Can I deploy a slug to heroku without including the runtime - node.js

I'm trying to follow this to create a slug of my node app and deploy to heroku. Given that heroku has a nodejs buildpack built into it I can't help thinking there must be a way to do so without including the node runtime as recommended, but it's not easy to find out how in the platform api docs.
Anyone have an ideas?

you can also create slugs programmatically using the Build API. See these guides
Building and Releasing using the Platform API
Programmatic builds on Heroku
This is also mentioned in the intro to the article you mentioned, but I'll make that clearer.
Feel free to get in touch at if you have any questions about how to use this.


Is is possible to make Desktop App with Nodejs along with Online connectivity

I am trying build an application that can run offline and online too. If the application is offline it must run with minimum functionality and if it get an internet it automatically push data online Any references or tutorials would be appreciated.
any references that can help me to achieve this.
Yes, surely that's possible and you already mentioned the tools: node.js and electron are suitable. Most electron apps do that (whatsapp and joplin directly come to my mind).
You can look in the source of those already available apps, but it might be difficult. I would start with the tutorial of electron and search for the features as "check internet connectivity" (i.e. here on stackoverflow)
Your question is a bit to broadly stated to help in detail.
Yes, surely that's possible. you can use the node.js and electronJs with Angular are suitable.
For Angular and NodeJs refer the below document:
Build a Basic CRUD App with Angular and Node
For ElectronJs refer the below demo project:
Electron Samples
Best luck !!

how to do firebase-authentication with next.js

I am getting so much problem in creating a next.js app with express and firebase-authentication and what is the use of redux here.can anyone Please Help in this stuff or provide some tutorials because next.js documentation is not worthy and examples are too not worthy.
The example with-firebase-authentication in the NextJs examples folder is not working right now:
See my bug report: with-firebase-example-not-working
I'm trying to do this using service-workers since it's supported by Firebase:
I've been looking at a NextJS example with service-workers:
But I found that the sw-precache webpack plugin is deprecated by Google and they recommend to migrate to the sw-toolbox see here: google-sw-toolbox
But have in mind that this adds an overhead of sw configuration and registering/un-registering as well as the scope on the sw in your app.
To learn more about service workers check google-dev-docs

What are the most common workflows for full stack Node/Express development?

I'm a self taught developer and I recently started learning Node.
I've been using Ruby on Rails for a couple of years now, and I learned most of what I know from online courses. The most helpful course I took was one in which I learned the entire process of setting up a development and production server, setting up a database, etc. In this case I was using Cloud9 for development and Heroku for production. I already knew the coding aspect of building a web app, but this course really changed everything for me because I learned how "real" developers work, how to set up a good work flow with a development environment, how to run my code on a real scalable server, etc... Since then I've built a couple of RoR apps on Heroku.
Now I'm learning Node and Express, but I'm not sure what to do with my code. Can I just use Cloud9 and Heroku, the same way I did with RoR? Are there other common services I should know about, similar to how lots of RoR apps use Heroku?
I'm looking for a small push in the right direction - the same one I had when I was learning Rails - to get the ball rolling. Any information will be greatly appreciated! Thanks
You seem to be asking both for workflow and environment pointers, so I'll give you a tiny bit of both
With node, it is perfectly fine to have your dev environment locally and only host your staging and prod environment
If you don't have specific requirements in terms of hosted environment, use what you are already comfortable with:
Heroku is perfectly fine
OpenShift is a great alternative
Pivotal seems to be alright
Google App Engine and Amazon Elastic Beanstalk are most likely overkill
This is a very broad subject. Everyone has their own ways of doing things. At a minimum I would get familiar with the following tools or concepts:
npm (default package manager)
alternative: yarn (faster, shinier)
eslint (linter for javascript, indispensable)
Gitflow (sane way to manage your git repo)
Semver (what is semantic versioning)
Unit Testing with Tape (it's 2017, you need tests)
alternative: Mocha (more functionalities, some you don't need)
Airbnb Style Guide (a decent baseline for style)
alternative: Google Style Guide (I use this one)
There is also this overwhelming but great list, which is a bit too much but should list anything else you might need
Finally, if you want to work more with Express, I would suggest going through this MDN series Express Web Framework. Once that is done, I would installing the Express App Generator, create a test app and looking at the structure of files and folders

Deploy Cloud9 IDE to Heroku?

I"m trying to deploy a simple Node.JS app to Heroku from Cloud9, and I can't seem to be able to find the "Deploy" button to deploy it to Heroku. Is this feature present on Heroku?
In the current Cloud9 release we do not have a UI for deployment yet, but we're going to add those features soon. They have been flaky at times and we really want to offer things that work.
Until then, I'd recommend using the deployment tools straight from the command line in the Terminal - see our documentation site for details: .
Regarding Heroku, deploying via the terminal is not too difficult, although I would have preferred not to disappoint you. All steps are explained in the link below, you can start at step 3 because the Heroku tool belt should already be installed.

Use modified library in node_modules when deploying to heroku

I am building an app in nodejs and making use of a library called nodify-shopify which is used to interact with the shopify api
The library hasn't implemented all the api calls so i had to implement it myself
when i push my app to heroku, it doesn't go with the modified library in node_modules so my app breaks
What's the best way to solve this?
I have considered making a pull request, but the project seems abandoned and i need to do this fast.
I have also considered adding the node_modules to version control, but I'm wondering if there's a better way?
I need to get this done fast too, so time is of essence
Publish you version of the library somewhere it could be found during the heroku deployment. Npm supports a variety of possibilities to load node module:
(g)zip packages
git checkout
