Using abstracts as HashMap keys in Haxe - haxe

I'm trying to create a haxe.ds.HashMap where the keys are an object I don't control. Thus, they don't implement the hashCode method and I can't change them to.
I would really like to use an abstract to accomplish this, but I'm getting some compile time errors.
Here is the code I'm playing with:
import haxe.ds.HashMap;
abstract IntArrayKey( Array<Int> ) from Array<Int> {
inline public function new( i: Array<Int> ) {
this = i;
public function hashCode(): Int {
// General warning: Don't copy the following line. Seriously don't.
return this.length;
class Test {
static function main() {
var hash = new HashMap<IntArrayKey, Bool>();
The compile errors are:
Test.hx:15: characters 19-51 : Constraint check failure for haxe.ds.HashMap.K
Test.hx:15: characters 19-51 : IntArrayKey should be { hashCode : Void -> Int }
But the moment I change my abstract over to a class, it compiles fine:
import haxe.ds.HashMap;
class IntArrayKey {
private var _i: Array<Int>;
inline public function new( i: Array<Int> ) {
this._i = i;
public function hashCode(): Int {
// General warning: Don't copy the following line. Seriously don't.
return this._i.length;
class Test {
static function main() {
var hash = new HashMap<IntArrayKey, Bool>();
It's the exact same hashCode implementation, just a different context. Is there some way to accomplish this? Or is it a language limitation?

As far as I know, abstracts currently can't satisfy type requirements like this, quoting from the code:
abstract HashMap<K:{ function hashCode():Int; }, V >(HashMapData<K,V>) {
So, I doubt you could do that in a meaningful way.
Important point would be that while abstracts can sometimes provide overhead-free abstractions which is quite useful for optimizations, the time needed to instantiate(probably hidden from sight with abstract Name(Holder) to Holder having #:from Array<Int> and #:to Array<Int>) holder for your array which will have the required method isn't that high(compared to usual runtime overheads), and unless it is a really frequent code, should be your first way to go.
However, the HashMap code itself is quite short and simple: here.
You could just copy it and make it work with your example. Maybe you could even forge a better yet generic version by using interfaces(though I'm not sure if abstracts can actually implement them).


Implementing Set<T>

I'm trying to wrap my head around abstract by implementing a Set data-type, like so:
abstract Set<T>(Map<T, Bool>) {
public inline function new() {
this = new Map<T, Bool>();
public inline function has(item:T):Bool {
return this.exists(item);
public inline function add(item:T):Set<T> {
this.set(item, true);
return null;
public inline function remove(item:T):Set<T> {
return null;
public inline function iterator():Iterator<T> {
return this.keys();
The compiler doesn't like this, though. It tells me Set.hx:8: characters 11-29 : Abstract Map has no #:to function that accepts IMap<util.Set.T, Bool>
I don't really understand this at all, since if I change the constructor to
public inline function new(val:Map<T, Bool>) {
this = val;
and then instantiate with var set = new Set(new Map());, it works.
That's pretty gross, though. I'd like the ability to instantiate Sets without exposing the underlying implementation. Ultimately, I'd prefer a constructor with the signature new(?initial:Iterable<T>). Is this possible? Am I misunderstanding something?
The problem is that currently it's impossible to instantiate Map without they key type being known (and since Set.T is a free type parameter, this doesn't work). However since the constructor is inline, T may well be known at the call site. The problem is that the compiler still tries to generate You can avoid this by prefixing it with #:extern. Working example:

How to make a local extension method avaiable in a function with receiver?

I found an interesting thing, but I couldn't do it. Is there any way to make the local extension method available in a function with receiver.
val list = ArrayList<Any>();
fun <T> Array<T>.bind(context: MutableList<in T>, block: Array<T>.() -> Unit) {
fun Array<T>.save() {
arrayOf(1, 2, 3).bind(list) {
save(); //todo: how to bind extension in execution scope
I know there is an alternative way by introducing another type for the receiver, but I want to avoid it. for example:
interface Savable {
fun save();
fun <T> Array<T>.bind(context: MutableList<in T>, block: Savable.() -> Unit) {
val proxy = object : Savable {
override fun save() {
context += this#bind;
There is no such feature yet, and I think in near future it won't be added either. You should just use your second version. Don't care about adding an wrapper class. The idea of avoiding introducing a wrapper class is actually, as long as you are using JVM backend, just nonsense, because by using local function you are actually adding a local class.
This is the equivalent Java code of your kotlin function, after fixing as you have suggested, with the assumption that your bind function lives in file bind.kt:
public final class BindKt {
public static <T> void bind(T[] receiver, List<? super T> context, Function1<T> block) {
class Local { // the name of local class is unimportant, as it's generated by compiler. It should looks like "$bind$X" where X is a number.
public void save(T[] receiver) {
block.invoke(this); // this won't compile. Neither will yours.
As you can see save is NOT compiled to a static method, which means, if your block somehow ever called that save, an instance of Local must be fist created. So, no matter what you do, as long as you used a local function, there is basically no point in avoiding introduing a wrapper class. Your second solution is good, and just use it. It's both elegant and efficient enough.
If you really don't want add a class/object creation, move these extension functions to a package scope, and let clients import them.

