Does a Pager or Repeat Control expose the rowCount? - xpages

If I have on an Xpage a panel (say panelData) that has a data definition of a dominoView (say viewCollection) that is filtered and returns a group of documents. Then add a repeat control inside panelData (say repeatData) that is bound to viewCollection and the collection name is say rowData. Now add a Pager for repeatData. All works fine.
Now the pager has to be able to query repeatData and get the number of rows contained within the repeat. So my question is is there a way to get the rowCount directly from either repeatPager or repeatData without having to recompute the value.
stWissel suggests using viewCollection.getRowCount() here:
Getting the number of documents returned to from a viewEntry
but says that there could be a significant performance hit if there are a lot of documents in the collection because this method recounts the documents, but the pager and the repeat laready knows how many documents there are in the collection. Is there a lower level property that is excessible from either the Pager or the Repeat that does not require recounting all the documents in the collection?
What I'm trying to do is hide the pager if the rowCount is greater than the rowLimit. I have added the rowLimit as a customProperty to the Custom Control then set the rowLimit of the repeat to compositeData.rowLimit.

The View Container (ViewPanel, DataView etc) has the rows property that gives the number of rows to show at any one time. The dominoView will have the number of rows available to the pager, so you need to get a handle on that component, get its data model and query that. So getComponent("dataView1").getDataModel().getRowCount() will give you what you want without needing to query the underlying view twice.
I'd strongly recommend this blog post I wrote It was a real revelation to understand how the various moving parts work.


XPages : How to get document collection for dominoView datasource with 'search' property in SSJS

I filtered out XPages view with 'search' option. Then I'd like to access all of the documents by SSJS.
If I access the bound Notes view by database.getView("ViewName"), the view is not searched and could not get the searched result.
How can I access the document collection?
The dominoView data source is just a wrapper that runs calls on the underlying view to return a subset of entries to display in a view component (Data Table, View Panel, Repeat, Data View etc). Consequently, unless the rows property is set to a large enough value to get a handle on all responses, you’re unlikely to be able to access what you want that way.
The best approach will be to run the search on the backend view in SSJS / Java.
See for a more detailed explanation of the different elements involved and their inter-relationships.

Restrict User input for PXSelector and use it only as a lookup

I have a case in my customisation project, were I have a PXSelector that I want it to solely act as a lookup, and would not like the users to input any data via the selector and create new records.
I could not find a way to limit this from the attribute itself, therefore I tried to limit it from the events that the control fires. The idea was that in the FieldUpdating Event I would verify whether the value inserted by the user can be found in the selector's key column, if not I would revert it back to the old value. The problem was that cancelling the event had no effect on the selector and since I did not know what the previous value was, I could not revert it back manually.
It sounds like you are trying to use a filter. You need a PXFilter view which then could be used to display data in a grid for example.
You can search the source for "PXFilter to find good examples. One I found is APVendorBalanceEnq which uses public PXFilter<APHistoryFilter> Filter
PXFilter views are not committed to the database. Typically you would create a new DAC for the filter based on your needs but you can use existing DACs that are bound to tables without the fear of the data making it to the database. With the filter you simply use the field values rather than load records into the view.

