Spring Boot - Override index page from webjar - groovy

In my project I use swagger-ui library which have index.html file in the root of class path. In such way this index.html becomes the start page of my app when I hit root url like /.
But I want to use my custom Groovy template index.tpl from resources/templates folder of my Boot project. When I perform such approach application still displays index.html from Swagger-UI JAR file.
How to override index page from jar with custom one from project?
UPD: Approach below doesn't work for me. It returns 404 error. Then I add #EnableWebMvc annotation and now Spring can't find my Groovy Template. I have all necessary dependencies in my classpath for Groovy Template and they are turned on in the properties file. Seems like Spring can't resolve Groovy Template at all.

Spring Boot's WebMvcAutoConfigurationAdapter registers the forward from "/" to "/index.html" by default (in method addStaticIndexHtmlViewControllers). Therefore you have to register the view under the path "/index.html".
This can be done with #RequestMapping("/index.html") on the controller or with:
public class WebConfig extends WebMvcConfigurerAdapter
public void addViewControllers(ViewControllerRegistry registry)
Another option would be to override WebMvcAutoConfigurationAdapter and disable WebMvcAutoConfiguration.


How to use FullAjaxExceptionHandler with Spring Boot error page declarations?

How can we do when use onmifaces in the case of spring boot apps?, where the error pages declaration is made at EmbeddedServletContainerCustomizer class?
public void customize(ConfigurableEmbeddedServletContainer container) {
MimeMappings mappings = new MimeMappings(MimeMappings.DEFAULT);
mappings.add("eot", "application/vnd.ms-fontobject");
mappings.add("ttf", "application/x-font-ttf");
mappings.add("woff", "application/x-font-woff");
mappings.add("woff2", "application/x-font-woff2");
container.addErrorPages(new ErrorPage(HttpStatus.NOT_FOUND, "/error.xhtml"));
container.addErrorPages(new ErrorPage(FaceletException.class, "/error.xhtml"));
container.addErrorPages(new ErrorPage(Throwable.class, "/error.xhtml"));
I have analized findErrorPageLocation and it uses WebXml that parses web.xml files.
The Servlet API in its current version does not support programmatically defining and obtaining error pages. That's why OmniFaces had to manually parse web.xml.
OmniFaces does not and will not support Spring specific APIs. I recommend to just keep using web.xml for error page configuration so that non-Spring libraries will be able to share them.

Access from internet the web.xml file of an applicaiton

Is it possible for someone to access or view the web.xml file of a web application over internet, using somthing like wget tool? I'm asking for saecurity reasons like username
By specification, it is not possible to directly access /WEB-INF (and /META-INF) contents by a public URL. Here are extracts of relevance from the aforelinked specification:
10.5 Directory structure
Also, except
for the case where static resources are packaged in JAR files, any requests from the
client to access the resources in WEB-INF/ directory must be returned with a
SC_NOT_FOUND(404) response.
10.6 Web Application Archive File
Also, any requests to access the resources in META-INF
directory must be returned with a SC_NOT_FOUND(404) response.
However, there have been implementations, configurations and even homegrown servlets or filters which introduced a security bug making this possible. All those security issues boil down to be caused by a RequestDispatcher#forward() or even RequestDispatcher#include() (so watch out with dynamic <jsp:include>!) call forwarding or including a resource which is specified by a client-controlled request path or parameter, if necessary making use of path traversal with ../.
Here's the simplest example of such a servlet exposing the security issue:
public class TestServlet extends HttpServlet {
protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
request.getRequestDispatcher(request.getPathInfo()).forward(request, response);
On Tomcat (tested with 8.0.21), you can with the above servlet get the web.xml contents by just calling http://localhost:8080/context/test/WEB-INF/web.xml. Such a servlet is often implemented as part of homegrown MVC front controller or dispatcher pattern. Decent MVC frameworks like JSF and Spring MVC shouldn't have this issue.
And, some users configure a MVC front controller on a "catch-all" URL pattern of /* or even /, and then re-map the static resources like CSS/JS/images on /static/* to container's default servlet like so:
On older Tomcat versions (before 7.0.4), the enduser can get /WEB-INF (and /META-INF) contents through such a mapping. This problem was mentioned previously in this Q&A: Tomcat serving static content. Actually, this mapping approach is wrong and should have been solved with help of a filter as descibed in this answer: How to access static resources when mapping a global front controller servlet on /*. See also Tomcat issue 50026.
Summarized: by default it's not possible. But (bad) code and configuration can make this possible.

