Strange behavior of accumE with Event (UI a -> UI a) - haskell

I'm experimenting with threepenny-gui, trying to learn the FRP interface. I want to avoid all explicit shared state using accumE/accumB, instead of IORef:s. I have four different signals (start, stop, timer, reset) which all affect a global state and the user interface. I'm using accumE w $ concatenate <$> unions [e0, e1, e2, e3] to make the events share the same state w. Here is a short snippet which captures the essence of it (with only one signal):
data World = World { intW :: Int , runW :: UI () }
main :: IO ()
main = startGUI defaultConfig setup
setup :: Window -> UI ()
setup _ = do
(e0, fire) <- liftIO UI.newEvent
let e0' = action <$ e0
e <- accumE (World 0 (return ())) e0'
onEvent e $ \w -> void $ runW w
replicateM_ 5 . liftIO $ fire ()
action :: World -> World
action w = w { intW = succ $ intW w
, runW = liftIO . print $ intW w }
This seems to work fine (although I wonder if it is sane). However, if I instead change the event to have type Event (UI World -> UI World) (and remove the runW field), things go haywire:
data World = World { intW :: Int } deriving (Show)
main :: IO ()
main = startGUI defaultConfig setup
setup :: Window -> UI ()
setup _ = do
(e0, fire) <- liftIO UI.newEvent
let e0' = action <$ e0
e <- accumE (return (World 0)) e0'
onEvent e void
replicateM_ 5 . liftIO $ fire ()
action :: UI World -> UI World
action world = do
w <- world
let w' = w { intW = succ $ intW w }
liftIO $ print w'
return w'
It seems that all UI actions somehow get accumulated, and executed an increasing number of times with each event! I thought accumE was like a fold, where the accumulating state is replaced unless explicitly accumulated. What is the proper/best way of dealing with this problem in general?


2 similar Haskell functions using do notation return same result but one is called many more times

nextState :: IO Int -> IO Int -- 0 1 0 2 0 1 0
nextState stateIO = do
value <- stateIO
putStrLn $ "Current state: " ++ show value
fmap (+1) stateIO
nextState' :: IO Int -> IO Int -- 0 1 2
nextState' stateIO = do
value <- stateIO
putStrLn $ "Current state: " ++ show value
return $ value + 1
main :: IO ()
main = do
let startStateIO = return 0 :: IO Int
let states = iterate nextState' startStateIO -- Use nextState or nextState'
stateInt <- states !! 3
print stateInt -- 3 in both cases
This Haskell code has 2 functions which both seemingly have identical behavior. However, printing calls shows that nextState is being called a lot more times than nextState'.
I had a larger project where this was an issue and I couldn't figure out how to convert that function so that it was called the minimum number of times so I couldn't fix it.
Why does this happen and how can I prevent it in a less simple example?
Note that fmap (+1) in my actual project is just a function from IO a -> IO a, not fmap (a -> a) - the whole thing works in terms of IO, not modifying the values inside using (a->a)
It should be easier to understand this example, which is analogous:
twice :: IO () -> IO ()
twice act = do
() <- act
fmap id act -- like what you did in `nextState`
once :: IO () -> IO ()
once act = do
() <- act
return $ id () -- like what you did in `nextState'`
...or shorter
twice :: IO () -> IO ()
twice act = act >> act
once :: IO () -> IO ()
once act = act
For example,
> twice (putStrLn "hello")
> once (putStrLn "hello")
Iterating once doesn't do anything, because it's just the identity.
> iterate once (putStrLn "hello") !! 4
Iterating twice, however...
Prelude> iterate twice (putStrLn "hello") !! 4

Why is this Haskell program actually concurrent?

