Should I be using "Organization Accounts" when beginning the adoption of Azure? - azure

We are spinning up a development against Microsoft Azure and will be making use of Visual Studio Online in conjunction with Microsoft Azure capabilities (PaaS, and IaaS). The majority of our developers will have MSDN subscriptions.
To get started I have set up the Azure Portal with what is being called a "Microsoft Account" (definition based on the FAQ below). I did this in order to establish a POC and demonstration but now I am wondering if this account needs to be an "Organizational Account." My company does use Office365/Outlook so I think it is possible to establish "Organizational Accounts" but I have not been able to determine with our Operations resources what would be necessary.
The question then is should I be using strictly Organizational Accounts for all Azure and Visual Studio Online accounts? If an account has already been set up as a Microsoft account can it be transitioned to an Organizational account? Are there any implications to be aware of?
One of the problems I am currently experiencing is that I cannot be logged into Outlook and Azure at the same time (assume Chrome for this example) unless I use Incognito mode for one of the sites. I am using the same email account for both but for Outlook it is being treated as an organizational account but for Azure it is a Microsoft account.

I would suggest using Org Accounts only once you have your domain synced to WAAD. This is what we have concluded is the best way to move forward and now are waiting on the Infrastructure gods to approve syncing our AD with WAAD. prepared for resistance in this area.
The link to the FAQ says to contact MS to transition MS to Org account.
We have found this to be a very messy area with little direction from Microsoft to be found. We are not yet adopting VSO until we can use Org\WAAD accounts. They say new VSO accounts now support Org\WAAD accounts but if you have already created a VSO account you currently cannot switch over to Org\WAAD.


Azure Portal account creation, use or

I have an SharePoint Office 365 Developer account and initially it was created using account.
Now I have added All the billing management happen using the and application access happen using
Now I am planning to add Azure Pay-As-You-Go subscription but I am confused should I create the Azure portal account using or
Is there any best practice or general recommendation available ?
this is completely up to your organization, there are no major advantages of using one or other.
Nevertheless, an "" account will be friendlier than "".

Using organizational AD for multiple Azure subscriptions

We have two Azure subscriptions and an Office 365 subscription for our company.
In "Subscription #1", we have a VNET and a bunch of VMs. We have our "organizational AD" in this VNET. We also set our Office 365 subscription to use our organizational AD that is in this Subscription #1.
We then have a second Azure subscription (Subscription #2) in which we have WebApp's, databases and Visual Studio Team Services (VSTS - formerly Visual Studio Online) repositories. We set up our VSTS to use the directory service -- WAAD -- associated with this second subscription.
My question is: can we set it so that this second Azure subscription uses our organizational AD to manage user access? Our primary goal here is to have "single sign-on" in this second Azure subscription. For example, we want our developers to be able to use their organization AD accounts to access the VSTS repositories.
P.S. We do prefer keeping these two Azure subscriptions separate but still have single sign-on.
In short, yes you can. The easiest way to do this is by putting in a support ticket with Azure and asking them to perform this task for you. You should be able to put a ticket in with billing support to avoid costs.
The other way to do this involves having the Service Administrator of the 2nd Azure subscription be a Global Admin on the Azure Active Directory in question. You can then follow the steps found in this link.

Enable Azure Active Directory Access Control with Office 365 Azure Active Directory tenant

