Perl ithreads :shared variables - multiprocessor kernel threads - visibility - multithreading

perlthrtut excerpt:
Note that a shared variable guarantees that if two or more threads try
to modify it at the same time, the internal state of the variable will
not become corrupted. However, there are no guarantees beyond this, as
explained in the next section.
Working on Linux supporting multiprocessor kernel threads.
Is there a guarantee that all threads will see the updated shared variable value ?
Consulting the perlthrtut doc as stated above there is no such guarantee.
Now the question: What can be done programmatically to guarantee that?

You ask
Is there a guarantee that all threads will see the updated shared variable value ?
Yes. :shared is that guarantee. The value will be safely and consistently and freshly updated.
The problem is simply that, without other synchronization, you don't know the order of these updates.
Consulting the perlthrtut doc as stated above there is no such guarantee.
You didn't read far enough. :)
The very next section in perlthrtut explains the kind of pitfalls you do face with perl threads: data races, which is to say, application logic races concerning shared data. Again, the shared data will be consistent and fresh and immune to corruption from (more-or-less) atomic perl opcodes. However, the high-level perl operations you perform on that shared data are not guaranteed to be atomic. $shared_var++, for instance, might be more than one atomic operation.
(If I may hazard a guess, you are perhaps thinking too much about other languages' lower level threading interfaces with their cache inconsistencies, torn words, reordered instructions, and lions and tigers and bears. Perl's model takes care of those low-level concerns for you.)

Using :shared on a variable causes all threads to reference it in the same physical memory address, so it doesn't matter which processor/core/hyper-thread they happen to be executing in. The perlthrtut talk of guarantees is in reference to race conditions, and in short, that you need to take into account that shared variables can be modified by any thread at any time. If this is a problem you'll need to make use of synchronization functions (e.g. lock() and cond_wait()) to control access.

You seem to be confused as to what :shared does. It makes it so a variable is shared by all threads.
A variable is indeed guaranteed to have the value it has, no matter which thread accesses it. It's a tautology, so nothing can be done to programmatically guarantee that.


