How do I disable the GNOME desktop screen lock? [closed] - linux

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Closed 5 years ago.
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How do I stop my GNOME desktop from locking the screen after a few minutes of idle time?
I already tried the official manual at Red Hat and tried to use gconf-editor and gconftool-2 to set /apps/panel/global/disable_log_out and
/apps/panel/global/disable_lock_screen. No luck.

On newer distributions of Linux, like Red Hat and CentOS 7, which run GNOME 3.x you'll want to disable this via the gsettings utility rather than gconftool-2. The default is 5 minutes before the system is considered idle. Setting the value to 0 disables this.
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay 0
This setting can also be made in the GUI dconf-editor from a logged in session of the user in question.
From the standard System Tools → Settings application, there is also a "Blank Screen" option in the power settings which may provide the same behavior as the gsettings command given previously. In my testing, setting the "Screen Lock" to "Off" in the privacy settings DID NOT disable the screen blanking after 5 minutes.
On a final note, you cannot run that gsettings command from a remote SSH session without getting errors. See the last reference link below.
It was quite a research effort to get this disabled on my virtual machine!

The gconf schema entry for this in /etc/gconf/schemas/desktop_gnome_lockdown.schemas, and it would seem to be that the following command would disable the GNOME desktop lock screen:
gconftool-2 --set /schemas/desktop/gnome/lockdown/disable_lock_screen --type boolean true
However, in reality it seems that no attention is paid to this parameter (in OL 7.2 anyways).
An effective, but clumsy, workaround is to navigate in the GUI to Application → SystemTools → Settings → Power and set PowerSaving Blank Screen to "Never".

The screen saver can also lock the screen. Uncheck either 'Activate screensaver when computer is idle' or 'Lock screen when screensaver is active' or both in screensaver preferences. From commandline use gnome-screensaver-preferences or goto 'System->Preferences->Screensaver'.
I think the corresponding keys (for use with gconftool-2) are /apps/gnome-screensaver/idle_activation_enabled and /apps/gnome-screensaver/lock_enabled.


Open a terminal ends in an infinte loop [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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So I've been looking around on the web for some while now but this seems to be a tricky task.
I intended to change my default terminal on a Mint system from gnome to alacrity.
I had alacrity installed before on the same system and it seemed to be work fine.
I have not set up my root user or know the password for it so this makes this extra hard!
To change the default global behavior (e.g. pressing Crtl+Alt+T) modifying the /etc/passwd seemed reasonably to me.
This is what the last line looks now: user:x:1000:1000:User,,,:/home/user:/usr/bin/alacritty
But: If I want to open a shell now almost a thousand instances do appear once the command is triggered and after a short while the whole system crashes.
I don't know how to reset to the default setting since I need a shell and that tool is broken...
Here is what I tried so far
Try to use the shell env available at user log in: Login ends in an infinite loop
Try to open the /etc/passwd in graphical environment: Cannot modify the file (read only)
So here what I wish: Make this undone without reinstalling the operational system.
Thanks for your help and advice!
The field you are trying to change in /etc/passwd is used to set the per user shell (usually /bin/bash on Linux). The terminal emulator you want to use is can either be done with update-alternatives (system wise if you have root) on Debian based systems, or Window Manager specific configuration in general (GNOME, KDE, Xmonad etc).
Login in as root, and change the /etc/passwd file back to using a valid shell for the user in question. Not sure how you don't have a root user. If you don't have the root password then follow the normal password recovery process. Boot from a live or rescue cd. If it doesn't mount the file system for you, mount it manually then edit /mnt/etc/password (where /mnt is where the original file system was mounted). Unmount and reboot your system normally.

libinput-gestures on wayland: can't get 'super' key [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm trying to configure libinput-gestures by editing /etc/libinput-gestures.conf.
I'm using gnome 3.28.1 on Linux Mint 19 and I want to trigger 'activities overview' with a given multi-touch trackpad gesture.
Libinput-gestures is working for switching desktops using
_internal ws_up &
_internal ws_down in the config file.
The way I got into overview in Linux Mint 18.03 is by sending a key via
xdotool key super for 'activities overview' &
xdotool key super+a for 'show applications'.
From my research I have found that the version of gnome I had in mint 18 used x11 as it's display manager and the version of gnome in mint 19 uses wayland. Wayland has I believe deprecated the ability to 'send keys' for security reasons.
Solutions to this problem might be:
A way to trigger the 'activities overview' from the terminal.
A way around waylands blocking of 'send key'.
All insights are appreciated.
Thanks :)
I know this is an old post. However, I've also been looking for a solution in using different gestures in Wayland. There's an example of the op's post right in the libinput-gestures.conf file.
gesture swipe up 3 dbus-send --session --type=method_call --dest=org.gnome.Shell /org/gnome/Shell org.gnome.Shell.Eval string:'Main.overview.toggle();'
This is effectively the equivalence of pressing the Super_L key.
What I'd like to know is if there's a similar command for "Show Applications" that might be compatible with Wayland. What other possibilities using "dbus" are there? I've researched for days and have found little information on the topic.
The quickest way would be to have gjs call Main.overview.toggle() though I'm on mobile right now, so I don't have access to it.
I'll edit this in the next hour or so for a complete answer, when I can confirm the exact syntax

How to start GNOME Wayland session from command line/tty? [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I'm experimenting with wayland.
You can start Gnome with X through startx command. Is there an way to start Gnome with wayland through some command?
I would like to be able to run Gnome/X on my main display.
Then switch to display :2 (Ctrl+alt+win+F2/F3) and then run something like:
So that I have a seconday desktop with gnome running with wayland.
Is this possible? (A near-alternative is also welcome)
A working solution per Jonas Ådahl a mutter developer:
Usually what I do is switch to a VT and run:
dbus-run-session -- gnome-shell --display-server --wayland
XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland dbus-run-session gnome-session
to force firefox and QT applications as well to wayland, in 2019-12-31 they do not respect XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland:
MOZ_ENABLE_WAYLAND=1 QT_QPA_PLATFORM=wayland XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland dbus-run-session gnome-session
if it should log out the command line session after pressing "logout" in the gnome GUI, add an exec:
XDG_SESSION_TYPE=wayland exec dbus-run-session gnome-session
From docs:
Never mind, I found the solution:
gnome-session --session gnome-wayland
GNOME / Wayland in Fedora | Goings on
This no longer seems to work with recent fedora (24). At the moment I haven't found a solution for this. The only way I get Wayland working these days is to use the gear at login and set the system to log into wayland. If anyone has a solution to this...
Note that the following video drivers do not work with Wayland: nvidia, cirrus, Hi1710.
I discovered this after several days of trying to get Wayland to work with my Nvidia video device until I saw this comment buried in the ArchLinux Wiki for GDM. ArchLinux GDM Wiki
The file that controls this is /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/61-gdm.rules
This script sets /usr/lib/gdm3/gdm-disable-wayland which tells gdm not to show the /usr/share/wayland-sessions on the session menu for these device drivers. (I am using Ubuntu Focal/20.04)
I was able to get Wayland working by uninstalling the nvidia drivers, and although I was pleased to get it working I went back to using the X/Nvidia setup as I preferred the smoother look and performance.

AwesomeWM wallpaper change [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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When I am using Awesome-WM under Linux Mint 13 "Maya" MATE, sometimes I need to open the File Manager "Caja". But when I launch caja, the wallpaper changes to the one I set under MATE instead of the one in rc.lua. I have tried
sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background draw-background false
but it seems useless.
How can I keep my settings under awesome-wm? Or I should set the 2 backgrounds the same?
You could try setting your wallpaper using feh.
Create a .fehbg file in your $HOME and put this in:
feh --bg-scale '/path/to/wallpaper.jpg'
..then save it.
Then in your autostart script just add sh $HOME/.fehbg & then try restarting your DE. If it still persists after opening Caja, then I am not sure about that since I am totally unfamiliar with Caja, rather, I am not familiar with MATE at all.
I think what's happening is that caja is set to 'manage' your desktop. That means it'll change your wallpaper to the one set in MATE, and probably display desktop icons as well, e.g., Computer, Home, etc. This has always been a problem for me when using alternative window managers on Ubuntu, because nautilus does it as well. With nautilus the behaviour can be turned off using the terminal flag --no-desktop. caja seems to be a descendant of nautilus and a quick Google shows references to the same terminal option for it as well. So I suggest you try
caja --no-desktop
and see if that works for you.

Window appears off screen on ubuntu [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a dual monitor setup, and I am using Ubuntu 12.04 LTS
I have changed the positioning of the monitors several times, and now for some reason some of the windows open up off-screen (outside of both screens), Update Manager, for instance.
How can I position the windows on one of my screens?
You can get the window back on your screen by using
ALT + spacebar
This would show you the maximize/minimize/ ... options. Click maximize and it would occupy your screen.
You can also hit "move" and then either your mouse or arrow keys to move the window to your current window.
Be sure to have the off-screen window selected (use Alt-Tab or Super-W for example). Then hold Alt+F7 and move the window with the cursor keys until it appears in the viewport.
When this happens to me the hidden window is usually below the screen (I occasionally use two screens with one on top of the other, a setup that agrees well with a laptop on a desk). If you use Super-W to select the window, you can guess where it is by looking at the animations. Holding Alt+F7+Up brings the window into view for me.
I made a little script to fix a similiar bug I have in ubuntu 15.04 with two screens:
The script makes use of the wmctrl command line tool to find the offscreen windows and then uses wmctrl to place each one back into a visible area.
