Android studio breadcrumb method signature - android-studio

I am looking for Breadcrumb functionality like Eclipse in Android Studio.
In Eclipse Breadcrumb shows "method signature" when pointer(cursor) come inside whereas in Android Studio Breadcrumb is good for nothing.
Please find attached for better insight.

The accepted answer is not correct.
The feature is still here in 2018.
It's under View -> Active Editor -> Show Breadcrums.
The breadcrums are situated south of the current editing window, not north as in Eclipse.

You can enable it via View -> Navigation Bar and check it.
But it will show breadcrumb/navigation upto class only and not upto the method signature.
As suggessted by AVEbrahimi also, ctrl+F12 will show method signature.

Seems this feature gone away.
You should use:
Ctrl+F12 OR CMD+F12

Here are two ways to see the method signature through a tool tip that hovers next to the method you have selected or put the caret on.
Press ctrl + P with the method selected.
Go to View > Show Parameter Info with the method selected.
I found the above solution on the second link I looked at after this one. The link was for a different IDE but the hotkey works in Android Studio.
Show Parameter Info
Also, you can go to Settings > Editor
Under "Other" check "Show quick doc on mouse move". This will show a popup tool tip with information about the method including parameter info.
Found that here:
View method information in Android Studio

Pressing Alt+Q displays the name of the current context, which is actually the method name (Context Info) quickly and easily.


Can't see action tool bar on Android Studio

Everything was fine yesterday. But I opened a new Android Studio project and can't see the top action bar (With various button shortcuts). And I can't find an option to reenable it.
Need help ;_;
Go to View -> Appearance and check those specific toolbars are activated or not

Android studio automatically open's documentation view

I don't know if it is bug or kind of setting, but it is very annoying while typing value i.e. android:layout_gravity="", it opens hints with dropdown, and after a while the documentation view gets opened and hides the dropdown with hints.
I checked that no button is suspended or anything like that. I use Ubuntu 14.04.
Strange, because I've not changed anything with AS from months and there was no such behavior before. There's solution:
Follow the simple steps to remove open Documentation by cursor move :
Android Studio -> File -> Setting -> Editor -> General
Right side of the screen go to Others :
Uncheck checkBox show quick documentation of mouse move & Apply.
Preferences > Editor > General > CodeCompletion > uncheck Auto popup feature
I found out that I don't want to disable the documentation.
Instead, I set the window to be 'Opened as Popup',
This displays the documentation aside to the cursor and autocloses it automatically.
Surely I've set it before as a 'Tool Window' to see the full content and then I forgot to set it back.
Note that this functionality has been moved recently. It's now in:
Android Studio -> Preferences -> Editor -> General -> Other.
Uncheck "quick documentation on mouse move".
Studio 3.4.2, somehow had setting checked, uncheck it.
File -> Settings -> Editor -> General -> Code Completion.
This the only correct answer as far i know because i sorted out this way only. Just click on Help>find Action>auto(in the search box)> and uncheck the checkbox in the image shown
For Android Studio 4.x ~ Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1
Preferences > Editor > Code Editing > Quick Documentation > Show quick documentation on mouse move: unchecked

show full xmlDoc in Visual Studio Intellisense/Resharper Autocomplete Tooltip?

I have some problems using Intellisense/Resharper in my Visual Studio 2012.
When Autocomplete shows me class members i'd like to see the complete xmlDoc as Tooltip. The closest i came was using Resharper and activate "show Summary" in "Completion Appearance" Options. But what about the parameter description, return type text, ...?
I am used to autocomplete from java Eclipse and i really miss this in Visual Studio.
Perfect would be to see the same tooltip when hoovering the mouse over a class member.
Does anyone know how to get this?
ReSharper can show a "QuickDoc" view, which provides the full xml documentation, nicely formatted. The tooltip view is just the summary. To activate the QuickDoc, use ctrl-q, or ReSharper -> Edit -> Show Quick Documentation. See here for more:

Android Studio/Intellij Idea: "Table of Contents" for a class

I have been messing around with Android Studio and so far I like most of what I have seen. One thing that has been annoying me though is this lack of "Table of Contents" for a class. I apologize for not knowing exactly what to call it. But what I am referring to is the dropdown menu in eclipse that lists all the methods, interfaces, classes and so on that are in that class file. This then allows you to jump to that position. This view is when you are in "Package Explorer" and click the arrow to the left of the class. This is one thing that makes me really miss eclipse. I know that you can easily search with Ctrl+F inside a document but I often forget the method names. I tried looking through here but to no avail. Just wondering if anyone knows some way to handle this.
IDEA has a tab called "Structure", which shows all the methods, fields, etc. of the currently-open class.
I've just got a Tip of the Day popup in Android Studio helping with exactly this problem.
You can quickly navigate in the currently edited file with
Ctrl/⌘+F12 (Navigate | File Structure).
It shows the list of members of the current class. Select an element you want to navigate to and press the Enter key or the F4 key. To easily locate an item in the
list, just start typing its name.
Also, as danny117 points out, you can use Alt/⌘+7 to show / hide the same content in a side panel view (shown above in Chris Jester-Young's answer).
View > Tool Windows > Structure
In addition to what Chris Jester-Young said, it's worth pointing out how to see the methods and properties of a class pointed by the cursor.
a) Type Ctrl + H in the class pointed by cursor.
b) In the class name, in the hierarchy window, double-click the class name. The system, upon confirmation, will decompile and open the class code.
c) Alt + 7 (Windows) or Command + 7 (MAC) to display the structure window.
d) One can now visualize properties, methods, derived classes, derived interfaces, and even include inherited items. All related to the class under the caret.
I'm currently using Beta 0.8.9 of the Android Studio and what you need to do is click on the settings icon in the Android Project View. If you select 'Show Members' then the Classes become expandable and you can navigate around the class using the project view.

Where is the warnings screen option in Android Studio?

I want to see warnings of my code in Android Studio, But i am unable to find the option to display warnings view. In case of eclipse we can see the warnings in the "Problems" view.
Can anyone suggest me, how to view warnings in android studio?
If, on the toolbar, you click Analyze -> Inspect Code; then in the window that pops up select how much of your project you want to inspect (I usually do Whole Project, but you might want to select a specific module), then click okay.
Android Studio will work for a bit, then the inspection window will pop up from the bottom with a list of results, subdivided by inspection.
Build -> Make Project (Ctrl + F9) gives what we can get equivalent of Eclipse's “Problems” view on Android Studio
you can use F2 to next problems, see more here: Navigating to Next/Previous Error
GO to View-->Tool Windows-->Messages to view the warnings
Even i searched all the settings in Android Studio, but couldn't find a separate window for it.
The warnings are actually visible to the right end of a particular line as a small yellow marker and clicking on that show the warnings in the status bar below. The colors of them can be editted in the inspection options.
Hope this helps you.
The closest thing Android Studio/IntelliJ has to the Problems view in Eclipse is to use the Problems section of the Project tool window. With that open, navigate down to any classes that appear there and open them in the editor. Once in the editor, you can use F2 to jump between errors in the open file.
Unfortunately, IntelliJ's Problems tool window shows classes with errors nested by folder/package, so you have to expand several levels and it takes up a lot of screen real estate to see even one error. It also doesn't list the errors individually, forcing you to first open the problematic file and then use F2 to navigate to each one. I also had the problem that errors in files that weren't open, didn't show up there.
[opening warning screen in android studio
Click the warning icon as marked in the image.
Warning screen will open.
][click to see image] here
