Validate table for empty cells - cucumber

Could you help to advise some script to validate a table cells for empty values? I need to validate that there are no empty cells in table.
tableFG = page.table(:id => 'FinancialsGrid')
tableFG.rows.each do |row|
row.cells.each do |cell|
expect(cell.tableFG_element.text).should_not be_nil
May be there is another way to check for empty values.

The one thing I do not like about manually writing a loop to iterate through and validate each cell is that you only see the result of the first failure. If there are say two cells that are blank, the test failure will only show one.
As a result, I try to make use of the built-in expectation matchers that check each element (ex all). For example, the following gets the length of text of each cell and makes sure that it is at least 1 character long. Note that Watir strips leading/trailing whitespaces, so a length of 1 should be an actual character.
financials_grid = browser.table(:id => 'FinancialsGrid')
expect( all( be > 0 )
A failed expectation would look like the following and include each cell that fails:
expected [1, 0, 0, 1] to all be > 0
object at index 1 failed to match:
expected: > 0
got: 0
object at index 2 failed to match:
expected: > 0
got: 0
Using the page-object gem would be similar (with slightly different methods). Assuming the table is defined in the page as the financials_grid:
page =
).to all( be > 0 )


Power Query - Converting whole number to text in a CUSTOM COLUMN

I need to convert 3 whole number columns to text in a formula when adding a new column inside power query. I know how to do this in dax using FORMAT function but I can't make it work inside power query.
3 columns are - click to veiw
Then below is my CUSTOM COLUMN:
= Table.AddColumn(RefNo.3, "Refernce Number", each
if Text.Length([RefNo.3]) > 1 and Text.Length([RefNo.3]) < 11 then [RefNo.3]
else if Text.Length([RefNo.2]) > 1 and Text.Length([RefNo.2]) < 11 then [RefNo.2]
else if Text.Length([RefNo.1]) > 1 and Text.Length([RefNo.1]) < 11 then [RefNo.1]
else null)
However, at the moment I'm getting this error:
Expression.Error: We cannot convert a value of type Table to type Number.
So I know I need to convert the whole number columns to text first inside the formula. Also, I had to intentionally convert those 3 columns from text to whole number previously to get rid of redundant values (so that's not an option for me to revert that). thanks in advance guys.
There are any number of ways to solve this, depending on your real data.
Just set the columns to Type.Text before executing your AddColumn function.
If you do this, you would also have to check for null as they will cause the script, as you've written it, to fail
Or you could precede your testing with another line to replace the nulls with an empty string (""): Table.ReplaceValue(table_name,null,"",Replacer.ReplaceValue,{"RefNo", "RefNo2", "RefNo3"}),
If they are all positive integers, compare the values rather than the string lengths: eg >=0 and <10000000000
Construct a numeric array, and return the last value that passes the filter
= Table.AddColumn(your_table_name, "Reference Number",
each List.Accumulate(List.Reverse(List.RemoveNulls({[RefNo],[RefNo2],[RefNo3]})),
null,(state,current)=> if state = null then
x = Text.Length(Text.From(current))
if x > 1 and x < 11 then current else state
else state))

how to vlookup if prefix found in the list?

