Outofbox SharePoint Presence Control to use UCWA Lync API - sharepoint

Our SharePoint 2013 customer need to display Lync presence on the client web browsers without installing Lync Client on the client PC
I am not familiar a lot with Lync development and SharePoint integration with it however I know for SharePoint 2013 and Lync 2013 was impossible because presence control is based on browser plugin as mentioned here
I make a search and found that there is a new API for Lync UCWA that target mobile and web development
I think SharePoint team will use this Lync API on the future (or maybe they already use it) to display users presence without require Lync client to be installed
The Question is:
Is their any news about this from SharePoint team? Or no news till now?

I'm quite sure in saying that there's been no announcement around this.
The components in SharePoint 2013 (also SharePoint Online / 365) are still using the ActiveX control you mention, which requires Lync client running and signed in on client machines indeed.
However UCWA could address the requirement of retrieving and displaying users' presence. The challenge in this is how to perform the authentication: we'd need to authenticate the user or a valid Lync user in order to use UCWA and perform our queries.
Viable option is to use Integrated Windows Authentication, but is very subject to browsers and users configuration.
Whenever we're authenticated with UCWA, we need to replace the OOB controls and views to make use of UCWA in place of namectrl.
This goes over:
XSLT used by Content Query Web Parts
Display Templates used by Content By Search Web Parts
Client Side Rendering (CSR) templates for lists and fields (JSLink)
Web Parts as Contact Person, Site Members, ..
probably more..
This article provides a detailed overview about the different templates for contact presence included in SharePoint 2013
As I mentioned, authentication can be a challenge, so you may want to move the communication with UCWA in a server component, and expose more friendly APIs to use in your components, maybe not requiring authentication (for intranet use), or having another type of authentication in place for this.
An old project actually doing this:
This is build using UCMA on the server, because UCWA wasn't available at that time. The UCMA part could be replaced with UCWA right now, having much less installation impact.


Sending custom email notifications from SharePoint 2019

My company has both on premise SharePoint 2019 and SharePoint Online. We just found out that we cannot use SPO for our company intranet due to some security limitations in our current tenant (GCC High). I would like to find a solution that allows me to send a web page as an email from SharePoint 2019, similar to the News Feeds in SPO. SharePoint 2019 only sends a link to the page and not the page content. We would like to use this for company announcements and need to have control over how the email is formatted and include images.
Have tried using workflows and alerts. Both came up short when displaying images in emails. I tried setting up a site that allows anonymous access, so the images are accessible. But when I sent the customized email via a workflow, the images where just displayed with a red x. I think an SPFX solution might be better for what I am trying to do.
Does anyone have a link to a site that shows an example of how this might be done? I assume this would be done using spfx, but if anyone knows of a good third-party software that does this, that might work as well.

Office 365 store restrictions and SharePoint online add-in permissions for creating sites

I submitted an office 365 SharePoint add-in app for certification in the Office Store, and was told that one of the changes required is that I remove the 'Full Control' permission for the app, as it is not supported in the store. My app enables the user to create a new web site based on certain criteria. The add-in works correctly with 'Full Control' permission, but does not work with lower levels such as 'Manage'.
If the store does not allow me to use 'Full Control', what permissions or options can I use in order to still be able to create sites on behalf of the user?
Is there a different way to go about having the add-in app create sites in an existing site collection? The trigger can be user initiated, or event based.
I would love to get any ideas or solutions for this - Thanks!
The only option I can think of is to create a web service that is external to SharePoint and create the site in the service.
Here are a couple of resources that may help you:
Walkthrough: Building a Custom Web API for use with SharePoint Online
PnP Webcast - Calling external APIs securely from SharePoint Framework

SharePoint 2013 Provider Hosted

I want to create a web application that uses a custom database with a web api where javascript calls the api from html pages to perform basic crud operations.
The end game though is to surface this through SharePoint 2013 as a provider hosted application.
Can anyone advise on how I might go about this? I am particularly wondering how making ajax api calls to the application via the html pages surfaced from within sharepoint 2013 will work and authenticate.
Is the application using SharePoint data or are you just using your custom database? If you are just using your custom database, you can use the page viewer web part to display the application: http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/sharepoint-foundation-help/display-a-web-page-on-a-sharepoint-page-by-adding-the-page-viewer-web-part-HA101857182.aspx
If you are consuming SharePoint data, that is a different beast and your best bet is reading the docs here: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/office/fp142381(v=office.15).aspx

Is Form Based Authentication possible in trial version of SharePoint online

I think, Microsoft uses claim based authentication for trial version of SharePoint online by default but it might be possible to use Form Based Authentication in Dedicated O365.
I need to test or write application to authenticate users for SharePoint online which may have claim based or form based authentication.
so Is there any way to create SharePoint online site that uses form based authentication? Or Is there any SharePoint online test site for this?
I have one more question:
In SharePoint online, I have invited one external(hotmail) user.
I wanted to know details steps on how the external user is authenticated?

How to get users to login twice in SharePoint 2010?

I have somewhat of an odd question (for me, at least).
We have some private information a department would like to place on our SharePoint farm. The problem is, this is very sensitive information, and law demands that we have a 'two-stage' login process to secure the data.
Currently, it is housed using a system that:
A) you have to login to our network (windows logon screen)
B) you have to login to the application.
Our SharePoint farm has integrated authentication enabled. Meaning, once you login to your computer in the morning, you never have to login to sharepoint as it already knows your credentials.
This is a problem for us. Can we enable some sort of custom Sharepoint login?
Will this require a new web app for the site? A new site collection only perhaps?
What you are looking for is called forms based authentication. Sharepoint 2010 uses claims based authentication and one of the providers you can configure is forms based. Meaning they provide a user name and password.
Here is a tutorial with the steps to do, it is a relatively straight forward process. just follow all the steps.
If you move you site out of Intranet zone, then IE will automatically ask for credential everytime.
See this:
