f:param not working in p:fileDownload - jsf

I'm using the following code to cause custom validators to skip validation on certain button presses :
<p:commandButton ... value="Don't Validate">
<f:param name="triggerValidation" value="false"/>
Which is working quite nicely. However I can't seem to get this to work when using the <p:fileDownload> component :
<p:commandButton ... value="Don't Validate">
<p:fileDownload value="#{someWebBean.download()}">
<f:param name="triggerValidation" value="false"/>
The triggerValidation parameter is null by the time it gets to the validator (regardless of whether the <f:param> element is a child of the <p:commandButton> or <p:fileDownload> component).
The code inside the base class of the custom validators get this parameter:
Object o = ((HttpServletRequest) context.getExternalContext().getRequest()).getParameter("triggerValidation");
Any insight into why this is happening would be greatly appreciated!

Even if the p:commandButton contains the p:fileDownload, the parameter still has to be on the p:commandButton, not the p:fileDownload
<p:commandButton ... value="Don't Validate">
<f:param name="triggerValidation" value="false"/>
<p:fileDownload value="#{someWebBean.download()}" />
See also How to pass a parameter along with h:commandButton.


Reset inputText after Button Click with JSF

Is it possible to reset the value of an inputText after clicking on the commandButton in JSF? The inputText UIElement provides the method ResetValue so I tried something like this:
<h:inputText id="measurementadd" binding="#{inputTextMeasurement}">
<f:validateRegex pattern="[a-zA-Z ]*"/>
<f:ajax event="keyup" render="measurementaddmessage submit" execute="#this"/>
<p:commandButton id="submit" action="#{Bean.addMeasurement(inputTextMeasurement.value)}"
value="submit" update="dataTable measurementadd measurementaddmessage"
disabled="#{empty inputTextMeasurement.value or facesContext.validationFailed }" >
<f:ajax event="mouseup" execute="#{inputTextMeasurement.resetValue()}" />
<h:messages for="measurementadd" id="measurementaddmessage"/>
But after clicking the Button the inputTextMeasurement doesn't reset it's value.
Does someone know a good workaround for this?
I'm searching for a solution without JS and JAVA, so a realization in JSF would be very cool.
Your mistake is here in the execute attribute:
<f:ajax event="mouseup" execute="#{inputTextMeasurement.resetValue()}" />
The execute attribute should represent a space separated collection of client IDs to include in the process/decode of the ajax request. However, you specified a listener method there.
You need the listener attribute instead:
<f:ajax listener="#{inputTextMeasurement.resetValue()}" />
(and I omitted event as it defaults here to click which is already the right one)
Interesting detail is that the other <f:ajax> in the same piece of code used the exeucte attribute the right way.
Unrelated to the concrete problem, have you looked at <p:resetInput>? This saves an ajax listener method in the bean. Replace the whole <f:ajax> with
<p:resetInput target="measurementadd" />
Why dont we just use
<input type="Reset"/>
This one is works fine for me! ???
I have solved my problem as below
<p:commandButton id="submit" action="#{Bean.addMeasurement(inputTextMeasurement)}">
Sending back bean UIInput component. Get and Reset value in back bean.
public void addMeasurement(UIInput
String msr = (String) inputTextMeasurement.getValue()

How to call Java method from h:outputlink and pass value

I have this output `h:outputLink' to open a new page and pass a value:
<h:outputLink id="link" value="newpage.jsf" style="text-decoration:none; color:white;">
<f:param name="id" value="#{item.value}" />
I need to add Java method which is called after I click the link. I saw that h:outputLink don't have action listener which I can use for calling Java method. I tested to use `h:commandButton' but the table logic is changed and it's not working properly. How I can solve this problem?
Try using 'h:commandLink' instead of `h:outputLink':
<h:commandLink id="lnkHidden" style="text-decoration:none; color:white;" actionListener="#{bean.pageRedirect}">
<f:setPropertyActionListener target="#{bean.sessionValue}" value="#{item.value}" />

