node.js what is User in passport.js - node.js

I'm trying to make Node.js auth through steam API. I've installed passport-steam
passport.use(new SteamStrategy({
returnURL: 'http://localhost:3000/auth/steam/return',
realm: 'http://localhost:3000/',
apiKey: 'your steam API key'
function(identifier, profile, done) {
User.findByOpenID({ openId: identifier }, function (err, user) {
return done(err, user);
What is User in function?

User here is a mongoose user model.
You can read about mongoose in the docs. Mongoose is an ORM for a MongoDB database.
Passport in fact can use any store you would like and the User model there is just an example of how you can get the user and call done callback.


Handling authentication in Nodejs with passport-facebook-token, request coming from frontend Facebook SDK

I am working on a Unity App. For login, there are two methods, one using Email and another using Facebook. In case of login separately, I do not have any problem. Registration and Login with Email works perfectly. And Login with Facebook works perfectly as well. Here's the workflow, I created just to make you clear.
tl;dr [read update]
There's another schema for account, which is used for login.
var Account = new Schema({
email: String,
password: String,
facebookId: String
Things to know about the backend API.
Passport is used for Authentication
Successful login returns email and token to the client through API.
On client, token is most to play game and use the overall features.
As I said, I have already covered the part when if a client registers and login using email, then client can use the app. But my confusion is handling the logins with Facebook. Facebook SDK is already integrated with the Unity App, and Login is success.
Now, how can I use the Facebook login information that is generated by the Facebook SDK onto my back end, so that I can authorize the user throughout the system, as done in email login.
Going through other questions in SO and Google, I came across passport-facebook-token, I also tried using the plugin but could not came up with the logic and flow for handling the data from SDK into the Nodejs API. Can someone me help understand how it is done?
Update 1: Using passport-facebook-token
Strategy on index.js
passport.use(new FacebookTokenStrategy({
}, function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
Account.findOrCreate({facebookId:}, function (error, user) {
return done(error, user);
Controller API'/auth/facebook/token',
function (req, res) {
// do something with req.user
res.sendStatus(req.user? 200 : 401);
Now, there is no error shown, but the data is not inserted into Account Schema, I have this findOrCreate() function in Model.
Account.statics.findOrCreate = function findOrCreate(profile, cb){
var userObj = new this();
this.findOne({facebookId :},function(err,result){
userObj.facebookId =;
you can use facebook-passport for that, you can check the documentation here: but basically, after you have already set up your developer account and got your keys from the developer site of facebook you can implement a FacebookStrategy object like following where you have to specify your credential and also a callback that in the documentation example is an http request to another resource of an express server where you can then save the data to mongo
passport.use(new FacebookStrategy({
callbackURL: "http://localhost:3000/auth/facebook/callback"
function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, cb) {
User.findOrCreate({ facebookId: }, function (err, user) {
return cb(err, user);