Deciding the critical section of kernel code

Hi I am writing kernel code which intends to do process scheduling and multi-threaded execution. I've studied about locking mechanisms and their functionality. Is there a thumb rule regarding what sort of data structure in critical section should be protected by locking (mutex/semaphores/spinlocks)?
I know that where ever there is chance of concurrency in part of code, we require lock. But how do we decide, what if we miss and test cases don't catch them. Earlier I wrote code for system calls and file systems where I never cared about taking locks.
Is there a thumb rule regarding what sort of data structure in critical section should be protected by locking?
Any object (global variable, field of the structure object, etc.), accessed concurrently when one access is write access requires some locking discipline for access.
But how do we decide, what if we miss and test cases don't catch them?
Good practice is appropriate comment for every declaration of variable, structure, or structure field, which requires locking discipline for access. Anyone, who uses this variable, reads this comment and writes corresponded code for access. Kernel core and modules tend to follow this strategy.
As for testing, common testing rarely reveals concurrency issues because of their low probability. When testing kernel modules, I would advice to use Kernel Strider, which attempts to prove correctness of concurrent memory accesses or RaceHound, which increases probability of concurrent issues and checks them.
It is always safe to grab a lock for the duration of any code that accesses any shared data, but this is slow since it means only one thread at a time can run significant chunks of code.
Depending on the data in question though, there may be shortcuts that are safe and fast. If it is a simple integer ( and by integer I mean the native word size of the CPU, i.e. not a 64 bit on a 32 bit cpu ), then you may not need to do any locking: if one thread tries to write to the integer, and the other reads it at the same time, the reader will either get the old value, or the new value, never a mix of the two. If the reader doesn't care that he got the old value, then there is no need for a lock.
If however, you are updating two integers together, and it would be bad for the reader to get the new value for one and the old value for the other, then you need a lock. Another example is if the thread is incrementing the integer. That normally involves a read, add, and write. If one reads the old value, then the other manages to read, add, and write the new value, then the first thread adds and writes the new value, both believe they have incremented the variable, but instead of being incremented twice, it was only incremented once. This needs either a lock, or the use of an atomic increment primitive to ensure that the read/modify/write cycle can not be interrupted. There are also atomic test-and-set primitives so you can read a value, do some math on it, then try to write it back, but the write only succeeds if it still holds the original value. That is, if another thread changed it since the time you read it, the test-and-set will fail, then you can discard your new value and start over with a read of the value the other thread set and try to test-and-set it again.
Pointers are really just integers, so if you set up a data structure then store a pointer to it where another thread can find it, you don't need a lock as long as you set up the structure fully before you store its address in the pointer. Another thread reading the pointer ( it will need to make sure to read the pointer only once, i.e. by storing it in a local variable then using only that to refer to the structure from then on ) will either see the new structure, or the old one, but never an intermediate state. If most threads only read the structure via the pointer, and any that want to write do so either with a lock, or an atomic test-and-set of the pointer, this is sufficient. Any time you want to modify any member of the structure though, you have to copy it to a new one, change the new one, then update the pointer. This is essentially how the kernel's RCU ( read, copy, update ) mechanism works.
Ideally, you must enumerate all the resources available in your system , the related threads and communication, sharing mechanism during design. Determination of the following for every resource and maintaining a proper check list whenever change is made can be of great help :
The duration for which the resource will be busy (Utilization of resource) & type of lock
Amount of tasks queued upon that particular resource (Load) & priority
Type of communication, sharing mechanism related to resource
Error conditions related to resource
If possible, it is better to have a flow diagram depicting the resources, utilization, locks, load, communication/sharing mechanism and errors.
This process can help you in determining the missing scenarios/unknowns, critical sections and also in identification of bottlenecks.
On top of the above process, you may also need certain tools that can help you in testing / further analysis to rule out hidden problems if any :
Helgrind - a Valgrind tool for detecting synchronisation errors.
This can help in identifying data races/synchronization issues due
to improper locking, the lock ordering that can cause deadlocks and
also improper POSIX thread API usage that can have later impacts.
Refer :
Locksmith - For determining common lock errors that may arise during
runtime or that may cause deadlocks.
ThreadSanitizer - For detecting race condtion. Shall display all accesses & locks involved for all accesses.
Sparse can help to lists the locks acquired and released by a function and also identification of issues such as mixing of pointers to user address space and pointers to kernel address space.
Lockdep - For debugging of locks
iotop - For determining the current I/O usage by processes or threads on the system by monitoring the I/O usage information output by the kernel.
LTTng - For tracing race conditions and interrupt cascades possible. (A successor to LTT - Combination of kprobes, tracepoint and perf functionalities)
Ftrace - A Linux kernel internal tracer for analysing /debugging latency and performance related issues.
lsof and fuser can be handy in determining the processes having lock and the kind of locks.
Profiling can help in determining where exactly the time is being spent by the kernel. This can be done with tools like perf, Oprofile.
The strace can intercept/record system calls that are called by a process and also the signals that are received by a process. It shall show the order of events and all the return/resumption paths of calls.

Does all shared variables needs to be atomic?

I have started working to learn multicore programming. I started leaning c++11 atomics. I would like to know if all he shared variables needs to be atomic?
The only time a variable needs to be "atomic", i.e., can be updated in "one fell swoop, without any other thread being able to read it meanwhile", is if it even can be read while someone else is updating it. For instance, if it's set on initialization and then never changes, no one can ever read it while it's changing, and so it doesn't have to be atomic. On the other hand, if it ever changes after initialization and there's a risk that anyone else than the changing thread reads it while it's changing, then it needs to be atomic (atomic intrinsics or protected by mutex or otherwise)
If multiple thread accessing (read/write) the same variable then it should be atomic.
Also you can go though this.
Not necessarily for all scenarios. Also, note that atomicity of variable access alone does not guarantee full thread safety. It just ensures that the particular variable being read is got as a whole.In some architectures, the read operation does not happen in single assembly instruction. For example, if you are reading 64 bit value, the compiler might implement the read using two load instructions of assembly such that the 1st instruction reads the lower 32 bits and the 2nd instruction reads the higher 32 bits. This in turn can lead to race condition. So, atomic reads are preferred.

