Difference between unlogged and logged Cassandra batches in negative cases - cassandra

I understand the basic difference between LOGGED and UNLOGGED batches in Cassandra in terms of atomicity. Essentially, LOGGED batches are atomic while UNLOGGED are not. This means that all statements in a LOGGED batch get executed (or not executed) all together.
In the case of an UNLOGGED batch, if something goes wrong during the write operation of a composing statement, I know that the already executed statements are NOT rolledback, but does Cassandra notify the failure of the whole batch to the driver ?

So logged batches use a log to record the batch operation and then execute it, removing it from the log when it is successful. Unlogged is still a batch operation but without the overhead of the log. In small amounts logged are ok but as you scale up this batch log could grow and become a problem point. The Datastax docs actually cover batching and some examples:
Example of good batches
Example of bad batches
Generally speaking batches have their use but I have seen them cause performance problems when overused because of the penalty you pay for grouping them up on a coordinator node. I often point folks to this well known blog that outlines some useful info on batches too


How to run multiple queries in Scylla using "Non Atomic" Batch/Pipeline

I understand that Scylla allows batch statements like these.
<insert-stmt>/ <update-stmt>/ <delete-stmt>
These statements have performance implications as it ensures atomicity. However, I simply have many insert statements which I want to perform from my node client in a single IO. Atomicity among these inserts is not needed. Any idea how I can do that? Can't find anything.
Batching multiple inserts in Cassandra world usually is an antipattern (except when they go into one partition, see the docs). When you're sending inserts into multiple partitions in one batch, the coordinator node will need to take care for taking data from this batch and sending them to nodes that are owning the data. And this puts an additional load onto the coordinating node that first needs to backup the content of the batch just not to lose it if it crashes in the middle of execution, and then need to execute all operations, and wait for results of execution before sending it back to caller (see this diagram to understand how so-called logged batch works).
When you don't need atomicity, then the best performance would be by sending multiple parallel inserts, and waiting for their execution - it will be faster, it will put less load onto nodes, and driver can use token-aware load balancing policy, so requests will be sent to nodes that own data (if you're using prepared statements). In node.js you can achieve this by using Concurrent Execution API - there are several variants of its usage, so it's better to look into the documentation to select what is best for your use case.

Why so much criticism around Spark Streaming micro-batch (when using kafka as source)?

