linux issue setenv command not found - linux

I develop a Tcl/Tk script tool in Linux. In order to run the tool, every time I need to set the environment variable like this in shell:
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/lsf/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/lib:/abc/software/new_2015/GE/tcl_tk/lib64:/abc/software/new_2015/GE/tcl_tk/lib64
and then use "wish" interpreter to launch my tool:
To make it a little easy to use, I want design a shell script "abc_wish" and put the above command inside:
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /opt/lsf/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/lib:/abc/software/new_2015/GE/tcl_tk/lib64:/abc/software/new_2015/GE/tcl_tk/lib64
exec $wish $#
And then I need just run:
But error message shows that setenv command not found!I am totally new to such system issues, need some help about these stuffs. Hope I have shown the issue clearly.

setenv is a csh command, not a sh command. The equivalent in bash is export:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lsf/9.1/linux2.6-glibc2.3-x86_64/lib:/abc/software/new_2015/GE/tcl_tk/lib64:/abc/software/new_2015/GE/tcl_tk/lib64
exec wish "$#"
You should also put $# in quote, to ensure proper re-quoting of the expansion.


How to reload /etc/environment from shell script

So I have this shell script that checks and then concats an environmental variable to /etc/environment, then reloads the file without having to logout/login:
echo $portvar
grep -q $portvar /etc/environment && echo "EV already in" || echo $portvar >> /etc/environment
set -a; source /etc/environment; set +a;
When I run it, I get the error ./ 5: ./ source: not found. However, if I run set -a; source /etc/environment; set +a; directly in the terminal it updates the environmental variable just fine. I have no idea what the set command does, I just found it in another stack overflow question.
Any idea why it runs in the terminal directly but not in the .sh file?
/bin/sh on your system is likely some shell that isn't bash and doesn't implement the source command. On my Ubuntu 20.04 system /bin/sh is actually dash.
The source command is not defined by POSIX as part of the shell command language nor is it one of the required special built-in utilities. It's a non-standard feature provided by bash. However, the . command, which does the same thing, is specified by POSIX.
So you can use . instead, e.g. . /etc/environment. Or if you want to keep using source, then you need to have your script run by bash or some other shell that supports it, by changing the shebang line to #!/bin/bash.
There is a tool called checkbashisms that can help you find unintentional uses of bash-specific features in your scripts. When run on your script, it flags this:
possible bashism in line 5 (should be '.', not 'source'):

Setting environment variable in /usr/bin/env hangs process on Linux

While the man for env on Linux seems to indicate that you can set new environment variables before executing a command. Unfortunately, when I set new variables in a file's shebang on Linux systems, the file never executes.
#!/usr/bin/env VAR1=foo bash
echo $VAR1
When I execute this file on a CentOS or Ubuntu machine, it just sits there.
$ ./
<nothing happens>
What I find particularly bizarre is this works perfectly fine on OS X with BSD env.
$ ./
Is this just a difference between BSD env and Linux env? Why do the man pages for Linux seem to say it should work the same way as on BSD?
P.S. My use case here is to override the PATH variable, so I can try to find a ruby on the system but that's not on the PATH.
Thank you in advance!
There's a way to manipulate the environment before executing a Ruby script, without using a wrapper script of some kind, but it's not pretty:
export FOO=bar
exec ruby -x "$0" "$#"
puts ENV['FOO']
This is usually reserved for esoteric situations where you need to manipulate e.g. PATH or LD_LIBRARY_PATH before executing the program, and it needs to be self-contained for some reason. It works for Perl and possibly others too!

Command NOT found when called from inside bash script

I have an application named puppet installed on my Linux box. It is installed at location /usr/test/bin/puppet
This is how .bash_profile looks
export PATH=/usr/test/bin
if I run command puppet apply from console, it works fine but when I call puppet command from inside bash script, it says command not found
puppet apply x.pp
Any ideas on what is wrong ?
.bash_profile is loaded only if bash is invoked as login shell (bash -l or from a real tty), at least in Debian based distributions bash in a virtual tty (for example when using xterm, gnome-terminal, etc...) is invoked as interactive shell.
Interactive shells loads the configuration from ~/.bashrc.
bash manpage:
The personal initialization file, executed for login shells
The individual per-interactive-shell startup file
Shellscripts don't load any of these.
You can check which files are opened by any program with strace:
strace ./ 2>&1 | grep -e stat -e open
Possible solutions:
You can export the variable at the beginning of every script:
export PATH=$PATH:...
Or you can have another file with the desired variables and source it from any script that need those:
export PATH=$PATH:...
. /etc/
puppet ...
Configure the PATH in in ~/.bashrc, ~/.bash_profile and ~/.profile for the user running the script (sub-processes will inherit the environment variables) to have some warranty that the user can run the script from different environments and shells (some bourne compatible shells others than bash do load ~/.profile)
Maybe the export of PATH is wrong?
export PATH=$PATH:/usr/test/bin/puppet
You could try using an alias, like so
in your .bash_profile:
alias puppet='bash puppet.fileextension'
you can also do
alias puppet='bash path/to/puppet.fileextension'
which will let you run the script from anywhere in Terminal.
OP has stated in the comments that there will be two different systems running, and he asked how to check the file path to the bash file.
If you do
if [ -e path/to/system1/puppet.fileextension]
bash path/to/system1/puppet.fileextension $1 $2
elif [ -e path/to/system2/puppet.fileextension]
bash path/to/system2/puppet.fileextension $1 $2
runPuppet apply x.pp
and change the runPuppet input to whatever you'd like.
To clarify/explain:
-e is to check if the file exists
$1 & $2 are the first two input parameters, respectively.

