Dblookup not working - web

temp:=#DbLookup("Notes":"NoCache";"ARRoW/SSS":"sss/sssProj.nsf";"(Lookup for Community)";"State of Maine";2);
temp1:=#DbLookup("Notes":"NoCache";"ARRoW/SSS":"sss/sssProj.nsf";"(Lookup for Community)";"State of Maine";3);
temp2:=#DbLookup("Notes":"NoCache";"ARRoW/SSS":"sss/sssProj.nsf";"(Lookup for Community POC)";"State of Maine";4);
#If(#IsError(temp)|#IsError(temp1)|#IsError(temp2);"Error";temp + " " + temp1 + " " + temp2)
Hi this works on Lotus Notes Client but doesn't work on web Any help is welcome thanks in advance!

There are typically three types of root causes for something like this.
One type of problem is server trust. This only applies if there are two servers involved. I.e., the web server is ServerX/SSS and the code is trying to access ARRoW/SSS. You need to review ARRoW/SSS's server document and check whether "ServerX/SSS" is listed in the field for "Trusted servers". (Also note that if this is a really, really old version of Domino - before version 6 if I recall correctly - then the trusted servers feature is not there and you cannot make cross-server calls to #DbLookup in web code.)
The second type of problem is that the server where the code is running can not resolve the name of the server where the database lives. The code is accessing server ARRoW/SSS, but you haven't said whether ARRoW/SSS is the actual web server, so let's look at both cases.
Assuming that it is all happening on one server, there can still be a name resolution problem because of the way the formula is coded. Try specifying "":"sss/sssProj.nsf" instead of "ARRoW/SSS":"sss/sssProj.nsf". If that fixes your problem, great! But it means that you still have a problem either in your server document or with the DNS configuration on your Domino server and you should address that. You should probably continue with the troubleshooting that I give in the next paragraph. Just bear in mind that everything I say there is true even if ServerX/SSS is really the same as Arrow/SSS.
If the code is running on web server ServerX/SSS, then you need to make sure that ServerX can connect to ARRoW/SSS. The easiest way to do this is to bring up the console for ServerX and enter the command 'trace ARRoW/SSS'. If it fails, check the server documents and/or connection documents for correct IP addresses or host names, and open a command window on the server and try a ping using the exact information in the server documents. If it fails, you have a networking issue. One of the underlying causes I've seen for a problem like this is that there is no connection document (because the servers are in the same named network, but neither the IP address nor the fully-qualified host name is entered in the networks table in the server document, so Domino just asks DNS to resolve the common name 'ARRow' - but the DNS configuration on the web server does not include a default search path so the name is not resolved. But you need to check everything until you can get a 'trace' command to succeed.
The third type of problem is Access Control. This is a broad category that comes down to the fact that the identity that the code is running under either does not have access to the server ARRoW/SSS, the database sss/sssProj.nsf, the view (Lookup for Community)" or the document(s) with the key "State of Maine". There are a lot of things to check. If the code is running in a field formula, the identity is that of the user, and if the same user does not get the error through the web client then you need to look at the database properties for sss/sssProj.nsf and check the maximum web access level. If the code is running as an agent, you need to check the agent properties to determine what identity the agent is running under, and then review everything: the security settings in the server document, the database ACL, restrictions on the view, and reader names fields in the documents.


Same IIS local host labelled different name when loggin using differenit Alias

When I logged in to the same IIS using different alias, the name on the local host is different. I didn't change or do anything differently since the creation of this IIS. How it shows different names on different login account is unexplainable.
May I know if I make change on my end to match the one on the role account, it will not break things on this server. I checked with other admins, they see what the role account sees. I am the only person that has name mismatched (it shows DEV instead of PROD).
This is what I see when I log in as me under IIS connection DEVAPP01 (.../Luu). And this is what I see when I log in as a role account PRODAPP01 (..../roleAccountp1 So sorry the website doesn't allow me to post image yet. I'm new to stackoverflow and hope I can get some advice here.
Changing the label is easy but I would like to make sure it doesn't break anything since this is PROD environment. Thx
I figured this out (with the help from our cloud team of course). I was told that at one point, the server was named DEVAPP01, later it was renamed to something else and I still connected to the wrong name on the same server. To solve this problem, I:
In the IIS under connection, select Connect to Server and put in the right IIS name which is PRDAPP01, once I got in there, I saw two IIS 1) DEVAPP01 and 2) PRDAPP01
Select the wrong IIS name which was DEVAPP01 and right click and select Remove Connection (this option seated below Refresh)
Problem solved!!!
Thanks to my great cloud team from my company.

Deploying my front end and detecting client location by IP address - which AWS service should handle this? Confused by my options

I'm still new to AWS and just following the documentation and asking questions here when I get stuck. Please excuse me if this question sounds really noobish.
So far, I've deployed the following:
EB to deploy my REST API
RDS to deploy my psql database
Lambda functions to handle things like authentication & sending JWTs, uploading images to S3, etc.
I have got my basic back end (no caching (just started learning about redis), etc. set up yet, just the bare bones so far) deployed.
I'm still developing my front end, and have not even thought about how I will be deploying it yet (probably another deployment on EB, since I am using universal react). I am just developing it locally but using my production env variables now so I am hitting my deployed API, etc.
One of the MAJOR things I have no idea on how to do is detecting incoming requests from client side to get the client's location by IP address. This is so that I can return the INITIAL results in your general location just like yelp, foursquare, etc. do when you go to to their sites.
For now, I am just building a web app on desktop so I just want to worry about getting the IP address to get the general area of the user. My use case is something similar to other sites you might have used which provides an INITIAL result set for things in your area (think foursquare or yelp).
Here are my questions:
What would be a good way to do this? I'm thinking of handling this in my front end react universal deployment since it will be a node server with rendered page caching. Is this a terrible idea? It would work something like
(1) request from client comes in
(2) get IP from request and lookup the IP location using some service (still not sure what I'm going to use, have found a few plus a nodejs library called node-geoip). Preferably, I can get the zip code since I am trying to save having to do so many queries by unique locations in my database, and instead return results in the zip code and the front end will show an initial map with the initial results in that zip code.
(3) return to client the rendered page with those location params if it exists, otherwise create it, send it, and cache it.
Is the above a really dumb idea? Maybe you have already done something like this, and could share your wisdom :)
Is there an AWS service which can already handle something like this for me? Perhaps there's some functionality which can already do this.
AGAIN - I apologize if this is long winded. I don't know anyone in real life who can help me and I feel alone :(. I appreciate the help you guys can provide.
There are two parts to this:
Getting the user's IP address. You mentioned you're using 'EB' - I presume you mean AWS ELB (Elastic Load Balancer)? If so, then you need to read the X-Forwarded-For HTTP header in your app code, since otherwise what you'll really detect is the ELB's IP address. X-Forwarded-For contains the user's real IP - or rather, the IP of the end-connection being made (there's no telling if this is really a VPN, Proxy or something else-- but it's as far as you can get with an IP.)
Querying an IP DB that can turn the addr into a location object. There are tons of libraries for you. Assuming you're using Node, you can use node-geoip as you mentioned. Or you can just search 'geoip service' on Google and find managed services, like Telize on Mashape. If you don't want to manage the DB lookup yourself or keep the thing up to date, then a managed service would help.
In either case, it's likely that you'll be doing asynchronous look-ups. In that case, you might want to use async/await to get the user's full object before injecting that into your React props and ultimately rendering it as a HTML string that's sent down to the client.
You could also use a library like redial to decorate your components with data requirements, and return a Promise you can await on to know when you're okay to render.
Since you probably want to enable client routing too (i.e. where the user can click on a route in their browser, and the server isn't touched at all), then you will probably need some way to retrieve the IP address/results based on that IP even when the server isn't involved in the initial render.
For that, you could write a REST service that retrieves the results. Or write a GraphQL back-end that gets the data. It doesn't matter how you write it, since the server will have access to the X-Forwarded-For header and can use that to retrieve the results and send back location-aware data.
FYI, I'm writing a React starter kit (called ReactNow) that uses rxjs for handling async streams. It's not ready yet, but it might help you figure out the code layout that would offer a balanced mix between rendering on the server, and writing universal code that requires some heavy lifting from the server.

