Enable button using VBA excel - excel

I have an uncommon issue. I have an Excel file with macros. On all computers it was installed Office 2010 and everything worked fine, but a few days ago every computer was upgraded to Office 2013.
In code, at some point I enable or disable some buttons based on some criterias.
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Lab Orders").OLEObjects("CommandButton1").Enabled = False
On some computers this works fine , but on other computers this button is shown as enabled, and if the user clicks the button nothing happens, not even the animation where the the button is pressed, so it cannot execute the code behind. It's like an image. Any leads, or reasons why this is happening only on certain computers ?
I have this problem after the Office got upgraded. PS. All computers are in the same domain.
I changed the code line
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Lab Orders").CommandButton1.Enabled = True
and now I get this error: 438 at this row (I debbuged the file on a computer where this file does not work)

I suspect it's the issue with the latest Office updates - see if this fixes it: http://excelmatters.com/2014/12/10/office-update-breaks-activex-controls/

On all computers where you have the problem, check the box "Trust access to the VBA project object model" located in Options/Trust Center/Macro Settings
(Note that this will only apply to Excel, and if you are having the same problems on other MS Office softwares, you should do the same on them as well)
If that's still not working, read and apply all the checks on this page : https://support.office.com/en-gb/article/Enable-or-disable-macros-in-Office-files-12b036fd-d140-4e74-b45e-16fed1a7e5c6

Did not fit as a comment, so:
If I understand you correctly, some computers show the button enabled, while in fact it is disabled, right?
In this case it's normal no button press animation "visibly happens" as Windows knows the button was programmatically disabled.
The same thing happens if you hook a window (which has buttons on it) and send any button a WM to show itself as if it was enabled (while in fact it is not).
The reason it seems enabled on some computers may vary, most probably it's video card and/or driver 'issue', or some "strange alignment" (that particular OS with that particular graphics card & driver and DirectX, as well as those 'special' OLE settings, etc).In both cases, the screen area don't get "refreshed" (invalidated) after the button was disabled - so it seems enabled and gets "repainted" only when there was some user interaction around it. "Lazy redraw", so to speak :)
What one can do is, if it happens to be a serious issue, to find a way on one of these computers to get the button visibly disabled with some 'workaround' (e.g. changing button text after it was disabled -maybe even to exactly the same text-, or move it 1 pixel away and back, call InvalidateRect on it, etc), and apply that solution to your Excel macro.
UPDATE after reading asker's comment:
Oh I see. This could happen if the buttons are in a control array. The issue in this case, however should be present on all computers... Strange.
Anyway. Try to test the buttons' Index property to see if they are part of a control array, just to be sure. If yes:
a) remove them from the array and create buttons "independent" from each other
b) create a bool array and store there enabled/disabled status and write a function that updates buttons' text color property & handles button click event ignore/accept


Printing Excel Workbooks on Different Computers

I have an Excel workbook shared with other Excel users. When my co-workers and I use our different computers to print the same sheets to PDF, the page breaks differently in the resulting PDF, even though it displays the same in print preview.
We both run Windows 10, Excel 2016, using the same printer driver and printing preferences. I've confirmed the regional settings in our system are the same. No special fonts are included in the workbook. No difference in the AppData/Roaming/Microsoft/Excel/XLSTART/.
How can I avoid the layout changes? Is there anything that I might have missed checking? Any help would be appreciated!
If you're both printing the same version of the same document on the same printer, driver, operating system, etc, then you are missing a setting.
Some printer settings are buried pretty deep. Also, were you using the Print Preview or Page Preview when you both viewed it?
I suspect you missed a screen of settings somewhere from the image below, likely the Options... button in the bottom right, which take you into the Manufacturer's settings dialog(s).
Another place to check for settings you may have missed is the control pael. Hit the Windows Key and type printers and hit Enter and make sure you double check every setting in that window and all of the sub-dialogs. Some printers can have hundreds of settings.
If you still can't find a difference, get a third person on a different computer to try printing it. The odd man out of the three of your print jobs, is likely the one with the different setting!
If still no go, please post screen shots.
On Windows, Control Panel -> Display settings on different computers distort how Excel fits cells onto a page from computer to computer in my experience.
Windows7 Control Panel Display Settings
Display settings did it for me. I checked language packs, versions, removed and readded the print to pdf driver packs, the works. I was about to clone the working system to the non working system. The non working system had display scaled 125%....

