How to do an item based recommendation in spark mllib? - apache-spark

In Mahout, there is support for item based recommendation using API method:
ItemBasedRecommender.mostSimilarItems(int productid, int maxResults, Rescorer rescorer)
But in Spark Mllib, it appears that the APIs within ALS can fetch recommended products but userid must be provided via:
MatrixFactorizationModel.recommendProducts(int user, int num)
Is there a way to get recommended products based on a similar product without having to provide user id information, similar to how mahout performs item based recommendation.

Spark 1.2x versions do not provide with a "item-similarity based recommender" like the ones present in Mahout.
However, MLlib currently supports model-based collaborative filtering, where users and products are described by a small set of latent factors {Understand the use case for implicit (views, clicks) and explicit feedback (ratings) while constructing a user-item matrix.}
MLlib uses the alternating least squares (ALS) algorithm [can be considered similar to the SVD algorithm] to learn these latent factors.
If you need to construct purely an item-similarity based recommender, I would recommend this:
Represent all items by a feature vector
Construct an item-item similarity matrix by computing a similarity metric (such as cosine) with each items pair
Use this item similarity matrix to find similar items for users
Since similarity matrices do not scale well, (imagine how your similarity matrix would grow if you had 100 items vs 10000 items) this read on DIMSUM might be helpful if you're planning to implement it on a large number of items:

Please see my implementation of item-item recommendation model using Apache Spark here. You can implement this by using the productFeatures matrix that is generated when you run the MLib ALS algorithm on user-product-ratings data. The ALS algorithm essentially factorizes two matrix - one is userFeatures and the other is productFeatures matrix. You can run a cosine similarity on the productFeatures rank matrix to find item-item similarity.


Customize Apache Spark implementation of TF-IDF

In one hand I want to use spark capability to compute TF-IDF for a collection of documents, on the other hand, the typical definition of TF-IDF (that Spark implementation is based on that) is not fit in my case. I want the TF to be term frequency among all documents, but in the typical TF-IDF, it's for each pair of (word, document). The IDF definition is the same as the typical definition.
I implemented my customized TF-IDF using Spark RDDs, but I was wondering if there any way to customize the source of the Spark TF-IDF so that I can use the capability of that, like Hashing.
Actually, I need something like :
public static class newHashingTF implements Something<String>
It is pretty simple to implement different hashing strategies, as you can see by the simplicity of HashingTF:
(modern) Dataset version
(old) RDD version
This talk and its slides can help and there are many others online.

All-pairs similarity using tfidf vectors in pyspark

I'm trying to find similar documents based on their text in spark. I'm using python with Spark.
So far I implemented RowMatrix, IndexedRowMatrix, and CoordinateMatrix to set this up. And then I implemented columnSimilarities (DIMSUM). The problem with DIMSUM is that it's optimized for a lot of features, a few items.
Our initial approach was to create tf-idf vectors of all words in all documents, then transpose it into a rowmatrix where we have a row for each word and a column for each item. Then we ran columnSimilarities which gives us a coordinateMatrix of ((item_i, item_j), similarity). This just doesn't work well when number of columns > number of rows.
We need a way to calculate all-pairs similarity with a lot of items, a few features. #items=10^7 #features=10^4. At a higher level, we're trying to create an item based recommender that given one item, will return a few quality recommendations based only on the text.
I'd write this as a comment isntead of an answer but SO won't let me commet yet.
This would be "trivially" solved by utilizing ElasticSearch's more-like-this query. From docs you can see how it works and which factors are taken into account, which should be useful info even if you end up implementing this in Python.
They have also implemented other interesting algorithms such as the significant terms aggregation.

Document Similarity in ElasticSearch

I want to calculate similarity between two documents indexed in elasticsearch. I know it can be done in lucene using term vectors. What is the direct way to do it?
I found that there is a similarity module doing exactly this:
How do I integrate this in my system? I am using pyelasticsearch for calling elasticsearch commands, but I am open to use the REST api for similarity if needed.
I think the Elasticsearch documentation can easily be mis-interpreted.
Here "similarity" is not a comparison of documents or fields but rather a mechanism for scoring matching documents based on matching terms from the query.
The documentation states:
A similarity (scoring / ranking model) defines how matching documents
are scored.
The similarity algorithms that Elasticsearch supports are probabilistic models based on term distribution in the corpus (index).
In regards to term vectors, this also can be mis-interpreted.
Here "term vectors" refer to statistics for the terms of a document that can easily be queried. It seems that any similarity measurements across term vectors would then have to be done in your application post-query. The documentation on term vectors state:
Returns information and statistics on terms in the fields of a
particular document.
If you need a performant (fast) similarity metric over a very large corpus you might consider a low-rank embedding of your documents stored in an index for doing approximate nearest neighbor searches. After your KNN lookup, which greatly reduces the candidate set, you can do more costly metric calculations for ranking.
Here is an excellent resource for evaluation of approximate KNN solutions:

Similarity score for mixed (binary & numerical) vectors

I have a dataset which the instances are of about 200 features, about 11 of these features are numerical (integer) and the rest are binary (1/0) , these features may be correlated and they are of different probability distributions ,
It's been a while that I've been for a good similarity score which works for a mixed vector and takes into account the correlation between the features,
Do you know such similarity score?
In your case, the similarity function relies heavily on the input data patterns. You might benefit from learning a distance metric for the input space of data from a given collection
of pair of similar/dissimilar points that preserves the distance relation among the
training data.
Here is a nice survey paper.
The numerous types of distance measures, Euclidean, Manhattan, etc are going provide different levels of accuracy depending on the dataset. Best to read papers covering your method of data fitting and see what heuristics they use. Not to mention that some methods require only homogeneous data that scale accordingly. Here is a paper that talks about a whole host of measures that you might find attractive.
And as always, test and cross validate to see if there really is an impact from the mixing of feature types.

