C++ usrsctp callback parameters null - visual-c++

I'm currently creating a network application that uses the usrsctp library on windows and I'm having an odd problem with parameters appearing as null when they shouldn't be on a callback function. I'm not sure if this is a specific usrsctp issue or something I'm doing wrong so I wanted to check here first.
When creating a new sctp socket you pass a function as one of the parameters that you want to be called when data is received as shown in the code below
static int receive_cb(struct socket *sock, union sctp_sockstore addr, void *data,
size_t datalen, struct sctp_rcvinfo rcv, int flags, void *ulp_info)
if (data == NULL) {
printf("receive_cb - Data NULL, closing socket...\n");
done = 1;
else {
_write(_fileno(stdout), data, datalen);
return (1);
//Create SCTP socket
if ((sctpsock = usrsctp_socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_SCTP, receive_cb, NULL, 0, NULL)) == NULL) {
return -1;
Tracing through the library I can see that before the call back is called all the parameters are correct
As soon as I step into it they become null
I've no idea what would cause this, the callback function was taken straight from the official examples so nothing should be wrong there.

Ok, worked out the issue, it seems that the parameter before 'union sctp_sockstore addr' was causing the stack to be pushed by 0x1c and moving the rest of the parameters away from where they should be. I've never come across this issue before but changing the parameter to a pointer fixed it.

I had the same Issue, in my case the reason was a missing define for INET.
Since the size of 'union sctp_sockstore' depends on this define.
So you have to ensure, that you use the same defines as you used when compiling the library.


Glib: Calling a iterative loop function

Have a query on timeout calling and GMainContext. It is really confusing to me
Suppose I have the codes below (a bit incomplete, just for demonstration). I use normal Pthreads to create a thread. Within the thread, I run Glib functionality and created a GMainContext (stored within l_app.context).
I then created a source to run the function check_cmd iteratively at about 1 sec interval. This callback (or could we call it a thread?) will check for command from other threads( Pthreads not shown here for update in cmd status). From here onwards, there are two specific command
One to start a looping function
The other to end the looping function
I have done and thought of two ways to create the function and set them to run iteratively.
To create another timeout
using the same method of creating check_cmd
Essentially both to me are pretty much essentially the same method, when I tried both of them. Plan A (as I called it) does not work but Plan B ...actually run at least once. So I would like to know how to fix them...
Or maybe I should use g_source_add_child_source() instead?
In Summary, my question is
when you created a new context and push it to become the default context, do all subsequent function that require main_context will refer to this context?
in a nut shell, how do you add new sources when a loop is already running, ie like my cases
lastly, it is okay to quit the main loop within the callback you have created?
Here is my pseudocode
#include <glib.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#define PLAN_A 0
typedef struct
GMainContext *context;
GMainLoop *loop;
static _App l_app;
guint gID;
time_cycle(gpointer udata)
g_print("I AM THREADING");
return true;
check_cmd_session(NULL )
while(alive) /// alive is a boolean value that is shared with other threads(not shown)
/// PLAN A
//// which context does this add to ??
#if PLAN_A
g_timeout_add_seconds(10, (GSourceFunc)timeout, NULL);
/// or should i use PLAN B
GSource* source = g_timeout_source_new(1000);
gID = g_source_set_callback(source,
g_source_attach(source, l_app.context);
#if PLAN_A
g_main_loop_quit (l_app.loop);
return FALSE;
liveService(Info *info)
l_app.context = g_main_context_new ();
GSource* source = g_timeout_source_new(1000);
/// make it run
g_source_attach(source, l_app.context);
g_main_loop_run (l_app.loop);
int main()
pthread_t tid[2];
int thread_counter = 0;
err = pthread_create(&(tid[thread_counter]), NULL, &live, &info);
if (err != 0)
printf("\n can't create live thread :[%s]", strerror(err));
printf("--> Thread for Live created successfully\n");
/**** other threads are build not shown here */
for(int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
printf("Joining the %d threads \n", i);
return 0;
In Summary, my question is
when you created a new context and push it to become the default context, do all subsequent function that require main_context will
refer to this context?
Functions that are documented as using the thread-default main context will use the GMainContext which has been most recently pushed with g_main_context_push_thread_default().
Functions that are documented as using the global default main context will not. They will use the GMainContext which is created at init time and which is associated with the main thread.
g_timeout_add_seconds() is documented as using the global default main context. So you need to go with plan B if you want the timeout source to be attached to a specific GMainContext.
in a nut shell, how do you add new sources when a loop is already running, ie like my cases
g_source_attach() works when a main context is being iterated.
lastly, it is okay to quit the main loop within the callback you have created?
Yes, g_main_loop_quit() can be called at any point.
From your code, it looks like you’re not creating a new GMainLoop for each GMainContext and are instead assuming that one GMainLoop will somehow work with all GMainContexts in the process. That’s not correct. If you’re going to use GMainLoop, you need to create a new one for each GMainContext you create.
All other things aside, you might find it easier to use GLib’s threading functions rather than using pthread directly. GLib’s threading functions are portable to other platforms and a little bit easier to use. Given that you’re already linking to libglib, using them would cost nothing extra.