Excel Deployment - resizing and other component display issues

I have been working on a project in excel for a while and am having problems deploying it to my client. We have (exactly) the same version of excel but when he opens the file the sizing of the components is all wrong. Please see the screenshots below:
When he turns on design mode or clicks and holds the vertical scroll bar, the issue corrects itself for the most part:
But when compared to the original there are still issues, such as the "Rental Start" and "Rental End" labels.
I should also mention that this problem is not isolated to this project. We had some issues with a different one, as well, but never made the connection between design mode and couldn't figure it out. I have tried my IntegralHeight property per a forum post somewhere, as well as double checking that my components are not set to size with cells. Does anyone know why this might be occurring? He has windows 8.1 and I have 7, if that could be the difference.
Note: All controls are ActiveX controls.

Default Excel keyboard shortcut CTRL + ALT + F5 no longer works

The Microsoft Excel keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+F5 to Refresh All was one of my favorites until it stopped working. Presently, when I enter that key combination nothing (as far as I can see) happens. I've had to live without it for so long that I can't recall if there was anything specific that was changed prior to it no longer working. Alt+F5 continues to work to Refresh a specific PivotTable, but that has limited value.
The version is Excel 2007.
How can I discover what is preventing Ctrl+Alt+F5 from working and restore its default functionality?
I solved this problem by disabling Intel Graphics hotkeys:
Right-click on the desktop, hover over the menu option "Graphics Options" > "Hot Keys" > click Disable.
I had the exact same issue described above, albeit on Excel 2013 then eventually worked out that the key combination Ctrl+Alt+F5 (as well as other Ctrl+Alt+Fn keys) is reserved by the Intel Graphics control panel. I'd never even noticed this program but it's accessible by right-clicking on the desktop and selecting 'Graphics Properties...'. The Intel Graphics control panel doesn't use Ctrl+Alt+F5 by default, but it still reserves it apparently. I can assure you that disabling the Intel Graphics hot keys allows me to be able to use Ctrl+Alt+F5 in Excel straight away.
Hope that helps!
By the way, this same solution is shown here for a different user problem:
Keyposé is a free download which displays keyboard shortcuts as you use them. This makes sure that your hardware and OS are working as expected. If you see your shortcut appear with this tool (or you can verify Ctrl+Alt+F5 work in other applications another way) then the change must be within Excel itself
You might have more luck posting this on superuser.com

Excel ActiveX Button is clickable, but does not work

About a week ago, I found that all ActiveX buttons stopped working in all spreadsheets, when running on my computer. They work on others just fine. There had been no issues for the past year.
I know there was recently a Windows updates that caused a stir, preventing people from even being able to click on ActiveX buttons. The issue I am experiencing seems to be different... I am able to click on the button (once clicked, it will show the dotted line around the perimeter of the button). however, nothing happens.
I have these buttons created to open User forms. I have checked to verify the PrivateSub code still exists to launch the form on the Button Click.
Since all my staff are still able to use the spreadsheets and ActiveX buttons, I am thinking there is something occurring locally on my computer, and it is not necessarily programming related, but I have had no luck finding any cause.
Any ideas?
I found a solution to the issue. It appears as though my issue WAS still related to the Microsoft update.. I just happened to be experiencing a different symptom, and needed a different solution as well (rather than just delete MSForms.exd files)
I recompiled the projects (Open VBEditor, Debug Menu, Compile VBA Project), saved workbook, closed excel, and re-opened. Everything worked as normal again.
Unfortunately, I need to do this for all files I work with which have ActiveX controls, which is several dozen.

VBA editor auto-deletes spaces at the ends of lines

Is there a way to convince the VBA editor in Excel to stop auto-formatting lines to remove the space at the end when I pause in my typing for a quarter second?
I had this exact problem and the following worked for me.
Click the Microsoft Office Button, and then click Excel Options
Click the Add-Ins category
In the Manage box, click COM Add-ins, and then click Go.
Look for an add in called 'Load Test Report AddIn' then uncheck it
restart excel
This addin is installed with VS2010 Beta2
In Excel 2010, toggling Design Mode button on the Developer Ribbon Tab solves the problem for me.
I've definitely had that issue before, where the vba editor would format as I was typing (not just when I went to another line). For me, it seemed to be related to a Microsoft Web Browser control that I had in an open workbook. When I took out the web browser, the VBA editor started acting normally again. I have no idea why that worked, but it did. Now I avoid using that control in my workbooks.
Something is causing your spreadsheet to recalculate while you are in the VBA Editor and this 'compiles' your code and thus strips the spaces. You need to stop the cells recalculating while you are editing. Turning the calculation to manual in the spreadsheet.
Tools > Options > Calculation should do the trick.
I noticed this when I had cells recalculating thanks to a DDE connection.
There is sort of a way to turn off the auto-"correction" in the VBA Editor.
Tools Menu -> Options -> Editor Tab -> Clear the Auto Syntax Check box
Sadly, this won't solve all your problems, as the VBA Editor tends to have a mind of its own, for better or worse.
Taking it out of design mode fixes it every-time on vba2003 - its was driving me crazy at first ... i did notice it might have something to do with the web control but when i take it out of design mode it works fine ... just toggle that to get it to behave :)
I have had this same problem several times recently, and has driven me crazy.
After reading this post all the different fix-ups mentioned (none worked for me), I recalled I have been playing lately with Internet Explorer Control, opening Internet Explorer from VBA.
This is mentioned in some of the answers in this post.
This got me in the right path and, in order to fix it, I had to first delete all iexplore.exe instances (alt+control+delete), closed Excel and open excel again.
(iexplore.exe had been opened invisible from the VBA code, and I didn't know they were running)
That fixed the bug.
I have been programming quite heavily with VBA for over 4 years, and never had this problem.
Just a couple of weeks ago I started using IE control, and I started getting this problem...so in my case I can only assume the bug is directly related to the IE control.
I am running both excel 2003 and 2007 in same PC at the same time, and the problem only happens with excel 2007.
None of the above for me.
I had a Application.OnTime timer that fired every second and this triggered a recalculation of something: commenting it made my day.
This has started happening to me recently after adding a Timer event to an Access 2007 form. The VB editor "finalizes" the current line (as if you had moved the cursor off of the statement; I have auto syntax checking off) each time the event fires (initially I had it set to 1 second, now it is set to 5 seconds, and the behavior scales accordingly). In order for the event code to execute, the application has to ensure that it has been compiled. Presumably, the editor needs to be in a "sane" state to do this, as it probably has to check for code dependencies among modules. Note that the behavior occurs regardless of whether any dependent code is actually loaded into the editor at the time. Note also that resetting the execution state doesn't affect the timer event firing. As a practical matter, one could close the triggering form, switch it to design view, set a breakpoint in the triggered code, or increase the timer interval while working with the editor.
In contrast to abhishek's comment, changing the settings of Tools/Options.../General/Compile On Demand and/or Background Compile did not affect the issue.
If it helps, none of the previous answers solved mine. Only solution appeared to be to close the xls file and reopen it. Frustrating to have to do every 30 mins but at least it works. Would love to know why it's recompiling and cleaning the text... should really be an option to disable the text cleanup but couldn't find it.
Turn off Tools > Options > General > Background Compile. This solved it for me.
This is a long standing problem that could have various causes. I had this same issue occur in the Access VBE (so naturally the Excel answers weren't relevant). After a LOT of digging I finally got it fixed with the solution below. First a recap though:
If you are here because of this issue in Excel, try the solutions above first. To summarize:
The most common issue in Excel is that the Design button is toggled. Toggle that and see if the behavior changes as submitted by Dmitry Frenkel above
If that doesn't work, check for the "Load Test Report" AddIn as mentioned by Ade.
Those are really the two main causes in Excel, but if neither of those solutions work, then scroll through the rest of the solutions here. All are valid possibilities for the cause. In Access the cause is pretty straight forward. It's a timer issue on a form somewhere. I found this solution from here by User Kevin K. Sullivan.
Copy the following line of code onto the clipboard. (You might need to
paste it into a text editor first and coerce it onto one line, depending on
your newsreader. It must be one line.)
For i = 0 to Forms.Count -1: Debug.Print Forms(i).Name, Forms(i).TimerInterval: Next i
Switch to Access.
Press Ctrl-G to go to the Immediate Window.
Press Ctrl-V to paste in the code.
Press enter to to run the code. All open forms will be listed. Any non-zero timer intervals are your culprits. Simply close that form (It may be invisibly open from another process than the one you thought you were dealing with).
I think the solution for Access here is what the user Dom was trying to say above. I guess the down votes were because it wasn't explained very well and/or because he was speaking of Access when the OG issue was in Excel. Regardless, he is likely on point if you are here because of the VBE in Access.
I hope this helps people. I know I kept finding this page when researching this issue, so that's why I thought I'd update this solution here.
I hit this problem today on a fresh install of Excel 2010 Beta 2. None of the above made any difference, but going into the trust center and disabling all application add-ins fixed the problem for me.
I have Office 2010 Pro and I had the same issue. As I type the space between each word was being deleted. After trying each of the options turning them on and off the only way I found working was to disable the Winzip Courie(excel) add-in. This is done thru the Options dialog box Add-Ins section.
In office 365 I had the same issue - what worked for me is I saved the file with a different name and when I re-opened the new file the problem went away.
I found this issue pops up when I had AutoSave on. Turning that off let me code without it compiling every second.
I don't think I've ever seen the VBE remove a space when I've stopped typing. It will remove trailling spaces from lines if you move to another line, but that's something different and not behaviour that I think can be altered.
The removal of spaces in the VBA editor for Access occurs when a form is open in Form("Execute") mode. This is probably due to background executions based on "On Timer" methods. Close the form in Access solves the problem in VBA.
