, "hello")]) (TVar 2) --> -- readBTChan c
BTChan 1 (TVar 1) (TVar [(1, "hello")]) (TVar 2) -- OH NO!
Notice at the end the read count for "hello" is still 1? That means the message is not considered gone (even though it will get GCed in the real implementation) and our count will never decrement. Because the channel is at capacity (1 element maximum) the writers will always block.
I want a finalizer created each time dupBTChan is called. When a dupped (or original) channel is collected all elements remaining to be read on that channel will get the per-element count decremented, also the nrDups variable will be decremented. As a result, future writes will have the correct count (a count that doesn't reserve space for variables not-read by GCed channels).
Solution 1 - Manual Resource Management (what I want to avoid)
JNB's bounded-tchan actually has manual resource management for this reason. See the cancelBTChan. I'm going for something harder for the user to get wrong (not that manual management isn't the right way to go in many cases).
Solution 2 - Use exceptions by blocking on TVars (GHC can't do this how I want)
EDIT this solution, and solution 3 which is just a spin-off, does not work! Due to bug 5055 (WONTFIX) the GHC compiler sends exceptions to both blocked threads, even though one is sufficient (which is theoretically determinable, but not practical with the GHC GC).
If all the ways to get a BTChan are IO, we can forkIO a thread that reads/retries on an extra (dummy) TVar field unique to the given BTChan. The new thread will catch an exception when all other references to the TVar are dropped, so it will know when to decrement the nrDups and individual element counters. This should work but forces all my users to use IO to get their BTChans:
data BTChan = BTChan { ... as before ..., dummyTV :: TVar () }
dupBTChan :: BTChan a -> IO (BTChan a)
dupBTChan c = do
... as before ...
d <- newTVarIO ()
let chan = BTChan ... d
forkIO $ watchChan chan
return chan
watchBTChan :: BTChan a -> IO ()
watchBTChan b = do
catch (atomically (readTVar (dummyTV b) >> retry)) $ \e -> do
case fromException e of
BlockedIndefinitelyOnSTM -> atomically $ do -- the BTChan must have gotten collected
ls <- readTVar (channel b)
writeTVar (channel b) (map (\(a,b) -> (a-1,b)) ls)
readTVar (nrDup b) >>= writeTVar (nrDup b) . (-1)
_ -> watchBTChan b
EDIT: Yes, this is a poor mans finalizer and I don't have any particular reason to avoid using addFinalizer. That would be the same solution, still forcing use of IO afaict.
Solution 3: A cleaner API than solution 2, but GHC still doesn't support it
Users start a manager thread by calling initBTChanCollector, which will monitor a set of these dummy TVars (from solution 2) and do the needed clean-up. Basically, it shoves the IO into another thread that knows what to do via a global (unsafePerformIOed) TVar. Things work basically like solution 2, but the creation of BTChan's can still be STM. Failure to run initBTChanCollector would result in an ever-growing list (space leak) of tasks as the process runs.
Solution 4: Never allow discarding BTChans
This is akin to ignoring the problem. If the user never drops a dupped BTChan then the issue disappears.
Solution 5
I see ezyang's answer (totally valid and appreciated), but really would like to keep the current API just with a 'dup' function.
** Solution 6**
Please tell me there's a better option.
I implemented solution 3 (totally untested alpha release) and handled the potential space leak by making the global itself a BTChan - that chan should probably have a capacity of 1 so forgetting to run init shows up really quick, but that's a minor change. This works in GHCi (7.0.3) but that seems to be incidental. GHC throws exceptions to both blocked threads (the valid one reading the BTChan and the watching thread) so my if you are blocked reading a BTChan when another thread discards it's reference then you die.
Here is another solution: require all accesses to the the bounded channel duplicate to be bracketed by a function that releases its resources on exit (by an exception or normally). You can use a monad with a rank-2 runner to prevent duplicated channels from leaking out. It's still manual, but the type system makes it a lot harder to do naughty things.
You really don't want to rely on true IO finalizers, because GHC gives no guarantees about when a finalizer may be run: for all you know it may wait until the end of the program before running the finalizer, which means you're deadlocked until then.
