Unable to sign in using my Windows Azure account while creating an Azure project from Visual Studio 2013 - azure

I am trying to create an Asp.Net web application from Visual studio to host in Windows Azure. After signing in with my work email(having MSDN subscription and Windows Azure benefits activated) I am shown this message:
Sorry but we didn't find any Windows Azure subscriptions associated with your account.
You can sign in with a different account, or as an MSDN Subscriber, you can get started with Microsoft Azure using monthly credits that are included in your MSDN subscription. Just activate your MSDN benefit to get started.
I have already activated my MSDN benefit and also have one Asp.Net web application up and running on Windows Azure with the same account for last 10 days.
I don't understand why it's happening. If anyone knows about it then please let me know.

The issue has been resolved with the help of my organisation's IT Admin. Here is the resolution.
The problem was that, while signing in, I was give two option to choose from after entering my email Id-
Work or School account (Assigned by your work or school) or
Microsoft Account (Personal Account).
I was selecting the first one i.e Work/School account. My MSDN subscription is provided by my organization but the Windows Azure account I created using that MSDN subscription is my personal one and not provided by my company. So I should have selected the second option i.e. Personal Account.
Now when I select Microsoft Account while signing, my project is successfully created for hosting in Windows Azure.

So to msdn and activate Azure under that.


MS Azure and publish from VS without subscription credentials?

In our organization, we have an Enterprise Azure Subscription and a few members of our team can use it with their own AD credentials.
For instance, I have the 'owner' role for my account, but don't have the login/pwd of the subscription.
However, in Visual Studio 2015, for a Azure Service, publish Azure application, I need to specify a account an choose the subscription.
And there is no subscription listed for my account.
So what should I do to be able to publish from Visual Studio?
Or what further rights should I ask aside my 'owner' role in Azure?
EDIT: I opened the same topic on MSDN (https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/e242ae0a-8da3-49fd-9fff-0460c4e294b8/how-to-use-azure-publish-from-visual-studio-with-entreprise-team-subscription?forum=azureapimgmt)
EDIT: this topic has some interessting info but not directly related since I do NOT have the subscription myself:
Visual Studio not finding my Azure subscriptions
I'm guessing you're working with multiple accounts...
You may not be signed into visual studio with the correct account. The account name dropdown in the upper right hand corner of visual studio and select Account Settings. From here ensure the account associated with your Azure resources is present under All Accounts. MS has some more guidance here:

What is the relationship between Azure and Visual Studio Team Services

We have a Visual Studio Team Services instance that is used by the company I work for.
The company has an Azure instance. As far as I am aware there is no connection to VSTS.
When I was added to VSTS as a Visual Studio Pro level user some months ago we had to use my Microsoft Account as we couldn't use my work identity because my MSDN subscription is linked to my Microsoft Account as we could not link it to my work identity; apparently this was because we use Office365 in the office.
We now have problems adding Basic Users to VSTS. I enter the users Microsoft Account identity and I am told "No Identities Found".
I looked at VSTS Settings where I can see "This account is backed by the Default Directory Azure Active Directory."
I can also see an "Azure Subscription ID". When I follow the Subscription ID link I end up at my Microsoft Account Azure instance.
I had other users log in to VSTS and they too are seeing my Azure Subscription ID in VSTS Settings.
Why is this happening?
How do Azure instances/accounts relate to VSTS instances/accounts
Can I break the link between Azure and VSTS
You can link your VSTS account to the azure from your azure portal:
Azure - VSTS service
Then, what we do is to add the users to the Azure active directories. As far as I know, these users must be registered in Microsoft.
Once it's done, you can add the users to the VSTS.
Hope it helps you.
The Team Services uses an Azure subscription to bill purchases and can control access with Azure AD.
You can unlink your VSTS account from Azure portal. More information, you can refer to this article: Delete or recover Visual Studio Team Services account
I am an idiot.
Turns out the company VSTS was linking to the company Azure.
I became confused when clicking the Manage button in VSTS | Azure Subscription ID.
That took me to the Sign in to Azure page and displayed my login, which takes me my Azure.
It was only when we checked the Azure Subscription ID in VSTS against my Azure Subscription ID that it became apparent I was following a red herring. The ID matched the companies Azure ID. So I can use that to add users and subsequently add them to VSTS.

