Apache and selinux, use of linux command in retrieving files - linux

how can we access an Apache server using a Linux command, to retrieve file.
the file which is to be retrieved has been copied to a directory.

Without knowing more about what you are doing, I would suggest looking into wget or curl.
For example: to copy a file available on a web server via url to the current directory using the wget command:
wget http://www.example.com/path/to/file.txt
or, if you are accessing your web server by IP address:


how to use wget to download directory with latest timestamp

i have an internal Linux http server where directories with a specific naming convention will be uploaded on a daily basis from a remote site.
All directories will be having date and timestamp as well. Is there any way i can download the latest directory starting with test using wget or curl to my local machine? in this example it is test126
Kindly help
wget doesn't do that automatically, you can do it in two steps:
download, parse it, get the last entry
feed the result to wget -r
In these cases though the best solution is to set a symlink on the server that points always to the last directory, in your case: ->

ftp: Name or Service not known

in command line
> ftp ftp://ftp-trace.ncbi.nih.gov/1000genomes/ftp/data/
Work on one computer but does not work on my other one. Error returned
ftp: ftp://ftp-trace.ncbi.nih.gov/1000genomes/ftp/data/: Name or service not known
I also tried the raw IP address which is
> ftp
But it didn't work.
What is the problem here? how can I fix this?
The ftp command accepts the server name, not a URL. Your session likely should look like:
ftp ftp-trace.ncbi.nih.gov
(Server asks for login and password)
cd /1000genomes/ftp/data/
mget *
This depends on the ftp client you are using. On Mac OSX (ftp client from BSD), for example, the default command line ftp client accepts the full url, while for example in CentOS the default client doesn't, and you need to connect just to the hostname. So, it depends on the flavor of linux and the installed default ftp client.
Default ftp client in CentOS (ARPANET):
ftp ftp-trace.ncbi.nih.gov
cd 1000genomes/ftp/data
If you want to use the full url in CentOS 5.9 or Fedora 18 (where I tested it), you could install an additional ftp client. For example ncftp and lftp have the behavior you are looking for.
ncftp, available through yum or your favorite package manager:
ncftp ftp://ftp-trace.ncbi.nih.gov/1000genomes/ftp/data/
NcFTP 3.2.2 (Aug 18, 2008) by Mike Gleason (http://www.NcFTP.com/contact/).
Connecting to ...
Logged in to ftp-trace.ncbi.nih.gov.
Current remote directory is /1000genomes/ftp/data
lftp, also available through your favorite package manager:
lftp ftp://ftp-trace.ncbi.nih.gov/1000genomes/ftp/data/
cd ok, cwd=/1000genomes/ftp/data
lftp ftp-trace.ncbi.nih.gov:/1000genomes/ftp/data>
Another, more efficient, way to retrieve a page, is using wget or curl. These work for http, ftp and other protocols.
It looks to me like the computer that isn't working is already adding the ftp: to the URL, have you tried removing it from yours and seeing if that works?
> ftp ftp-trace.ncbi.nih.gov/1000genomes/ftp/data

Upload files from linux vps to web host

I want to somehow automatically upload files every 5 minutes. I want to upload/transfer the files from my linux vps to my web host.
What I'm trying to do is upload some logs files generated on my vps to my web host so administrators can access it with an .htaccess file.
use wput along with cron to ftp files to your host
wput [options] [file]... ftp://[username[:password]#]hostname[:port][/[path/][file]]
You will probably have to install the tool as its not included by default (at least it hasnt been on most of my installs)
You'll want to set up a cron job for this. The Wikipedia page for this has a nice overview of how the crontab file is laid out. However, you should check your distribution's documentation for better information (they could be using a different version or a completely different cron daemon).
The line you'd add to the crontab would look something like this:
*/5 * * * * <user to run command as> <your command>
See also: http://www.unixgeeks.org/security/newbie/unix/cron-1.html
Hopefully your web host provides SCP or FTP servers to allow you to copy files over. How do you transfer files when you're uploading your web site files?
If it's ftp, use the ftp command:
ftp -u user:password#host/destination_folder/ sourcefile.txt
If it's scp, use the scp command:
scp foobar.txt username#host:/some/remote/directory

How to send file to Sharepoint from Linux creating non existend directories

I have a problem while sending file from linux to SharePoint. Everything is fine if I am uploading to existing directory, I use this method:
curl --ntlm --user username:password --upload-file myfile.xls https://sharepointserver.com/sites/mysite/myfile.xls
Unfortunately problem arises when I point the target to non existing directory, like:
curl --ntlm --user username:password --upload-file myfile.xls https://sharepointserver.com/sites/mysite/nonexist/myfile.xls
I would like it to create all necessary directorie on the path. I've tried to use "--create-dirs" CURL option, but it doesn't work.
Any ideas how to achieve the goal? It doesn't have to be CURL actually, i can use different method available on linux.
As the name (CLIENT URL) suggests, you will not be able to create new directories on remote SERVERS involving http/https while uploading files.
For downloads involving http/https server, --create-dirs option is applicable only on local machines to create new directories (for instance, when you are downloading a content on to your local linux machine).
However, while using ftp/sftp to a server, you will be able to create new directories on the remote server.

Download non web accessible file with wget

Is it possible to download a file in say /home/... using wget to my local machine? I'm pretty newbish on the bash shell side so perhaps this is just a matter of using the options correctly. What I've gleaned is that something like this should work, but my test aren't downloading the file locally but placeing them within the folder i'm using wget in
root#mysite [/home/username/public_html/themes/themename/images]# wget -O "tester.png"
--2011-09-08 14:28:49-- http://www.mysite.com/themes/themename/images/previous.png
Resolving www.mysite.com... 173.193.xxx.xxx
Connecting to www.mysite.com|173.193.xxx.xxx|:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 352 [image/png]
Saving to: `tester.png'
100%[==============================================================================================>] 352 --.-K/s in 0s
2011-09-08 14:28:49 (84.3 MB/s) - `tester.png' saved [352/352]
Perhaps the above is a bad example but I can't seem how to figure out how to use wget (or some other command) to get something from a non web accessable directory (its a backup file) is wget the correct command for this?
wget uses the http (or ftp) protocol to transfer it's files, so no, you can't use it to transfer anything which is not availible through those services. What you should do is use scp. It uses ssh, and you can use it to get any file (which you have the permission to read, that is).
Say you want /home/myuser/test.file from the computer mycomp, and you want to save it as test.newext. Then you'd invoke it like this:
scp myuser#mycomp:/home/myuser/test.file test.newext
You can do a lot of other nifty stuff with scp so read the manual for more possibilities!
This belongs on superuser, but you want to use scp to copy the file to your local machine.
When a file isn't web accessible, you cant' get it with wget.