In Haxe, how do you pass Enum values in functions, and then convert them to Strings within the function?

I can't seem to get this working, but I'd be surprised if it wasn't possible in Haxe.
I'm trying to pass a couple of Enum values defined in my game to a function, so that it can then concatenate them as String types and pass that to other functions.
// In a general Entity class:
public override function kill():Void {
messages.dispatchCombined(entityType, ListMessages.KILLED);
And in my Messages.hx class:
package common;
import msignal.Signal.Signal1;
* A Message / Event class using Signals bound to String names.
* #author Pierre Chamberlain
class Messages{
var _messages:MessagesDef;
public function new() {
_messages = new MessagesDef();
public function add(pType:String, pCallback:FuncDef) {
if (_messages[pType] == null) {
_messages[pType] = new Signal1<Dynamic>();
var signals = _messages[pType];
signals.add( pCallback );
public function dispatch(pType:String, pArg:Dynamic):Bool {
var signals = _messages[pType];
if (signals == null) return false;
return true;
//Compiler doesn't like passing enums :(
public inline function addCombined(pSource:Enum, pEvent:Enum, pCallback:FuncDef) {
add( combine(pSource, pEvent), pCallback );
public inline function dispatchCombined(pSource:Enum, pEvent:Enum, pArg:Dynamic):Bool {
return dispatch( combine(pSource, pEvent), pArg);
//How can I just pass the enum "names" as strings?
static inline function combine(a:Enum, b:Enum):String {
return String(a) + ":" + String(b);
typedef MessagesDef = Map<String, Signal1<Dynamic>>;
typedef FuncDef = Dynamic->Void;
Note how addCombined, dispatchCombined and combine expect an "Enum" type, but in this case I'm not sure if Haxe actually expects the entire Enum "class" to be passed (ie: ListMessages instead of ListMessages.KILLED) or if a value should work. Anyways, compiler doesn't like it - so I'm assuming another special Type has to be used.
Is there another way to go about passing enums and resolving them to strings?
I think you need EnumValue as parameter type (if it is only for enum values), and use Std.String to convert to String values.
static inline function combine(a:EnumValue, b:EnumValue):String {
return Std.string(a) + ":" + Std.string(b);
Of course that can be written smaller using String interpolation:
static inline function combine(a:EnumValue, b:EnumValue):String {
return '$a:$b';
Of course that can be 'more dynamic' using type parameters:
static inline function combine<A, B>(a:A, b:B):String {
return '$a:$b';
There is totally no need to use Dynamic as suggested. If you use Dynamic, you basically turn off the type system.
live example:
Use Dynamic instead of Enum or pass them as Strings right away since you can always convert to enum from String if you need it later.
Anyway pass the enum as enum:Dynamic and then call Std.string(enum);
EDIT: Using EnumValue is definitely better approach than Dynamic, I use Dynamic in these functions because I send more than just Enums there and I am not worried about type safety in that case.