Thread visibility among one process

I'm reading the book Crack Code Interview recently, but there's one paragraph confusing me a lot on page 257:
A thread is a particular execution path of a process; when one thread modifies a process resource, the change is immediately visible to sibling threads.
IIRC, if one thread make a change to a variable, the change will firstly save in the CPU cache (say, L1 cache), and will not guarantee to synchronize to other threads unless the variable is declared as volatile.
Am I right?
Nope, you're wrong. But this is a very common misunderstanding.
Every modern multi-core CPU has hardware cache coherence. The L1, and similar caches, are invisible. CPU caches like the L1 cache have nothing to do with memory visibility.
Changes are visible immediately when a thread modifies a process resource. The issue is optimizations that cause process resources not to be modified in precisely the order the code specifies.
If your code has k = j; i = 4; if (j == 2) foo(); an optimizer might see that your first assignment reads the value of j. So it might not bother reading it again when you compare it to 2 since it "knows" that it can't have changed. However, another thread might have changed it. So optimizations of some kinds need to be disabled when synchronization between threads is required. That's what things like volatile do.
If compilers and CPUs made no optimizations and executed a program precisely as it was written, volatile would never be needed. Memory visibility is about optimizations in code (some done by the compiler, some by the CPU), not caches.
I think the text you are quoting is incorrect. The whole idea of the Java Memory Model is to deal with the complex optimizations by modern software & hardware, so that programmers can determine what writes are visible by the respective reads in other threads.
Unless a program in Java is properly synchronized, you can't guarantee that changes by one thread are immediately visible to other threads. Maybe the text refers to a very specific (and weak) memory model.
Usage of volatile variables is just one way to synchronize threads, and it's not suitable for all scenarios.
I think I understand the confusion now... I agree with David Schwartz, assuming that:
1) "modifies a process resource" means the actual change of the resource, not just the execution of a write instruction written in some high level computer language.
2) "is immediately visible to sibling threads" means that other threads are able to see it; it doesn't mean that a thread in your program will necessarily see it. You may still need to use synchronization tools in order to disable optimizations that bypass the actual access to the resource.

