inno setup to check any network intercepting traffic like zscaler - inno-setup

As a pre-install i need to check if zscaler or any similar program is intercepting the traffic. Can I use tracert for this? if so , can i just run as shellexec? Please help

Using tracert is possible - you need to catch the output of the cmd (see this example: How to get an output of an Exec'ed program in Inno Setup?)
But the tricky part is how to process that ouput? (The output is simple text.)
Do you want to parse it manually directly in Inno script? Or you have some utility to do this?
This may be a really tough task as there are many possibilities and options.


How to send arguement or instruction from web to linux machine and displaying result in web?

The main idea is i am going to implement, i think so it's quite new.Main idea is here i want to do traceroute scan from web.Suppose i request for traceroute instruction or by passing parameter from web and parameter passing to linux server should be executed and the result should be returned to the website.
Actually i been through the series of instruction regarding the CGI script and some of passing the parameter to linux machine.I have tried some of bash intstruction using REST feature but i am not getting any near to it.For example i have gone through these traceroute link
and i am not able to understand the mechanism how it works.
You can search about websockets. This is what is used in to display the console.
I have never used this feature but I am very interrested in having some documentations or tutorials, so if you find something please let me know.

Basic linux shell scripting: getting NTP at linux?

I want to write a shell script for getting NTP(Network Time Protocol) info for debian server.
How can I write, I don't know ?
Why are you writing your own? There are lots of existing tools to do this. openntp is one example. Look in aptitude.
Is there a reason you can't use the existing tools?
You probably want to take a look at ntpdate manpage for details on how to use this command.

Using directory traversal attack to execute commands

Is there a way to execute commands using directory traversal attacks?
For instance, I access a server's etc/passwd file like this
Is there a way to run a command instead? Like...
..... and get an output?
To be clear here, I've found the vuln in our company's server. I'm looking to raise the risk level (or bonus points for me) by proving that it may give an attacker complete access to the system
Chroot on Linux is easily breakable (unlike FreeBSD). Better solution is to switch on SELinux and run Apache in SELinux sandbox:
run_init /etc/init.d/httpd restart
Make sure you have mod_security installed and properly configured.
If you are able to view /etc/passwd as a result of the document root or access to Directory not correctly configured on the server, then the presence of this vulnerability does not automatically mean you can execute commands of your choice.
On the other hand if you are able view entries from /etc/passwd as a result of the web application using user input (filename) in calls such as popen, exec, system, shell_exec, or variants without adequate sanitization, then you may be able to execute arbitrary commands.
Unless the web server is utterly hideously programmed by someone with no idea what they're doing, trying to access ls using that (assuming it even works) would result in you seeing the contents of the ls binary, and nothing else.
Which is probably not very useful.
Yes it is possible (the first question) if the application is really really bad (in terms of security).
Edit#2: I have edited out my comments as they were deemed sarcastic and blunt. Ok now as more information came from gAMBOOKa about this, Apache with Fedora - which you should have put into the question - I would suggest:
Post to Apache forum, highlighting you're running latest version of Apache and running on Fedora and submit the exploit to them.
Post to Fedora's forum, again, highlighting you're running the latest version of Apache and submit the exploit to them.
It should be noted, include the httpd.conf to both of the sites when posting to their forums.
To minimize access to passwd files, look into running Apache in a sandbox/chrooted environment where any other files such as passwd are not visible outside of the sandbox/chrooted environment...have you a spare box lying around to experiment with it or even better use VMWARE to simulate the identical environment you are using for the Apache/Fedora - try get it to be IDENTICAL environment, and make the httpd server run within VMWare, and remotely access the Virtual machine to check if the exploit is still visible. Then chroot/sandbox it and re-run the exploit again...
Document the step-by-step to reproduce it and include a recommendation until a fix is found, meanwhile if there is minimal impact to the webserver running in sandbox/chrooted environment - push them to do so...
Hope this helps,
Best regards,
If you already can view etc/passwd then the server must be poorly configured...
if you really want to execute commands then you need to know the php script running in the server whether there is any system() command so that you can pass commands through the url..
eg: url?command=ls
try to view the .htaccess may do the trick..

How do I run test scripts from TestTrack Test Case Manager in Linux?

I use Seapine's TestTrack Test Case Manager (TCM) under Linux and thus far have been unable to figure out how to use its ability to kick off our Perl test scripts and save the resulting data into a test run. Could someone provide me with a config, or example?
Take a look at the Script Agent mechanism on our Labs site. That will allow you to kick-off the Perl scripts.
If you have any questions about that, or want some help shoot me an email (mharp#) and we can talk.

Call Visitors web stat program from PHP

I've been looking into different web statistics programs for my site, and one promising one is Visitors. Unfortunately, it's a C program and I don't know how to call it from the web server. I've tried using PHP's shell_exec, but my web host (NFSN) has PHP's safe mode on and it's giving me an error message.
Is there a way to execute the program within safe mode? If not, can it work with CGI? If so, how? (I've never used CGI before)
Visitors looks like a log analyzer and report generator. Its probably best setup as a chron job to create static HTML pages once a day or so.
If you don't have shell access to your hosting account, or some sort of control panel that lets you setup up chron jobs, you'll be out of luck.
Is there any reason not to just use Google Analytics? It's free, and you don't have to write it yourself. I use it, and it gives you a lot of information.
Sorry, I know it's not a "programming" answer ;)
I second the answer of Jonathan: this is a log analyzer, meaning that you must feed it as input the logfile of the webserver and it generates a summarization of it. Given that you are on a shared host, it is improbable that you can access to that file, and even if you would access it, it is probable that it contains then entries for all the websites hosted on the given machine (setting up separate logging for each VirtualHost is certainly possible with Apache, but I don't know if it is a common practice).
One possible workaround would be for you to write out a logfile from your pages. However this is rather difficult and can have a severe performance impact (you have to serialize the writes to the logfile for one, if you don't want to get garbage from time to time). All in all, I would suggest going with an online analytics service, like Google Analytics.
As fortune would have it I do have access to the log file for my site. I've been able to generate the HTML page on the server manually - I've just been looking for a way to get it to happen automatically. All I need is to execute a shell command and get the output to display as the page.
Sounds like a good job for an intern.
Call your host and see if you can work out a deal for doing a shell execute.
I managed to solve this problem on my own. I put the following lines in a file named visitors.cgi:
printf "Content-type: text/html\n\n"
exec visitors -A /home/logs/access_log