using setenv in makefile

I am trying to use setenv variable in my makefile but when I execute my make file it gives setenv: command not found.
How can I use it?
Actually I wanted to run a shell script which sets multiple environment variables.
Since the list is very huge I dont have an option except to use the scripts. I cant set them manually like
abcd:= /xx/yy/zz
Please suggest.
P.S. the same command
setenv xxx yyy works very well in shell
it just fails when I use in makefile directly or makefile with a script having this command.
Why do not you use export command ?
Running the script to set the environment variable will not work as the shell run a separate process & will not reflect in your current shell. You will need to source the shell script. You can use source or . based on your shell. Following is a sample for your reference where sets a variable & prints it; in the Makefile (mkfile) is being sourced using .
$ cat
export TEST=ABC
$ cat
echo $TEST
$ cat mkfile
. ./ && ./
$ make -f mkfile
You can also include I guess for example,
$ cat mkfile2
$ make -f mkfile2
Hope this helps!
Look at
make -e
and Communicating Variables to a Sub-make
I think setenv is not a builtin to the sh shell. If you are using GNU Make that is the default shell used. In your situation you probably want to use a different shell, like bash. You do this by setting the SHELL variable in the makefile to what you want like:
SHELL := /usr/bin/bash
For more information checkout this section of the GNU Make manual. It details the different behavior of the SHELL variable and how it is, or isn't inherited from the shell make is invoked from on different platforms.
EDIT: I agree with the implication of the other posters that you are probably not setting enviroment variables the way you think you should be and would not be using the setenv command at. I am just responding to your original question. To learn about variables in make files checkout these other sections in the GNU Make manual.
export MY_VAR := "/package/your_path"

Setting Enviroment Variables Dynamically on Linux

I am currently looking for a way to set enviroment variables in Linux via a simple shell script. Within the script I am currently using the 'export' command, however this only has scope within the script where system-wide scope is needed.
Is there anyway I can do this via a shell script, or will another method need to be used?
When you run a shell script, it executes in a sub-shell. What you need is to execute it in the context of the current shell, by sourcing it with:
The latter is my preferred approach since I'm inherently lazy.
If you're talking about system-wide scope inasmuch as you want to affect everybody, you'll need to put your commands in a place where they're sourced at login time (or shell creation time), /etc/profile for example. Where you put your commands depends on the shell being used.
You can find out what scripts get executed by examining the man page for your shell:
man bash
The bash shell, when invoked as a login shell (including as a non-login shell but with the --login parameter), will use /etc/profile and the first of ~/.bash_profile, ~/.bash_login or ~/.profile.
Non-login bash shells will use. unless invoked with --norc or --rcfile <filename>, the files /etc/bash.bashrc and ~/.bashrc.
I'm pretty certain it's even more convoluted than that depending on how the shell is run, but that's as far as my memory stretches. The man page should detail it all.
You could have your script check for the existence of something like /var/myprog/env-vars-to-load and 'source' it then unlink it if it exists, perhaps using trap and a signal. Its hard to say, I'm not familiar with your program.
There is no way to 'inject' environmental variables into another process' address space, so you'll have to find some method of IPC which will can instruct the process on what to set.
A fundamental aspect of environment variables is that you cannot affect the environment for any process but your own and child processes that you spawn. You can't create a script that sets "system wide" environment variables that somehow become usable by other processes.
On the shell prompt:
$ source
And set the env vars in
echo "export MY_VAR=STACK_OVERFLOW" >> $HOME/.bashrc
. $HOME/.bashrc
echo $MY_VAR
Add executable rights:
chmod +x
And lauch