filtering/searching on a repeat control

In my application, i would like to replace a viewpanel with a repeat control.
However, part of the functionality is there is a UI aspect that allows users to select certain fields (that correspond to the view), and only display the documents that match. The view is doing a filter that allows users to select aspects of the view to create a search (the code is under search of the view) that allows the view panel to be updated with the results of the search.
one of the things that is curious is that the viewpanel has a value of "#{javascript:view2}" vice an actual view name.
The viewpanel defines the search view and the ...
I'd like to be able to apply that same functionality to the repeat control. I don't see those attributes on the repeat control... Any pointers? Its been a while since i've worked with xpages... long enough that I've forgotten a lot already....
Read this blog post I did a while back, it should explain what you need.
The view panel doesn't filter anything, it just displays rows from a datasource, same as a repeat control. Indeed you can add components to a ViewPanel's column, pulling from the current row by adding a var property to the dominoView datasource.
The view is bound to #{javascript:view2} (which would be better done by binding to #{view2} - there's no need to call SSJS here). view2 is a dominoView datasource somewhere on your page. The datasource is a wrapper that has properties to capture the settings for filtering and searching that you want to do. At runtime, they are calculated and changes the ViewEntries in the datasource.
Finally there's is the underlying Domino View object available also to LotusScript. This holds and will always hold all entries. The dominoView datasource queries that using the filtering and searching properties and retrieves a ViewEntryCollection or a ViewNavigator.
So whether you use a View Panel, Repeat Control, Data View or whatever else, those are just components to visually represent a collection of ViewEntries or Documents. All can be bound to a dominoView datasource. Where repeat controls and Data Views give you extra power is you can bind them to any kind of collection, not just a dominoView datasource (e.g. DocumentCollection, ViewEntryCollection, multi-value field, Java collection, etc).
I often find that doing the searches in Java and then passing the results to the repeat as a List work better and allow more options. I can get all the information I need in Java and load that into a Map or Tree. This gives me the ability to do custom sorting in the Java class and also to combine data from other views/databases easily. Since the data is now in memory it gets reloaded fast. The only thing you have to watch for is the size of the data. If you have a view with many entries (10K?) you might not want to load everything into memory...
I'm not sure if you've found a solution yet, but consider using jQuery dataTables. Oliver Busse wrote a very detailed blog post about integrating dataTables into XPages.
To get the specific formatting, I used a repeat control to include the "td", "tr" and "thead" attributes Oliver listed in his blog post.

Xpages how to sort preselected large amount data from view

I have a domino database with the following view:
Project_no Realization_date Author
1/2005 2015-01-02 Alex/Acme
3/2015 2015-02-20 John/Acme
33/2015 2016-06-20 Henry/Acme
44/2015 2015-02-13 John/Acme
Now I want to get all projects from this view that starts i.e with "3" (partial match), sort them by Realization_date descending and display first 1000 of them on Xpage.
View is large - some selection can give me 500.000 documents.
The FT search view option is not acceptable because it returns 5.000 docs only.
Creation of ArrayList or ListMap resulted with java out of memory exception (java Domino objects are recycled). Exceeding the memory may help of course but we have 30k users so it may be insufficient.
Do you have any ideas how can I achive this?
I think the key is goiong to be what the users want to do with the output, as Frantisek says.
If it's for an export, I'd export the data without sorting, then sort in the spreadsheet.
If it's for display, I would hope there's some paging involved, otherwise it will take a very long time to push the HTML from the server to the browser, so I'd recommend doing an FT Search on Project_no and Realization_date between certain ranges and "chunking" your requests. You'll need a manual pager to load the next set of results, but if you're expecting that many, you won't get a pager that calculates the total number of pages anyway.
Also, if it's an XAgent or displaying everything in one go, set viewState="nostate" on the relevant XPage. Otherwise, every request will get serialized to disk. So the results of your search get serialized to disk / memory, which is probably what's causing the Java memory issues you're seeing.
Remember FT_MAX_SEARCH_RESULTS notes.ini variable can be amended on the server to increase the (default) maximum from 5000.
500,000 is a very high set of results and is probably not going to make it very user-friendly for any subsequent actions on them. I'd probably also recommend restricting the search, e.g. forcing a separate entry of the "2015" portion or preventing entry of just one number, so it has to be e.g. "30" instead of just "3". That may also mean amending your view so the Project_no format displays as #Right("0000" + #Left(Project_no,"/"), 4), so users don't get 3, 30, 31, 32....300, 301, 302...., but can search for "003" and find just 30, 31, 32..., 39. It really depends on what the users are wanting to do and may require a bit of thinking outside the box, to quickly give them access to the targeted set of documents they want to action.
I would optimize data structure for your view. For example make a ArrayList<view entry>, that will represent the minimum information from your view. It mimics the index. The "view entry" is NOT Notes object (Document, ViewEntry), but a simplified POJO that will hold just enough information to sort it (via comparator) and show or lookup real data - for example Subject column to be shown and UNID to make a link to open that document.
This structure should fit into few hundred bytes per document. Troublesome part is to populate that structure - even with ViewNavigator it may take minutes to build such list.
Proper recycling should be ok but...
You could also "revert" to classic Domino URLS for ex ?yourviewname?ReadViewEntries&startkey=3&outputformat=JSON and render that JSON via Javascript UI component of some kind
If the filtering is based on partial match for the first sorted column, there's a pure Domino based solution. It requires that the Domino server is 8.5.3 or newer (view.resortView was introduced in 8.5.3), and that the realization_date column has click to sort.
Create a filtered collection with getAllEntriesByKey( key, false ) <-- partial match
Call view.resortView( "name_of_realization_date_column" )
Create a collection of all entries, now sorted by realization_date
Intersect the sorted collection with the filtered collection. This gives you the entries you want sorted by realization_date. E.g. sortedCollection.intersect( filteredCollection )
View view = currentDb.getView( "projectsView" );
view.setAutoUpdate( false );
ViewEntryCollection filteredCollection = view.getAllEntriesByKey( userFilter, False );
// Use index where view is sorted by realization_date
view.resortView( "realization_date" );
// All entries sorted by realization_date
ViewEntryCollection resortedCollection = view.getAllEntries();
resortedCollection.intersect( filteredCollection );
// resortedCollection now contains only the entries in filteredCollection, sorted by realization_date
I'm not certain if this would be faster than creating a custom data structure, but I would think it's worth to test :)