Since any Kafka Consumer is in reality consuming in batches, why there is so much criticism around Spark Streaming micro-batch (when using Kafka as his source), for example, in comparison to Kafka Streams (which markets itself as real streaming)?
I mean: a lot of criticism hover on Spark Streaming micro-batch architecture. And, normally, people say that Kafka Streams is a real 'real-time' tool, since it processes events one-by-one.
It does process events one by one, but, from my understanding, it uses (as almost every other library/framework) the Consumer API. The Consumer API polls from topics in batches in order to reduce network burden (the interval is configurable). Therefore, the Consumer will do something like:
while (true) {
ConsumerRecords<String, String> records = consumer.poll(100);
for (ConsumerRecord<String, String> record : records) {
So, although it is right to say that Spark:
maybe has higher latency due to its micro-batch minimum interval that limits latency to at best 100 ms (see Spark Structured Streaming DOCs);
processes records in groups (either as DStreams of RDDs or as DataFrames in Structured Streaming).
One can process records one-by-one in Spark - just loop though RDDs/Rows
Kafka Streams in reality polls batches of records, but processes them one-by-one, since it implements the Consumer API under-the-hoods.
Just to make clear, I am not questioning from a 'fan-side' (and therefore, being it an opinion question), just the opposite, I am really trying to understand it technically in order to understand the semantics in the streaming ecosystem.
Appreciate every piece of information in this matter.
DISCLAIMER: I had involved in Apache Storm (which is known to be a streaming framework processing "record-by-record", though there's trident API as well), and now involving in Apache Spark ("micro-batch").
The one of major concerns in streaming technology has been "throughput vs latency". In latency perspective, "record-by-record" processing is clearly a winner, but the cost of "doing everything one by one" is significant and every minor thing becomes a huge overhead. (Consider the system aims to process a million records per second, then any additional overhead on processing gets multiplexed by a million.) Actually, there was opposite criticism as well, bad throughput on "read-by-record" compared to the "micro-batch". To address this, streaming frameworks add batching in their "internal" logic but in a way to less hurting latency. (like configuring the size of batch, and timeout to force flush the batch)
I think the major difference between the twos is that whether the tasks are running "continuously" and they're composing a "pipeline".
In streaming frameworks do "record-by-record", when the application is launched, all necessary tasks are physically planned and launched altogether and they never terminate unless application is terminated. Source tasks continuously push the records to the downstream tasks, and downstream tasks process them and push to next downstream. This is done in pipeline manner. Source won't stop pushing the records unless there's no records to push. (There're backpressure and distributed checkpoint, but let's put aside of the details and focus on the concept.)
In streaming frameworks do "micro-batch", they have to decide the boundary of "batch" for each micro-batch. In Spark, the planning (e.g. how many records this batch will read from source and process) is normally done by driver side and tasks are physically planned based on the decided batch. This approach gives end users a major homework - what is the "appropriate" size of batch to achieve the throughput/latency they're targeting. Too small batch leads bad throughput, as planning a batch requires non-trivial cost (heavily depending on the sources). Too huge batch leads bad latency. In addition, the concept of "stage" is appropriate to the batch workload (I see Flink is adopting the stage in their batch workload) and not ideal for streaming workload, because this means some tasks should wait for the "completion" of other tasks, no pipeline.
For sure, I don't think such criticism means micro-batch is "unusable". Do you really need to bother the latency when your actual workload can tolerate minutes (or even tens of minutes) of latency? Probably no. You'll want to concern about the cost of learning curve (most likely Spark only vs Spark & other, but Kafka stream only or Flink only is possible for sure.) and maintenance instead. In addition, if you have a workload which requires aggregation (probably with windowing), the restriction of latency from the framework is less important, as you'll probably set your window size to minutes/hours.
Micro-batch has upside as well - if there's a huge idle, the resources running idle tasks are wasted, which applies to "record-to-record" streaming frameworks. It also allows to do batch operations for the specific micro-batch which aren't possible on streaming. (Though you should keep in mind it only applies to "current" batch.)
I think there's no silver bullet - Spark has been leading the "batch workload" as it's originated to deal with problems of MapReduce, hence the overall architecture is optimized to the batch workload. Other streaming frameworks start from "streaming native", hence should have advantage on streaming workload, but less optimal on batch workload. Unified batch and streaming is a new trend, and at some time a (or a couple of) framework may provide optimal performance on both workloads, but I'm not sure now is the time.
EDIT: If your workload targets "end-to-end exactly once", the latency is bound to the checkpoint interval even for "record-by-record" streaming frameworks. The records between checkpoint compose a sort of batch, so checkpoint interval would be a new major homework for you.
Q1) Why windows aggregations would make me bother less about latency? Maybe one really wants to update the stateful operation quickly enough.
The output latency between micro-batch and record-by-record won't be significant (even the micro-batch could also achieve the sub-second latency in some extreme cases) compared to the delay brought by the nature of windowing.
But yes, I'm assuming the case the emit happens only when window gets expired ("append" mode in Structured Streaming). If you'd like to emit all the updates whenever there's change in window then yes, there would be still difference on the latency perspective.
Q2) Why the semantics are important in this trade-off? Sounds like it is related, for example, to Kafka-Streams reducing commit-interval when exactly-once is configured. Maybe you mean that checkpointing possibly one-by-one would increase overhead and then impact latency, in order to obtain better semantics?
I don't know the details about Kafka stream, so my explanation won't be based on how Kafka stream works. That would be your homework.
If you read through my answer correctly, you've also agreed that streaming frameworks won't do the checkpoint per record - the overhead would be significant. That said, records between the two checkpoints would be the same group (sort of a batch) which have to be reprocessed when the failure happens.
If stateful exactly once (stateful operation is exactly once, but the output is at-least once) is enough for your application, your application can just write the output to the sink and commit immediately so that readers of the output can read them immediately. Latency won't be affected by the checkpoint interval.
Btw, there're two ways to achieve end-to-end exactly once (especially the sink side):
supports idempotent updates
supports transactional updates
The case 1) writes the outputs immediately so won't affect latency through the semantic (similar with at-least once), but the storage should be able to handle upsert, and the "partial write" is seen when the failure happens so your reader applications should tolerate it.
The case 2) writes the outputs but not commits them until the checkpoint is happening. The streaming frameworks will try to ensure that the output is committed and exposed only when the checkpoint succeeds and there's no failure in the group. There're various approaches to make the distributed writes be transactional (2PC, coordinator does "atomic rename", coordinator writes the list of the files tasks wrote, etc.), but in any way the reader can't see the partial write till the commit happens so checkpoint interval would greatly contribute the output latency.
Q3) This doesn't necessarily address the point about the batch of records that Kafka clients poll.
My answer explains the general concept which is also applied even the case of source which provides a batch of records in a poll request.
Record-by-record: source continuously fetches the records and sends to the downstream operators. Source wouldn't need to wait for the completion of downstream operators on previous records. In recent streaming frameworks, non-shuffle operators would have handled altogether in a task - for such case, the downstream operator here technically means that there's a downstream operator requires "shuffle".
Micro-batch: the engine plans the new micro-batch (the offset range of the source, etc.) and launch tasks for the micro batch. In each micro batch, it behaves similar with the batch processing.

