How to use webhooks? - webhooks

I am working on a project where I need to integrate the google-services(like Gmail, Gcalendar). When the user gets a mail or something added to the gCalender I need to activate some code. Can I achieve it by webhooks or need to do polling with some time duration.
If I use webhooks, how to determine which user data that I get(consider I have thousands of users).

You can use webhooks to get push notifications. Webhooks are very similar to API's but they are inverted instead. For example instead of you making a call to an API you would define a callback URL in which the receiving end will then HTTP Post the information that you want, e.g name etc.
the creation or registration of a webhook will be the combination of:
--> a Friendly name for that webhook.
--> the URL where the callback should be sent
--> the scope of the webhook
--> the events to post to the URL either all events or a set of specific events.
Name: "MyWebhook"
Scope: Project = .... and fixversion IN ("5.1")
Events: Updated and create etc.
You can create webhooks by first setting up an unique URL which I use RequestBin for e.g
Most Event Webhooks will notify a URL that you choose via the HTTP Post with information about events that occur.
A good example about webhooks can be found here:
And this here will example how to use the send grid event to email:


Webhooks functionality

I would like to 'export' data out of ActiveCollab into another 3rd party tool (Helix ALM), but I'm confused about how webhooks function. Do webhooks execute a POST when changes are made in ActiveCollab, or are they executed by the 3rd party app and Activecollab returns the information that is requested in them? I'm trying to understand if ActiveCollab is 'pushing' data when changes are made, or if the data is being requested by 3rd party app. If AC is pushing data out, does it do so when ANY change is made or can it be configured to POST on specific/configurable changes?
I have reviewed the webhooks documentation but I'm unclear on the intended functionality.
ActiveCollab sends out POST requests on relevant model events. These events are JSON encoded, and system will set User-Agent header to Active Collab when making a request.
No filtering for custom webhooks is currently available. You'll receive all webhooks, and you should filter them out on your end. Each webhook has event_type property set that you can use to find events that you are interested in.

Receiving webhooks from stripe to wix

Hello everyone I am trying to send json data from a completed checkout to my six website via webhook I need to retrieve the order number and the product that the customer have bought but I cannot figure out how to do that
Assume you are listening to the checkout.session.completed events. In your webhook event handling code, you can expand the hash of the CheckoutSession object to get the price/product info.
I'm not sure about the order number that you refer to, perhaps you mean the payment_intent?

Pass query parameter while making POST request from twilio webhook

When the call ends, I want to send data to Microsoft teams. For that purpose, I am making a POST request using the Twilio webhook. I have added the link for HTTP request in CALL STATUS CHANGES. But I also want to send data collected during calls. Is there any way to do that?
Article here( doesn't mention anything about passing data.
My POST request URI looks something like this:-
I want Name and Phone data to be collected from Memory.
Twilio developer evangelist here.
When Twilio sends a webhook request about a voice call it will send a whole bunch of parameters including CallSid, To, From (the number user called from), AccountSid, CallStatus and more all of which are listed here.
I would not recommend making the Twilio webhook directly to Microsoft Teams as Twilio expects there to be a response to the request. Also, Twilio cannot know the name of your caller either.
Instead, I would recommend setting up the webhook request to go to your own application where you can parse out the data you need from the request, collect other data like name, and then make the request to Teams to complete your interaction.

Quire webhooks API

I have difficult to understand how webooks works. From documentation ( there is a section about Notification, and so:
"If the app wants to receive notifications of a specific projects or tasks, it can follow the projects or apps by sending a PUT request to the URL. To add a follower, the body of the request can be"
First question: Where should i send the put request?
What i want to do is to send task creation (and edit) on a specific nodejs server (listening over https). I have added my server url to "webhook" section in my app settings.
Second question: If above step is correct, what are the next steps?
Thansk, Nicola
1) the PUT request is sent to the resource you want to follow:
e.g. to follow an existing task you have to update a task using the addFollowers parameter
Four your case you'd have to follow a Project and see filter the notifications are posted to your webhook endpoint.
More detail was given in this duplicate question in github
2) next steps would be to implement your webhook endpoint and listen to notifications.

Creating form data via rest doesn't trigger autoresponder

Kentico 10. When I make a rest request to post data to the kentico form module I get a successful http 201 back and I can see the data created in the kentico interface. This particular form I am posting data to has an autoresponder set up.
I have a default smtp server set up and can successfully email out through it, which leads me to believe that the autoresponder on the form does not get triggered when data is created in the kentico form via rest. I never see the autoresponder attempt to send an email in either the email queue module or the event viewer (with the proper web.config key set).
Is that the intended behavior, to not trigger the autoresponder when forms module data is created via a rest request? If so, any idea how to get it to trigger?
Yes you are correct. Kentico REST is meant to perform simple CRUD operations. Essentially what you doing is the same as if you do it inside the admin i.e. go inside admin -> forms -> your form name -> recorded data and add new record. It doesn't trigger anything like sending email or Redirect to URL etc.
What you can do if you want to send email using form global events and on insert send email yourself. Here is the example of using global events