Recursive name resolution - Message exchange

I was reading about recursive name resolution, and I understand how it works and all. But, I wanted to know that if a client queried a url like this:
then how are the messages exchanged? Like will the first contacted DNS server query with an iterative query to the edu DNS server first to obtain a referral to abc.edu and so on?
What about the ~dept103? Is that used too?
~dept103 has nothing to do with DNS. In this instance it's a folder name, but it could be a file, or query string.
If the query can not be resolved locally, for example from cache, then an outside name server is contacted.
First the root DNS server is queried, then .edu, then abc.edu, then dept.abc.edu and finally www.dept.abc.edu.
More info here: https://technet.microsoft.com/en-gb/library/cc775637%28v=ws.10%29.aspx

Web (anchor) link to a Notes database

Is there a way to create a regular web (or anchor) link that will open a Notes client and display a pre-determined database from the workplace?
try this for a local database: notes:///[drive]:/[path_to_notes_data]/[database.nsf]
This will open the database in the notes-client.
Thorstens answer should work for databases on servers aswell:
notes://[server name]/[path-to-database-on-server]
notes://[server name]/__[replica-id].nsf
The Notes client seems to replace "/" with "#" in the server name to create a server name without slashes - but the host name or ip of the server should work.
I believe that leaving the server name out (or specifying will use the currently active replica on the desktop - possibly with priority to local replicas.
Some details can be found in the footnote here: Specifying valid notesurl entries

Pitfalls of accessing a webserver on from js with a public site

I'm thinking about exploring the idea of having our client software run as a service on a high port and listen for simple http GET requests from The theory is that I would be able to access this service via js from a web page that is served from my site.
1) User installs client software that installs itself as a service and waits for authenticated requests on
2) When the user hits my home page js on the page makes an xhtml request to and asks for the status
3) The home page then makes another js request back to my web server sending the status that it received.
This would allow my users to upload/download and edit files on a USB attached device in real-time from a browser. Polling could be the fallback method which is close to what we do today.
Has anyone done this and what potential pitfalls are there? Will this even work?
I can't see any potential pitfalls. I do have a couple of points however.
1/ You probably want to make sure your service only accepts incoming connection from the local machine ( Otherwise, anyone could look at your JavaScript and figure out that it's talking to [your-ip]:8080. They could then try that themselves from a remote site (security hole).
2/ I wouldn't use port 8080 as it's commonly used for other things (alternate HTTP servers, etc.). Make it configurable and choose a nice high random-type value.
3/ I'm not sure what you're trying to do with point 3 but I think you're trying to send the status back to the user. In which case, why wouldn't the JavaScript on your home page just get the status in a single session and output/update the HTML to be presented to the user? Your "another js request back to my web server" doesn't make sense to me.
You may not be able to do a xml http request to as XMLHTTPRequest is usually limited to the same domain as the main content is being served from. I'm not sure if this restriction applies if the server is on the client's machine. That being said, you could still create a <script> tag that had the src pointing to, and have the web server return some Javascript to run. If you only need a simple response, this could work well.
I think it is much better for you to avoid implementation of application logic in JavaScript and html. Once user clicks button on a web page JavaScript should send request to your service and allow it do the rest of the work.
You could have problems with step 1 (Client installs itself) depending on your target user base.
You will need a customised install for each supported environment (Win2K, Vista, Linux, MAC OS 9.0/10.0 etc.).
If your user is on a locked down at work PC this simply wont be allowed.
To some users this might look distressingly similar to a trojan unless you explicitly point out you will be installing software that runs as a service.
You didnt mention an unistall procedure. Users resent "Adobe" like software which installs itself and provides no sensible un-install options
Ohterwise the approach is sound, and, there are are couple of commercial products out there that use exactly this approach!