Cassandra : Batch write optimisation

I get bulk write request for let say some 20 keys from client.
I can either write them to C* in one batch or write them individually in async way and wait on future to get them completed.
Writing in batch does not seem to be a goo option as per documentation as my insertion rate will be high and if keys belong to different partitions co-ordinators will have to do extra work.
Is there a way in datastax java driver with which I can group keys
which could belong to same partition and then club them into small
batches and then do invidual unlogged batch write in async. IN that
way i make less rpc calls to server at the same time coordinator will
have to write locally. I will be using token aware policy.
Your idea is right, but there is no built-in way, you usually do that manually.
Main rule here is to use TokenAwarePolicy, so some coordination would happen on driver side.
Then, you could group your requests by equality of partition key, that would probably be enough, depending on your workload.
What I mean by 'grouping by equality of partition key` is e.g. you have some data that looks like
MyData { partitioningKey, clusteringKey, otherValue, andAnotherOne }
Then when inserting several such objects, you group them by MyData.partitioningKey. It is, for all existsing paritioningKey values, you take all objects with same partitioningKey, and wrap them in BatchStatement. Now you have several BatchStatements, so just execute them.
If you wish to go further and mimic cassandra hashing, then you should look at cluster metadata via getMetadata method in com.datastax.driver.core.Cluster class, there is method getTokenRanges and compare them to result of Murmur3Partitioner.getToken or any other partitioner you configured in cassandra.yaml. I've never tried that myself though.
So, I would recommend to implement first approach, and then benchmark your application. I'm using that approach myself, and on my workload it works far better than without batches, let alone batches without grouping.
Logged batches should be used carefully in Cassandra becase they impose additional overhead. It also depends on the partition keys distribution. If your bulk write targets a single partition then using Unlogged batch results in a single insert operation.
In general, writing them invidually in async manner seems to be a good aproach as pointed here:
You can find sample code on the above site how to handle multiple async writes:
please read this also:
What does a single partition batch cost?
There’s no batch log written for single partition batches. The
coordinator doesn’t have any extra work (as for multi partition
writes) because everything goes into a single partition. Single
partition batches are optimized: they are applied with a single
RowMutation [10].
In a few words: single partition batches don’t put much more load on
the server than normal writes.
What does a multi partition batch cost?
Let me just quote Christopher Batey, because he has summarized this
very well in his post “Cassandra anti-pattern: Logged batches” [3]:
Cassandra [is first] writing all the statements to a batch log. That
batch log is replicated to two other nodes in case the coordinator
fails. If the coordinator fails then another replica for the batch log
will take over. [..] The coordinator has to do a lot more work than
any other node in the cluster.
Again, in bullets what has to be done:
serialize the batch statements
write the serialized batch to the batch log system table
replicate of this serialized batch to 2 nodes
coordinate writes to nodes holding the different partitions
on success remove the serialized batch from the batch log (also on the 2 replicas)
Remember that unlogged batches for multiple partitions are deprecated since Cassandra 2.1.6