Incrementally Trainable Entity Recognition Classifier

I'm doing some semantic-web/nlp research, and I have a set of sparse records, containing a mix of numeric and non-numeric data, representing entities labeled with various features extracted from simple English sentences.
87w39423|speaker=432, session=43242, sentence=34, obj_called=bob,favorite_color_is=blue
4535k3l535|speaker=512, session=2384, sentence=7, obj_called=tree,isa=plant,located_on=wilson_street
23432424|speaker=997, session=8945305, sentence=32, obj_called=salty,isa=cat,eats=mice
09834502|speaker=876, session=43242, sentence=56, obj_called=the monkey,ate=the banana
928374923|speaker=876, session=43242, sentence=57, obj_called=it,was=delicious
294234234|speaker=876, session=43243, sentence=58, obj_called=the monkey,ate=the banana
sd09f8098|speaker=876, session=43243, sentence=59, obj_called=it,was=hungry
A single entity may appear more than once (but with a different UID each time), and may have overlapping features with its other occurrences. A second data set represents which of the above UIDs are definitely the same.
What algorithm(s) would I use to incrementally train a classifier that could take a set of features, and instantly recommend the N most similar UIDs and probability of whether or not those UIDs actually represent the same entity? Optionally, I'd also like to get a recommendation of missing features to populate and then re-classify to get a more certain matches.
I researched traditional approximate nearest neighbor algorithms. such as FLANN and ANN, and I don't think these would be appropriate since they're not trainable (in a supervised learning sense) nor are they typically designed for sparse non-numeric input.
As a very naive first-attempt, I was thinking about using a naive bayesian classifier, by converting each SameAs relation into a set of training samples. So, for each entity A with B sameas relations, I would iterate over each and train the classifier like:
classifier = Classifier()
for entity,sameas_entities in sameas_dataset:
entity_features = get_features(entity)
for other_entity in sameas_entities:
other_entity_features = get_features(other_entity)
classifier.train(cls=entity, ['left_'+f for f in entity_features] + ['right_'+f for f in other_entity_features])
classifier.train(cls=other_entity, ['left_'+f for f in other_entity_features] + ['right_'+f for f in entity_features])
And then use it like:
>>> print classifier.findSameAs(dict(speaker=997, session=8945305, sentence=32, obj_called='salty',isa='cat',eats='mice'), n=7)
[(1.0, '23432424'),(0.999, 'io43po5', (1.0, '2l3jk42'), (1.0, 'sdf90s8df'), (0.76, 'jerwljk'), (0.34, 'rlekwj32424'), (0.08, '09843jlk')]
>>> print classifier.findSameAs(dict(isa='cat',eats='mice'), n=7)
[(0.09, '23432424'), (0.06, 'jerwljk'), (0.03, 'rlekwj32424'), (0.001, '09843jlk')]
>>> print classifier.findMissingFeatures(dict(isa='cat',eats='mice'), n=4)
How viable is this approach? The initial batch training would be horribly slow, at least O(N^2), but incremental training support would allow updates to happen more quickly.
What are better approaches?
I think this is more of a clustering than a classification problem. Your entities are data points and the sameas data is a mapping of entities to clusters. In this case, clusters are the distinct 'things' your entities refer to.
You might want to take a look at semi-supervised clustering. A brief google search turned up the paper Active Semi-Supervision for Pairwise Constrained Clustering which gives pseudocode for an algorithm that is incremental/active and uses supervision in the sense that it takes training data indicating which entities are or are not in the same cluster. You could derive this easily from your sameas data, assuming that - for example - uids 87w39423 and 4535k3l535 are definitely distinct things.
However, to get this to work you need to come up with a distance metric based on the features in the data. You have a lot of options here, for example you could use a simple Hamming distance on the features, but the choice of metric function here is a little bit arbitrary. I'm not aware of any good ways of choosing the metric, but perhaps you have already looked into this when you were considering nearest neighbour algorithms.
You can come up with confidence scores using the distance metric from the centres of the clusters. If you want an actual probability of membership then you would want to use a probabilistic clustering model, like a Gaussian mixture model. There's quite a lot of software to do Gaussian mixture modelling, I don't know of any that is semi-supervised or incremental.
There may be other suitable approaches if the question you wanted to answer was something like "given an entity, which other entities are likely to refer to the same thing?", but I don't think that is what you are after.
You may want to take a look at this method:
"Large Scale Online Learning of Image Similarity Through Ranking" Gal Chechik, Varun Sharma, Uri Shalit and Samy Bengio, Journal of Machine Learning Research (2010).
[PDF] [Project homepage]
More thoughts:
What do you mean by 'entity'? Is entity the thing that is referred by 'obj_called'? Do you use the content of 'obj_called' to match different entities, e.g. 'John' is similar to 'John Doe'? Do you use proximity between sentences to indicate similar entities? What is the greater goal (task) of the mapping?