I am learning about simple uses of forkIO and Mvar from Marlow's book: Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell. I the section MVar as a Container for Shared State the following code is exposed:
-- Creates a new Map within an MVar
new :: IO PhoneBookState
new = do
m <- newMVar Map.empty
return (PhoneBookState m)
-- Inserts a Key, Value in the Map, locking the MVar
insert :: PhoneBookState -> Name -> PhoneNumber -> IO ()
insert (PhoneBookState m) name number = do
book <- takeMVar m
putMVar m (Map.insert name number book)
-- Retrieves the Map, locking the MVar briefly
lookup :: PhoneBookState -> Name -> IO (Maybe PhoneNumber)
lookup (PhoneBookState m) name = do
book <- takeMVar m
putMVar m book
return (Map.lookup name book)
Where PhoneBookState holds an MVar (Map Name PhoneNumber). My problem comes in the main function
main = do
s <- new
sequence_ [ insert s ("name" ++ show n) (show n) | n <- [1..10000] ]
lookup s "name999" >>= print
lookup s "unknown" >>= print
The idea is both lookups happening concurrently, but in such a case, shouldn't it be something like
main = do
s <- new
sequence_ [ insert s ("name" ++ show n) (show n) | n <- [1..10000] ]
forkIO(lookup s "name999" >>= print)
lookup s "unknown" >>= print
What am I missing?

How can I use REPL with CPS function?

I've just encountered withSession :: (Session -> IO a) -> IO a of wreq package. I want to evaluate the continuation line by line, but I can't find any way for this.
import Network.Wreq.Session as S
withSession $ \sess -> do
res <- S.getWith opts sess ""
-- print res
-- .. other things
In above snippet how can I evaluate print res in ghci? In other words, can I get Session type in ghci?
Wonderful question.
I am aware of no methods that can re-enter the GHCi REPL, so that we can use that in CPS functions. Perhaps others can suggest some way.
However, I can suggest an hack. Basically, one can exploit concurrency to turn CPS inside out, if it is based on the IO monad as in this case.
Here's the hack: use this in a GHCi session
> sess <- newEmptyMVar :: IO (MVar Session)
> stop <- newEmptyMVar :: IO (MVar ())
> forkIO $ withSession $ \s -> putMVar sess s >> takeMVar stop
> s <- takeMVar sess
> -- use s here as if you were inside withSession
> let s = () -- recommended
> putMVar stop ()
> -- we are now "outside" withSession, don't try to access s here!
A small library to automatize the hack:
data CPSControl b = CPSControl (MVar ()) (MVar b)
startDebugCps :: ((a -> IO ()) -> IO b) -> IO (a, CPSControl b)
startDebugCps cps = do
cpsVal <- newEmptyMVar
retVal <- newEmptyMVar
stop <- newEmptyMVar
_ <- forkIO $ do
x <- cps $ \c -> putMVar cpsVal c >> takeMVar stop
putMVar retVal x
s <- takeMVar cpsVal
return (s, CPSControl stop retVal)
stopDebugCps :: CPSControl b -> IO b
stopDebugCps (CPSControl stop retVal) = do
putMVar stop ()
takeMVar retVal
testCps :: (String -> IO ()) -> IO String
testCps act = do
putStrLn "testCps: begin"
act "here's some string!"
putStrLn "testCps: end"
return "some return value"
A quick test:
> (x, ctrl) <- startDebugCps testCps
testCps: begin
> x
"here's some string!"
> stopDebugCps ctrl
testCps: end
"some return value"

Why is putStrLn not atomic?

To practice concurrent programming, I wrote the following (suboptimal) program, which repeatedly calculates the first prime bigger than whatever the user inputs:
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.Chan
import Control.Monad (forever)
primeAtLeast n = -- Some pure code that looks up the first prime at least as big as n
outputPrimeAtLeast n = putStrLn $ show $ (n, primeAtLeast n)
main = do
chan <- newChan
worker <- forkIO $ forever $ readChan chan >>= outputPrimeAtLeast
forever $ (readLn :: (IO Int)) >>= (writeChan chan)
killThread worker
I want to have a worker thread in the background that does the actual calculation and outputs (n, primeAtLeast n) as soon as it's finished.
What it's doing now: As soon as I enter a number n, it immediately outputs (n,, returns the control to the main thread, calculates primeAtLeast n in the background and outputs the second half primeAtLeast n) as soon as it's finished.
So is putStrLn not atomic? Or where is the problem?
Try this:
outputPrimeAtLeast n = let p = primeAtLeast n in p `seq` putStrLn $ show (n, p)
The above forces the computation of the prime before the putStrLn is run.
Further, you may use print instead of putStrLn . show:
outputPrimeAtLeast n = let p = primeAtLeast n in p `seq` print (n, p)
Alternatively, you may use a putStrLn function which forces every single character before starting printing anything.
strictPutStrLn :: Show a => a -> IO ()
strictPutStrLn x = let str = show x in str `listSeq` putStrLn str
listSeq :: [a] -> b -> b
listSeq [] w = w
listSeq (x:xs) w = x `seq` listSeq xs w

MVars are blocking indefinitely; but only in certain scenarios.