How do atomic batches work in Cassandra?

How can atomic batches guarantee that either all statements in a single batch will be executed or none?
In order to understand how batches work under the hood, its helpful to look at the individual stages of the batch execution.
The client
Batches are supported using CQL3 or modern Cassandra client APIs. In each case you'll be able to specify a list of statements you want to execute as part of the batch, a consistency level to be used for all statements and an optional timestamp. You'll be able to batch execute INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE statements. If you choose not to provide a timestamp, the current time is automatically used and associated with the batch.
The client will have to handle two exception in case the batch could not be executed successfully.
UnavailableException - there are not enough nodes alive to fulfill any of the updates with specified batch CL
WriteTimeoutException - timeout while either writing the batchlog or applying any of the updates within the batch. This can be checked by reading the writeType value of the exception (either BATCH_LOG or BATCH).
Failed writes during the batchlog stage will be retried once automatically by the DefaultRetryPolicy in the Java driver. Batchlog creation is critical to ensure that a batch will always be completed in case the coordinator fails mid-operation. Read on for finding out why.
The coordinator
All batches send by the client will be executed by the coordinator just as with any write operation. Whats different from normal write operations is that Cassandra will also make use of a dedicated log that will contain all pending batches currently executed (called the batchlog). This log will be stored in the local system keyspace and is managed by each node individually. Each batch execution starts by creating a log entry with the complete batch on preferably two nodes other than the coordinator. After the coordinator was able to create the batchlog on the other nodes, it will start to execute the actual statements in the batch.
Each statement in the batch will be written to the replicas using the CL and timestamp of the whole batch. Beside from that, there's nothing special about writes happening at this point. Writes may also be hinted or throw a WriteTimeoutException, which can be handled by the client (see above).
After the batch has been executed, all created batchlogs can be safely removed. Therefor the coordinator will send a batchlog delete message upon successfull execution to the nodes that have received the batchlog before. This happens in the background and will go unnoticed in case it fails.
Lets wrap up what the coordinator does during batch execution:
sends batchlog to two other nodes (preferably in different racks)
execute all statements in batch
deletes batchlog from nodes again after successful batch execution
The batchlog replica nodes
As described above, the batchlog will be replicated across two other nodes (if the cluster size allows it) before batch execution. The idea is that any of these nodes will be able to pick up pending batches in case the coordinator will go down before finishing all statements in the batch.
What makes thinks a bit complicated is the fact that those nodes won't notice that the coordinator is not alive anymore. The only point at which the batchlog nodes will be updated with the current status of the batch execution, is when the coordinator is issuing a delete messages indicating the batch has been successfully executed. In case such a message doesn't arrive, the batchlog nodes will assume the batch hasn't been executed for some reasons and replay the batch from the log.
Batchlog replay is taking place potentially every minute, ie. that is the interval a node will check if there are any pending batches in the local batchlog that haven't been deleted by the -possibly killed- coordinator. To give the coordinator some time between the batchlog creation and the actual execution, a fixed grace period is used (write_request_timeout_in_ms * 2, default 4 sec). In case that the batchlog still exists after 4 sec, it will be replayed.
Just as with any write operation in Cassandra, timeouts may occur. In this case the node will fall back writing hints for the timed out operations. When timed out replicas will be up again, writes can resume from hints. This behavior doesn't seem to be effected whether hinted_handoff_enabled is enabled or not. There's also a TTL value associated with the hint which will cause the hint to be discarded after a longer period of time (smallest GCGraceSeconds for any involved CF).
Now you might be wondering if it isn't potentially dangerous to replay a batch on two nodes at the same time, which may happen has we replicate the batchlog on two nodes. Whats important to keep in mind here is that each batch execution will be idempotent due to the limited kind of supported operations (updates and deletes) and the fixed timestamp associated to the batch. There won't be any conflicts even if both nodes and the coordinator will retry executing the batch at the same time.
Atomicity guarantees
Lets get back to the atomicity aspects of "atomic batches" and review what exactly is meant with atomic (source):
"(Note that we mean “atomic” in the database sense that if any part of
the batch succeeds, all of it will. No other guarantees are implied;
in particular, there is no isolation; other clients will be able to
read the first updated rows from the batch, while others are in
So in a sense we get "all or nothing" guarantees. In most cases the coordinator will just write all the statements in the batch to the cluster. However, in case of a write timeout, we must check at which point the timeout occurred by reading the writeType value. The batch must have been written to the batchlog in order to be sure that those guarantees still apply. Also at this point other clients may also read partially executed results from the batch.
Getting back to the question, how can Cassandra guarantee that either all or no statements at all in a batch will be executed?
Atomic batches basically depend on successful replication and idempotent statements. It's not a 100% guaranteed solution as in theory there might be scenarios that will still cause inconsistencies. But for a lot of use cases in Cassandra its a very useful tool if you're aware how it works.
Batch documentation (doc) :
In Cassandra 1.2 and later, batches are atomic by default. In the context of a Cassandra batch operation, atomic means that if any of the batch succeeds, all of it will. To achieve atomicity, Cassandra first writes the serialized batch to the batchlog system table that consumes the serialized batch as blob data. When the rows in the batch have been successfully written and persisted (or hinted) the batchlog data is removed. There is a performance penalty for atomicity. If you do not want to incur this penalty, prevent Cassandra from writing to the batchlog system by using the UNLOGGED option: BEGIN UNLOGGED BATCH
Cassandra batches:-
To add to above answers:-
With Cassandra 2.0, you can write batch statements + LWT. The restriction though is that all DMLs must be on same partition