<h:commandButton> is not refreshing page after actioned

hi we are using along with a4j tag.
here we are retrieving data from database after a click of button. even though the data is available in server, it will not display over view. After manual refresh of web page will lead to data diplay.
here is code snippet
.... some code here
<rich:tab id="menu5" label="Recall">
<ui:include src="/pages/mctrans/reCallMcifTrans.xhtml" />
reCallMcifTrans.xhtml contains below code
<h:commandButton type="button" id="reCallbutton1" value=" Search "
<a4j:support event="onclick" id="ajsf12"
oncomplete="javascript:alert('Search Completed');javascript:document.body.style.cursor='default';"
action="#{mcifRecallTransBean.reCallSearch}" reRender="reCallgrid1" />
It looks like you're working with RichFaces 3.3. So, you don't need a <h:commandButton with <a4j:support> because you can use <a4j:commandButton> that already does this. You can refactor your code to this:
<a4j:commandButton type="button" id="reCallbutton1" value="Search"
oncomplete="javascript:alert('Search Completed');javascript:document.body.style.cursor='default';" />
Make sure your reCallgrid1 component is available in the same <h:form> of the <a4j:commandButton>.
Since you also want to add a Wait while searching the data behavior when the button is clicked, you can use <a4j:status> along with the <a4j:commandButton> as shown in the <a4j:status> demo. Here's a basic example:
<a4j:commandButton type="button" id="reCallbutton1" value="Search"
reRender="reCallgrid1" />
<!-- Note that there's no oncomplete in this case -->
<a4j:status for="reCallbutton1">
<f:facet name="start">
<h:graphicImage value="/res/images/wait.gif"/>
At last but not least, you should switch your managed bean to request scope and use RichFaces powerful <a4j:keepAlive> in order to simulate JSF 2 #ViewScoped. You can even use it in form of annotation on your managed bean (no additional configuration):
public class McifRecallTransBean {
//managed bean code here...
When you are using request parameters inside the bean, you need to pass them again with your action :
<h:commandButton type="button" id="reCallbutton1" value="Search" styleClass="commandExButton">
<a4j:support event="onclick" id="ajsf12" oncomplete="javascript:alert('Search Completed');javascript:document.body.style.cursor='default';" action="#{mcifRecallTransBean.reCallSearch}" reRender="reCallgrid1" />
<f:param name="param1" value="#{param['param1']}" />
<f:param name="param2" value="#{param['param2']}" />

Pass parameter to f:ajax inside c:foreach loop

I am trying to pass a parameter to an ajax event, this is an example of what I mean:
<h:panelGrid id="pictures" columns="3">
<c:forEach items="#{createProduct.pictures}" var="picture">
<h:graphicImage value="#{picture.source}" />
<h:inputText value="#{picture.alt}" />
<p:commandButton value="Remove">
<f:ajax execute="#form"
render="#form" />
I know this code won't work because you cannot pass a parameter through the ajax listener. Though this is merely an example of what I am trying to accomplish. I have tried using <f:param id="picture" value="#{picture}" /> allong with the ajax tag, though this results in a duplicate component ID form:picture since it is in a loop.
I need this parameter inside the method in order to determine which picture to remove.
How can I solve this with ajax?
I am using a #ViewScoped CDI-bean.
First, I suggest replacing c:forEach with ui:repeat tag. Second, as you are using Primefaces, you should use all its strength. So, commandButton can be more easily written:
<p:commandButton value="Remove" process="#form" update="#form" action="#{createProduct.removePicture(picture)}"/>
and that's it. Don't complicate.
By the way, primefaces commandButton is sends AJAX request by default, you don't need (and you must not use) f:ajax tag.

why composite compoment does not invoke in the <h:datatable/>

I have a compoment which has a method-signature attribute. It can be activated, but if I put it in a <h:datatable> <h:column/> and trigger this component, it does not work.
When I just refresh this page again or when I put it in another place it can invoked successfully. I would be grateful if somebody can tell me why!
this is my code
<f:facet name="header">op:</f:facet>
<h:commandLink value="alter" action="#{userSession.alterAction}"
rendered="#{userSession.user.power.powerID == 1}">
<f:param name="beanId" value="#{book.bookID}" />
<f:param name="class" value="#{BookBean}" />
<h:commandLink action="#{userSession.detailAction}" value="detail"
rendered="#{userSession.user != null}">
<f:param name="beanId" value="#{book.bookID}" />
<f:param name="class" value="#{BookBean}" />
<h:commandLink action="#{bookAction.bookDelAction}"
onclick="return confirm('are you sure?')" value="delete"
rendered="#{userSession.user.power.powerID == 1}">
<f:param name="beanId" value="#{book.bookID}" />
this manageredBean #{bookAction} is requestScope when i click one of this operation,just like delete ,it doesnot work at all. but if i put the 'delete' commandlink out of <h:datatabel/> .it can invoke backing method successfully. it is so upset!
who can tell me whether <h:datatable/> can Shielding the .i found if i put these code in a <h:form/> .it can invoke too! cound you can tell me the reason!
You need to preserve exactly the same data model (i.e. the one which you have referenced by the value attribute of the <h:dataTable>) in during the request of the form submit as it was during the request of displaying the initial form. The symptoms indicate that you're using a request scoped bean and that the loading of the data model is based on some request parameter which is missing during the form submit and/or the loading is not being done during bean's (post)construction.
Putting the bean in the view scope and/or rearranging the data loading logic should fix it.
