show full xmlDoc in Visual Studio Intellisense/Resharper Autocomplete Tooltip? - visual-studio-2012

I have some problems using Intellisense/Resharper in my Visual Studio 2012.
When Autocomplete shows me class members i'd like to see the complete xmlDoc as Tooltip. The closest i came was using Resharper and activate "show Summary" in "Completion Appearance" Options. But what about the parameter description, return type text, ...?
I am used to autocomplete from java Eclipse and i really miss this in Visual Studio.
Perfect would be to see the same tooltip when hoovering the mouse over a class member.
Does anyone know how to get this?

ReSharper can show a "QuickDoc" view, which provides the full xml documentation, nicely formatted. The tooltip view is just the summary. To activate the QuickDoc, use ctrl-q, or ReSharper -> Edit -> Show Quick Documentation. See here for more:


How do I see both Resharper's and Visual Studio's refactoring suggestions?

In Resharper for Visual Studio, often I want to use a refactoring suggestion and I'm not sure whether it is part of Resharper or VS. Sometimes I have to push Ctrl+. to open Resharper's refactorings and then hit escape and then push Alt+Enter to open VS's wrench or light bulb.
Is there a way to combine these into one menu or otherwise see both, of course without losing the VS refactorings?
ReSharper used to be able to merge VS actions into the Alt+Enter menu, but right now as of 2022.3 this functionality is broken (see RSRP-486822).
I suggest you disable "Hide Visual Studio Quick Action icons in the left editor margin" setting in R# options. This was you will be able to see VS actions using Ctrl+., and R# actions using Alt+Enter.

Android studio breadcrumb method signature

I am looking for Breadcrumb functionality like Eclipse in Android Studio.
In Eclipse Breadcrumb shows "method signature" when pointer(cursor) come inside whereas in Android Studio Breadcrumb is good for nothing.
Please find attached for better insight.
The accepted answer is not correct.
The feature is still here in 2018.
It's under View -> Active Editor -> Show Breadcrums.
The breadcrums are situated south of the current editing window, not north as in Eclipse.
You can enable it via View -> Navigation Bar and check it.
But it will show breadcrumb/navigation upto class only and not upto the method signature.
As suggessted by AVEbrahimi also, ctrl+F12 will show method signature.
Seems this feature gone away.
You should use:
Ctrl+F12 OR CMD+F12
Here are two ways to see the method signature through a tool tip that hovers next to the method you have selected or put the caret on.
Press ctrl + P with the method selected.
Go to View > Show Parameter Info with the method selected.
I found the above solution on the second link I looked at after this one. The link was for a different IDE but the hotkey works in Android Studio.
Show Parameter Info
Also, you can go to Settings > Editor
Under "Other" check "Show quick doc on mouse move". This will show a popup tool tip with information about the method including parameter info.
Found that here:
View method information in Android Studio
Pressing Alt+Q displays the name of the current context, which is actually the method name (Context Info) quickly and easily.

ReSharper intellisense does not display documentation

Any idea why I'm not getting any documentation to go along with my ReSharper IntelliSense? If I go to the ReSharper options and enable the Visual Studio IntelliSense instead, I get the proper documentation when going through the members in the IntelliSense pop up. If I re-enable the ReSharper IntelliSense, I now get the ReSharper IntelliSense pop up sans documentation.
Go to ReSharper | Options -> Environment | IntelliSense | Completion Appearance. Check Show member signatures and Show summary.
For those who, like me, tried the solution provided above and it didn't work. I found this article and it did the trick for me.
Go to Tools - Options - Text Editor - C# (or all Languages, or whatever you need).
In the general section, the options Auto list Members and Parameter information must be enabled. (I suppose only Parameter Information would be fine to, but i enabled the other one anyway as its a nice feature).

Why do Visual Studio 2012 and ReSharper 7 forget to display Intellisense tooltips?

I noticed a strange behaviour in my VS2012 installation. I use VS2012 Pro and ReSharper 7. Intellisense is just not showing code suggestions anymore. I found a few related questions in my research but they always had a slightly different setup going and none could solve my problem:
Intellisense is working but, it's not showing the tooltip about selected member functions/Properties anymore.
If I take a look at the C# Text Editor Settings in
Tools -> Options -> Text Editor -> C# -> General
Most of the times the two necessary boxes Auto List Members and Parameter Information are selected. However, code suggestions in Intellisense don't work. Sometimes, when I look at the described settings, they are unselected.
Selecting them will make code suggestions work as in VS2010 but, only once. When I check the settings afterwards, they are most likely still selected, but code suggestions are not working anymore.
Some people suggested deleting the %AppData%\Roaming\Microsoft\VisualStudio\11.0 Folder, which did not work for me. I also tried to reset all changes, which also didn't help at all.
Tools -> Import and Export Settings -> Reset
What in the world could make Visual Studio to just forget its settings and trigger such an irrational behavior?
I display the code suggestions by pressing CTRL+Alt+Space. However, I have to press that shortcut every time I want to see the suggestions. It has to be possible to automatically display them every time, when possible?
I was having a similar problem, but I kept overlooking one small ReSharper Intellisense setting. I would double check that you have Symbol completion on in
ReSharper | Options | Intellisense | Completion Characters
Check out the answer with screenshots.
Thanks for all the tips, I figured out what I had missing:
I had to enable "Completion Appearance" -> "Show Summary".
I also accepted Anthonys answer because he linked to a detailed post with screenshots that shows all steps necessary. (Although the thing I had missing is not mentioned there)
ReSharper uses it's own code suggestions that override Visual Studio ones, that could be the reason why the ones in the Visual Studio settings may be disabled. Please check ReSharper options at ReSharper -> Options -> Environment -> IntelliSense. Maybe they are turned off there. If your ReSharper options are turned on but you still have no intellisense, then please ReSharper's support at

Which short-cut is used to bring up this interface of ReSharper?

While I am watching the demo with the following link
I saw this screenshot
I would like to know how to bring up this interface within resharper 5.0?
That is CTRL + TAB. Its a visual studio shortcut for the IDE Navigator. It is just showing open files and a preview of the content in them.
You can even modify some of the aspects of this window. Check this.