Usage of registers by the compiler in multithreaded program

It is a general question but:
In a multithreaded program, is it safe for the compiler to use registers to temporarily store global variables?
I think its not, since storing global variables in registers may change saved values
for other threads.
And how about using registers to store local variables defined within a function?
I think it is ok,since no other thread will be able to get these variables.
Please correct me if im wrong.
Thank you!
Things are much more complicated than you think they are.
Even if the compiler stores a value to memory, the CPU generally does not immediately push the data out to RAM. It stores it in a cache (and some systems have 2 or 3 levels of caches between the processor and the memory).
To make things worse, the order of instructions that the compiler decides, may not be what actually gets executed as many processors can reorder instructions (and even sub-parts of instructions) in their own pipelines.
In general, in a multithreaded environment you should personally take care to never access (either read or write) the same memory from two separate threads unless one of the following is true:
you are using one of several special atomic operations that ensure proper synchronization.
you have used one of several synchronization operations to "reserve" access to shared data and then to "relinquish" it. These do include the required memory barriers that also guarantee the data is what it's supposed to be.
You may want to read and
If you are ready for a little headache and want to see how complicated things can actually get, here is your evening lecture Memory Barriers: a Hardware View for Software Hackers.
'Safe' is not really the right word to use. Many higher level languages (eg. C) do not have a threading model and so the language specification says nothing about mutli-threaded interactions.
If you are not using any kind of locking primitives then you have no guarantees what so ever about how the different threads interact. So the compiler is within its rights to use registers for global variables.
Even if you are using locking the behaviour can still be tricky: if you read a variable, then grab a lock and then read the variable again the compiler still has no way of knowing if it has to read the variable from memory again, or can use the earlier value it stored in a register.
In C/C++ declaring a variable as volatile will force the compiler to always reload the variable from memory and solve this particular instance.
There are also 'Interlocked*' primitives on most systems that have guaranteed atomicity semantics which can be used to ensure certain operations are threadsafe. Locking primitives are typically built on these low level operations.
In a multithreaded program, you have one of two cases: if it's running on a uniprocessor (single core, single CPU), then switching between threads is handled like switching between processes (although it's not quite as much work since the threads operate in the same virtual memory space) - all registers of one thread are saved during the transition to another thread, so using registers for whatever purpose is fine. This is the job of the context switch routines that the OS uses, and the register set is considered part of a threads (or processes) context. If you have a multiprocessor system - either multiple CPUs or multiple cores on a single CPU - each processor has its own distinct set of registers, so again, using registers for storing things is fine. On top of that, of course, context switching on a particular CPU will save the registers of the old thread/process before switching to the new one, so everything is preserved.
That said, on some architectures and/or with some OSes, there might be specific exceptions to that, because certain registers are reserved by the ABI for specific uses by the OS or by the libraries that provide an interface to the OS, but your compiler(s) generally have that type of knowledge of your platform built in. You need to be aware of them, though, if you're doing inline assembly or certain other "low-level" things...

Should access to a shared resource be locked by a parent thread before spawning a child thread that accesses it?

If I have the following psuedocode:
sharedVariable = somevalue;
Is it theoretically possible for a multicore CPU to execute code in threadWhichUsesSharedVariable() which reads the value of sharedVariable before the parent thread writes to it? For full theoretical avoidance of even the remote possibility of a race condition, should the code look like this instead:
sharedVariable = somevalue;
Basically I want to know if the spawning of a thread explicitly linearizes the CPU at that point, and is guaranteed to do so.
I know that the overhead of thread creation probably takes enough time that this would never matter in practice, but the perfectionist in me is afraid of the theoretical race condition. In extreme conditions, where some threads or cores might be severely lagged and others are running fast and efficiently, I can imagine that it might be remotely possible for the order of execution (or memory access) to be reversed unless there was a lock.
I would say that your pseudocode is safe on any correctly functioning
multiprocessor system. The C++ compiler cannot generate a call to
CreateThread() before sharedVariable has received a correct value
unless it can prove to itself that doing so is safe. You are guaranteed
that your single-threaded code executes equivalently to a completely
non-reordered linear execution path. Any system that "time warps" the
thread creation ahead of the variable assignment is seriously broken.
I don't think declaring sharedVariable as volatile does anything
useful in this case.
Given your example and if you were using Java then the answer would be "No". In Java it is not possible for the thread to spawn and read your value before the assignment operation is complete. In some other languages this might be a different story.
"Variables shared between multiple threads (e.g., instance variables of objects) have atomic assignment guaranteed by the Java language specification for all data types except longs and doubles... If a method consists solely of a single variable access or assignment, there is no need to make it synchronized for thread-safety, and every reason not to do so for performance."
If your double or long is declared volatile, then you are also guaranteed that the assignment is an atomic operation.
Your example is going to work in C++ just like it works in Java. Theoretically there is no way that the thread spawning will begin or complete before the assignment, even with Out of Order Execution.
Note that your example is VERY specific and in any other case it is recommended that you ensure the shared resource is protected properly. The new C++ standard is coming out with a lot of atomic stuff, so you could declare your variable as atomic and the assignment operation will be visible to all threads without the need of locking. CAS (compare and set) is a your next best option.