First, because this is about a specific case, I haven't reduced the code at all, so it will be quite long, and in 2 parts (Helper module, and the main).
SpawnThreads in ConcurHelper takes a list of actions, forks them, and gets an MVar containing the result of the action. It them combines the results, and returns the resulting list. It works fine in certain cases, but blocks indefinitely on others.
If I give it a list of putStrLn actions, it executes them fine, then returns the resulting ()s (yes, I know running print commands on different threads at the same time is bad in most cases).
If I try running multiTest in Scanner though (which takes either scanPorts or scanAddresses, the scan range, and the number of threads to use; then splits the scan range over the threads, and passes the list of actions to SpawnThreads), it will block indefinitely. The odd thing is, according to the debug prompts scattered around ConcurHelper, on each thread, ForkIO is returning before the MVar is filled. This would make sense if it wasn't in a do block, but shouldn't the actions be performed sequentially? (I don't know if this is related to the problem or not; it's just something I noticed while attempting to debug it).
I've thought it out step by step, and if it's executing in the order laid out in spawnThreads, the following should happen:
An empty MVar should be created inside forkIOReturnMVar, and passed to mVarWrapAct.
mVarWrapAct should execute the action, and put the result in the MVar (this is where the problem seems to lie. "MVar filled" is never shown, suggesting the MVar is never put into)
getResults should then take from the resulting list of MVars, and return the results
If point #2 isn't the issue, I can see where the problem would be (and if it is the issue, I can't see why putMVar never executes. Inside the scanner module, the only real function of interest for this question is multiTest. I only included the rest so it could be run).
To do a simple test, you can run the following:
spawnThreads [putStrLn "Hello", putStrLn "World"] (should return [(),()])
multiTest (scanPorts "") 1 (0,5) (Creates the MVar, hangs for a sec, then crashes with the aforementioned error)
Any help in understanding whats going on here would be appreciated. I can't see what the difference between the 2 use cases are.
Thank you
(And I'm using this atrocious exception handling system because IO errors don't give codes for specific network exceptions, so I've been left with parsing messages to find out what happened)
module Scanner where
import Network
import Network.Socket
import System.IO
import Control.Exception
import Control.Concurrent
import ConcurHelper
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Char
import NetHelp
data NetException = NetNoException | NetTimeOut | NetRefused | NetHostUnreach
| NetANotAvail | NetAccessDenied | NetAddrInUse
deriving (Show, Eq)
diffExcept :: Either SomeException Handle -> Either NetException Handle
diffExcept (Right h) = Right h
diffExcept (Left (SomeException m))
| err == "WSAETIMEDOUT" = Left NetTimeOut
| err == "WSAECONNREFUSED" = Left NetRefused
| err == "WSAEHOSTUNREACH" = Left NetHostUnreach
| err == "WSAEADDRNOTAVAIL" = Left NetANotAvail
| err == "WSAEACCESS" = Left NetAccessDenied
| err == "WSAEADDRINUSE" = Left NetAddrInUse
| otherwise = error $ show m
err = reverse . dropWhile (== ')') . reverse . dropWhile (/='W') $ show m
extJust :: Maybe a -> a
extJust (Just a) = a
selectJusts :: IO [Maybe a] -> IO [a]
selectJusts mayActs = do
mays <- mayActs; return . map extJust $ filter isJust mays
scanAddresses :: Int -> Int -> Int -> IO [String]
scanAddresses port minAddr maxAddr =
selectJusts $ mapM (\addr -> do
let sAddr = "192.168.1." ++ show addr
print $ "Trying " ++ sAddr ++ " " ++ show port
connection <- testConn sAddr port