How do I link my MSDN Azure Benefit to a specific Office 365 Tenancy

I have an MSDN 'Visual Studio Premium with MSDN' account.
I have created an Office 365 E3 Tenancy.
I have 'activated' Azure AD for that tenancy and can access the 'Access to Azure AD' subscription.
But this only gives me Azure AD and not all the other services.
How can I 'attach' my MSDN Azure benefit to this tenancy so that I can get all the other service options? Websites etc.
Sign in as your Office 365 administrator and go to this link: http://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/pricing/free-trial/
when you sign up for an Azure Trial it will take you down the path you are aiming for. Just make sure you select the options related to an MSDN subscription when they are presented.
You will need to got manage.windowsazure.com and make the association there. There are instructions here: https://msdn.microsoft.com/office/office365/HowTo/setup-development-environment#bk_AssociateExistingAzureSubscription
Hi there's an updated flow that will help make it easier to register for an app directly on dev.office.com.
You will still eventually need to go into Azure to manage and maintain the app, but if you're just getting started, you can do it in line at http://dev.office.com/getting-started/office365apis.
The link from Michael will give instructions on registering the app through the Azure Portal as well.

Should I be using "Organization Accounts" when beginning the adoption of Azure?

We are spinning up a development against Microsoft Azure and will be making use of Visual Studio Online in conjunction with Microsoft Azure capabilities (PaaS, and IaaS). The majority of our developers will have MSDN subscriptions.
To get started I have set up the Azure Portal with what is being called a "Microsoft Account" (definition based on the FAQ below). I did this in order to establish a POC and demonstration but now I am wondering if this account needs to be an "Organizational Account." My company does use Office365/Outlook so I think it is possible to establish "Organizational Accounts" but I have not been able to determine with our Operations resources what would be necessary.
The question then is should I be using strictly Organizational Accounts for all Azure and Visual Studio Online accounts? If an account has already been set up as a Microsoft account can it be transitioned to an Organizational account? Are there any implications to be aware of?
One of the problems I am currently experiencing is that I cannot be logged into Outlook and Azure at the same time (assume Chrome for this example) unless I use Incognito mode for one of the sites. I am using the same email account for both but for Outlook it is being treated as an organizational account but for Azure it is a Microsoft account.
I would suggest using Org Accounts only once you have your domain synced to WAAD. This is what we have concluded is the best way to move forward and now are waiting on the Infrastructure gods to approve syncing our AD with WAAD. ...be prepared for resistance in this area.
The link to the FAQ says to contact MS to transition MS to Org account.
We have found this to be a very messy area with little direction from Microsoft to be found. We are not yet adopting VSO until we can use Org\WAAD accounts. They say new VSO accounts now support Org\WAAD accounts but if you have already created a VSO account you currently cannot switch over to Org\WAAD.

Windows Azure Active Directory and Office 365 integration

In my company, we are using Office365 for our emails.
In addition to this, we are using Windows Azure Active Directory to secure some applications.
Now I've been asked to create some kind of link between our users in Office 365 and Windows Azure Active Directory.
The point would be to have some admin applications deployed and secured with WAAD but for which the users are the ones from Office365.
I've found lots of documentation on the web on how to sync directories but not really anything stating clearly that this is possible.
I'd like to insist on the fact that it is our own application that we'd like to secure like this.
(Edit 2018-03-23: This answer was updated to reflect changes in the new Azure portal.)
The underlying directory for Office 365 is Azure Active Directory (Azure AD). This means that if you have an Office 365 account, you already have a directory -or "tenant"- in Azure AD.
In your case, I think what you want to do is move from securing your application with a different Azure AD tenant (under a different domain), to securing your applications with the tenant you got when you started using Office 365. The key here is to be able to get access to your Office 365 tenant from the Azure portal.
All you need to do is sign in to the Azure portal (https://portal.azure.com) with you Office 365 account (which, remember, is an Azure AD account), and head over to the "Azure Active Directory" blade. (Note: You do not need an Azure subscription in order to manage your Azure AD tenant in the Azure portal.)
Now you can go about adding and configuring apps to the Office 365 tenant so that you can use that tenant to secure your apps.
Extra: Since you've already started doing things with another Azure subscription (presumably your Microsoft Account, MSA --formerly LiveID--), you might be interested in transferring that Azure subscription to be owned by an account in your primary Azure AD tenant: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/billing/billing-subscription-transfer
If the aim is to make the Office 365 directory available inside the Azure portal, this currently works:
In the Azure portal, under Active Directory, click the New button, then Directory, then Custom Create. In the Directory pull-down, select 'Use existing directory' and follow the instructions to sign out and sign in using your Office 365 admin user. This will make your Office 365 directory available inside your Azure portal (in addition to any other Azure directories you have access to.)
When you setup your Azure Subcription did you use the same account you used when you setup your Office 365 Subscription? If so you should be able to see an existing WAAD instance when you log into Azure that has your #*.onmicrosoft.com domain registered against it. If you don't see that you may be able to add the domain to Azure subscription assuming of you are the domain admin. See here: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/bspann/archive/2013/10/20/adding-existing-o365-directory-to-azure-msdn-subscription.aspx
For the sake of completion, I hope the OP would come back and accept the answer provided by Philippe.
I found this that was quite helpful: http://blogs.technet.com/b/ad/archive/2013/04/29/using-a-existing-windows-azure-ad-tenant-with-windows-azure.aspx