Retrieving column values in filtered xpages view

I have a view defined on an xpage. I also have several filters (based on the columns) that the user can select and combine to filter the results in the view. I generate a query string based on this that I construct in (doing a complete refresh). What I would like to do is get the results of the search so that I can then update some counts displayed elsewhere on the page. I'm having a hard time figuring out where I can perform this logic, though. I'm trying to use view.getAllEntries() and then iterating over the collection. Sometimes it seems like it works, but other times I seem to be getting the unfiltered view. Someone suggested I explicitly call view.FTSearch inside one of the events (beforePageLoad?) and immediately after do my getAllEntries call, saving the results in viewScope, but I get an "Error while browses Notes view" runtime error when I try to do that. Any pointers? TIA!
EDIT: After studying the xpages lifecycle a bit (which is still a little confusing), I think I can fine-tune my question. This is my first stackoverflow question, so I hope this is okay to do and productive....
As I described, I have a dominoView defined on my xpage. A repeat iterates over the rows of the view, displaying certain fields from the documents. If I define a query in the search property, then the repeat correctly displays the reduced set of documents rather than the complete set. (The query is computed in the search property via SSJS from some variables defined in the viewScope in a combobox's eventHandler.) However, if I try to access the current entries in the view inside of the repeat's rendered section (with SSJS) using myView.getAllEntries (where myView is what's defined as the "value" of the repeat), I am still getting all of the documents, even if a query has been done. It seems like at that point, the view variable has already had its search applied (since the repeat works), so why the differing results? Is there another way to access the view's rows? To complicate this further, this is just a simple experiment that might clarify the problem; as I indicated earlier, I don't actually want to access the view data within the repeat, I want to access it in the rendered or value sections of some comboboxes defined before the repeat in the xpage file.
I hope that makes more sense now....
EDIT #2: I forgot to add that if I manually call FTSearch (or FTSearchSorted) before calling myView.getAllEntries, then I think I can make this work. It just seems unnecessary to have to do that in addition to the view's built-in search.
From what I get you want to iterate over the entries in a view that before has been filtered, i.e. whose resulting entry collection is smaller than the the view itself.
What I don't get (yet) is what you want to do with the result, or what you're axpecting to get from the iteration over your filtered view (you're mentioning some counts to be displayed somewhere else).
Probably a good way is to use the view's .getAllEntriesByKey method which returns a NotesViewEntryCollection object which then can be used for your iteration.
Don't forget to recycle the resulting NotesViewEntry objects; reason for this has been explained several times here at stackoverflow.