datastax cassandra java driver batch delete performance behavior

If I have 500k rows to delete, should I form a batch of 100 rows for delete? i.e. 100 rows at a time?
What is the performance characteristics? Other than network round trip, would the server be benefited from the batching?
Short answer-- you're most likely better off with simple, non-batched async operations.
The batch keyword in Cassandra is not a performance optimization for batching together large buckets of data for bulk loads.
Batches are used to group together atomic operations, actions that you expect to occur together. Batches guarantee that if a single part of your batch is successful, the entire batch is successful.
Using batches will probably not make your mass ingestion/or deletes run faster
Okay but what if I use an Unlogged Batch? Will that run super fast?
Cassandra uses a mechanism called batch logging in order to ensure a batch's atomicity. By specifying unlogged batch, you are turning off this functionality so the batch is no longer atomic and may fail with partial completion. Naturally, there is a performance penalty for logging your batches and ensuring their atomicity, using unlogged batches will removes this penalty.
There are some cases in which you may want to use unlogged batches to ensure that requests (inserts) that belong to the same partition, are sent together. If you batch operations together and they need to be performed in different partitions / nodes, you are essentially creating more work for your coordinator. See specific examples of this in Ryan's blog:
Read this post
Writes and deletes are the same thing so you should expect the same performance characteristics. I would expect some slight benefits from batching but normal async operations should be just as fast.