Type parameters - get concrete type from type T : IMyInterface

Suppose I have a List<IMyInterface>...
I have three classes which implement IMyInterface: MyClass1, MyClass2, and MyClass3
I have a readonly Dictionary:
private static readonly Dictionary<Type, Type> DeclarationTypes = new Dictionary<Type, Type>
{ typeof(MyClass1), typeof(FunnyClass1) },
{ typeof(MyClass2), typeof(FunnyClass2) },
{ typeof(MyClass3), typeof(FunnyClass3) },
I have another interface, IFunnyInteface<T> where T : IMyInterface
I have a method:
public static IFunnyInterface<T> ConvertToFunnyClass<T>(this T node) where T : IMyInterface
if (DeclarationTypes.ContainsKey(node.GetType())) {
IFunnyInterface<T> otherClassInstance = (FunnyInterface<T>) Activator.CreateInstance(DeclarationTypes[node.GetType()], node);
return otherClassInstance;
return null;
I'm trying to call the constructor of FunnyClasses and insert as parameter my MyClass object. I don't want to know which object it is: I just want to instantiate some FunnyClass with MyClass as a parameter.
What happens when I call ConvertToFunnyClass, T is of type IMyInterface, and when I try to cast it to FunnyInterface<T>, it says I can't convert FunnyClass1, for instance, to FunnyInterface<IMyInterface>
My current workaround (not a beautiful one), is this:
public static dynamic ConvertToFunnyClass<T>(this T node) where T : IMyInterface
if (DeclarationTypes.ContainsKey(node.GetType())) {
var otherClassInstance = (FunnyInterface<T>) Activator.CreateInstance(DeclarationTypes[node.GetType()], node);
return otherClassInstance;
return null;
And I don't like it because the return type is dynamic, so when I access it from somewhere else, I have no idea what type it is, and I lose intellisense, and stuff. I don't know about any performance implications either.
Any clues?
Thanks in Advance!
As I'm using C# 4.0, I could stop casting errors using covariance (output positions only), and so I changed my IFunnyInterface to
IFunnyInteface<out T> where T : IMyInterface
Thank you all for the replies.
Essentially, your problem is that you are trying to convert FunnyInterface<T> to FunnyInterface<IMyInterface>. As has been mentioned several times (one example is here, more information here), this is not valid in most circumstances. Only in .NET 4, when the generic type is an interface or delegate, and the type parameter has been explicitly declared as variant with in or out, can you perform this conversion.
Is FunnyInterface actually an interface?
thecoop answer points you exactly to why you can't do it.
A cleaner solution to the problem (besides using dynamic) would be a base non-Generics Interface:
public interface IFunnyInterfaceBase
public interface IFunnyInteface<T> : IFunnyInterfaceBase
where T : IMyInterface
And you need to move methods signature you use in that code from IFunnyInteface to IFunnyInterfaceBase.
This way you would be able to write something like this:
MyClass2 c2 = new MyClass2();
IFunnyInterfaceBase funnyInstance = c2.ConvertToFunnyClass();
The Exception you said you got in your code is not due to the extension method signature itself (the method is fine) is originated by the type of your lvalue (the type of the variable you use to store its return value)!
Obviously this solution applies only if you can modify IFunnyInterface source code!

EF generic method overloading

I'd like make possible a generic method overload.
Since I need to create an ObjectSet<..> without knowing the generic type contained in, I wold build something like this:
public IQueryable<T> MyMethod<T>() where T : class, (IMyFirst || IMySecond) //notice the syntax..!
if(typeOf(T) is IMyFirst..
else ...
How can I reach my purpose..?
#BrokenGlass wrote:
This type of constraint is not possible in C# - you could however constrain to IFoo and have IMyFirst and IMySecond both implement IFoo.
But that suggestion is not applicable, please see this:
interface1 { property1 {..}}
interface2 { property2 {..}}
interfaceIFoo : interface1, interface2 { }
by any method:
MyWrapper.Retrieve<EntityProduct>(myObjContext); //error-> EntityProduct implements interface1 only!!
by other any method:
MyWrapper.Retrieve<EntityOrder>(myObjContext); //error-> EntityOrder implements interface2 only!!
and here:
public static IQueryable<T> Retrieve<T>(ObjectContext context) where T :class, interfaceIFoo
var query = context.CreateObjectSet<T>().AsQueryable();
This type of constraint is not possible in C# - you could however constrain to IFoo and have IMyFirst and IMySecond both implement IFoo.
If you can live with dependencies on Entity Framework you could alternatively also use EntityObject
A disjunctive generic constraint doesn't really make sense. Those constraints provide compile-time information to the method, so there's not much point in constraints that result in an ambiguous type at compile time. For instance, if your method is just going to resort to run-time type checking, you might as well just do this:
public IQueryable<T> MyMethod<T>() where T : class
if (typeOf(T) is IMyFirst) ...
else ...
If you feel you need the type checking on input and a pseudo-abstraction, perhaps extension methods that happen to be identically named would suffice:
public static IQueryable<IMyFirst> MyMethod(this IMyFirst input)
return ...
public static IQueryable<IMySecond> MyMethod(this IMySecond input)
return ...
