How to load the Sound module? - audio

Please would you know how to sucessfully load the sound module with Julia ? At the prompt I type the following and I immediately obtain the following error :
julia> require("Sound")
ERROR: Sound not found
in require at loading.jl:39
I am using linux Mint.

First, which version of Julia are you using? Use the versioninfo() command at the REPL.
Second, have you installed the Sound.jl package using Pkg.add("Sound")?
Finally, to use the sound package, use using Sound, or import Sound - see manual for the difference.


Installing activity-browser - progressbar error

I am trying to install the activity-browser for brightway2 on Mac OS X. In the terminal and in my b2-python directoy, I write:
bin/pip install
The installation starts nicely with downloading and checking the required packages. For progessbar-ipython however, I get an error an the installation stops:
File "/private/var/folders/7h/4zl3jkyd4dzgc464d3ljvv7h0000gn/T/pip-build-m1_3y3zc/progressbar-ipython/progressbar/", line 49, in <module>
from compat import *
ImportError: No module named 'compat'
I have learned that the error comes from support for python 2.4 only, as described here: , and here:
Unfortunately, I don't get it installed. Admitted, I am not very familiar with manually installing packages. Attempts with replacing the cached version with a corrected one as described in the links have failed so far.
Do you have any ideas and suggestions? Thanks a lot!
Best wishes, Niklas
It looks like you haven't activated the right environment. I assume you have followed the installation instructions. If so, you need to make sure to activate with brightway2 environment with something like source ~/bw2-python/bin/activate bw2.
progessbar-ipython hasn't been a dependency for a long time. I guess the development versions of bw2-* should be official releases instead of devX, as this is just causing problems.

OCaml - Cannot find graphics.cma

When loading the Graphics module in the toplevel, I get an error saying "Cannot find graphics.cma".
I'm using OS X and I'm pretty sure I've installed OCaml correctly since I've been using it for about a month now. So it seems that the Graphics module wasn't included in the OCaml package.
How can I fix this issue, or how can I install the Graphics module myself?
First of all, check Graphics is really installed. This library is optional and therefore it may not be installed. There are several ways to check but the following should work for any situation:
$ ls `ocamlc -where`/graphics*
If there is no file listed by the above command, Graphics is not installed and you have to reinstall OCaml compiler enabling Graphics.
If files like graphics.cma are there, then you have to show us how you try to compile your code with Graphics. The best answer varies depending on how you compile: inside toplevel, hand compiling with ocamlc, or with some build tool like ocamlbuild.
The solution mostly depends on how are you compiling. If you're using ocamlbuild tool, the the following would be sufficient:
ocamlbuild -use-ocamlfind -pkg graphics my_program.native
Where my_program.native is your target. Note, you can try to omit the -use-ocamlfind flag.
In order to bring graphics to your toplevel, the easiest solution would be to use topfind:
# #use "topfind";;
# #require "graphics";;

Error in using 'theano-nose' command

After installing Theano from Enthought Canopy on Windows, following the steps here: , I tried to execute the command theano-nose from Canopy terminal. I got an error message saying "unable to find theano-nose". Can someone tell me what might be going wrong?
theano-nose is from the command line. But your shell need to be able to find it.
It is highly possible it didn't got installed correctly on Windows or that you need to reboot or log out/log in. I do not remember Windows particularities on that level.
But a simple work around is to start python and run this:
import theano
This is equivalent for what you want to do.

How to use protobuf-csharp-port from unix

We've been using protocol buffers, and are generating the c++ and python files with protoc, and the c# files with protobuf-csharp-port. At the moment these are done separately, the c++ and python from linux and the c# from windows. We'd like to have one script generate all of these, running in linux.
To do this I'm trying to run ProtoGen.exe with mono, but it's not producing any output. The following command runs, but produces no cs files, and no errors.
mono ../cs/Packages/Google.ProtocolBuffers/tools/ProtoGen.exe --protoc_dir=/usr/local/bin/ ./subdir/simple_types.proto
I've got a feeling that I'm missing something simple.
I don't think I've tried running protoc from ProtoGen.exe on Linux. I'm surprised that it doesn't have any errors, but we can definitely look into that. (If you fancy raising an issue, that would be really helpful - or I'll do it when I get the chance.)
For the moment, I suggest that you run protoc first, using --descriptor_set_out to produce a binary (protobuf) version of the .proto file. That's what ProtoGen.exe is trying to do first, and failing by the sounds of it.
Once you've got the binary version of your message descriptor (I'd call it simple_types.pb), you can run ProtoGen.exe on that. It's been a while since I've done this, but I believe you should be able to just run
mono ../cs/Packages/Google.ProtocolBuffers/tools/ProtoGen.exe ./subdir/simple_types.pb
... and it should magically work.
As a horrible alternative, you could try symlinking protoc.exe to protoc in your binary directory. Fundamentally I suspect that's what's going wrong :)
my script
protoc "--proto_path=$SRC_DIR" "--descriptor_set_out=x.protobin" --include_imports $SRC_DIR/x.proto
mono $PRJ_HOME/Google.ProtocolBuffers. -line_break=Unix x.protobin
protoc and mono were installed via distrib package manager :
# archlinux
pacman -S protobuf mono

issue in cygwin error like non-cygwin compatible make program?

My question is when I am trying to compile my ocr code with the help of cygwin and android-ndk. then it show me error of non-cygwin compatible make program error.
when I am writing this command on cygwin:
then it show me error like this:
ERROR : You are using a non-Cygwin Compatible Make program.
Currently using C:/cygwin/bin/make
To solve the issue , follow this steps :
1. Ensure that the Cygwin 'make' package is installed.
Note : You will nedd GNU Make 3.81 or later !
2. Define the GNUMAKE environment variable to point to it, as in :
export GNUMAKE=usr/bin/make
3. Call 'ndk-build' again.
I am not using any space in path mean that my android-ndk path is "C:/android-ndk-r6b" so it do not contain any spaces.
Shot in the dark here, but have you actually tried Defining the GNUMAKE variable, as suggested?
cd /cygdrive/c/android-ndk-r6b
export GNUMAKE=/usr/bin/make
