Often when I'm using f to search for characters in the current line, I'll run into more occurrences of the character than I expected so highlighting each search match would be nice.
In the example below, let's say I'm starting at the beginning of the line and am trying to get to e in vowels. It would be helpful to highlight each of those occurrences so that I could get some context on the number of times to press ; after the initial search
# Here is a comment with a lot of vowels and I have passed it now
How does Vim's current implementation of f know how to wait for only a single character instead of a newline?
I would prefer to overwrite the builtin f functionality so I'm using a remap similar to this, but one of the problems is that it expects me to press enter at the end.
nnoremap f :call HighlightFSearches(input(''))<CR>
Currently have some issues with implementing my function HighlightFSearches as well, but one problem at a time.
Also, not really looking for a plugin and yes I know I can just do a search instead of using f but my brain seems to prefer going with f first in a lot of cases.
Here's my final solution with much thanks to #filbranden below!
function! HighlightFSearches(cmd)
" Get extra character for the command.
let char = nr2char(getchar())
if char ==# ''
" Skip special keys: arrows, backspace...
return ''
" Highlight 'char' on the current line.
let match_str = 'match Visual "\%' . line('.') . 'l' . char . '"'
execute match_str
" Finally, execute the original command with char appended to it
return a:cmd.char
" highlight searches using 'f'
nnoremap <expr> f highlighting#HighlightFSearches('f')
nnoremap f<bs> <nop>
vnoremap <expr> f highlighting#HighlightFSearches('f')
vnoremap f<bs> <nop>
" highlight searches using 'F'
nnoremap <expr> F highlighting#HighlightFSearches('F')
nnoremap F<bs> <nop>
vnoremap <expr> F highlighting#HighlightFSearches('F')
vnoremap F<bs> <nop>
Note that I chose the Highlight Group used for visual selects. You could choose a different one or make your own too
The short answer is that you should use getchar() to get a single character from the user.
The long answer is that this gets somewhat complicated pretty quickly, since you need to deal with special keys and corner cases while handling getchar().
Note that getchar() may return a number (for a normal keypress, which you can convert to a character with nr2char()), or a string, starting with a special 0x80 byte for special keys (backspace, arrows, etc.)
A simplistic approach (but somewhat effective) is that running nr2char() on the strings returned for the special keys will return an empty string, so we can use that to skip those.
The next advice is that you can use <expr> in your mappings to return the new command as a string. That, together with non-recursive mappings, allow you to return the actual f command itself at the end of the function, so that part of emulating it is taken care of!
Finally, one more trick you might want to use is to create a "dummy" mapping for f followed by an invalid character. The fact that such a 2-character mapping exists makes it so that your f mapping won't trigger until a second character has been entered, and this will prevent Vim from moving the cursor to the last line while waiting for a character, making the f emulation more seamless.
Putting it all together:
function! HighlightFSearches(cmd)
" Get extra character for the command.
let char = nr2char(getchar())
if char ==# ''
" Skip special keys: arrows, backspace...
return ''
" Here you'll want to highlight "char"
" on the current line.
" Finally, execute the original command.
return a:cmd.char
nnoremap <expr> f HighlightFSearches('f')
nnoremap f<bs> <nop>
The function is written in a way that you can easily reuse it for F, t and T.
For highlighting the matches, you can either use :match (or :2match, :3match) or maybe you could set #/ and let 'hlsearch' do the highlighting...
You'll probably want to anchor the regexp on the current line, so only those matches are highlighted, see :help /\%l for what you can use for that.
Finally, you'll probably want to clear the highlighting if you move to a different line. Take a look at the CursorMoved event of autocmd for that purpose.
There are quite a few details to iron out, but hopefully this will clarify how to emulate the command part of getting the character to search for.
The short and sweet answer is to substitute input() for getchar()
Note: The bar symbol (|) represents the editor caret throughout this question
I've made an UltiSnips snippet like this:
snippet "(\w+)" "HTML tag" r
<`!p snip.rv = match.group(1)`>$0</`!p snip.rv = match.group(1)`>
This lets me expand any word into a HTML tag, for example typing "body" and pressing tab expands to <body>|</body>.
The caret is placed between the tags. When I now press return, I would like to end up with:
This could be done with a keybind like this:
:ino <buffer> <CR> <CR><Esc>O
But I don't want to permanently rebind my return key. I only want this specific keybind to be active when my caret is placed between an opening and a closing HTML tag.
How can that be done most simply?
Another example is when I have my caret placed between two curly brackets, like so:
function() {|}
And press enter, I would like the result to be:
function() {
Again this can be done with the above key mapping, but in this case I would only want it to be active when my caret is placed between two curly brackets.
You could use map-expression (see :h map-expression) to decide whether what <CR> get mapped to when you hit it:
for example the following insert mode map:
inoremap <expr> <CR> strpart(getline('.'), col('.')-2, 1) =~ '[>{]' ? '<CR><ESC>O' : '<CR>'
checks the charachter before cursor and if its > or { it returns <CR><ESC>O in other situations it simply do <CR>
In place of conditional ternary expression you could define a full functional function to respond in any situatuion with any pairs; But there is already great plugins that intend to do such tasks gracefully:
demilitMate and auto-pairs are two famous one.
give them a try.
I've implemented this in lh-brackets, and I remember giving an answer to a very close question here: How to move opening curly braces to a new line in Vim?
I define it with:
call lh#brackets#enrich_imap('<cr>',
\ {'condition': 'getline(".")[col(".")-2:col(".")-1]=="{}"',
\ 'action': 'lh#brackets#_add_newline_between_brackets()'},
\ 0,
\ '\<cr\>'
\ )
If you want to distinguish language situations, you'll have to have ftplugins for c (and all other bracket based languages), xml (and other tag based languages) where you have a inoremap <buffer> <expr> that tests the context (see the test above) to return either "<cr>" or "<cr><esc>O".
" to be put in c, js, java, c#... ftplugins
inoremap <buffer> <expr> <cr> getline(".")[col(".")-2:col(".")-1]=="{}" ? '<cr> : '<cr><esc>O'
" to be put in a xml and HTML ftplugin
inoremap <buffer> <expr> <cr> getline(".")[col(".")-2:col(".")-1]=="><" ? '<cr> : '<cr><esc>O'
You can also define them globally in your vimrc, but then, it will be triggered all the time -- the tests will need to be merged in that case.
I found the following execute command to be useful in vim:
:execute "normal! mqA;\<esc>`q"
it goes to normal mode, then it makes a mark "q" at cursor position,
goes to end of the line and adds a semicolon ";", then it goes to
normal mode again and returns to the original cursor position.
How could I map all this command to a key called "scc"?
I have tried:
imap scc <Esc>:execute "normal! mqA;\<esc>`q"<CR>
however it didn't work. Thanks.
You don't need :execute - normal, you can simply do (and use the "noremap" form):
inoremap scc <Esc>mqA;<Esc>`q
But your map keys are not very good chosen(?), try e.g. <F3> for function key 3.
Others have dealt with the core problem but I should had that, instead of creating an alphabetical mark, you could use a "context mark":
inoremap <something> <Esc>m`A;<Esc>``
Using an alphabetical mark is not wrong, mind you, but I think they are more useful elsewhere.
I'm trying to write vimscript that does something when a user presses <cr> (in both normal and insert mode), but which doesn't interfere with the normal effect of <cr>, which is to insert a line break and move the cursor to the right position on the next line (respecting smart indent or any other indent mode).
Any suggestions?
Try to omit *map where possible and you will not have such problems. This will work as expected:
function s:DoSomething()
echom "Inside DoSomething"
return "\<CR>"
" return "\n" also works "
inoremap <expr> <CR> <SID>DoSomething()
" If DoSomething function cannot be executed inside a textlock: "
inoremap <CR> <C-o>:call <SID>DoSomething()<CR><CR>
Note the nore, it prevents <CR> returned by s:DoSomething from being replaced again.
The right-hand side of the mapping needs to begin with <cr>. Like this:
:imap <cr> <cr>sometext
Then it does not recursively trigger the mapping.
