Deploy Cloud9 IDE to Heroku? - node.js

I"m trying to deploy a simple Node.JS app to Heroku from Cloud9, and I can't seem to be able to find the "Deploy" button to deploy it to Heroku. Is this feature present on Heroku?

In the current Cloud9 release we do not have a UI for deployment yet, but we're going to add those features soon. They have been flaky at times and we really want to offer things that work.
Until then, I'd recommend using the deployment tools straight from the command line in the Terminal - see our documentation site for details: .
Regarding Heroku, deploying via the terminal is not too difficult, although I would have preferred not to disappoint you. All steps are explained in the link below, you can start at step 3 because the Heroku tool belt should already be installed.


Cannot deploy Node js app to Azure ("do not have permission")

I have a Wordle-esque app that I want to deploy using Azure. Repo here. It is a fork from a popular open-source project, and I can also locally build and run the game. Locally, it runs perfectly.
I am trying to use Azure App Services to deploy it, using a Github Action. All the Actions pass, and the App can be successfully built. However, when I try to view the deployment here the only error I am receiving is
You do not have permission to view this directory or page.
Since it runs locally, and it pass its github action build, I do not know how to proceed here. I have tried restarting the app, and changing the resources I am using to host it, but that does not work. Some other answers seem to suggest the problem is about it not finding index.html, but I can access that through and the page is blank.
If i look under wwwroot/ in the Azure debugger I see the following file structure:
Any help would be appreciated
turns out it was something strange with package.json. I needed to change the path to my react scripts:
"start": "node_modules/react-scripts/bin/react-scripts.js start"
Not sure if its good practise to do this, but it works now

Material-ui Official SSR example not working in production servers

I deployed the official material-ui ssr example to Microsoft Azure, it doesn't work. I also deployed it to Heroku, it still doesn't work. On my local machine and on codesandbox , everything looks good. I don't know what I'm missing.
You can choose docker when you create webapp services. I think it will help you solve the issue.
I think this project has some bug in it.
You can raise a support on azure portal, or submit a issue on github.
I have try to use many ways to deploy ssr project.
Continuous deployment to Azure App Service [Failed]
FTP, then run start command. [Failed]
Use VSCode to publish. [Failed]
Paste zip file into kudu. [Failed]
After all the attempts, I guess that a certain command of the project may take up a lot of resources, so this project has potential bugs, and the azure team can assist in finding the cause of the deployment failure.
This is my error msg.

Can I deploy a slug to heroku without including the runtime

I'm trying to follow this to create a slug of my node app and deploy to heroku. Given that heroku has a nodejs buildpack built into it I can't help thinking there must be a way to do so without including the node runtime as recommended, but it's not easy to find out how in the platform api docs.
Anyone have an ideas?
you can also create slugs programmatically using the Build API. See these guides
Building and Releasing using the Platform API
Programmatic builds on Heroku
This is also mentioned in the intro to the article you mentioned, but I'll make that clearer.
Feel free to get in touch at if you have any questions about how to use this.

With Windows Azure, can I deploy a node.js server using Dropbox?

There are several tutorials on Azure showing how to deploy a node.js server using git. Azure has a nifty feature where you can link a Dropbox folder to an Azure web site for very simple deployments. Works awesome for websites, but I was hoping it might work for node.js deployments as well.
It doesn't seem to work- the deployment process goes fine, but navigating to the URL of the node.js deployment produces this error:
The page cannot be displayed because an internal server error has occurred.
Anyone know if it's possible to deploy a node.js server to Windows Azure via Dropbox?
Many thanks-
Just ran through the deployment logs and found this line:
The package.json file is not present.
The node.js application will run with the default node.js version 0.6.20.
Perhaps that it explains my problem?
from the console and folder type "npm init" to generate package.json

Some questions on node.js development environment and deployment strategy

I'm new to node and reading some books about it. Now I think it's time to do some dev stuff with it. I'm planning to implement a little project which I want to deploy in the cloud (AWS, Heroku, ...).
What I still haven't figured out are following points (I have a MacBook Pro with OS X 10.7):
which dev environment should I use? I thought about Aptana Studio (no node support as far as I've seen) and transferring the files via ssh to a local VirtualBox CentOS 6.3 machine which has node.js and some modules installed on it
is there any good deployment strategy for hosting my app in the cloud? For example, if I'm developing with Aptana Studio, I don't think there is a plugin which let's you deploy your code on some virtual server in the AWS or Heroku cloud, isn't it?
Thanks in advance!
I don't use an IDE per-se. I get by with just Sublime Text for my editor.
The deployment process will depend on where you host your site. I am not sure about Heroku, but with Nodejitsu it's just as simple as running "jitsu deploy" from the terminal and that's it.
If you host the site on your own on a Linux box (i.e. without Heroku or Nodejitsu) you need to account for how to make sure the site restarts after the machine reboots, or after a crash. I wrote about this on my blog. It's doable but somewhat of a chore:
You can and should develop and run your application locally on your mac. Dealing with 2 machines, 2 OSes, and constant file transfers is a nuisance in development and offers no benefit. It also cripples nice things like fsevents for watching files and good text editor integration.
If you are into the whole IDE thing, perhaps consider
There are several cloud Platform as a Service companies you could consider
Here's some blog posts reviewing some of these PaaS offerings
In terms of deployment, most of these PaaS companies are going to integrate with npm and github, so deployment is going to take no more than a handful of commands at most.
Thanks for your help!
After doing a lot of research on the topics you've posted, I just wanted to let you know what my setup for developing node applications now looks like:
Sublime Text 2 Text-Editor with Package Manager and following plugins: git, nodejs, SublimeLinter (BTW: are there some other "essential" plugins you can not live without?)
iTerm 2 Terminal for all console work (execute node-inspector, ssh to server etc.)
node.js, npm and additional modules which I want to use for my app
Running everything local on my MacBook Pro. As far as I could test this solution, it seems that it runs very smoothly but most notably: FAST :-)
Regarding node deployment, I take Heroku and nodejitsu into account due to low costs, few administration efforts and features like auto-scaling etc. The only drawback of Heroku is the missing websocket support, which I intend to use natively in my app.
Best regards!
