Octopus-deploy; transform files being deleted - transform

When we ran our deploy from octopus deploy, we failed on our last step. I will include the error message, but the main problem is that it seems to be deleting our transform files. We have the checkbox marked to automatically run configuration transform files, but it results in them being deleted. Anyone else run into this problem or possibly know how to fix it?
The error message is:
Set-Location : Cannot process argument because the value of argument "path" is null. Change the value of argument "path" to a non-null value.
When we went to check the files from there, we noticed they were being deleted.

Octopus deletes the config transforms after executing them by design. That is not causing your deployment to fail.
Your release is failing because you are calling the PowerShell cmdlet Set-Location and passing a null value to its Path parameter.


Execute task on Azure VM with condition

I need to take down Azure VMs in a controlled way, first stopping them and then removing them. The "stop" part needs to be executed only if the VM is existing, otherwise the task creates one in a stopped state, and then removes it. I tried variations on when: state == "present" but without success. Where can I find an example or documentation about how I can use that? Or maybe the solution to have a previous task retrieving the VM info, and act on that?
If you haven't tried already, give it a try by having the first task using the module "azure_rm_virtualmachine_info" and make sure you save the result to a variable using "register" command. Then have the second task using "when" command to check if the value is "present" or not for the state object of the variable thats saved in the earlier task.

updatesystem does not consider config json

I am trying to perform system update from command line with a json config but it seems that, no matter what I do,
the command does the exact same thing, which I suppose is running the update with the default platform settings.
For example, when I tried to perform my update without essential data("essential": "false" in json config), essential impexes are also being run.
I tried with an invalid json(that does not have json format) and the build was successfull.
I also tried giving as a paramter a json that does not exist and yet, the build was successfull and essential impexes were also run.
So, it seems to me that, no matter what I do, the json is not taken into account and the update works with the default platform settings.
This is the command I am using:
ant updatesystem -Dtenant=master -DconfigFile=Path/updatesystem.json
Am I doing something wrong or how can I pass my configuration during system update from command line ?
Hybris version:
I Think your JSON path is wrong and please try to do it like this.
ant updatesystem -DconfigFile=../custom/testcore/resources/updatesystem-configuration.json
The problem was caused by the fact that the "updatesystem" macro was overriden in a project specific file and the configFile property was not passed to the UpdatePlatformAntPerformableImpl during creation. That is why, regardless of my input for configFile property , nothing changed.
I fixed the problem by also passing the configFile in the constructor:
new de.hybris.ant.taskdefs.UpdatePlatformAntPerformableImpl("${tenant}", "${configFile}")

Blueprism Issue with Finding File

I have a process which zips a file and emails it on. The process works most of the time. However, every so often I get an error message similar to the below.
ERROR: System Exception : Could not execute code stage because exception thrown by code stage: Could not find a part of the path 'T:\Path\Folder\File.zip'.
This is strange as it is able to find the original excel file, then zip it.
If I use the location from the error message I am able to find the file.
Is there an issue with the time it takes for the machine to find the file? Is this a bug?
It may happen that the file is getting zipped and you are trying to pick it up for sending mail, So solution Can be
Give some wait of 1 or 2 sec after zipping (as it may require some time for finishing work Not sure.)
While sending mail please ensure the file exists at location
If Point 2 is true, send the email with attachment
If point 2 is false, Raise the error to main process: "Zipped file not found"
After the zipping the files, if not created/zipped retry for 3 time or you can raise the error "Error: while zipping the files".
Ensure that zip file name should not contain any special character like ` , :
By doing so, we can able to find where the exact error is, whether is is on zipping code or file existence.

SSIS File System Task Copy to New Excel File Name w/Date Variable Not Found

I have an SSIS File system Task to Copy an Excel template and create one with a date appended. I get the error saying "the connection is not found. This error is thrown by Connections collection when the specific connection element is not found." It's not found because I'm trying to make it!
The preceding error says "Error at File System Task: Failed to lock variable "c:\Reports\Unregistered_20150915.xlsx" for read access with error 0xC0010001 The variable cannot be found. This occurs when an attempt is made to retrieve a variable from the Variables collection on a container during execution of the package, and the variable is not there. The variable name may have changed or the variable is not being created".
I'm new to this, and all I want to do is run a procedure nightly and put the results in a new Excel file with the date name appended to the end. My plan was to take a blank worksheet/file and copy it into a new file, then execute the procedure on the server to load into this new file. As you can see, the variable is filling in the date just fine, so I don't understand how it says the variable cannot be found.
I've used these pages for guidance, but I am taking some of this and some of that, obviously missing something in between:
Including the Date in a Filename in SSIS using an Expression
and SSIS: Export a Query Result to a File
Any suggestions, articles, or videos would be vastly appreciated.
I found the error. When I set the destination variable, I also had an expression that kept kicking the variable out and using the evaluated result, which is not the name of the variable. I guess in some way that only a newbie can, I created the variable with the expression and created an additional expression which the program was trying to use concurrently.

SSIS in Visual Studio 2012 - Package cannot read a project property from a file connection

I have been searching for an answer and asked a couple of SSIS "gurus", but nobody seems to have a solution for my problem.
I have a main package which I use to load and execute child packages within my project. One of the child packages has a file connection (the input data file) which I can set from the parent. I point this connection to a dummy file, so I can have the input format defined at compile time. The connection string is defined in a variable:
User::inputFile = #[$Project::DATA_ROOT_DIR]+ #[$Project::SYS_NAME]+"\"+ #[$Project::ENV]+"\"+ #[$Project::SUB_SYS]+"\[filename]"
All project properties are defined to build the file path.
If I run the child package directly, it finishes all tasks without error, but when I call it from the parent (using Execute Package Task) I get:
Error 1 Error loading [Package].dtsx: The variable "$Project::DATA_ROOT_DIR" was not found in the Variables collection. The variable might not exist in the correct scope.
After this error I cannot run the child package directly anymore, since I keep getting the same error. This makes things even weirder. Furthermore, the error appears when the child package is loaded, it never gets to run.
Any ideas about what can be wrong?