How to ensure two different applications running on the same machine attach to the same starting address with shmat

I am working on two completely separate applications that will need to use System V shared memory as a means of IPC. After reading The Linux man page, it seems like I will have to provide both applications with an address hint in order to guarantee that they point to the exact same memory location. I will be able to (almost) guarantee that they both have the same shmid, as described below. So I was wondering, 1. If NULL is passed as the second param and 0 as the third, will I be able to be 100% certain that the system will point both applications to the same starting location in memory if given the same shmid? And 2. If not, is there is a way to, at runtime, figure out what addresses the system is using for shared memory to make sure both applications use an address hint that won't cause the shmat to fail?
Example of code being used:
typedef struct
uint8_t dataBuffer[SHARED_MEM_BUFFER_SIZE]; //8 byte char array
} SharedData;
typedef struct
int32_t dataIndex;
SharedData data;
} SharedDataStructure;
bool initialize()
//Parse JSON file for key gen file path and char
auto keyGenFilePath = ...//Parsed file path
auto keyGenChar = ...//Parsed char
//Both applications will be reading the exact same json file, to ensure
//they both receive the same key.
key_t sharedMemKey = ftok(keyGenFilePath.c_str(), keyGenChar[0]);
if (sharedMemKey == -1)
//Log error
return false;
//m_shMemId is an int, m_params is a std::vector<SharedDataStructure>
m_shMemId = shmget(sharedMemKey, m_params.size() * sizeof(SharedData), IPC_CREAT | 0666);
if (m_shMemId == -1)
//Log error
return false;
//m_attachedSharedMem is a SharedData pointer
m_attachedSharedMem = (SharedData *)shmat(m_shMemId, NULL, 0);
if (m_attachedSharedMem == (void *)-1)
//Log error
return false;
//Zero out shared memory
return true;
Also, please note that both applications will initialize their shared memory this way (Only one will zero the memory). This is also going on a very barebones system, so these two applications WILL be the only two applications using shared memory outside of the OS. Also, using POSIX shared memory is not an option, not because of system limitations, but due to other factors.
I apologize for not being able to provide a copy-paste compilable example, the application(s) need to be highly configurable to avoid having the change code in the future.