spring-boot + JSF. Views *.jsf working properly but *.xhtml not

I'm using spring boot with jsf (primefaces). here you can find sample of my application. When I invoke this application using mvn spring-boot:run and access application with jsf or with xhtml everything works ok. But when I deploy this application to tomcat, xhtml page is not rendered properly. I can see page source (xhtml source, not html), but this is not wanted. I want to be able to display the same with .jsf and .xhtml.
Can anybody tell me what am I missing?
as I reviewd this issue and it was not helpfull (I also have *.xhtml mapping for faces servlet and as I wrote before, this is working on spring-boot embedded tomcat but not on classic tomcat), I think the problem will be more related to the spring configuration, but I'm not sure what and where to change.
Problem in spring config. Add this to file Application.java:
public ViewResolver getViewResolver() {
InternalResourceViewResolver resolver = new InternalResourceViewResolver();
return resolver;

init() method calls on every request

I am using JSF 2.0 and Liferay 6.1
On any kind of request to any Java class my init() is getting called. Even in case of PrimeFaces component calls for its related PrimeFaces Java method. This method should be called only once when my portlet will initialize.
public class MyMangedBean {
public void init() {
System.out.println("Init method called");
Please help me to find out possible solution.
I found the component behind this cause
In my xhtml file I have
<bridge:inputFile id="MyFileUpload" size="50"
binding="#{myBean.toBeUploadFile}" onchange="{fileSelected(this);}" style="position: absolute;height: 29px;width:107px;opacity:0;filter: alpha(opacity=0);z-index:100;"/>
Whenever I remove its binding attribute. My project works fine. It will not call init() multiple times. But I need this attribute to get my file uploaded.
I have kept xml namespace as
I have also kept dependency for commons-io(version 1.3) and commons-filedownload(1.2.1) in pom.xml
I dont know what else I am missing for this component or what is actual cause behind this.
You should consider using the bridge:inputFile tag that comes with the latest release of Liferay Faces instead of the older obsolete tags that come from portletfaces.org.
There is a nice demo here that uses the bridge:inputFile that you can try on a Liferay tomcat portal instance, and then follow the same pattern that it uses for file upload.
That demo has been tested, it works great, and it is supported by Liferay.
There are many more demos that are tested and working well on Liferay Portal 6.1. You can download the source for them and build them for yourself as shown here. And follow the version scheme here to make sure that you align the correct versions of the Portal, Mojarra, and the Liferay Faces Bridge.
Hope that helps.

How to get an image or js from a JAR in the server in JSF (For a custom component)

I have done a custom JSF component (it looks like a combobox (icefaces selectonemenu)) but it uses a couple of images (png) and a bit of javascript.
I jar everything, so then the developers use it as a jar copied in the web-inf/lib folder.
The image and the js are just for this custom component, so I can't make them put this image and js in his project, it has to be in MY jar.
I jar everything and it works almost great, just the image and the JS, I do not get them to work. I do not know how to reference them being in the jar. I could make them work as long as they are part of the application, but not being part of the jar.
How should I do to get them in my encodebegin code for example?
I am using JSF with icefaces 1.8
Thanks in advance!!
If you're already on JSF 2.0, it should work just fine out the box when you're using #ResourceDependency or #ResourceDependencies annotation which can resolve resources based on JAR's /META-INF/resources folder.
On JSF 1.x, your best bet is to create a custom "resource servlet" which is mapped on a certain URL pattern, e.g. /com.nahiko.resources/* and just streams the resources from the classpath to the HTTP response. Basic kickoff example:
String path = "/META-INF/resources" + request.getPathInfo();
InputStream input = getClass().getResourceAsStream(path);
OutputStream output = response.getOutputStream();
// ...
Document along your JAR that this servlet has to be mapped. Or if you target a Servlet 3.0 container, just add the #WebServlet annotation to get it to auto-register.
