Coffescript + Ionic [closed] - node.js

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am looking to build a hybrid mobile app using Ionic framework in CoffeeScript.
The functionality that the app would have is login/signup; take and upload picture to store in mongodb.
What is the full stack recommendations for this app? covers the client side (except it is in JavaScript and I will find a way to make it work with CoffeeScript)
On the server-side; Mongoose + Passport + what else do I need?

I recommend simply using for the backend, which it self run on NodeJS, in addition to Scala, and Javascript. Their authentification service, Simple Login, is key in hand and you don't really have to write any backend code.
You can authenticate your users through
A simple email and password authentication
Custom authentication
You can always store images in base64-encoded format. If your images are larger than 10 mb, which is their limit, you can always split them up in 10 mb chunks.
Another point worth mentionning is that Ionic being based on AngularJS, you can use AngularFire which is the officially supported AngularJS binding for Firebase. The combination of Angular and Firebase provides a three-way data binding between HTML, JavaScript, and your Firebase backend.
I did 2-3 ionic apps using Firebase as my backend and it saved me a lot of time.


Are there any examples of using gwt for nodejs? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I have a java library which I wish to use in nodejs. Please send me an example gwt application which compiles to the single js file and it is compatible with nodejs.
GWT resulting code can be executed in any JS engine, it is just a java to js transpiler. But it is probably useless (or unnecessary complicated) to use GWT to run the transpiled code in the server-side.
If you are going to develop in JS, then you can create both the client and server sides in JS. Otherwise, if you have a Java server, you can use GWT to program the client-side in Java too. In both cases, the main goal is to share code in the same language but executed in different platforms, the browser (client-side) and the JVM (server-side).
If you still want to execute GWT code in node, you can get inspired by this library (outdated):
A modern solution will be to access node.js API using JsInterop and using SSO (Single Script).

Google Cloud Storage - options for upload/download [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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What are people's recommendations for working with Google Cloud Storage (GCS) for applications served by the browser - both upload and subsequent download/stream of video? Particular in a primarily GCP PaaS based environment
My current environment is a React JS Single Page Application (SPA) served by Firebase hosting. The SPA currently communicates with NodeJS Express backends that are served by Google App Engine (GAE)
Ideally I would use Express with a combination of the Multer module and Google Storage API's on the backend - however GAE has a 32Mb limit for requests and the file uploads are expected to be larger than this limit.
For this environment I'd like to PaaS as much as possible and whilst I'm a big fan of Kubernetes/Container environments I'm trying to leverage as much 'turn key' solutions from GCP as much.
Look forward to hearing people's opinions
Give the clients a signed url so they can talk directly to GCS rather than going through your app:

VueFire vs Vue.js + Node.js vs Vue.js + Feathers advantages, disadvantages and differences [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have doing a lot of research about frontend frameworks and have decided that I would like to try Vue.js. However, I would also like to get a backend with real time "data updating". I have looked at VueFire (Vue.js + Firebase), Node.js and Feathers. It looks like Feathers has a limited amount of resources/documentation on using it with Vue while there seems to be a good amount of information on VueFire and Node.js with Vue.js.
What are the differences between those three backends?
What are the advantages/disadvantages of using one over the other?
What are the differences between those three backends?
Let's clarify a few things.
Node.js is, as defined on their website: "a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine."
Firebase is a platform as a service (PaaS).
Feathers is REST and realtime API framework, a back-end framework.
VueFire is just a wrapper around the Firebase JS SDK. It makes calling Firebase more "Vue" like.
Vue.js is a front-end framework or progressive framework as the creator calls it.
With that said we're comparing Feathers and Firebase. It's clear what the difference is and the advantages/disadvantages.
What are the advantages/disadvantages of using one over the other?
Firebase lets you hit the ground running. You create your Firebase account/project and you're set to go with all the products it offers. You do not have to worry about setting up your own database layer, authentication/security, or anything. It's all set up and managed for you, but at a cost. Besides the money factor, you've also locked yourself and depend heavy on a third party and things can change at anytime without any say in the matter.
Feathers is a framework. It gives to tools to create your own Firebase platform. You're free to configure it however you want. You're in full control and it's free. However, you will have to setup your own database layer, security, and likely more.
In the end it boils down to your needs/requirements. It's best to make a list of your specific needs and see what framework or service fulfills those needs. It's useless to search for advantages/disadvantages as you will get opinion-based answers.

single app REST API client front-end for Node.Js framework? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have to create an admin panel that will rely on an API I created.
I would like to use an framework that will speed up my dev. (create request based on field provided by user, search ,etc)
To make it , I want to make a single app REST API client front-end. I didn't find a framework that could do that easily (for example : one that use a rest api client and a another front-end app)
Any ideas ?
No one will choose that for you. Go to this website:
And read about all of the framkeworks there. Compare their differences and see which is the best tool for the job for you. Every one of them has its use, every one of them is good for something, every one of them has its strengths and its weaknesses. For API development most of the people choose Express, Hapi, Restify or LoopBack but there are much more than just those few to choose from. You need to test for yourself which works for you.
What I discover and that could help another guys :
With some explanation :

Is there such thing as a client-side administration panel framework for RESTful resources? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I've worked with Rails in the past, and I used ActiveAdmin to make administration panels. I'm moving to Node and I'll be using Sails as a framework for a one-page app, and probably AngularJS on the client side, but there is still the issue of the administration panel.
Given that Sails pretty much setups all your resources for RESTful API access, I was thinking about using a client-based administration panel. But I don't know if such thing exists. If it doesn't I guess I'll be making my own, but I don't want to reinvent the wheel.
I was looking for the same thing and I found ng-admin which seems to suit what you're after - it's a client-side CRUD administration framework written in Angular and supporting REST APIs.
I've used it successfully in my own Sails based project and got it up and running very quickly. You can read more about it on this blog post.
No there is no such thing as an admin panel specifically tailored for sailsjs.
One of the admin panel's ive used for nodejs apps before is Although its not client-side like you're asking.
There is an admin-bro package which aims to be something like rails-admin or ActiveAdmin but in Node.js. Currently it works with hapi and express frameworks.
