BASIC programming language getting variable - basic

On MSX BASIC 2.1, I get this error when compiling my basic code.
10 Input "Your name", U$
Syntax Error
Why is this syntax incorrect?

It is possible that you may need INPUT in upper case and the semicolon. Try the following.
10 INPUT "Your name"; U$

It looks like you need to use a semicolon instead of a comma (See the use of the INPUT command on this page for example)


Sublime Text 3 custom syntax for cottle: hard to start

I'm trying to make a "very simple" syntax highlight for "cottle" (which is a script language used in a text-to-speech app dedicated to Elite:Dangerous).
All i want (at least at the beginning) is to have three different colours: Comments, "non-strings", and strings.
I started trying with the ST3 wiki, youtube tutorials, questions here.... but i can't sort out how to do it, 'cause the way the language work.
I'll try to show you an example
{ everything_between_a_pair_of_brackets_is_code }
everything outside all pairs of bracket is a string {_ and this is a comment. It begins with "_" and ends at the closing bracket }
{ This_is_code("but this is a string")
This_is_still_code("this is also a string {but_this_is_code(\"and a string\")} and this the end of the string")
My problem is how to define this kind of "nidification" in my cottle.sublime-syntax file. I managed to get the comment, but only the first one.
- EDIT -
This is a real script:
{if event.repairedfully:
fully repaired
partially repaired
OneOf("to ", "at "),
Humanise( * 100),
" percent functionality"
cat(OneOf(", ", "and is"), " ready for re-activation")
The output of this script could be "Engine module fully repaired." or "Engine module partially repaired, and is ready for re-activation."
Please note the last dot of the phrase, which in the code is after the last bracket.
This is another sample, with strings passed to functions inside other strings:
{OneOf("{ShipName()} has", "")}
{OneOf("left supercruise", "{OneOf(\"entered\", \"returned to\", \"dropped to\")} normal space")}
My question is:
how sublime-syntax files handle this kind of nidification?
Looking at the overview of the templating language over at, it seems to be an easy syntax for which to write a .sublime-syntax for, but given the utter lack of resources for knowing how syntax files works in ST, I can understand it can be sometimes difficult to start or even understand.
So, I took the liberty of creating a starter syntax definition (the result of an hour & a half of boredom on a Saturday evening), which you can take and work upon. Note that I have not used the language and as such made it by just reading the docs and looking over code snippets.
You can find a gist for it here (
Here is a screenshot showing it in the color scheme I use (which follows the official scope naming guidelines).
It still lacks support for user defined functions (as I came to know from the docs) (and probably a few other things), but maybe that's something you can add to it !
Note that to use it, save the file as Cottle.sublime-syntax in your User package. Right now files having a .cottle extension are highlighted (because I don't know how you create a cottle file).
The syntax definition doesn't use any new feature added in ST4, so it should work the same in both ST3 & ST4.

How to fix "StringConverter cannot convert from System.Double." in In\\UiPath

When I make the "Read Cell" in "Excel application scope", I tried to output the read data from Excel by using "Write Line". However, It's not working and it ouput the error as in the Title. Could you someone make it up?
I had the same issue. I'm using the LookupDataTable activity. In my Excel file I have a mix of Strings and Integers. But somehow I also got the error:
NotSupportedException: StringConverter cannot convert from
I solved it by changing the variable from String to GenericValue.
I also tried to give it the Double type, but it didn't work because I think I have different types in the column.
Try this maybe be it will help you to check out

Is Groovy supposed to allow a comma to separate assertion message?

In Groovy, the below produces the error message seen, just like Java would (apart from the different quotes and missing semicolon)
assert false : 'If you see me, colons are allowed!'
This also products the error message, but a comma is separating the message from the Boolean expression
assert false, 'If you see me, commas are allowed!'
I can't find anything about this in the Groovy documentation, is this correct behavior?
You can try this on the Groovy web console.
I'm not asking if it does allow commas, clearly it seems to, but I'm wondering if I have missed something in the documentation, this is a bug, or if it's just undocumented.
Both are valid, as you can see in the antlr grammar file for Groovy
| "assert"! assertAle: assignmentLessExpression!
( options {greedy=true;} :
( COMMA! nls! // TODO: gratuitous change caused failures
| COLON! nls! // standard Java syntax, but looks funny in Groovy
The comma syntax seems to have been added because the colon syntax (of Java) looks funny in Groovy.

Error on printIN function for groovy

I am fairly new to java programming and I am trying to learn groovy right now.
I am getting this weird error when I am entering a simple line of code of hello world.
I am buffered. I believe I have set the environment variables correctly
You have the method name wrong
It's println not printIn
If you look at the exception, it tells you what's wrong, and a list of possible solutions
I think that you are using the wrong letter:
println "hello"
with "L" lowercase

Invalid parameter information was passed to method 'differential.parsecommitmessage'

It show me an error:
ERR-CONDUIT-CORE: Invalid parameter information was passed to method `differential.parsecommitmessage`.
(Run with `--trace` for a full exception trace.)
When I type arc diff in CMD. I use arcanist and php to review my code, and the tools required on my computer is the lasted. Someone can help me?
make sure your commit file is UTF-8.
check your input words,do not contains special character.
make your filepath in english, I fixed it by remove my chinese word
