AwesomeWM wallpaper change [closed] - linux

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Closed 4 years ago.
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When I am using Awesome-WM under Linux Mint 13 "Maya" MATE, sometimes I need to open the File Manager "Caja". But when I launch caja, the wallpaper changes to the one I set under MATE instead of the one in rc.lua. I have tried
sudo gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.background draw-background false
but it seems useless.
How can I keep my settings under awesome-wm? Or I should set the 2 backgrounds the same?

You could try setting your wallpaper using feh.
Create a .fehbg file in your $HOME and put this in:
feh --bg-scale '/path/to/wallpaper.jpg'
..then save it.
Then in your autostart script just add sh $HOME/.fehbg & then try restarting your DE. If it still persists after opening Caja, then I am not sure about that since I am totally unfamiliar with Caja, rather, I am not familiar with MATE at all.

I think what's happening is that caja is set to 'manage' your desktop. That means it'll change your wallpaper to the one set in MATE, and probably display desktop icons as well, e.g., Computer, Home, etc. This has always been a problem for me when using alternative window managers on Ubuntu, because nautilus does it as well. With nautilus the behaviour can be turned off using the terminal flag --no-desktop. caja seems to be a descendant of nautilus and a quick Google shows references to the same terminal option for it as well. So I suggest you try
caja --no-desktop
and see if that works for you.


startx /bin/bash in fullscreen without desktop [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Ok so I know it's a weird case but hang in here with me.
So the thing is I've got an very old laptop running ubuntu 14.04 server without any desktop aka shell only. BUT the laptop also has a touch screen so we want to be able to use the "mouse"/touchscreen/touchpad to select text inside the terminal and/or click/copy/paste/cut/etc. It's part of art project with some students and also one of the tasks is to run as less as possible. So running a desktop in the background is not really an option. My question is:
Is there a way to start the Ubuntu terminal as UI application in fullscreen without the actual desktop in the background but giving the functionality of an mouse cursor.
(If someone knows a even better solution for adding a mouse without starting the desktop its appreciated)
Try this: create a ~/.xinitrc with content : exec gnome-terminal, then run startx
Or another solution is to stay in tty and install gpm for mouse control

How do I disable the GNOME desktop screen lock? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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How do I stop my GNOME desktop from locking the screen after a few minutes of idle time?
I already tried the official manual at Red Hat and tried to use gconf-editor and gconftool-2 to set /apps/panel/global/disable_log_out and
/apps/panel/global/disable_lock_screen. No luck.
On newer distributions of Linux, like Red Hat and CentOS 7, which run GNOME 3.x you'll want to disable this via the gsettings utility rather than gconftool-2. The default is 5 minutes before the system is considered idle. Setting the value to 0 disables this.
gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.session idle-delay 0
This setting can also be made in the GUI dconf-editor from a logged in session of the user in question.
From the standard System Tools → Settings application, there is also a "Blank Screen" option in the power settings which may provide the same behavior as the gsettings command given previously. In my testing, setting the "Screen Lock" to "Off" in the privacy settings DID NOT disable the screen blanking after 5 minutes.
On a final note, you cannot run that gsettings command from a remote SSH session without getting errors. See the last reference link below.
It was quite a research effort to get this disabled on my virtual machine!
The gconf schema entry for this in /etc/gconf/schemas/desktop_gnome_lockdown.schemas, and it would seem to be that the following command would disable the GNOME desktop lock screen:
gconftool-2 --set /schemas/desktop/gnome/lockdown/disable_lock_screen --type boolean true
However, in reality it seems that no attention is paid to this parameter (in OL 7.2 anyways).
An effective, but clumsy, workaround is to navigate in the GUI to Application → SystemTools → Settings → Power and set PowerSaving Blank Screen to "Never".
The screen saver can also lock the screen. Uncheck either 'Activate screensaver when computer is idle' or 'Lock screen when screensaver is active' or both in screensaver preferences. From commandline use gnome-screensaver-preferences or goto 'System->Preferences->Screensaver'.
I think the corresponding keys (for use with gconftool-2) are /apps/gnome-screensaver/idle_activation_enabled and /apps/gnome-screensaver/lock_enabled.

Linux box with only one application which is fullscreen [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Sorry for the rather broad question, but I'm just looking for some leads here to get started on this...
Let's say I have a CentOS machine running the X Windows System. I'd like to have the machine only display a single application (let's say Mozilla Firefox) and have that application full screen at all times. Is there a more suitable distro to do this with than CentOS?
I hope I've given enough information here about what I want to do.
I think you are looking for kiosk mode, you can achieve this by various kiosk based linux based iso distribution like (Sanickiosk) and WebKiosk
Even you can customize ubuntu to run only firefox in full screen mode (
Thanks & Regards,
Alok Thaker
I'm really not sure if this is the proper place, but the disto for this type of use hardly matters, its really up to personal preference and how hard you find it to set up. In my limited expirence you can just add the command to launch the app, typically with a geometry option (with firefox you can specify the -width and -height flags), and then that X session will end when the program ends.

How to open applications after booting a purely Command line interface of Linux? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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After booting linux in purly command line mode how can I open an application eg web browser or Libra Office?
For example if I use the command "play" with any audio file it starts to play it. I want to know commands for other applications
You have to start an X Window session before you can open those applications because they depend on it to render the GUI. To do this you can use the startx command.
There is a good description here on how to use startx.
However, doing it this way can be a lot of manual and tedious work. That's why most linux distros have packaged full window managers like Gnome, Xcfe, etc for you to install with a single command. If what you really want is a minimal one you might look at Fluxbox or Openbox. You can learn a lot about the guts of X by installing and configuring them on your own.
I suspect what you may really need is just to edit text files and get resources from the internet while logged into a Linux box that is command line only. If so, you can check out these command line only tools.
Lynx command line browser
WGet internet file retriever
EMacs text editor
Vim text editor

KDE exibition glitch [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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My KDE is broken, the desktop Widgets cannot be displayed. And many KDE programs look like this:
All the software written in GTK is all right.
Can any one give me any suggestion about what's happening and which part is broken?
Where can I find error log?
You don't say what disto you're using (please add it to the tags in your question), nor how you got in this state - new installation? dist-upgrade? hard crash? That would be useful information.
But in general, here's what I would try:
Log out and go to a bare terminal with CTRL-ALT-F1, then login and rename your .kde / .kde4 directories: mv ~/.kde ~/.kde.old and reboot or otherwise restart your GUI system.
That will at least tell you whether the problem is messed up personal settings or messed-up system files.
If that doesn't fix the issue (that directory will be recreated when you start up KDE again; all your settings will be lost, but you can recover them - carefully, one by one - from the backup you just made), then I would first try sudo apt-get check (assuming you're on a Debian-based distro).
If that doesn't report any problems, then I would update my system - possibly even do a dist-upgrade without changes any sources.
If this issue still wasn't fixed, I would run sudo dpkg -l > ~/Desktop/dpkg_out.txt to get a list of installed or uninstalled packages and their state in a file, and then look through the file for problems as explained here.
Finally, if all of that failed, I would take a good hard look at my video drivers.
Good luck!
