how to encode and decode pdf files using base64encode/decode ( windows app store )in c# - winrt-xaml

solution with sample using c#,
Download encoded pdf file of base64Encode and decode(base64Decode) and store in ApplicationData.Current.LocalFolder;

you can use File.ReadAllBytes to load the PDF file into your program and then u can convert the loaded pdf file using Convert.ToBase64String(bytes) method
You might want to prefer this link

Well, I am not going to write a solution with a complete sample for you, but I will point you to what may be the most exhaustive base42 discussion in Windows Runtime.
It's a crazy coincidence that I just wrote this a few weeks ago. You'll notice that it is in the context of an image, but you should be able to translate it simple enough.
Remember to post your solution here!
Best of luck!


A Study on the Modification of PDF in nodejs

Project Environment
The environment we are currently developing is using Windows 10. nodejs 10.16.0, express web framework. The actual environment being deployed is the Linux Ubuntu server and the rest is the same.
What technology do you want to implement?
The technology that I want to implement is the information that I entered when I joined the membership. For example, I want to automatically put it in the input text box using my name, age, address, phone number, etc. so that the user only needs to fill in the remaining information in the PDF. (PDF is on some of the webpages.)
If all the information is entered, the PDF is saved and the document is sent to another vendor, which is the end.
Current Problems
We looked at about four days for PDFs, and we tried to create PDFs when we implemented the outline, structure, and code, just like it was on this site at
However, most PDFs seem to be compressed into flatDecode rather than this simple. So I also looked at Data extraction from /Filter /FlateDecode PDF stream in PHP and tried to decompress it using QPDF.
Unzip it for now.Well, I thought it would be easy to find out the difference compared to the PDF without Kim after putting it in the first name.
However, there is too much difference even though only three characters are added... And the PDF structure itself is more difficult and complex to proceed with.
Note : (PDF official document in English)
Is there a way to solve the problem now?
It sounds like you want to create a PDF from scratch and possibly extract data from it and you are finding this a more difficult prospect than you first imagined.
Check out my answer here on why PDF creation and reading is non-trivial and why you should reach for a tool you help you do this:

OFFIS DICOM scope toolkit Structured report link to image

Does anybody knows how to create a structured report using dicom scope toolkit via console (ubuntu 16.04) with a link to a related image?
The thing is that I have an image of some kind of trauma and I have to connect with a report which is in a text file. The last file should be in .dcm format which contains annotation and a link to an image. I have to use dicom scope program.
Maybe others refrain from answering because your question needs a very long answer. I cannot provide step-by-step instructions, a few hints, though.
The way I would go is to:
(assuming that your image is available in DICOM format):
obtain a sample structured report. I think that the "simple" Basic Text SR is what you want to go for. You can find some samples here.
convert the SR to an XML file using dsr2xml
edit the contents in XML. Do not forget to include your image reference in (0040,a730) Content Sequence -> (0008,1199) Referenced SOP Sequence
convert the XML back to DICOM SR using xml2dsr
By the way: From your question, I did not really understand why you want to use a structured report, as you wrote that your report is plain text. Instead of digging into the complex structure of SR, you may want to consider exporting the report to an Encapsulated PDF document which can reference images as well.

How to have node convert `.emf` to `.jpg` (or anything I can place on a webpage)

Stuck in this weird situation at work. I have .doc files I'm parsing with Node.JS. They have photos in them that are .emf I want to display in my web app. I have no issue getting the emf file out of the word doc, but I can't figure out how to display it on a webpage. Simply embedding as is didn't work. I tried to find a utility to convert them automatically but with no luck. I thought of converting them myself but can't find any tecnhical info on the .emf file.
Any suggestions?
EMF (WMF) are the SVG like formats of the 1990's.
I can't give you the full solution in this space but checkout this thread that uses Apache Batik
If you don't want to build it yourself perhaps try the paid version of converters
If you can't afford I would recommend to host the Batik and make a service endpoint and make calls to generate the desired format from EMF. It may turn out actually faster.

Options for Parsing Excel Files in ExtJS

I'm having a very hard time accomplishing my main goal: extracting data from an xlsx excel file
I'm running ExtJS + node.js, and I see two options:
Use this XLSX.js framework to convert the base64 string into js object-representations of xlsx worksheets for me to use. Problem is, I have no idea how to get a base64 string from an xlsx file..
Upload the xlsx file to the server, do the conversions there using node-xlsx, the send the object-representations back ala json. Having lots of difficulties here since ExtJS doesn't use real AJAX for file uploads so I don't know how to send the results back..
Has anyone had experience with this or could advise a solution? Having lots of trouble..
Number two is going to be the better option IMO. You can take a look at the FileUploadField control - there is a good example on submitting the Form that will upload the file to the server:!/api/Ext.form.field.File
From there you can parse and return the json.
Since we struggled with exactly the same issue, we created a front-end XLS(X) and CSV import and export tool that you can use in ExtJS 4 applications with a few lines of code. The user just drags the file on the grid and done. We just launched it, here is a description of the problematic in dealing with files and the solution:
Hope it helps.

How to generate application forms/documents programmatically?

At the moment, we use MS WORD and MS EXCEL to mail merge documents that needs to be sent to multiple recepients.
For example, say there is a complaint form where the complainant needs to fill in his/her name, address, etc. So we have a .doc file set up with the content and the dynamic entities set up for mail merging, with the name and address details put in an excel file, from where we can happily mail merge to generate all or just the necessary forms/documents.
However, I would like to automate this process, like a form in a website where the complainant can fill in his/her name, address and other details, and we could use that to generate the complaint form automatically and offer it to be downloaded (preferrably as a pdf).
Now, the only solution that comes to mind, is Latex, so that I can just replace the needed entities and just compile to PDF. However, that bit has to be negotiated with the webhost, if they are offering Latex or not.
Is there any other solution? Any other way we could get this done, with something that shouldn't be a problem for most webhosting solutions to offer?
EDIT: I would prefer a non .NET or rather non microsoft solution since, the servers are running linux and while mono might be capable of getting the job done, none of our devs know any .NET languages. However, if required we might have to dwelve into it.
Generating PDF using an XSL. Check the following: Apoc XSL-FO
You will need to create an XML file with the required fields and transform that with this tool.
If you wish to avoid .NET then XSL-FO is worth a look. Try the FOray project.
XSLT can be a steep learn if you do not have experience already. Also users will not be able to change the templates without asking the XSLT guru to do it.
If your templates are already in MS Word and MS Excel then I would stick with generating MS docs on the server. These are now easy to work with from code since OpenXML - check out OfficeOpenXML and OpenXMLDeveloper
Apache FOP :
I suggest generating rtf on the server: it's easy enough to automatically generate using cpan's RTF::Writer, has converters generating good pdf, can be edited by hand in word, oo-writer & TextEdit, doesn't have any really bad compatibility issues between the main editing applications, and has decent text & resource extraction tools, with text extraction being rather better than pdf.
There's some support for moving between rtf & latex, although the best rtf -> latex converter, docx2tex, depends on the System.IO.Packaging .net module, whose mono implementation isn't yet rock solid.
Postscript — Not a recommendation: it's too much of an unwieldy sledgehammer for this job, but iText will generate the pdf directly from the form data. If you wanted to do fancy things like signed pdf, that would be the way to go.
Postscript #2 — If you break up the Word document into individual files using word's master document representation, then you can clobber one of the parts with hand-generated content. This makes it easy to do something approximating form-filling on word .doc files using just standard file-utils and some trivial rtf->doc tweaking.
