Same IIS local host labelled different name when loggin using differenit Alias - iis

When I logged in to the same IIS using different alias, the name on the local host is different. I didn't change or do anything differently since the creation of this IIS. How it shows different names on different login account is unexplainable.
May I know if I make change on my end to match the one on the role account, it will not break things on this server. I checked with other admins, they see what the role account sees. I am the only person that has name mismatched (it shows DEV instead of PROD).
This is what I see when I log in as me under IIS connection DEVAPP01 (.../Luu). And this is what I see when I log in as a role account PRODAPP01 (..../roleAccountp1 So sorry the website doesn't allow me to post image yet. I'm new to stackoverflow and hope I can get some advice here.
Changing the label is easy but I would like to make sure it doesn't break anything since this is PROD environment. Thx

I figured this out (with the help from our cloud team of course). I was told that at one point, the server was named DEVAPP01, later it was renamed to something else and I still connected to the wrong name on the same server. To solve this problem, I:
In the IIS under connection, select Connect to Server and put in the right IIS name which is PRDAPP01, once I got in there, I saw two IIS 1) DEVAPP01 and 2) PRDAPP01
Select the wrong IIS name which was DEVAPP01 and right click and select Remove Connection (this option seated below Refresh)
Problem solved!!!
Thanks to my great cloud team from my company.


ASP.NET Core 5 MVC web app returning bad request errors in some pages after deployment to IIS

I have tried everything. I configured Windows Server 2019 according to Microsoft documentation and I successfully deployed a .NET 5 web application to the IIS.
I can get to the login page. I can even get to the forgot password page and they show themselves fine. However when I try to do any action (send the forgot password link or login to the page) I get a "Bad Request" from the server. I haven't found a way to explain why.
I have tried several, and I mean several things found Googling around but nothing helps. This include disabling https within the .NET Core application, trying to get a detailed error page using the app.UseDeveloperExceptionPage(); instruction inside Startup, etc etc but nothing works. I always receive this page trying to execute any action:
If someone could help or point me into the right direction, I will really, REALLY appreciate it.
Thank you
PD: In case it has anything to do with the problem, the error, at least the two that I can reproduce (because I can't even log in), happens, I think (maybe don't) when redirecting to another page in Microsoft Identity.
EDIT: code was asked by one of you. Thank you.
As you see, there's nothing specific in the forgot password screen for my application. This is scaffold code from Microsoft Identity. I even edited it and just let one line of code inside it, which is the default return code anyway as follow:
public async Task<IActionResult> OnPostAsync()
return RedirectToPage("./ForgotPasswordConfirmation");
As you can see, there's nothing special with that code. Here's the html that calls it, again, is a scaffold of Microsoft Identity with little to no changes (by little, I mean, maybe some CSS and a new value of view data):
But then again, forgot password page actually shows and seems well in the front end, but immediately I try to enter my email and click enter in this page, (also, just a scaffold of Microsoft Identity):
Nothing happens. I receive the bad request. There's NO magic nor custom code here. Something silly is going on.
EDIT II: YES, locally it works perfectly. The strange behavior happens only when deployed to IIS.
EDIT III: I coded and enabled logging in my .NET Core APP and wrote that to a file, and I think I finally got, at least the error (not the reason yet):
But why?? Cookies are enabled in the server browser without avail, same issue. Someone has a better idea than disabling anti forgery rules to login and forgot password pages?
Thank you
For some reason, when I deployed the first version of my app into IIS, I thought it was a good idea to just browse it from the IIS link. Of course, in a new mounted Windows Server 2019, IE is still the default browser. I connected directly to the IP of my web app via VPN, but used Chrome this time. Guess what? All problems disappeared. Yes, it's a bad idea to try to use a modern framework like .NET Core Identity with IE.

Error trying to FTP files to Azure

I am trying to FTP some file to my Azure web site using FileZilla. However it doesn't seem to be connecting. It keeps getting blocked at the "Initializing TLS..." message.
Here's a screenshot of the log from FileZilla.
Here are my FileZilla settings.
Any ideas what's wrong?
Few details to make it work.
First I don't think you need Encryption : make it a simple (unsecured) connexion. Lame my FileZilla is in french for exact terms.
Second, you're user shall more looks like "blah-blah\$blah-blah" as shown in your connection profile in Azure Portal.
Last, and really least, port 21 is default port and could be erase.
Hope you'll figure this out !