if isJust connection
then do hClose $ extJust connection; return $ Just sAddr
else return Nothing) [minAddr..maxAddr]
scanPorts :: String -> Int -> Int -> IO [Int]
scanPorts addr minPort maxPort =
selectJusts $ mapM (\port -> do
--print $ "Trying " ++ addr ++ " " ++ show port
connection <- testConn addr port
if isJust connection
then do hClose $ extJust connection; return $ Just port
else return Nothing) [minPort..maxPort]
main :: IO ()
main = do
withSocketsDo $ do
putStrLn "Scan Addresses or Ports? (a/p)"
choice <- getLine
if (toLower $ head choice) == 'a'
then do
putStrLn "On what port?"
sPort <- getLine
addrs <- scanAddresses (read sPort :: Int) 0 255
print addrs
else do
putStrLn "At what address?"
address <- getLine
ports <- scanPorts address 0 9999
print ports
testConn :: HostName -> Int -> IO (Maybe Handle)
testConn host port = do
result <- try $ timedConnect 1 host port
let result' = diffExcept result
case result' of
Left e -> do putStrLn $ "\t" ++ show e; return Nothing
Right h -> return $ Just h
setPort :: AddrInfo -> Int -> AddrInfo
setPort addInf nPort = case addrAddress addInf of
(SockAddrInet _ host) -> addInf { addrAddress = (SockAddrInet (fromIntegral nPort) host)}
getHostAddress :: HostName -> Int -> IO SockAddr
getHostAddress host port = do
addrs <- getAddrInfo Nothing (Just host) Nothing
let adInfo = head addrs
newAdInfo = setPort adInfo port
return $ addrAddress newAdInfo
timedConnect :: Int -> HostName -> Int -> IO Handle
timedConnect time host port = do
s <- socket AF_INET Stream defaultProtocol
setSocketOption s RecvTimeOut time; setSocketOption s SendTimeOut time
addr <- getHostAddress host port
connect s addr
socketToHandle s ReadWriteMode
multiTest :: (Int -> Int -> IO a) -> Int -> (Int, Int) -> IO [a]
multiTest partAction threads (mi,ma) =
spawnThreads $ recDiv [mi,]
perThread = ((ma - mi) `div` threads) + 1
recDiv [] = []
recDiv (curN:restN) =
partAction (curN + 1) (head restN) : recDiv restN
module ConcurHelper where
import Control.Concurrent
import System.IO
spawnThreads :: [IO a] -> IO [a]
spawnThreads actions = do
ms <- mapM (\act -> do m <- forkIOReturnMVar act; return m) actions
results <- getResults ms
return results
forkIOReturnMVar :: IO a -> IO (MVar a)
forkIOReturnMVar act = do
m <- newEmptyMVar
putStrLn "Created MVar"
forkIO $ mVarWrapAct act m
putStrLn "Fork returned"
return m
mVarWrapAct :: IO a -> MVar a -> IO ()
mVarWrapAct act m = do a <- act; putMVar m a; putStrLn "MVar filled"
getResults :: [MVar a] -> IO [a]
getResults mvars = do
unpacked <- mapM (\m -> do r <- takeMVar m; return r) mvars
putStrLn "MVar taken from"
return unpacked
Your forkIOReturnMVar isn't exception safe: whenever act throws, the MVar isn't going to be filled.
Minimal example
import ConcurHelper
main = spawnThreads [badOperation]
where badOperation = do
error "You're never going to put something in the MVar"
return True
As you can see, badOperation throws, and therefore the MVar won't get filled in mVarWrapAct.
Fill the MVar with an appropriate value if you encounter an exception. Since you cannot provide a default value for all possible types a, it's better to use MVar (Maybe a) or MVar (Either b a) as you already do in your network code.
In order to catch the exceptions, use one of the operations provided in Control.Exception. For example, you could use onException:
mVarWrapAct :: IO a -> MVar (Maybe a) -> IO ()
mVarWrapAct act m = do
onException (act >>= putMVar m . Just) (putMVar m Nothing)
putStrLn "MVar filled"
However, you might want to preserve the actual exception for more information. In this case you could simply use catch together with Either SomeException a :
mVarWrapAct :: IO a -> MVar (Either SomeException a) -> IO ()
mVarWrapAct act m = do
catch (act >>= putMVar m . Right) (putMVar m . Left)
putStrLn "MVar filled"
