Creating new datacenter with Datastax OpsCenter - cassandra

I'd like to enable vnodes on my cassandra cluster, which has an Analytics dc and a regular Cassandra dc. I am using OpsCenter 5.0.1 and DSE 4.5. My question is: how can I create a new dc with OpsCenter, with vnodes enabled, so I can transfer my data over from my existing dc's. I am following the instructions on this page, but surely I don't have to manually edit the config file on every node, to enable a new datacenter, right? Any help much appreciated.

Unfortunately OpsCenter's automated provisioning doesn't currently support creating multi-dc clusters or adding data centers to existing clusters. We know this is important functionality that's missing, and are working on making that available as soon as we can.


Is it possible to backup a 6-node DataStax Enterprise cluster and restore it to a new 4-node cluster?

I have this case. We have 6 nodes DSE cluster and the task is to back it up, and restore all the keyspaces, tables and data into a new cluster. But this new cluster has only 4 nodes.
Is it possible to do this?
Yes, it is definitely possible to do this. This operation is more commonly referred to as "cloning" -- you are copying the data from one DataStax Enterprise (DSE) cluster to another.
There is a Cassandra utility called sstableloader which reads the SSTables and loads it to a cluster even when the destination cluster's topology is not identical to the source.
I have previously documented the procedure in How to migrate data in tables to a new Cassandra cluster which is also applicable to DSE clusters. Cheers!

Does Scylla DB have a similar migration support to GKE as K8ssandra's Zero Downtime Migration feature?

We are trying to migrate our ScyllaDB cluster deployed on GCE machines to the GKE cluster in Google Cloud, we came across one approach of Cassandra migration and want to implement the same here in ScyllaDB migration. Below is the link for the same, can you please suggest if this is possible in Scylla ?
or if Scylla hasn't introduced such a migration technique with the Scylla K8S operator ?
Adding a new "destination" DC to your existing cluster "source" DC, is a very common technic to migrate to a new DC.
Add the new "destination" DC
Change replication factor settings accordingly
nodetool rebuild --> stream data from the "source" DC to the "destination" DC
nodetool repair the new DC.
Update your application clients to connect to the new DC once it's ready to serve (all data streamed + repaired)
Decommission the "old" (source) DC
For the gory details see here:
If you prefer to go the full scan route. CQL reads on the source and CQL writes on the destination, with some ability for data manipulation and save points to resume from, than the Scylla Spark Migrator is a good option.
You can also use the Scylla Spark migrator to migrate parquet files
Remember not to migrate Materialized views (MV), you can always re-create them post migration again from the base tables.
We use an Apache Spark-based Migrator:
Here's the blog we wrote on how to do this back in 2019:
Though in this case, you aren't moving from Cassandra to ScyllaDB; just moving from one ScyllaDB instance to another. If this makes sense to you, it should be straight forward. If you have questions, feel free to join our Slack community to get more interactive assistance:

Multi DC replication between different Cassandra versions

We have an existing Cassandra cluster (3.0.9) running on production.
Now ,we want to create data pipelines to ingest data from Cassandra and persist in hadoop. We are thinking of using CDC feature (available from Cassandra 3.8) along with Kafka Connect.
We are thinking of creating a new read-only DC which will replicate data from the Production DC.This new DC will be running the latest Cassandra version (3.8+) with CDC enabled.
My questions:
For replication to work, do we need both dc's running same version of Cassandra? Can't we achieve this without upgrading the DC used by the service?
Is it possible to enable CDC feature only in the new read-only DC?
More information from C* mailing list
I think, it should be the same version as existing DC for replication of the data by adding a DC. you may refer below recommended document below for adding new datacenter in existing cluster.
You should upgrade the existing DC from lower to upper version of Cassandra to get expected feature.
You can make your DC as read only without sending any direct traffic in the new DC. all connection should be on older DC.

apache cassandra 3.9 - Enabling security

we are trying to add a node to the existing ring where in security is enabled and default cassandra user is made nonsuper. Also, alerted keyspace to networktopology with replication = no.of nodes. The ring is currently on AWS.
Once the new node joins the cluster, only user we see is nonsuper cassandra user. we are pretty much lokced out of the cluster. However, once we remove the newly joined node, all the security that we had before comes back.
Are there any best practices that we need to follow to enable security in 3.9?
Thanks in advance for helping me out on this.!!

Can I set cassandra cluster with vnode using in one datacenter and another not

I had a cassandra cluster with one datacenter and it is upgraded from 1.0.7 to 2.1.8. However, the old datacenter does not use vnode settings because the 1.0.7 does not support it.
Right now, I want to add a new datacenter of 2.1.8 version and want to use vnode settings in the new data center. Can I keep the old datacenter not using vnode and the new datacenter with vnode settings?
You could try the procedure listed here.
"You cannot directly convert a single-token nodes to a vnode. However, you can configure another data center configured with vnodes already enabled and let Cassandra automatic mechanisms distribute the existing data into the new nodes. This method has the least impact on performance."
