Load Steps into Console? - cucumber

Is it possible to load the step definitions I have defined into the calabash-android console?
I would like to be able to use them when navigating the app within the console.

No from the console you can not run a single step definition.
But you can start execution of a test at a specific line appending parameter to the call to start your test
This will start execution of your feature file from that specific line and it will run from there to the end of the file.
So while it is not what you are looking for at least it is something.

Did you try step('<step_name>') method?
To be honest I'm not sure if this will work. I know it's working insinde Ruby methods and step definitions - I wanted to post a comment but I can't with 28 points of reputation ;)
You can also try making ruby methods with code from within the step definition:
Then /^I do something$/ do
some code
goes here
def do_something
some code
goes here
# same code as in step definition
or just use step method:
def do_something
step('I do something')
and then call it in a calabash console (I prefer using binding.pry inside some script rather than calling "pure" calabash-console - it makes me sure that I will have all needed methods included).


Passing in responses to input() prompts in python through system arguments

I'm using a python library that has a configuration step which involves calling a function and providing the API key in the prompt response. It uses input(). This function creates the file necessary with all the configurations.
This is fine for humans to use the API, but I'm adding CI to my code and wish to unit tests calls to this API. As such, I need to complete the same step.
I simply want to do something like python -c '<PYTHON CODE>'.
Aside from altering the code to allow for an optional input of the API key (to skip the prompt), I wonder if there is an easier way to do this with sys.argv.
I did some googling and could not find a working example involving input() and argument inputs.
Thoughts appreciated.

Recommended way to achieve `rescue-ensure` kind of functionality with Kiba?

We have a Kiba pipeline where we need to do some task after the job has ended, no matter if there were errors or not (the whole pipeline doesn't fail, we just have couple of validation errors or similar).
This is what the documentation says:
:warning: Post-processors won't get called if an error occurred before them.
Would this be recommended way to do this:
Kiba.parse do
post_process do
# we cannot do it here, because it won't get called
# is this the location to do it?
PS what does it mean:
Post-processors won't get called if an error occurred before them.
Does this mean if the error occurred and wasn't rescued from?
Indeed post_process will not be called in case of errors, as documented and as you pointed out!
At this point, the best solution is to use a form of ensure statement:
A common way to structure that is:
module ETL
module Job
def setup(config)
Kiba.parse do
def some_special_cleanup_task
# ...
def run(job)
Doing so allows to keep the code for the always-run task close to the ETL job, which is nice.
If your task is instead very independent from the job, and you want to encourage reuse between jobs, you can also create a generic block-form component:
module ETL
module Middlewares
module CommonTask
def with_common_task
Which you would use like this:
ETL::Middlewares::CommonTask.with_common_task do
This second form is used by Kiba Pro FileLock, for instance.
In the future, Kiba ETL will introduce a form of middleware to make this even easier.
Hope this helps, and please mark the question as answered if it properly solves your problem!

Executing a python script in snaplogic

I am trying to run a python script through script snap in snaplogic. I am facing some issues where it ask me to declare a script hook variable. Can you please help me on that.
With the script snap you should use the "Edit Script" button on the snap itself. This will open a script editor and generate a skeleton script in the language you've selected (Py in this case).
In the skeleton you can see the baseline methods and functions we define. In there you can see the usage and comments of the scripthook var. If you have an existing script I would recommend trying to write it into this skeleton's execute method than trying to implement scripthook in your existing code. You can also define your own methods and functions within the confines of the skeleton class and reference them with "this." notation.
For faster answers on SnapLogic related questions I'd recommend visiting the SnapLogic Community site.
As explained by #dwhite0101, within Script Snap when you click Edit Script you get an option to generate code template.
ScriptHook is an interface that is implemented as callback mechanism for Script Snap to call into the script.
It helps you to deal with input and output rows. The constructor below initializes the input, output, error and log variables.
self object is similar to this in c++ that holds the current row values.
class TransformScript(ScriptHook):
def __init__(self, input, output, error, log):
self.input = input
self.output = output
self.error = error
self.log = log
You can perform transformations in execute method:
def execute(self):
self.log.info("Executing Transform script")
while self.input.hasNext():
in_doc = self.input.next()
wrapper = java.util.HashMap()
for field in in_doc:
#your code
Next step is to store your results in an object and output it:
wrapper['original'] = result
self.output.write(result, wrapper)
Make sure to indent your code properly.

Is it possible to incorporate an environment variable into a ruby script for Calabash?

I am testing a feature on an app that requires the user to be a certain age. The only time you see the prompt that asks for your age is once you open the app for the first time and once you log out of the app. I don't want my test to only go through my steps to log in and then log out to be able to see this prompt, but I also don't want to manually reset the data in between tests either. Isn't this why we write scripts? Anyways, before I launch the test, I use the environment variable RESET_BETWEEN_SCENARIOS=1 cucumber features/my_feature.feature. Is there a way that I can use this variable INSIDE of my step definition so that it resets the data on its own once I run the script?
I'm not familiar with Calabash, but it appears to be using cucumber. If that is the case, you could handle the action in a before or after hook which would run before or after each scenario.
Within the features/support folder, add a file hooks.rb
Before() do
#code to reset data
This could also be run after the scenario by using After() do. The same if/then could be used within a scenario step as well.

Is GroovyResourceLoader ever called outside the main ClassLoader?

Ive setup a GroovyResourceLoader and it seems to get requests for groovy scripts as necessary. I was just wondering is it specially used anywhere besides class loading ? Is there any benefit in simply wrapping a ClassLoader and loading *.groovy files there as opposed to using a GRL ? Are they just different ways to the same end ?
GroovyResourceLoader (GRL) is used by GroovyClassLoader (GCL) and at least since Groovy 1.8 indirectly through GroovyScriptEngine (GSE). But GSE loads it through a GCL as well.
But what GRL does is to "locate" the scripts and return an URL to the location. What GCL does is use the URL returned by a GRL to get the source and compile it to create the class, which is then available for loading.
GRL is a backend for GCL. So they are not different ways to the same end. True, you still have to do more things to actually execute the script code (unless it is precompiled), but "get the script source, compile it, make a Class out of it and finally execute it" are the steps you always have to do. In our GRL/GCL discussion, GRL does part of the first step, GCL itself does the third step. Step 2 is done by CompilationUnit inside GCL and the last step is yours to be done. There are other ways to complete these steps of course, but that's out of the scope for this discussion.
