"The formula refers to a range" error in Excel - excel

Am new to Excel, please help me with this:
2 9 =IF(A2:A6>=7,"1","0")
3 4
4 7
5 4
6 5
For B2 the formula works perfectly fine but in B3 it selects from A3:A6.
I know the concept of Absolute referencing. But here in this example it should basically work without any errors, right?
A B c
2 9 1 =Sum(A2:B2)
3 4 2
4 7 33
5 4 3
6 5 22
The above example works fine. What is the difference between two?

If you want the A2:A6 range to float down as you copy the formula to other rows, use:
=IF(MAX(A2:A6)>=7, 1, 0)
However, if you want row 6 locked as the finite terminator of the range then lock it as absolute with a $ like this,
=IF(MAX(A2:A$6)>=7, 1, 0)


Formula reference holds for n cells in a row, then switches to new reference

I wonder if there's a quick solution to the following:
My goal is to divide a cell value by three, using the same value for three cells in a row, then switch to the next value in the series for another three cells in a row, and so on.
So my starting data would look like:
1 9 12 6 21 27
2 30 9 3 0 3
3 ...
I want the new cells to look like:
1 3 3 3 4 4
2 10 10 10 3 3
Where the cell AA1 = A1/3, AB1 = A1/3, AC1 = A1/3, but AD1 = B1/3 and so on.
I need to do this for many observations, preferably using an excel formula.
Does anyone have any ideas on quick solutions?
Really appreciate your help.

Excel using SUMIF to calculate totals of multiple columns

I'm trying to use Excle's SUMIF to calculate totals of Col1 to Col5 for dates that are similar.
My formula is as follows =SUMIF($A2:$A7,A10,$B2:$F7), but this only gives me the total of a single column.
How can I get the Totals of all the columns based on the date like I've shown in my results.
Date Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5
1/5/2017 1 2 2
1/5/2017 5 3 1
1/5/2017 9 5 5
2/5/2017 10 5 3
2/5/2017 20 10 3
2/5/2017 6 8 1 5
Desired Results
1/5/2017 15 7 7 3 1
2/5/2017 30 11 11 11 8
use below formula in cell B11
Per the example you provided, One solution is to use SUMPRODUCT
Multiplies corresponding components in the given arrays, and returns the sum of those products
Microsoft Docs give a thorough example, but per SO etiquette, here is an example in case of link-rot: [FYI, I used absolute reference for easier filling across, arbitrary how you get it done though]
Forumlas shown:
Formula is kind of hard to see without clicking on image:
This basically breaks down like this, it searches the B:B column for a match, and it will naturally return a true or false for the match, or 0/1 counterparts, and multiplys that by the number found in the column to the right (C3:C8), so it will either be 1 * # = # or 0 * # = 0

Combine cells matching data into one cell

Is there any VBA code or complicated excel function that would assist with what I need done? I export thousands of ref#s with check#s that need to be combined into one cell with the correspond check #. I know I can combine text, and I could probably use a VLUP function with it, but I'm not sure of the exact function string that should be used.
Basically, rows A2:A4 all share the check# 999, so when I run the script or input the function, it should combine in row C2 the ref#s 1 2 3. In the next chk# row it would combine reference#s 4 5, so on and so on (example is in the table below). All separated with spaces. Is this possible? It is very tedious to do it all by hand.
Ref # Chk # Combined #
1 999 1 2 3
2 999
3 999
4 1000 4 5
5 1000
6 1001 6
7 1002 7
8 1003 8
9 1004 9 10 11 12
10 1004
11 1004
12 1004
13 1005 13 14
14 1005
For a formula answer without the need for vba.
Use a helper column. So in C2 put:
=IF(B2<>B3,A2,A2 & " " & C3)
Then in D2 put:
And copy both down.
Then you can hide C.

how can we search a number from multiple rows/columns in excel

I have 3 columns. 3rd column is in sorted way which is numbers from 1 to 7.
2nd and 3rd column ares number between 0 to 9.
I want to search numbers in 3rd column between A1 to B7.
i have used the below formula to calculate the same and i am getting correct.
=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(C1,A:A,1,FALSE)),IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(C1,B:B,1,FALSE)),"Not found","Found"),"Found")
However when am using full block(A1:B7) it is not working.
=IF(ISERROR(VLOOKUP(C2,$A$1:$B$7,1,FALSE)),"Not found","Found")
Considering N number of columns, how can we achieve the same.
2 7 1 Found
4 5 2 Found
6 4 3 Found
7 2 4 Found
2 1 5 Not found
3 9 6 Found
1 2 7 Found

rearranging data in excel

I'm not sure how to ask this question without illustrating it, so here goes:
I have results from a test which has tested peoples attitudes (scores 1-5) to different voices on a 16 different scales. The data set looks like this (where P1,P2,P3 are participants, A, B, C are voices)
Aformal Apleasant Acool Bformal etc
P1 2 3 1 4
P2 5 4 2 4
P3 1 2 4 3
However, I want to rearrange my data to look like this:
formal pleasant cool
P1A 3 3 5
P1B 2 1 6
P1C etc
This would mean a lot more rows (multiple rows per participant), and a lot fewer columns. Is it doable without having to manually reenter all the scores in a new excel file?
Sure, no problem. I just hacked this solution:
person# voice# formal pleasant cool
1 1 P1A 2 3 1
1 2 P1B 4 5 2
1 3 P1C 9 9 9
2 1 P2A 5 4 2
2 2 P2B 4 4 1
2 3 P2C 9 9 9
3 1 P3A 1 2 4
3 2 P3B 3 3 2
3 3 P3C 9 9 9
Basically, in columns L and M, I made two columns with index numbers. Voice numbers go from 1 to 3 and repeat every 3 rows because there are nv=3 voices (increase this if you have voices F, G, H...). Person numbers are also repeated for 3 rows each, because there are nv=3 voices.
To make the row headers (P1A, etc.), I used this formula: ="P" & L2 & CHAR(64+M2) at P1A and copied down.
To make the new table of values, I used this formula: =OFFSET(B$2,$L2-1,($M2-1)*3) at P1A-formal, and copied down and across. Note that B$2 corresponds to the cell address for P1-Aformal in the original table of values (your example).
I've used this indexing trick I don't know how many times to quickly rearrange tables of data inherited from other people.
EDIT: Note that the index columns are also made (semi)automatically using a formula. The first nv=3 rows are made manually, and then subsequent rows refer to them. For example, the formula in L5 is =L2+1 and the formula in M5 is =M2. Both are copied down to the end of the table.
