bash scripts list files in a directory - linux

I'm writing a script that takes an argument which is a directory .
i want to be able to construct list/array with all the files that have a certain extension in that directory and cut their extension .
For example if i have directory containing :
and im searching for *.xx .
my list/array would be : aaa ccc.
I'm trying to use the code in this thread example the accepted answer .
set tests_list=[]
for f in $1/*.bpt
echo $f
if [[ ! -f "$f" ]]
set tmp=echo $f | cut -d"." -f1
#echo $tmp
echo ${tests_list[#]}
if i run this script i get that the loop only executes once with $f is tests_list=[]/*.bpt which is weird since $f should be a file name in that directory , and echo empty string.
i validated that i'm in the correct directory and that the argument directory have files with .bpt extensions .

This should work for you:
for file in *.xx ; do echo "${file%.*}" ; done
To expand this to a script that takes an argument as a directory:
for file in "$dir"/*."$ext"
echo "${file%.*}"
edit: switched ls with for - thanks #tripleee for the correction.

filear=($(find path/ -name "*\.xx"))
for f in ${filear[#]}; do filears[${#filears[#]}]=${f%\.*}; done


How can I remove the extension of specific files in a directory?

I want to remove the extension of specific files with a given extension.
So for instance, in a directory foobar, we have foo.txt, bar.txt foobar.jpg.
Additionally, the extension that I've put in to be removed is txt
After calling the program, my output should be foo bar foobar.jpg
Here is my code so far:
echo "Enter an extension"
read extension
echo "Enter a directory"
read directory
for file in "$directory"/*; do //
if [[ $file == *.txt ]]
echo "${file%.*}"
echo "$file"
However when I run this on a given directory, nothing shows up.
I'm assuming that there is a problem with how I referred to the directory ( in the line where I placed a //) and I've tried to research on how to solve it but to no avail.
What am I doing wrong?
If files do exist in a valid directory you've entered then they should show up — with one exception. If you are using ~/ (shorthand home directory) then it will be treated as plain text in your for loop. The read variable should be substituted into another variable so the for loop can treat it as a directory (absolute paths should work normally as well).
echo "Enter an extension"
read -r extension
echo "Enter a directory"
read -r directory
for file in "$dir"/*; do
if [[ $file == *."$extension" ]]
echo "${file%.*}"
echo "$file"
You can simplify your for-loop:
for file in "$directory"/*; do
echo "${f%.$extension}";
The % instructions removes only matching characters. If nothing matches, the original string (here f) is returned.
When you write bash scripts it's more common to pass arguments to your script via command line arguments rather than by reading it from standard input via read program.
Passing arguments via command line:
# $# - a bash variable which holds a number of arguments passed
# to script via command line arguments
# $0 holds the name of the script
if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then # checks if exactly 2 arguments were passed to script
exit -1;
echo $1; # first argument passed to script
echo $2; # second arugment passed to script
This approach is more efficient because a subprocess is spawn for read command to run and there is no subprocess spawn for reading command line arguments.
There is no need to manually loop through directory, you can use find command to find all files with given extension within given directory.
find /path/to/my/dir -name '*.txt'
find $DIRECTORY -name "*.$EXTENSION"
# note that single quotes in this context would prevent $EXTENSION
# variable to be resolved, so double quotes are used " "
# find searches for files inside $DIRECTORY and searches for files
# matching pattern '*.$EXTENSION'
Note that to avoid bash filename expansion sometimes it is required to wrap actual pattern in single quotes ' ' or double quotes " ". See Bash Filename Expansion
So now your script can look like this:
if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then
exit -1;
$EXTENSION = $1 # for better readability
for file in `find $DIRECTORY -name "*.$EXTENSION"`; do
mv $file ${file%.$EXTENSION}
Construct ${file%.$EXTENSION} is called Shell Parameter Expansion it searches for occurrence of .$EXTENSION inside file variable and deletes it.
Notice that in the script it is easy to pass extension as directory and vice versa.
We can check if second argument is in fact directory, we can use following construction:
if ! [[ -d $DIRECTORY ]]; then
echo $DIRECTORY is not a dir
exit -1
This way we can exit from the script earlier with more readable error.
To sum up entire script could look like this:
if [[ $# -ne 2 ]]; then
exit -1;
EXTENSION=$1 # for better readability
if ! [[ -d $DIRECTORY ]]; then
echo $DIRECTORY is not a directory.
exit -1
for file in `find $DIRECTORY -name "*.$EXTENSION"`; do
mv $file ${file%.$EXTENSION}
Example usage:
$ ./ txt /path/to/directory/with/files

How can I remove the extension of files with a specific extension?

I'm trying to create a program that would remove the extensions of files with that specific extension in a directory.
So for instance there exists a directory d1, within that directory there are three files a.jpg, b.jpg and c.txt and the extension that I want to manipulate is .jpg.
After calling my program, my output should be a b c.txt since all files with .jpg now have jpg removed from them.
Here is my attempt to solve it so far:
echo "Enter an extension"
read extension
echo "Enter a directory"
read directory
allfiles=$( ls -l $directory)
for x in $allfiles
ext=$( echo $x | sed 's:.*.::')
if [ $ext -eq $extension]
echo $( $x | cut -f 2 -d '.')
echo $x
However, when I run this, I get an error saying
'-f' is not defined
'-f' is not defined
what should I change in my code?
You can solve your problem by piping the result of find to a while loop:
# First step - basic idea:
# Note: requires hardening
find . -type f | while read file; do
# do some work with ${file}
Next, you can extract a filename without an extension with ${file%.*} and an extension itself with ${file##*.} (see Bash - Shell Parameter Expansion):
# Second step - work with file extension:
# Note: requires hardening
find . -type f | while read file; do
[[ "${file##*.}" == "jpg" ]] && echo "${file%.*}" || echo "${file}";
The final step is to introduce some kind of hardening. Filenames may contain "strange" characters, like a new line character or a backslash. We can force find to print the filename followed by a null character (instead of the newline character), and then tune read to be able to deal with it:
# Final step
find . -type f -print0 | while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do
[[ "${file##*.}" == "jpg" ]] && echo "${file%.*}" || echo "${file}";
What about use mv command?
mv a.jpg a

extracting files that doesn't have a dir with the same name

sorry for that odd title. I didn't know how to word it the right way.
I'm trying to write a script to filter my wiki files to those got directories with the same name and the ones without. I'll elaborate further.
here is my file system:
what I need to do is print a list of those files which have directories in their name and another one of those without.
So my ultimate goal is getting:
with dirs:
without dirs:
I managed to get those files with dirs. Here is me code:
getname () {
file=$( basename "$1" )
echo $file2
for d in Mywiki/* ; do
if [[ -f $d ]]; then
file=$(getname $d)
for x in Mywiki/* ; do
dir=$(getname $x)
if [[ -d $x ]] && [ $dir == $file ]; then
echo $dir
but stuck with getting those without. if this is the wrong way of doing this please clarify the right one.
any help appreciated. Thanks.
Here's a quick attempt.
for file in Mywiki/*.txt; do
test -d "${file%.txt}" && printf "%s\n" "$nodir" >&3 || printf "%s\n" "$nodir"
done >with 3>without
This shamelessly uses standard output for the non-orphans. Maybe more robustly open another separate file descriptor for that.
Also notice how everything needs to be quoted unless you specifically require the shell to do whitespace tokenization and wildcard expansion on the value of a token. Here's the scoop on that.
That may not be the most efficient way of doing it, but you could take all files, remove the extension, and the check if there isn't a directory with that name.
Like this (untested code):
for file in Mywiki/* ; do
if [ -f "$d" ]; then
dirname=$(getname "$d")
if [ ! -d "Mywiki/$dirname" ]; then
echo "$file"
To List all the files in current dir
list1=`ls -p | grep -v /`
To List all the files in current dir without extension
list2=`ls -p | grep -v / | sed 's/\.[a-z]*//g'`
To List all the directories in current dir
list3=`ls -d */ | sed -e "s/\///g"`
Now you can get the desired directory listing using intersection of list2 and list3. Intersection of two lists in Bash

Editing every file in a directory after opening it bash

Looking around I didn't see exactly what I was looking for. Some similar stuff, but for some reason what I tried so far hasn't worked.
My main goals:
run script in my current directory
open the picture to see what it is
rename the picture i just viewed
repeat the process without running the script again
These were the sources I attempted to follow:
Bash Shell Loop Over Set of Files
Bash loop through directory and rename every file
How to do something to every file in a directory using bash?
echo "Rename pictures. Path"
read path
for f in $path
eog $path
echo "new name"
read newname
mv $path $newname
cat $f
You should pass the script an argument rather than trying to make it interactive. You also have numerous quoting problems. Try something like this instead (untested):
#!/usr/bin/env bash
moveFile() {
local newName=
until [[ $newName ]]; do
printf '%s ' 'new name:'
read -er newName # -e implies Bash with readline
mv -i "$1" "${1%/*}/${newName}"
if [[ ! -d $1 ]]; then
echo 'Must specify a path' >&2
exit 1
for f in "$1"/*; do
eog "$f"
moveFile "$f"
You might want to try something like this:
for f in $*; do
eog $f
echo "new name:"
read newname
mv $f $newname
If you name the script, say,, you can call
./ *gif
to review all files with extention 'gif'.
Using find command allows you to search for image files in the specified directory recursively.
echo -n "Rename pictures. Input image directory: "
read path
for f in `find $path -type f`
eog $f
echo -n "Enter new name: "
read newname
mv $f $newname
echo "Renamed $f to $newname."

Renaming xml file extension using bash script

I have a directory which has many folder and each folder contains a list of XML files. I am writing a bash script that traverses through the files and renames the extension of the file to "manual" if the size of the file is greater than 65Mb. This is my first writing a shell script and I was able to write the code for traversing the files but I am having difficulty in the renaming part.
for file in $dir
size=$(stat -c%s "$file")
if test "$size" -gt "68157440"; then
echo "Before Renaming...."
echo $file
echo "After renaming"
mv *.manual `basename $file`.xml
echo $file
echo $file >> outlog.log
an example of $file is,
/apps/jAS/dev/products-app/BConverter/data/supplier-data/TF/output/Fiber Optics and Fiber Management Solutions/Fiber Optic Cable Assemblies.xml
mv *.manual `basename $file`.xml
If you want to change the extension of $file from xml to manual, do instead
mv "$file" "${file%.xml}".manual
What exactly is the difficulty you're having?
If it's white space in file names, try
mv *.manual `basename "$file"`.xml
Note that your script will not work if *.manual expands to more than one file name.
No need for a script on this, combination of find and xargs should do the trick:
find . -size +65M | xargs -IQ mv Q Q.manual
The little-used -I option to Xargs:
runs each input as a separate command, and
lets you replace the filename, so you can use it multiple time, ideal for a mv