how can i come up with return value of "company name" (column H) at Column B IF any of the "PrefiX" (Column G) found at "con no" (Column A).
Sample of outcome needed as in column B.
620011113 = DD
CN1234 = BB
Breaking this down, the INDEX retrieves the Nth item from Column H (Company name). To find the value of N, we are using the AGGREGATE function
AGGREGATE is a weird function - it lets us use things like MAX or LARGE or SUM while ignoring any error values. In this case, we will be using it for SMALL (first argument, 15), while Ignoring Error Values (second argument, 6). We will want the very smallest value, so the fourth argument will be 1. (If we wanted the second smallest, it would be 2, and so on)
So, all we need now is a list of values to compare! To make things slightly simpler, I'll break that bit of the code out for you here:
ROW($G$1:$G$7) / (--(FIND($G$1:$G$7,$A2)=1) * --(LEN($G$1:$G$7)>0))
There are 3 parts to this. The first, ROW($G$1:$G$7)is the actual value we want to retrieve - these will be the Row Numbers for each Prefix that matches your value. On its own, however, it will be all the row numbers. Since we are skipping errors, we want any Rows that don't match the prefix to throw an error. The easiest way to do this is to Divide by Zero
At the start of --(FIND($G$1:$G$7,$A2)=1) and --(LEN($G$1:$G$7)>0) we have a double-negative. This is a quick way to convert True and False to 1 and 0. Only when both tests are True will we not divide by 0, as this table shows:
A | B | A*B
1 | 1 | 1
1 | 0 | 0
0 | 1 | 0
0 | 0 | 0
Starting with the second test first (it's easier), we have LEN($G$1:$G$7)>0 - basically "don't look at blank cells".
The other test (FIND($G$1:$G$7,$A2)=1) will search for the Prefix in the Con No, and return where it is found (or a #VALUE! error if it isn't). We then check "is this at position 1" - in other words, "Is this at the start of the Con No, rather than in the middle". We don't want to say Con No CNQ6060 is part of Company AA instead of Company BB by mistake!
So, if the Prefix is at the Start of the Con No, AND it isn't Blank (because there is an infinite amount of Nothing Before, After, and Between every number and letter), then we get it added to our list of Rows. We then take the smallest row (i.e. closest to the top - change AGGREGATE(15 to AGGREGATE(14 if you want the closest to the bottom!), and use that to get the Company Name
You could try the below formal:
Have in mind that you have to use ' before the cell value of column A & G in order to convert cell value into text get the correct out comes using VLOOKUP

Equation to find minimum difference between given date and array of dates

I am attempting to write an equation that compares a date to an array of other dates given the same ID and then returns the minimum value found between 0 and 42 or returns a zero if the criteria does not match.
My current equation can identify whether a date pair matches the above criteria and returns a 1 if there is a match and a 0 for no match.
I need to modify this equation to return the actual difference between the dates rather than just a 1 or 0.
I have been playing around with an equation like this:
=IF(E3<>"", IFERROR(IF(--(AGGREGATE(15, 6, (E3-$H$2:$H$8000)/(--($C$2:$C$8000=C3)*--(E3-$H$2:$H$8000>=0)), 1)<43)=1, MIN(--($C$2:$C$8000=C3)*(E3-$H$2:$H$8000)), ""), 0), 0)
But it returns nothing but zeros.
Please find sample data and expected values below.
For what you want you only need to move the check for less than 43 into the Aggregate and return blanks instead of 0:

Excel, if value > 0, assign to 1, if not, assign to 0

I have a huge spreadsheet with a bunch of columns. For one of the columns, labelled "Clicks," it displays the number of clicks a person has made on a particular email. One person can click 0 or more times. I only care if there has been a click, but not how many. So, I'd like the values to be either 0 or 1.
I tried the following formula, without success (it gives me an error: Clicks must be whole number from -21...... through 21.......).
=IF(AND(H2>0), 1)
Use MIN, to return 0 or 1:
Can be achieved with a Custom format:
This should work for you:
=IF(H2>0, 1, 0)
Basically, the first parameter is the condition, the second parameter is what will be displayed if that condition is TRUE, the third parameter is what will be displayed if the condition is FALSE.

How to search for a specific string in cell array

I would like to search for a specific string in matlab cell. For example my cell contains a column of strings like this
variable(:,5) = {'10';'10;20';'20';'10;20';'10';'10';'20'};
I would like to search for all cells that have only '10' and delete them.
I tried using this statement for searching
is10 = ~cellfun(# isempty , strfind (variable(:,5) , '10'));
But this returns all cells with '10' (including the ones with '10;20').
I would like to have just the cells with pure '10' values
What is the best way to do this?
It is not working as you expect because strfind allows for a partial string match. What you want is an exact match. You can do this using strcmp. Also, the input to strcmp can actually be a cell array of strings so you can use it the following way.
A = {'10';'10;20';'20';'10;20';'10';'10';'20'};
is10 = strcmp(A, '10');
%// 1 0 0 0 1 1 0
You could also use ismember to do the same thing.
is10 = ismember(A, '10');
%// 1 0 0 0 1 1 0
As a side note, most string functions (including strfind) can actually accept a cell array of strings as input. So in your initial post, the wrapping of strfind inside of cellfun is unnecessary.