Embedded Linux poll() returns constantly

I have a particular problem. Poll keeps returning when I know there is nothing to read.
So the setup it as follows, I have 2 File Descriptors which form part of a fd set that poll watches. One is for a Pin high to low change (GPIO). The other is for a proxy input. The problem occurs with the Proxy Input.
The order of processing is: start main functions; it will then poll; write data to proxy; poll will break; accept the data; send the data over SPI; receiving slave device, signals that it wants to send ack, by Dropping GPIO low; poll() senses this drop and reacts;
Infinite POLLINs :(
IF I have no timeout on the Poll function, the program works perfectly. The moment I include a timeout on the Poll. The Poll returns continuously. Not sure what I am doing wrong here.
memset((void*)fdset, 0, sizeof(fdset));
fdset[0].fd = gpio_fd;
fdset[0].events = POLLPRI; // POLLPRI - There is urgent data to read
fdset[1].fd = proxy_rx;
fdset[1].events = POLLIN; // POLLIN - There is data to read
rc = poll(fdset, nfds, 1000);//POLL_TIMEOUT);
if (rc < 0) // Error
printf("\npoll() failed/Interrupted!\n");
else if (rc == 0) // Timeout occurred
printf(" poll() timeout\n");
if (fdset[1].revents & POLLIN)
printf("fdset[1].revents & POLLIN\n");
if ((resultR =read(fdset[1].fd,command_buf,10))<0)
printf("Failed to read Data\n");
if (fdset[0].revents & POLLPRI)
//if( (gpio_fd != -1) && (FD_ISSET(gpio_fd, &err)))
lseek(fdset[0].fd, 0, SEEK_SET); // Read from the start of the file
len = read(fdset[0].fd, reader, 64);
So that is the gist of my code.
I have also used GDB and while debugging, I found that the GPIO descriptor was set with revents = 0x10, which means that an error occurred and that POLLPRI also occurred.
In this question, something similar was addressed. But I do read all the time whenever I get POLLIN. It is a bit amazing, that this problem only occurs when I include the timeout, if I replace the poll timeout with -1, it works perfectly.
When poll fails (returning -1) you should do something with errno, perhaps thru perror; and your nfds (the second argument to poll) is not set, but it should be the constant 2.
Probably the GCC compiler would have given a warning, at least with all warnings enabled (-Wall), about nfds not being set.
(I'm guessing that nfds being uninitialized might be some "random" large value.... So the kernel might be polling other "random" file descriptors, those in your fdset after index 2...)
BTW, you could strace your program. And using the fdset name is a bit confusing (it could refer to select(2)).
Assuming I fixed your formatting properly in your question, it looks like you have a missing } after the POLLIN block and the next if() that checks the POLLPRI. It would possibly work better this way:
if (fdset[1].revents & POLLIN)
printf("fdset[1].revents & POLLIN\n");
if ((resultR =read(fdset[1].fd,command_buf,10))<0)
printf("Failed to read Data\n");
if (fdset[0].revents & POLLPRI)
//if( (gpio_fd != -1) && (FD_ISSET(gpio_fd, &err)))
lseek(fdset[0].fd, 0, SEEK_SET); // Read from the start of the file
len = read(fdset[0].fd, reader, 64);
Although you can do whatever you want with indentation in C/C++/Java/JavaScript, not doing it right can bite you really hard. Hopefully, I'm wrong and your original code was correct.
Another one I often see: People not using the { ... } at all and end up writing code like:
if(expr) do_a; do_b;
and of course, do_b; will be executed all the time, whether expr is true or false... and although you could fix the above with a comma like so:
if(expr) do_a, do_b;
the only safe way to do it right is to use the brackets:
Always make sure your indentation is perfect and write small functions so you can see that it is indeed perfect.

program get stuck in getenv()

I am overloading "malloc" by pre-loading a library. In this custom "malloc", i am using environment variable to distinguish my program to use my custom "malloc" from the general "malloc".
The problem is that, after several "mallocs" the program gets stuck inside getenv() call. I am not able to figure out why the program is getting stuck inside it.
The code is the following:
void* PerfTrackMallocInterposition::Malloc(size_t size) {
// Malloc with statistics
char *checkCDBEnd=NULL;
static const char* CDBEndEnv = "checkCDBEnd";
checkCDBEnd = getenv(CDBEndEnv); //program gets stuck here
void *result = Alloc(size); //Call to custom malloc
return result;
void* result = (*fPMalloc)(size); //call to normal malloc
return result;
I also get a bus error at same position while using this library with vim editor.
Please help me.
Thank You
Are you sure the program gets stuck on the getenv() call? I would be more suspicious of the mutexes: pthread_mutex_lock(&fgPTMutex); will block if another thread holds the mutex

sem_post() fail with valid semaphore

I have a queue with a semaphore. At certain point all the calls to sem_post() always return 'Invalid argument' error although the semaphore itself is valid
The semaphore is a private member of C++ object which is never deleted, it also can be inspected in gdb. I added sem_getvalue() just before the sem_post() - the value reads OK and then it fails on sem_post(). What could be wrong?
CThreadQueue::CThreadQueue(int MaxSize) :
sem_init(&_TaskCount, 0, 0)
pthread_mutex_init(&_Mutex, 0);
pthread_create(&_Thread, NULL, CThreadQueue::StartThread, this);
pthread_kill(_Thread, SIGKILL);
int CThreadQueue::AddTask(CThreadTask Task)
return 0;
void *CThreadQueue::StartThread(void *Obj)
return NULL;
//runs in a separate thread
void CThreadQueue::RunThread()
CThreadQueue::CTask Task;
while(1) {
Task = _Queue.front();
if (Task.Callee != NULL)
Task.Callee->CallBackFunc(NULL, Task.CallParam);
What could be wrong? Any number of things. Something else could be destroying the semaphore or overwriting the memory used to store it or the pointer to it. Another possibility is that you're calling sem_post() too many times and the counter overflows. A code sample would help.
We had the same problem, and after a long time figuring out what could be happening, we discovered that the problem occurred because the semaphore was defined inside a struct that had its byte alignment changed to 1 (in this case using the pragma pack(1) directive).
The POSIX semaphores implementation on Linux uses the futex syscall. According to the futex man page, EINVAL is returned when "An operation was not defined or error in page alignment."
In our case, either removing the pragma pack(1) directive or defining the semaphore as the first element of the struct, solved the problem.