Authenticate user with passport through LinkedIn login

I have built a login system in Passport and works quite well. Now, I want to integrate LinkedIn login in my system. I already have clientID, clientSecret etc. needed to login. This is the code that is called when the LinkedIn login button is pressed.
passport.use('linkedin', new OAuth2Strategy({
authorizationURL: '',
tokenURL: '',
clientID: clientid,
clientSecret: clientsecret,
callbackURL: '/linkedinLogin/linkedinCallbackUrlLogin',
passReqToCallback: true
function(req,accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
req.session.code = accessToken;
process.nextTick(function () {
done(null, {
code : req.code
Both the console.log() calls in the callback function are successfully fired, this means I am successfully logged in through LinkedIn and I receive my access token. The part where I connect with LinkedIn is thus correct, what I am missing is the part where I actually log in the user. As you can see, the callbackURL points to /linkedinLogin/linkedinCallbackUrlLogin. This is what I do in that route:
app.get('/linkedinLogin/linkedinCallbackUrlLogin', passport.authenticate('linkedin', {
session: false,
I just specify a successRedirect and a failureRedirect. Note that if I put session : true I receive as an error Failed to serialize user into session, so for now I keep it to false.
The successRedirect is successfully called. In that route I call a GET request to LinkedIn to access some data about the user. I want to store this data in my DB and remember the user that logged in. This is how I do it:
host: '' ,
path: '/v1/people/~?format=json' ,
port:443 ,
headers : {'Authorization': ' Bearer ' + req.session.code}
function(myres) {
myres.on("data", function(chunk) {
var linkedinJsonResult = JSON.parse(chunk);
User.findOne({linkedinLogin :}, function(err, userSearchResult){
if(err) {
throw err;
//user found, login
else {
//create user
var newUser = new User(
url : linkedinJsonResult.siteStandardProfileRequest.url,
name : linkedinJsonResult.firstName + " " + linkedinJsonResult.lastName,
linkedinLogin :,
regDate : new Date()
//save user, user){
throw err;
Let me explain the code there. After getting the data of the user I check the field "id" that is received. If this id matches one of my users' linkedinLogin field stored into the DB, I consider it already registered (the user has been found in the DB), thus I have to log him/her in. Otherwise I just create a new user using the data received from the GET request.
My question is, in both the cases - the user is found in my DB, or the user has to be created - how can I set req.user to be my user whenever it interacts with my website? Is it sufficient to just do req.user = userSearchResult (if the user is found, inside the if statement) or req.user = user (if the user has been created, inside the callback), or should I call some passport functions that will set it for me?
All the other passport functions related to the registration and login of users without using LinkedIn login are working fine. I am just worried about making this LinkedIn login work with passport.
Thank you.
passport.js will automatically set the req.user object to the object you will pass as the second argument to the done function of the strategy callback.
This means that you should do something like this:
function(req,accessToken, refreshToken, profile, done) {
req.session.code = accessToken;
process.nextTick(function () {
// retrieve your user here
getOrCreateUser(profile, function(err, user){
if(err) return done(err);
done(null, user);
I hope this helps.

NodeJS Passport local strategy inform client user is authed

I have implemented Passport with passport-local and MongoDB and it is working nicely.
However this is a pure client-side single-loading app and so node is not responsible for the rendering of html. So currently I show a loading a spinner on app load and make a separate call to an api to determine if the user is logged in to conditionally render some stuff:
router.get('/me', function (req, res) {
res.send(req.isAuthenticated() ? {} || 401);
Since passport already authenticates my routes and calls deserializeUser this seems pointless - I need a way to pass an extra piece of info (in the cookie?) stating that the user is authed, I am guessing in deserializeUser?
server.use(session({secret: settings.sessionSecret}));
passport.use(new LocalStrategy(
function(email, password, done) {
email: email,
activated: true
}, function (err, user) {
passport.serializeUser(function (user, done) {
done(null, user._id);
passport.deserializeUser(function (id, done) {
User.findById(id, function(err, user) {
done(err, user);
Note that the two cookies that get created when sign in is successful:
When it detects the presence of these cookies it seems to just call deserializeUser hence why I think I could possibly communicate to the client the user is authed there, or otherwise on sign in inside passport.use middleware?
It turns out that I can simply add a middleware after the passport.session. I was concerned that req.isAuthenticated would fire off another query to the db but it doesn't:
server.use(function(req, res, next) {
res.cookie('isAuthenticated', req.isAuthenticated());