If the {rhs} of a map begins with the {lhs}, then it is not recursively replaced. For example, the following command will not create a recursive map for gq:
:nmap gq gq
I spend way too much time fumbling around because Vim doesn't handle closing braces like most IDEs do. Here's what I want to happen:
Type this:
if( whatever )
{ <CR>
and get this:
if( whatever )
where <CR> mean hit the ENTER key and | is the position of the cursor. This is what Eclipse does. It's what Visual Studio does. And it's what I want Vim to do.
I've seen a few plugins, tried a few, and none of them seem to give me this behavior. Surely I can't be the first programmer to want this.
In VimL, you can map the { to do exactly as you wish:
inoremap { {<CR>}<Esc>ko
depending on your autoindent setup, you may want to add a <BS> after <CR>.
For a more complete solution, I'd suggest you take a look at Luc Hermitte's vim plugins. They've never failed me so far.
No need for plugin. Much cleaner and flexible solution:
inoremap { {}<Esc>ha
inoremap ( ()<Esc>ha
inoremap [ []<Esc>ha
inoremap " ""<Esc>ha
inoremap ' ''<Esc>ha
inoremap ` ``<Esc>ha
Details about vim and above mapping.
Mapping:- a mapping is a way to define a shortcut for a sequence of keystrokes.
keystroke:- a keystroke refers to a single key press on the keyboard.
About above mappings.
The :inoremap command is used to create a mapping that works in insert mode. Whenever you type { in insert mode, it will be replaced with {}. The <Esc> is used to exit insert mode, and the ha moves the cursor back to the position after the opening curly brace. Like that these all mapping works.
Using AutoClose with the following works correctly.
inoremap {<CR> {<CR>}<C-o>O
This is true for my system at least (Unix terminal on Mac OS X).
A solution for braces, brackets and parenthesis with tab in between.
" Automatically closing braces
inoremap {<CR> {<CR>}<Esc>ko<tab>
inoremap [<CR> [<CR>]<Esc>ko<tab>
inoremap (<CR> (<CR>)<Esc>ko<tab>
function() {
Here is what I have in my vimrc:
let s:pairs={
\'<': '>',
\'{': '}',
\'[': ']',
\'(': ')',
\'«': '»',
\'„': '“',
\'“': '”',
\'‘': '’',
call map(copy(s:pairs), 'extend(s:pairs, {v:val : v:key}, "keep")')
function! InsertPair(left, ...)
let rlist=reverse(map(split(a:left, '\zs'), 'get(s:pairs, v:val, v:val)'))
let opts=get(a:000, 0, {})
let start = get(opts, 'start', '')
let lmiddle = get(opts, 'lmiddle', '')
let rmiddle = get(opts, 'rmiddle', '')
let end = get(opts, 'end', '')
let prefix = get(opts, 'prefix', '')
let start.=prefix
let rmiddle.=prefix
let left=start.a:left.lmiddle
let right=rmiddle.join(rlist, '').end
let moves=repeat("\<Left>", len(split(right, '\zs')))
return left.right.moves
noremap! <expr> ,f InsertPair('{')
noremap! <expr> ,h InsertPair('[')
noremap! <expr> ,s InsertPair('(')
noremap! <expr> ,u InsertPair('<')
And, for some filetypes:
inoremap {<CR> {<C-o>o}<C-o>O
// I know that InsertPair function is trivial, but it saves time because with it I can define both command and normal mode mappings with one command without having to write lots of <Left>s.
Put the following in your .vimrc file:
inoremap { {}<ESC>ha
Whenever you press { in insert mode, {} is generated and puts your cursor on the right brace, so that you can start typing between them straight away. By putting the curly braces in sequence rather than on different lines, you can put tabs in front of } manually. That way you never have the wrong amount of tabs in front of it.
Perhaps someone can figure out how to count the amount of tabs the cursor is on, and then generate an equal amount of tabs in front of the } on a new line.
inoremap ( ()<ESC>i
inoremap " ""<ESC>i
inoremap ' ''<ESC>i
inoremap { {<Cr>}<Esc>O
For anyone that runs across this like I did, and was looking for something more recently updated than AutoClose: delimitMate I have found to be, not only a preferable solution to AutoClose, behavior wise, but also in active development. According to vim.org, AutoClose has not been updated since 2009.
I have tried different plugins but I found most accurate and most easy to use auto-pairs. It is really intuitive and when you install it you get what you've expected out of the box.
I've always preferred something like what sublime text does where it appends the closing brace as the next character, so I added the following to my .vimrc:
inoremap ( ()<ESC>hli
which moves the cursor to between the two braces.
As you'll see in the wikia tip: there are many solutions to this recurrent question (I even have mine).
That is if you limit yourself to bracket pairs. Here you are in the context of a control statement. You're thus more likely to find snippet systems that will not expect you to type the ") {" when typing an "if" statement. Vim shortcut tend to be shorter from what I read in your question. Here again there are a lot of choices, you'll find most likely snipmate, and may be my C&C++ suite.
Insert this into your ~/.vimrc if you have auto-indent enabled:
inoremap {<CR> {<CR>}<Esc>ko
inoremap [<CR> [<CR>]<Esc>ko
inoremap (<CR> (<CR>)<Esc>ko
and if not
inoremap {<CR> {<CR>}<Esc>ko<tab>
inoremap [<CR> [<CR>]<Esc>ko<tab>
inoremap (<CR> (<CR>)<Esc>ko<tab>
Then you can map a key (in my case the key is ä, this can be replaced with anything you want)...
map ä A<space>{<CR>
...to automatically do all of this for you, if you are anywhere in the line on key press.
example ('|' symbolizes where your cursor is):
int main(int a|rgc)
When you press the key now (in my case ä in command mode), the result will be this:
int main(int argc) {
delimitMate has a setting for this.
Vim patch 7.4.849 added a binding to allow for cursor movements without restarting the undo sequence. Once updated to >= 7.4.849 then something like this works great.
inoremap ( ()<C-G>U<Left>
Note that I grabbed that straight from the documentation included in the patch. Best simple solution for this feature yet.
commit for patch 7.4.849:
mailing list thread: http://vim.1045645.n5.nabble.com/Any-automatic-bracket-insertion-plugins-not-breaking-undo-td5723654.html
Install and use Vim script AutoClose as recommended in the article titled Automatically append closing characters.
Just a note to #Bob.
Karl Guertin's AutoClose has a function named ``double brace'', that is, you can type curly brace twice, as below.
int func_name(void) {{ ==> Type `{' twice here.
would result in:
int func_name(void) {
| ==> Cursor here.
Then, you can type a single Tab, to get indented according to your `shiftwidth' setting, then type.
If you type {} and hit alti you will be in between the braces in INSERT mode (at least in a terminal). Then you can hit ENTER followed by altshifto to insert the line break. You could also just do {<CR>} and altshifto.
This may not be fully automatic, but I consider it semi-auto. It removes the need for more plugins, and is useful info to know for other use cases. For example, I use altshifto all the time to insert blank lines without having to explicitly leave INSERT mode, and alti for getting inside () etc.
You do not need a special plugin to do this - but it is a two-step process.
First, add the following to your .vimrc to eat the triggering character:
" eat characters after abbreviation
function! Eatchar(pat)
let c = nr2char(getchar(0))
return (c =~ a:pat) ? '' : c
and then add this abbreviation to your .vimrc:
inoreabbr <silent> { {
The \ at the start of lines two and three is just a line continuation character. You could have done this all on one line, however and i added it so that i could spread the abbreviation out in a way that mirrors the output you're looking for -- just so things are a little more intuitive.
My solution:
inoremap <expr> <CR> InsertMapForEnter()
function! InsertMapForEnter()
if pumvisible()
return "\<C-y>"
elseif strcharpart(getline('.'),getpos('.')[2]-1,1) == '}'
return "\<CR>\<Esc>O"
elseif strcharpart(getline('.'),getpos('.')[2]-1,2) == '</'
return "\<CR>\<Esc>O"
return "\<CR>"
The code above first check if you are using Enter to do confirm a code completion, if not it will indent the {|} when you type Enter. Also, it provides html tags auto indent.
if( whatever ){|}
press Enter and you will get
if( whatever )
This also works for html file. See the following example
press Enter and you will get
This works great!
Put this in your .vimrc.
inoremap { {^M}<C-o>dd<C-o>k<C-o>]p<C-o>O
This matches the indenting level to the indenting level of the first {.