Graphics - refreshing just one object - graphics

With my friend we are trying to make some game. When we draw a grid or checkerboard and then move objects by arrows, "panel.Refresh();" refresh all the objects, obviously the complete panel. Can we somehow refresh just that objects, which are supposed to move? We tried to make two panels. First panel generates the grid and the second one generates the object which is supposed to move, but when the object moves, the panel with the grid blink whenever the panel with object takes refresh. Can someone help us please? Thank you so much.

You should try to add some code so anyone can help you. By just your text we can hardly get a glimpse of what you want and mean. Try to create a small compiled program that works like the problem you are posting here with only what is strictly needed to reproduce your problem and post the source code here.


Green square on game canvas using Phaser

Can someone please tell me why I'm getting a green square on my Phaser game canvas as below?
Without seeing any code I can tell you that you'll see that when an image can't be loaded by the Phaser framework.
Open developer tools in your browser of choice and refresh after opening the Network tab. You should see a 404 for one of your images.
I believe if you look at the standard browser console you may also see messages about the name of the asset that it failed to load.
I had a slightly different case. Images were being loaded in the init function, which apparently doesn't work. I renamed that function to preload and suddenly the green squares are gone and the images show up.
My case was also a little different too; it appeared that all my image resources were loaded, but I think I was trying to create the sprites a little too quickly - in order words, I was trying to create and add sprites to my scene before the scene was properly loaded.
I'm going to try waiting until 'scene.scene.isActive(key);' returns a boolean of true.....maybe that's what will solve my issue. Failing that, I might just put in some sort of sleep/await promise of 1 second or something (not ideal, but might work)
ALSO NOTE: Part of the reason I was able to create my sprites too quickly was because I was doing so in my own custom function, not the typical create() function. Actually, the best solution is probably to create my sprites in the create() function and not a custom function...

JavaFX request layout does nothing

I'm absolutely confused.
Studying JavaFX for several months.
In my application I have a custom scrollpane, where I recount scrollbar values manually. Everything is OK there. And when I resize the window it also works fine.
The problem appears when I launch application the first time. I see that my scrollbar value is incorrect, and it become correct when I resize window or move the pane placed inside scrollpane.
So theoretically all i need is just update my scrollpane on window start, or after window start. And... I've spent more than week trying to find out how. And the only way I've managed to do this is to call layoutChildren recursively. This is awful of course.
layout() - doesn't have any effect. I tried it with runLater() and placed it inside timer call. No way!
requestLayout() - also makes no sense.
Ok well, try this way
first gaining the focus, then try relayout options..
Well. layout() works. But it shouldn't be placed inside Platform.runLater().
In simple example everything is fine. Then I suggest I have something wrong with my controls.

Trouble with the javafx 8 sample 3D application

Since the release of javafx 8 is coming up right around the corner, I figured now would be a good time to get better acquainted with a few of the new features. First on my list: enhanced (true) 3D shapes and rendering! Working for an engineering company, being able to integrate a rich 3d environment into some of our visualizations will be great!
In any case, I was working through the 'getting started' here and all was well. Able to compile everything, getting familiar with how they structure all of their layouts in 3d, etc. etc. It was great! After familiarizing myself with some of the more advanced translations, I decided to take a look at their final 'sample 3d application' that had things like mouse and keyboard listeners to set the angle and orientation of the camera, which was the only thing I hadn't done yet. (you can find a link to the source code I downloaded for it, complete with a nbproject here It's called and it's in the top right corner of the page).
So I go to compile it, everything shows up just fine, the molecule, the axis, and then I try to initiate any action at all, a mouse click, drag, a recognized keyboard input, etc. Everything on the scene simply vanishes.
Well that's strange, I think to myself, so I take a look at the code. Everything looks to be in order, and a few print lines later, I find out that the contents of the graph aren't disappearing until the very END of the listener, whenever that happens to be. Nothing inside of the listener is actually causing the disappearing (unless of course it's the hide/show keyboard shortcuts).
To be honest, I'm a bit baffled by this. There are no exceptions being thrown, no errors printing out. It just disappears, and that's the end of it.
If anyone has any idea why this is happening I would be immensely grateful. It's worth noting, I'm using the javafx 8 developer preview b132.
(if you would like me to post the entire source here, let me know, it's only about 600 lines altogether, but that's pretty heavy for a SO question so I'm just going to leave the links for now).
The located here makes everything disappear on any action it knows to listen for, with no clear reason, why?

Custom Magnific Popup Arrows

So this is going to be kinda silly, but I don't like the arrows for Magnific Popup, and I want to use some png arrows that I created, even moreso I don't want them the default way where they are miles apart, and I don't want them to obstruct content (cause I am using Magnific Popup to gallery some ajax). I really want them bound in div/big square buttons on the side of the image (the height of the image as well) like the first example here:
and those big black bars on a tv
I have no idea where the code is to change this, or how to edit the basic construction of the lightbox but I really want to change the arrows (and the x) if someone could direct me to the code where I can do this I will be glad to do it but I feel like I am working blind.
Alternatively, if anyone knows any other lightboxes that allow you to position and design your own arrows and close button, and have a gallery of ajax based items (that is responsive and scrolls) I will gladly switch (I basically want to be behance ha ha)
(also is there anyway we can generate a swipe effect to go through a gallery?)
Feel free to tell me to go to hell if it is impossible :D

C# ListView Image/Icon margin/padding

Is it possible to reproduce what is on the picture below in ListView, padding/margin icon to the right.
My first question here, so I couldnt post the picture here.
Basically I need to move the ListView icon more right, I am reproducing file/directory browser, so the fails that are in a directory need to be below them and slighty right like in the picture, I have everything else figured out.
You should be using a TreeView control:
But if you insist on hacking a ListView to render this way, you'll simply have to take over drawing each row yourself. You can do so using the OwnerDraw property, though be warned that there's a lot of corner cases here so you should do a lot of reading to see what people have had to deal with when implementing this:
