ModX wont work without absolute paths - modx

I have built a site on Revo 2.1.3. All went well except for the site paths. Where I used to link to an image like:
It now wont work (appears as broken link) unless I put the complete path,e eg:
This isnt such a big deal changing the image paths, but it totally breaks Wayfinder.
Does anyone know a way to fix this?

My templates were missing:
<base href="[[++site_url]]" />


Opencart Header Problems

So, I have modified the header.tpl file in OpenCart by removing the wishlist, linking the telephone# as a click to call and added a custom class called "great-barbecue". It worked in one version that I earlier installed. When that whole thing went sideways, I started from scratch and now the wishlist still shows up, the phone# and icon are not "click to call" and my custom class is not appearing at all? Here is a link to the code I have for header.tpl in catalog/view/theme/default/template/common header template
My site
When I copy and paste the code I get an error telling me to indent all code with 4 spaces and I really don't have time for that, hence the link. I have tried it in all browsers and when I look at the source code for the page the wishlist is still there, the phone still links to contact and my custom html is not there. I don't know how to fix this.
nice site, I have found this in the open cart forums, it looks like you have to remove all instances of the wish list. Try this and let me know how it goes.

How to reference layout images in express.js so that they can be found from nested directories?

I've got an express.js app currently using ejs (using jade for newer projects) and I'm trying to solve a problem in a clean and appropriate manner.
I've got a layout.ejs file with my header and footer in it. Most of my site so far has been one layer deep or /services or /amy and so on....
I'm beginning to created online courses at and the issue I'm having is that these course pages can't reference the images the same way. <img src="images/linknedin.png" alt="LinkedIn Icon"> for instance.
From the course-name page it tries <img src="courses/images/LinkedIn.png" alt="LinkedIn Icon"> and obviously can't grab the image there.
Is there a setting in express, or something obvious I'm missing? I hope I don't have to use absolute urls, that just makes developing on the local machine insane.
Just use site root–relative paths. For example <img src="/images/linknedin.png" alt="LinkedIn Icon">. Note the / makes the difference.
There are three types of link paths:
Absolute paths (such as
Document-relative paths (such as dreamweaver/contents.html).
Site root–relative paths (such as /support/dreamweaver/contents.html).
From Adobe.
You might consider it, but you can use "../images/link(n?)edin.png". However, I'd recommend to use absolute path, because images should be stored in /public (in general jade setup) and your path depth could be varied by your route rule.
As a tip, if you lost in relative path of image, right click on broken image and see a URL in properties on web browser. It'll give you a hint of where the image is.

MODx Relative Links Broken

I was having a lot of trouble getting relative links working in MODx. As soon as I made a container and put some pages one level above the root, nothing was linking correctly. Lots of missing images and broken links.
NOTE: This fix apparently will break all links linking to content identifiers.
I fixed it by putting the following at the top of the web template:
<base href="[[++site_url]]" />
You have to use that. If you hardcode it, it will screw up depending on which protocol you use, http or https.
StingyB's answer is correct. This tag should be in the head section of all MODX templates:
`<base href="[[++site_url]]" />`
Note that if you have multiple front-end contexts, the placeholder should be uncached:
`<base href="[[!++site_url]]" />`
Also, it must be a short tag. This will not work:
`<base href="[[!++site_url]]"></base>`
I'm not sure where comment about "breaking all links linking to content identifiers" is coming from. These tags are standard in all MODX installs.

How wappalyzer(Mozila addon),GTmetrix finds the cms platform

I am currently developing a site which is not supposed to expose its developer magento platform(Sorry about that ).
I thought the wappalyzer(Mozila addon),GTmetrix site is finding the cms names by its html format but when i saw a empty white page with that tools it still shows me like am using Magento(there is nothing in the source view - its white page), so now how they are finding that am using magento. Any idea about hw they are working? I checked headers but there nothing specially mentioned as magento. Same goes with wordpress/joomla - simply wappalyzer(Mozila addon),GTmetrix finds the site platform even there is no html source.
So I guess something with in header(i might missing something) or what it can be? please advice. Attached screenshot of it.
Thanks in advance
You can view Wappalyzer's source code: (Ctrl+F Magento):
Most likely Wappalyzer picked up on the "Mage" JavaScript variable. You can see this by clicking the DOM tab in Firebug.
They are finding it using the words like mage,varien,magento. If it finds any of these words inside css/js file class,#id,inside comment then it found it as magento.
Also gtmetrix does one more step , like it is checking the css/js url path - if it fins the url like skin/frontend then it says it as magento.
Dont forget cookies...
I use FireBugs. Go to main menu -> Cookies
There is frontend in cookies.

Htaccess Rewriterule virtual directories breaking all links

I think I've gone through a million articles and everyone's codes on this, but I just can't get it to work! Every code I try works but it shows the redirect url instead of the virtual one.
I would like to actually show the results from, but the files within client.php become broken unless I make absolute links.
For instance is broken when viewing from http://mysite/company/client/, but is working fine when going to the real file
I hope someone knows how to solve this problem without having to change all links in client.php to absolute!
You might want to consider the HTML BASE tag:
<base href="http://mysite/company" />
You put this in the client.php file, then any relative link & reference is automatically "converted" to an absolute one, starting from the right folder.
See the comments on possible issues with the BASE tag.
Another option would be to perform a redirect instead of a rewrite, by adding "[R]" to the RewriteRule. However, then your users will see the "client.php" in the URL.