understanding passportjs authenticate method

I am having an hard time understanding how passportjs authentication method works, in particular with the http-bearer strategy.
So I have two routes, one for registration and one for accessing user's profile, which goes through passportjs middleware. Have a look at the following code:
exports.register = function(req, res){
var user = new User({
token: t,
name: 'john doe',
My authentication strategy is as follow:
var mongoose = require('mongoose'),
passport = require('passport'),
BearerStrategy = require('passport-http-bearer').Strategy;
passport.use(new BearerStrategy(
function(token, done) {
User.findOne({ token: token }, function (err, user) {
if (err) { return done(err); }
if (!user) { return done(null, false); }
return done(null, user, { scope: 'read' });
as you can see, when a user requests the registration, my server returns him his object, with its token that should be locally saved.
Then, in a protected route, I added the passportjs middleware, like this:
app.get('/me', passport.authenticate('bearer', { session: false }),;
where I obviously get an unauthorized error. Why is this' where does passport.authenticate get the token from my client?! This is really confusing for me and is driving me mad. Any help?
Also, is this the right way of doing token authorization? Or do I also need some more details like timestamp, expires, etc.?
could you please refer http-bearer's sample code: to refactor your codebase. I think here is very clearly definition.

How to do Authentication with Node.js and MEAN stack?

I am currently working on a text based game with a small team of developers. The game requires login and we are using the MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node) Stack for the application codebase, however i am stuck on authentication, as a rails developer i am used to being able to drop in a gem and use the helpers available.
has anybody has any experience with MEAN and Authentication?
the MEAN stack by linnovate uses Passport.js for its authentication. Passport uses different strategies for authentication. One of these strategies is a username and password pair, which they call LocalStrategy.
Here is one of the samples from the Passportjs-Local Github Examples Page
Step 1: Require Passport
First you require the module after doing npm install passport
var passport = require('passport');
Step 2: Configure 'Verify' Function
Use the LocalStrategy within Passport. Strategies in passport require a verify function, which accept credentials (in this case, a username and password), and invoke a callback with a user object. In the real world, this would query a database; however, in this example we are using a baked-in set of users.
passport.use(new LocalStrategy(
function(username, password, done) {
// Find the user by username. If there is no user with the given
// username, or the password is not correct, set the user to `false` to
// indicate failure and set a flash message. Otherwise, return the
// authenticated `user`.
findByUsername(username, function(err, user) {
if (err) { return done(err); }
if (!user) {
return done(null, false, { message: 'Unknown user ' + username });
if (user.password != password) {
return done(null, false, { message: 'Invalid password' });
return done(null, user);
Step 3: Initialize Passport on app
You need to tell Express that you will be using passport and that it will be managing sessions for you. This is done by using the app.use() during app configuration.
Step 4: Configure Middleware on the login URI
Next we need to create a method that will accept when a user tries to login to the app using by POST-ing to a specific URI. It will look like this.
// POST /login
// Use passport.authenticate() as route middleware to authenticate the
// request. If authentication fails, the user will be redirected back to the
// login page. Otherwise, the primary route function function will be called,
// which, in this example, will redirect the user to the home page.
// curl -v -d "username=bob&password=secret"'/login',
passport.authenticate('local', { failureRedirect: '/login', failureFlash: true }),
function(req, res) {
Step 5: Set up Sessions
You may have to create your own serialization for User objects that are being stored in the sessions. That is done with the following
// Passport session setup.
// To support persistent login sessions, Passport needs to be able to
// serialize users into and deserialize users out of the session. Typically,
// this will be as simple as storing the user ID when serializing, and finding
// the user by ID when deserializing.
passport.serializeUser(function(user, done) {
passport.deserializeUser(function(id, done) {
findById(id, function (err, user) {
done(err, user);
You can have a look at
They have a very solid integration of passport.js strategies.
Especally useful is the implementation of Salt and Crypto-Technies to make the integration safe. Search for Salz within the repo.
For serialization and deserialization.
Or if you'd prefer a custom implementation, I recently posted a complete MEAN Stack User Registration and Login Example
Here's the snippet from the user service that handles authentication:
function authenticate(username, password) {
var deferred = Q.defer();
usersDb.findOne({ username: username }, function (err, user) {
if (err) deferred.reject(err);
if (user && bcrypt.compareSync(password, user.hash)) {
// authentication successful
deferred.resolve(jwt.sign({ sub: user._id }, config.secret));
} else {
// authentication failed
return deferred.promise;
Or use which has user management out of the box.