I currently have an Office 365 tenant with around 1,400 users all licensed. We have enabled the Azure AD tenant with the same account and are now using Azure AD Dirsync to have same sign-on to Office 365.
We are now having an external Sharepoint site developed and have been offered either ADFS or Azure AD ACS as an authentication method. As we've already got an Azure AD subscription (through Office 365) I thought this would be the easiest method. However, when in my tenant on, I have access to Active Directory, can add a new directory but cannot add a new Access Control service. It's greyed out and says "not available" underneath.
I've tried talking to Office 365 support, who referred me to Azure support, who then said we don't have support so can't help. I've spoken to Azure sales and they've referred me to Azure support, who then guess what, said we don't have support.
Has anyone else managed to implement an Azure Access Control service from an Office 365 tenancy using the free Azure Active Directory subscription? I get the feeling I just need to buy a cheap Azure subscription and the option would become available, but without knowing for sure I'm a bit hesitant about taking the plunge.
I can imagine that you cannot use the free Azure subscription for this purpose because using the Access Control Service brings costs. The free subscription is not tied to any creditcard. When you have e.g. a pay-as-you-go subscription you should be able to create a ACS namespace. I just tried in one of my pay-as-you-go subscriptions.
You are (still) able to create a namespace but I suggest you to also take a look into the identity possibilities Azure AD itself has. Azure AD has currently only support for SAML 2.0 (and a lot of other protocols but they are not directly relevant for SharePoint). I know SharePoint (on-premises) only talks SAML 1.1 so that's where ACS comes in. You can read more about this topic here. Azure AD itself is going to support SAML 1.1. The only question is when. (see one of the comments from the source mentioned below this answer)
I also would make one remark about Azure AD ACS because this is going to be replaced by Azure AD. The only question left is when.
ACS Capabilities in Azure AD
As we've mentioned previously, we are adding ACS-like capabilities into Azure AD. In the coming months, as part of a feature preview Azure AD administrators will be able to add federation with social identity providers, and later custom identity providers to Azure AD. This will allow app developers to use Azure AD to simplify the identity implementation in their apps, similar to how developers use ACS today. We look forward to getting your feedback on the preview to improve these experiences.
Migrating ACS Customers to Azure AD
Once these new ACS capabilities of Azure AD are out of preview and generally available, we will start migrating ACS namespaces to use the new Azure AD capabilities.
Source: The future of Azure ACS is Azure Active Directory
Quick solution:
Create an Azure paid account. Add the administrator user of the paid account in the Office 365 directory, and set it as global administrator of this later directory (you can add users from other directories).
Then switch back to the paid account. The new global administrator will be able to manage the Office 365 directory and add a namespace.

Two-step verification for microsoft company account?

I have a MS company account using Office 365 (so is my account), and I use Office, Azure, and Visual Studio Team Services.
However, I cannot find anywhere how to enable 2FA for this account. I can set up 2FA for my normal, personal, windows live Id using this page:
But that doesnt work for company accounts.
Anyone knows if this is possible? thanks!
What you need is Multi-Factor Authentication for Azure Active Directory. It is part of AAD Premium features.
You can read how to enable and configure it here. And more info on it here.
As per documentation:
Multi-Factor Authentication is now included with Premium and can help
you to secure access to on-premises applications (VPN, RADIUS, etc.),
As well as per this documentation:
Azure Multi Factor Authentication is included in Azure Active
Directory Premium and as a result it is also included with the
Enterprise Mobility Suite
Note: MFA is (at least was) possible with the free AAD but only for the Global Admins in the directory, or for Subscription Administrators within an Azure Subscription.

Unable to sign in using my Windows Azure account while creating an Azure project from Visual Studio 2013

I am trying to create an Asp.Net web application from Visual studio to host in Windows Azure. After signing in with my work email(having MSDN subscription and Windows Azure benefits activated) I am shown this message:
Sorry but we didn't find any Windows Azure subscriptions associated with your account.
You can sign in with a different account, or as an MSDN Subscriber, you can get started with Microsoft Azure using monthly credits that are included in your MSDN subscription. Just activate your MSDN benefit to get started.
I have already activated my MSDN benefit and also have one Asp.Net web application up and running on Windows Azure with the same account for last 10 days.
I don't understand why it's happening. If anyone knows about it then please let me know.
The issue has been resolved with the help of my organisation's IT Admin. Here is the resolution.
The problem was that, while signing in, I was give two option to choose from after entering my email Id-
Work or School account (Assigned by your work or school) or
Microsoft Account (Personal Account).
I was selecting the first one i.e Work/School account. My MSDN subscription is provided by my organization but the Windows Azure account I created using that MSDN subscription is my personal one and not provided by my company. So I should have selected the second option i.e. Personal Account.
Now when I select Microsoft Account while signing, my project is successfully created for hosting in Windows Azure.
So to msdn and activate Azure under that.