Dblookup not working

temp:=#DbLookup("Notes":"NoCache";"ARRoW/SSS":"sss/sssProj.nsf";"(Lookup for Community)";"State of Maine";2);
temp1:=#DbLookup("Notes":"NoCache";"ARRoW/SSS":"sss/sssProj.nsf";"(Lookup for Community)";"State of Maine";3);
temp2:=#DbLookup("Notes":"NoCache";"ARRoW/SSS":"sss/sssProj.nsf";"(Lookup for Community POC)";"State of Maine";4);
#If(#IsError(temp)|#IsError(temp1)|#IsError(temp2);"Error";temp + " " + temp1 + " " + temp2)
Hi this works on Lotus Notes Client but doesn't work on web Any help is welcome thanks in advance!
There are typically three types of root causes for something like this.
One type of problem is server trust. This only applies if there are two servers involved. I.e., the web server is ServerX/SSS and the code is trying to access ARRoW/SSS. You need to review ARRoW/SSS's server document and check whether "ServerX/SSS" is listed in the field for "Trusted servers". (Also note that if this is a really, really old version of Domino - before version 6 if I recall correctly - then the trusted servers feature is not there and you cannot make cross-server calls to #DbLookup in web code.)
The second type of problem is that the server where the code is running can not resolve the name of the server where the database lives. The code is accessing server ARRoW/SSS, but you haven't said whether ARRoW/SSS is the actual web server, so let's look at both cases.
Assuming that it is all happening on one server, there can still be a name resolution problem because of the way the formula is coded. Try specifying "":"sss/sssProj.nsf" instead of "ARRoW/SSS":"sss/sssProj.nsf". If that fixes your problem, great! But it means that you still have a problem either in your server document or with the DNS configuration on your Domino server and you should address that. You should probably continue with the troubleshooting that I give in the next paragraph. Just bear in mind that everything I say there is true even if ServerX/SSS is really the same as Arrow/SSS.
If the code is running on web server ServerX/SSS, then you need to make sure that ServerX can connect to ARRoW/SSS. The easiest way to do this is to bring up the console for ServerX and enter the command 'trace ARRoW/SSS'. If it fails, check the server documents and/or connection documents for correct IP addresses or host names, and open a command window on the server and try a ping using the exact information in the server documents. If it fails, you have a networking issue. One of the underlying causes I've seen for a problem like this is that there is no connection document (because the servers are in the same named network, but neither the IP address nor the fully-qualified host name is entered in the networks table in the server document, so Domino just asks DNS to resolve the common name 'ARRow' - but the DNS configuration on the web server does not include a default search path so the name is not resolved. But you need to check everything until you can get a 'trace' command to succeed.
The third type of problem is Access Control. This is a broad category that comes down to the fact that the identity that the code is running under either does not have access to the server ARRoW/SSS, the database sss/sssProj.nsf, the view (Lookup for Community)" or the document(s) with the key "State of Maine". There are a lot of things to check. If the code is running in a field formula, the identity is that of the user, and if the same user does not get the error through the web client then you need to look at the database properties for sss/sssProj.nsf and check the maximum web access level. If the code is running as an agent, you need to check the agent properties to determine what identity the agent is running under, and then review everything: the security settings in the server document, the database ACL, restrictions on the view, and reader names fields in the documents.

User Groups not working in one server. same is working in another server

I am facing some interesting problem with groups in domino server.
I have created testACL group in names.nsf in TestServer1 server. Same address book replicated to TestServer2 server as names.nsf. so typically both server share same address book.
When I add this testACL group in application A in testserver1 server, it is working and getting effect immediately.
But same ACL group is added in application B in testserver2 , it is not working.
Please help me to find the solution. Please let me know if my problem is not clear.
I finally found the solution for this problem temporarily. I have deleted cache.ndk in Data Directory.
It is getting effective immediately. But Looking for permanent solution.
Thanks for all your help.

How are Applications Removed from the IIS Application Pool?

We've got a new server, and I am trying to set it up for our website.
I got a new application for the engineers set up in the Application Pools called eng_app, then added our applications to it.
Now, we have been given an external drive that these applications need to be on, but I can't seem to edit or delete the existing applications.
I tried following the Microsoft Technet Article • Remove an Application (IIS 7) but, as you can see in the screenshot, those are incorrect.
C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv>appcmd delete app "eng_app/drawing"
ERROR ( message:Cannot find APP object with identifier "eng_app/drawing". )
C:\Windows\System32\inetsrv>appcmd delete app "/eng_app/drawing"
ERROR ( message:Must specify the APP object with identifier or "APP.NAME" parameter. )
Could someone tell me what I missed here?
Using Powershell
Go to folder
cd C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv
List all applications to get the correct APP.NAME
.\appcmd list app
Delete the application using fullname for <APP.NAME>.Ex.: "Default Web Site/The.Application".I mean, you must put it with web site name including the double-quotes.
.\appcmd delete app <APP.NAME>
OK, it looks like you can't do it either through the command line or using the Application Pool interface.
After stopping the webservice, what I did was:
go down to the list of Sites and select my application from the list,
click Basic Settings...
change the Application pool with the Select... button and edit the Physical path
Afterwards, you can restart the webservice.
There might be a better way, but this is how I did it.
appcmd delete app eng_app/drawing
